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Yingluck urged to defy courts, independent agencies


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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

She's charged with negligence, not corruption (although graft may follow). I don't think there's a lawyer on the planet that's going to be able save her from that.

i'd like (geddit tongue.png ) to agree with you. But I've been here long enough know anything can happen and YL not being indicted is a possibility blink.png

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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

yet?your own words.What a silly statement to say "There is no corruption" .fantasist

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Can I ask all Suthep supporters to answer this openly and honestly,

If YL openly called on people to detain Suthep and his members and tell them to make arrangements for their wives and kids in case of trouble,

I wonder if he was tried in an international court would the outcome be the same? and how Suthep's supporters would react and complain?

as it stands at the moment the CC has decided in their wisdom that Suthep has done no wrong and no case to answer, <deleted>???

Ever heard of a Judicial coup?

I am not a supporter of Suthep the individual, but the various government agencies run by PTP cronies have been instructed to "arrest" said individual,, freeze his bank accounts, etc several weeks ago. The problem is the RTP which is known to be under control of the caretaker government have the past experience to know that there is still a group in Thailand who are more powerful as are their supporters who do not answer to the Shin cartel, (I am not refering to the 'red shirts', either).

I am not privey to what the CC nor other judical group have decided, so will not even respond to that accusation. I do think the "IF" and the International court is another moot point so will not respond to that either.

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But the PM accused the NACC of discrimination, saying that the agency had not made any progress with a corruption case against the Abhisit government, whereas it took only 21 days to investigate and press charges against her.

Apples and oranges kiddo, you just have been waaayy too blatant and made the NACC's job much easier...you lack multitasking skills: when you are exercising your daily corruption you have to hide it at the same time... whistling.gif

Edited by klauskunkel
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NongKhaiKid, on 26 Feb 2014 - 08:20, said:

Ignore the courts ?

Doesn't PTP have a track record of such ?

Unless it is inline with their thoughts, Nkk, It is okay, when they get questioned they don't like it , so much for them having a seat at the democratic reform council.

I'm sure PTP etc would take part in all sorts of reforms councils, I won"t say committees as YL doesn't respond to the word, only if their ball is used, they make the rules and pick the teams.

If you don't agree we go home and take OUR ball with us.

Reminds me of the kick around we had in the school playground and believe that wasn't yesterday or the day before.

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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

She's charged with negligence, not corruption (although graft may follow). I don't think there's a lawyer on the planet that's going to be able save her from that.

Except possibly here. TIT

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"... the red shirts have suggested she should exercise civil disobedience against court rulings or decisions by independent agencies that go against the caretaker government."

That’s probably the best practice of “Democracy” they are capable understand.

They can’t run this Nation with a halway decent government and they are unable to stage a propper revolution. I can’t figure out how anyone can find a compromise in the middle.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will someone please point out to me just exactly where and when the UDD "urged Yingluck to defy the courts"?

Nowhere in this crappy article is there anything of substance. It's all supposition of the "journalist" and a few obvious statements. Nowhere is there any link or statement wrt this supposed statement from the UDD unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Of course, this is par for the course with The Nation, and sutheps sad followers lap it up.

Perhaps you'd like to scan the other headlines of today, all here on TV.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another thread, urging media reform, deserves to be re-read in light of this piece of crap 'journalism'.

I see NOWHERE in the article that someone - a person- with a name=- urged YL to defy the courts,

despite the headline and the allegation that the UDD urged her to do so. (Organizations don't urge- people do!)

Still, it serves to further demonize the enemy-- and that's what is needed if we are going to stand by our guns (literally).

Nice attempt at spin, but it didn't work.

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Yingluck has a slim chance to survive the legal issue. It is already a public knowledge that the government screwed the farmers and they are suffering from the broken promises by the government. I am sure that she was aware of the problem but did nothing about it. I think most people agree that she didn't do the job. It is her fault.

<the red shirts have suggested she should exercise civil disobedience against court rulings or decisions by independent agencies that go against the caretaker government.>

The reds are suggesting the PM?? Wow, they got so much power now after telling the Navy chief what to do.

We all know that the PM screwed up big time. But there is nothing for her to lose if she screws up again. If she wants to take this option, she can do whatever she wants.

We will watch the show. Someone should make a movie from the crisis.

She can do what she wants is effectively Dictatorship, as done by someone with an former electoral mandate.

She threw that mandate away when she dissolved parliament.

But publicly and blatantly defying constitutionally set up Checks and Balances organisations

and defying the 3rd and remaining separate branch of government, and then making all decisions,

without recourse by anyone else, IS DICTATORSHIP AND NOTHING LESS.

