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Ok, one way ticket, once and for all...

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This has come up before, I'm sure about it. However I can't find any up to date information about it (even using the search engine)
So I'll take the chance and ask.

I'm a Swedish citizen.
I want to buy a one way ticket from Stockholm to Bangkok
I don't hold a Visa before I land but plan to get in on the 30 days Visa exemption

I've been reading on other forums and around the web regarding this, and as far as I have understood it the Thai immigration will not be the problem, the air company however, or rather the people working for the air company at Arlanda Stockholm International, could be a problem.
However I've seen some swear that there are ways around this. One being booking a ticket out of Thailand with Air Asia, Train or similar to Laos/Cambodia/Malaysia etc. before the 30 day exemption runs out. This would prove the Air company that at least they would not be held responsible for taking me home, since they can be assured I would be allowed into the Country.
So, anyone here with experience regarding this?

My plan is to get there, enroll in Thai Walen to get a ED Visa, do the T&T course to at least have something to show up in hope of finding a crappy work somewhere.. About 5-6 months later I will get money from Sweden for studies I'm doing through internet. And I have capital enough for now, but if I could find something to do at my spare time that would be great as well. However, this is all OT..

Thanks for any advices!

Edited by banglassie
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Get a tourist visa before leaving home!

A single entry TV is good for 60 days and can be extended for another 30 days at an immigration office at a cost of 1900bht.

This will ensure enough time to arrange your life and the school will need time to prepare paperwork needed for the ED visa which must be applied for outside Thailand.

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Get a tourist visa before leaving home!

A single entry TV is good for 60 days and can be extended for another 30 days at an immigration office at a cost of 1900bht.

This will ensure enough time to arrange your life and the school will need time to prepare paperwork needed for the ED visa which must be applied for outside Thailand.

Yes, I do know this is what I really should do, and in the same time it's the thing I'm trying to avoid.

Reason for that is I recently quit my job in Norway, which means no more flow of cash to the account.

Since no more money is coming (except for some tax foundation) I really don't want to spend money within Scandinavia. I do not live in Stockholm, if I did that would solve the problem. But since I don't that means I would have to go to Stockholm, get to the embassy, leave my passport and wait (not sure if it's 24 hours or up to a week?), then get back to the embassy to pick up my passport.

Really, I feel like one of those elder men collecting bottles down town.. I do have some savings, but it's not a lot.

Since I will study in by distance from a Swedish school I will get loan+allowance. Thing is I haven't been active in Sweden the past 7 years so a lot of things have changed, need new cards to my old account that's been idle since I moved to Norway etc etc.

In simple words, I'm not sure what unexpected fees and costs will occur the nearest future, I think I got it all more or less under control, but then there's always something unexpected coming.

I've been planing to live permanent in Thailand for a long time now, still do need to get a job+working permit which will give me a Non Imm B Visa, or wait until our marriage is done and get the 400k into an account there to get the Non Imm O Visa.

As it looks now both will take some time. As for WP I still need to fix my degrees (which is the reason I'm studying from Sweden in the first place)

As for Marriage, well, we can fix the papers now and wait with the ceremony until we feel we have time and money enough, but still I don't have the 400k to put into a Thai Bank,

The study loan/allowance will be more than 40k so that should be good enough as well, sill more time is needed to know when and even IF the state will grant me (shouldn't be a problem, but problems have occurred before where there should have been none...)

Anyway, thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it!

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But since I don't that means I would have to go to Stockholm, get to the embassy, leave my passport and wait (not sure if it's 24 hours or up to a week?), then get back to the embassy to pick up my passport.

Does the Thai Embassy in Stockholm offer a postal service?

Not sure Wooloomooloo, but I will certainly check it up! Thanks!

BTW: Got some other replies on other forums, and it seems the majority is saying "no problems, just go for it", or "as long as you hold any form of ticket out of the country before your 30 days expire you will have no issues", or "If you don't need a Visa to travel to a country you don't need a return ticket, Thais need a return ticket if going to Sweden, Swedes don't need a return ticket if going to Thailand..."

As I said from the beginning, a lot of different view points.. Seems the majority who have tried have never been denied to board the plane, at least non of them have stepped out in the light yet.

Will consider this for a while more. I do have both funds and credit cards enough to cover 2-way tickets back and forward at least 20 30 times. But not sure how much they care about that...

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Let's move this over to the visa forum. Your safest bet is to get a visa before you leave. An AirAisa ticket will cost you about what that visa would. I'm not sure a train ticket out of the country would work. Let's see what others have to say.

Topic Moved.