Of course the Reds obviously have so little comprehension of actual democratic systems,

this makes sense to them.

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One is led to wonder the logic behind the move to ignore the court by Yingluck.

It seems as if when it suits the caretakers they are very willing indeed to resort to the use of the legal system. However when such procedural matters seem as if they might pose a problem or two for the caretakers they seem to become somewhat selective and reluctant to use the system.

One does wonder why there are dual standards in operation.

Perhaps those multiple mindsets of the puppet master can't come to grips with the reality of the matter thus the puppet master then orders his acolytes to make inane comments.

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Thank you for providing that link. I stand corrected, I was wrong.

See, it is possible to admit being wrong with good grace. Something you appear not to acknowledge,

"the rest just makes you look silly"

Mmm, OK.

You should cut and save that apology, it could save you a lot of time.

Why is that then, oh wise one?

Never been wrong in your life, or just too full of it to admit it?

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Will someone please point out to me just exactly where and when the UDD "urged Yingluck to defy the courts"?

Nowhere in this crappy article is there anything of substance. It's all supposition of the "journalist" and a few obvious statements. Nowhere is there any link or statement wrt this supposed statement from the UDD unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Of course, this is par for the course with The Nation, and sutheps sad followers lap it up.

The UDD said it.


4. The caretaker PM should not acknowledge the charge against her by the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission because it was a double standard practiced

You should have stopped at "will someone point out to me just.."

The rest just makes you look silly now.

Thank you for providing that link. I stand corrected, I was wrong.

See, it is possible to admit being wrong with good grace. Something you appear not to acknowledge,

"the rest just makes you look silly"

Mmm, OK.

Maybe keep that apology up your sleeve for next time.

You just can't help yourself, can you, you smug ........

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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

Of course they haven't convicted anyone yet. No cases have gone through the court system yet and been judged.

It has been proved the DEM's have complained.

It has been proven Supa has complained.

It has been proven the IMF suggested restructuring the scheme due to corruption.

The list goes on.

As for proven corruption. There is ample evidence to suggest corruption and that is what the courts have to prove. It sounds like even if she is found guilty it won't matter. She will defy the courts due to no respect for the law. (Surprise surprise - A principle of democracy)

If there is anything else m'lord I suggest you refer to the below.

And when we look at the 'complaint' its substanceless political claims. Designed to shore up Suthep failed 'people coup', then his 'popcorn coup' now his 'made up corruption lies judicial coup'.

It's a bit sad.

You talk as though the court process is a mere formality which is surely the problem?! You want to remove her from power simply because Abhisit says the rice pledge scheme is corrupt, but the numbers don't support the claim and even the allegation is tiny. And yet, even before you prove any corruption, you presume guilty verdicts on corruption that hasn't been tried, in order to prosecute her for negligence. As if the court decision doesn't matter.

In the Senate case, they got authority from the CC to propose constitutional changes one by one, they proposed an elected senate, the senate rejected that proposal, and now they're trying to remove her for proposing it. Claiming it's an unlawful power grab (except it was lawful and authorized, and a proposal is not a power grab, and its not a grab, since constitution says power rests with the people).

So for people to have faith in the legal and judicial processes, they need to be fair, and balanced and ponder all the evidence in detail, reach a verdict and be transparent about how and why they reached that verdict. Proper judicial processes take years.

As opposed to the Kangaroo courts you see in Africa, where they meet on a Monday, decide on guilty on Tuesday, have dinner with the prosecutor on Wednesday, and nobody believes their verdicts, or can explain all the inconsistencies, because the courts are not transparent.

So we'll wait and see how these pan out. Are we like a third world nation, or a developing nation heading to full development?

IMHO, Suthep's undermined Thailand's stability, he's undermined its democracy, it's economy, he's threatened our allies, he's undermining its rule of law, and they need to cut him loose, if they haven't already. He's just become a liability.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will someone please point out to me just exactly where and when the UDD "urged Yingluck to defy the courts"?

Nowhere in this crappy article is there anything of substance. It's all supposition of the "journalist" and a few obvious statements. Nowhere is there any link or statement wrt this supposed statement from the UDD unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Of course, this is par for the course with The Nation, and sutheps sad followers lap it up.

The UDD said it.


4. The caretaker PM should not acknowledge the charge against her by the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission because it was a double standard practiced

You should have stopped at "will someone point out to me just.."

The rest just makes you look silly now.

Thank you for providing that link. I stand corrected, I was wrong.

See, it is possible to admit being wrong with good grace. Something you appear not to acknowledge,

"the rest just makes you look silly"

Mmm, OK.

Perhaps you should have exercised such good grace before shooting the messenger (the Nation) and insulting those who held a different opinion than yours ("Suthep's sad followers lap it up").
Hang on, they're coming out of the woodwork. Sorry, who are you?
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will someone please point out to me just exactly where and when the UDD "urged Yingluck to defy the courts"?

Nowhere in this crappy article is there anything of substance. It's all supposition of the "journalist" and a few obvious statements. Nowhere is there any link or statement wrt this supposed statement from the UDD unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Of course, this is par for the course with The Nation, and sutheps sad followers lap it up.

The UDD said it.


4. The caretaker PM should not acknowledge the charge against her by the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission because it was a double standard practiced

You should have stopped at "will someone point out to me just.."

The rest just makes you look silly now.

Thank you for providing that link. I stand corrected, I was wrong.

See, it is possible to admit being wrong with good grace. Something you appear not to acknowledge,

"the rest just makes you look silly"

Mmm, OK.

Perhaps you should have exercised such good grace before shooting the messenger (the Nation) and insulting those who held a different opinion than yours ("Suthep's sad followers lap it up").
Hang on, they're coming out of the woodwork. Sorry, who are you?
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I would love to see her go out and say she will defy the courts. By doing so, she will show the world the kind of illegal government she has. Democracy isn't just winning votes. It's also abiding by the judiciary.

From my understanding, they are only a caretaker government anyhow, and it is likely in a few days due to them being unable to complete the election, that they wont be that either.

I'm still waiting though to hear the thoughts from Thaksin supporters on The DL's and Yinglucks contribution to democratic principles?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will someone please point out to me just exactly where and when the UDD "urged Yingluck to defy the courts"?

Nowhere in this crappy article is there anything of substance. It's all supposition of the "journalist" and a few obvious statements. Nowhere is there any link or statement wrt this supposed statement from the UDD unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Of course, this is par for the course with The Nation, and sutheps sad followers lap it up.

Perhaps you'd like to scan the other headlines of today, all here on TV.

Perhaps you'll wind your neck in
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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

Of course they haven't convicted anyone yet. No cases have gone through the court system yet and been judged.

It has been proved the DEM's have complained.

It has been proven Supa has complained.

It has been proven the IMF suggested restructuring the scheme due to corruption.

The list goes on.

As for proven corruption. There is ample evidence to suggest corruption and that is what the courts have to prove. It sounds like even if she is found guilty it won't matter. She will defy the courts due to no respect for the law. (Surprise surprise - A principle of democracy)

If there is anything else m'lord I suggest you refer to the below.

And when we look at the 'complaint' its substanceless political claims. Designed to shore up Suthep failed 'people coup', then his 'popcorn coup' now his 'made up corruption lies judicial coup'.

It's a bit sad.

You talk as though the court process is a mere formality which is surely the problem?! You want to remove her from power simply because Abhisit says the rice pledge scheme is corrupt, but the numbers don't support the claim and even the allegation is tiny. And yet, even before you prove any corruption, you presume to prosecute her for negligence.

In the Senate case, they got authority from the CC to propose constitutional changes one by one, they proposed an elected senate, senate rejected it, and now they're trying to remove her for proposing it. Claiming it's an unlawful power grab (except it was lawful, and a proposal is not a power grab).

So for people to have faith in the legal and judicial processes, they need to be fair, and balanced and ponder all the evidence in detail, reach a verdict and be transparent about how and why they reached that verdict. Proper judicial processes take years.

As opposed to the Kangaroo courts you see in Africa, where they meet on a Monday, decide on guilty on Tuesday, have dinner with the prosecutor on Wednesday, and nobody believes their verdicts, or can explain all the consistencies because the courts are not transparent.

So we'll wait and see how these pan out. Are we like a third world nation, or a developing nation heading to full development.

Refer to picture below.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

Of course they haven't convicted anyone yet. No cases have gone through the court system yet and been judged.

It has been proved the DEM's have complained.

It has been proven Supa has complained.

It has been proven the IMF suggested restructuring the scheme due to corruption.

The list goes on.

As for proven corruption. There is ample evidence to suggest corruption and that is what the courts have to prove. It sounds like even if she is found guilty it won't matter. She will defy the courts due to no respect for the law. (Surprise surprise - A principle of democracy)

If there is anything else m'lord I suggest you refer to the below.

And when we look at the 'complaint' its substanceless political claims. Designed to shore up Suthep failed 'people coup', then his 'popcorn coup' now his 'made up corruption lies judicial coup'.

It's a bit sad.

You talk as though the court process is a mere formality which is surely the problem?! You want to remove her from power simply because Abhisit says the rice pledge scheme is corrupt, but the numbers don't support the claim and even the allegation is tiny. And yet, even before you prove any corruption, you presume to prosecute her for negligence.

In the Senate case, they got authority from the CC to propose constitutional changes one by one, they proposed an elected senate, senate rejected it, and now they're trying to remove her for proposing it. Claiming it's an unlawful power grab (except it was lawful, and a proposal is not a power grab).

So for people to have faith in the legal and judicial processes, they need to be fair, and balanced and ponder all the evidence in detail, reach a verdict and be transparent about how and why they reached that verdict. Proper judicial processes take years.

As opposed to the Kangaroo courts you see in Africa, where they meet on a Monday, decide on guilty on Tuesday, have dinner with the prosecutor on Wednesday, and nobody believes their verdicts, or can explain all the consistencies because the courts are not transparent.

So we'll wait and see how these pan out. Are we like a third world nation, or a developing nation heading to full development.

IMHO, he's undermined Thailand's stability, he's undermined its democracy, it's economy, he's undermining its rule of law, and they need to cut him loose, if they haven't already. He's just become a liability.

Fab4 seems to have run out of steam.

Did the pass the songbook to you for some new rewrites.

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Well the facts are totally clear on the rice pledging, she enacted a scheme (against the advice of everyone) which took goods on the promise of paying for the goods, but then did not pay for many months. The victims of this scheme resorted to borrowing money from sharks and lived under debt-stress until they took their own lives, in several cases. This is gross negligence on the part of the PM, even assuming the scheme wasn't a cash-syphoning scam. In the latter case it goes from negligence into much more serious charges. If we are observing humanitarian laws, it is also a crime against humanity to forcibly deprive citizens of their livelihood and to force them into absolute poverty.

In a fair trial with all the facts laid bare, she would be pinned to the wall upside down, in a legal sense. Left with nothing but her eyes to cry with, etc.

Good thing too. Rich people scamming poor farmers is disgusting, it is breathtakingly vile and heartless.

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They haven't convicted ANYONE for corruption or graft on the rice scheme yet.

I think even I as a non lawyer could defend her against this accusation. Is there one single proven complaint of corruption in the rice scheme nationwide?

So m'lord, there is no corruption.

Of course they haven't convicted anyone yet. No cases have gone through the court system yet and been judged.

It has been proved the DEM's have complained.

It has been proven Supa has complained.

It has been proven the IMF suggested restructuring the scheme due to corruption.

The list goes on.

As for proven corruption. There is ample evidence to suggest corruption and that is what the courts have to prove. It sounds like even if she is found guilty it won't matter. She will defy the courts due to no respect for the law. (Surprise surprise - A principle of democracy)

If there is anything else m'lord I suggest you refer to the below.

And when we look at the 'complaint' its substanceless political claims. Designed to shore up Suthep failed 'people coup', then his 'popcorn coup' now his 'made up corruption lies judicial coup'.

It's a bit sad.

You talk as though the court process is a mere formality which is surely the problem?! You want to remove her from power simply because Abhisit says the rice pledge scheme is corrupt, but the numbers don't support the claim and even the allegation is tiny. And yet, even before you prove any corruption, you presume to prosecute her for negligence.

In the Senate case, they got authority from the CC to propose constitutional changes one by one, they proposed an elected senate, senate rejected it, and now they're trying to remove her for proposing it. Claiming it's an unlawful power grab (except it was lawful, and a proposal is not a power grab).

So for people to have faith in the legal and judicial processes, they need to be fair, and balanced and ponder all the evidence in detail, reach a verdict and be transparent about how and why they reached that verdict. Proper judicial processes take years.

As opposed to the Kangaroo courts you see in Africa, where they meet on a Monday, decide on guilty on Tuesday, have dinner with the prosecutor on Wednesday, and nobody believes their verdicts, or can explain all the consistencies because the courts are not transparent.

So we'll wait and see how these pan out. Are we like a third world nation, or a developing nation heading to full development.

Refer to picture below.

To play chess you move pieces according to rules with win defined as a check mate, you don't simply say "my opponent is a pigeon, so I refuse to play, hence I win". That would be moronic.

You didn't dispute a single point I made, hence you forfeit.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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