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Let's move this over to the visa forum. Your safest bet is to get a visa before you leave. An AirAisa ticket will cost you about what that visa would. I'm not sure a train ticket out of the country would work. Let's see what others have to say.

Topic Moved.

Thanks! I wasn't sure where to put the topic.

Yea, the fee of the visa is not the problem, the problem would be travel to Stockholm and stay at a hotel until I can pick up my passport again. Perhaps it's a better idea to fly to Malaysia and then sort out the visa in KL? But then again I guess the same problem with air companies could occur, actually I don't know anything about Visas or visa exemptions to Malaysia, one of the countries I never had reason to go to, yet that is.

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You can apply at the embassy for a visa: http://www.thaiembassy.se/en/visa/where-to-apply

Or the honorary consulate in Goteborg see: http://www.thaiconsulate.se/

I suggest you contact the consulate they might issue the visa much quicker than the embassy.

Thanks Ubon Joe, still it would mean traveling within Sweden, and getting around, eating and sleeping in hotels isn't exactly cheap. Feels like a tremendous loss if I consider those money baht that could be used over there.

And seems none of them take applications by post anymore, so that's not an option, unfortunately.

I guess sometimes risks are meant to be taken. So far nobody has complained on not getting on their flight.

I asked the Flight company what their view was regarding one-way ticket and a ticket out to a neighboring country. Will see what the reply will be there.

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At least check with the consulate. They might allow you to apply in person and them mail your passport back to you. Many honorary consulates do visas while you wait.

Edit: There will be no problem using an onward ticket. People use them all the time.

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I want to buy a one way ticket from Stockholm to Bangkok
I don't hold a Visa before I land but plan to get in on the 30 days Visa exemption

My plan is to get there, enroll in Thai Walen to get a ED Visa,


Think a 30 days Visa exemption would not work, did you read Walen or any other School info

Copy and Paste from Walen as that is the one your talking about

How long do I have to wait for the visa?

First we will need to apply for a letter from the Thai Ministry of Education requesting a one year ED visa for you. It takes between 3-5 weeks. Once you receive this letter you will need to go outside Thailand to one of the Thai consulates (most nationalities can go to Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Singapore, some nationalities like Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis and middle eastern countries will need to go back to their country) where you will be issued a one year non-immigrant ED visa. With this visa you will need to come back to us and we will apply for a second letter from the MOE certifying your enrolment, this letter allows you to make 90 day extensions at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. No visa runs are required at all.

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best to get a visa

if 30 day is required be prepared to book the cheapest ticket you can, if boarding is denied ( you can extend once here for 60 days to visit Thai wife)

just checked Air Asia hat yai/Kuala Lumpur 1,600 baht,

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OP ... I am no expert on this subject... but just recently went through the process. You may be right in taking a chance on 'just going for it'.. but even if you are successful your 30 days Visa upon arrival cuts your time short for processing an ED Visa.

I went through the Honorary Consulate ... of course it was in the USA... but perhaps the same rules will apply where you are. I got a Non Imm 'O' Multi-Entry Visa for a one year duration. I paid $200.00 ... the process took 10-15 minutes at the Consulate Office. You can go to school on this Visa (someone please correct me if I am wrong)...

If this 'O' Visa is available to you it will give you time to check out other school arrangements which might be better, cheaper or in a location you wish to be. This 'O' Visa I have is not a Retirement 'O-A' Visa, there was no background check and no financial requirements except a general review of my bank accounts to see if I had enough financial reserves to stay one year which doesn't seem to be a high mark.

In short, if it were me, I would opt for more time in Thailand for choosing and processing my options.

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I want to buy a one way ticket from Stockholm to Bangkok

I don't hold a Visa before I land but plan to get in on the 30 days Visa exemption

My plan is to get there, enroll in Thai Walen to get a ED Visa,


Think a 30 days Visa exemption would not work, did you read Walen or any other School info

Copy and Paste from Walen as that is the one your talking about

How long do I have to wait for the visa?

First we will need to apply for a letter from the Thai Ministry of Education requesting a one year ED visa for you. It takes between 3-5 weeks. Once you receive this letter you will need to go outside Thailand to one of the Thai consulates (most nationalities can go to Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Singapore, some nationalities like Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis and middle eastern countries will need to go back to their country) where you will be issued a one year non-immigrant ED visa. With this visa you will need to come back to us and we will apply for a second letter from the MOE certifying your enrolment, this letter allows you to make 90 day extensions at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. No visa runs are required at all.

Yes yes, I know this. I know I will need to make a border run or go and make a visa in Laos/Cambodia before I can go to get my ED Visa. That's not really an issue, the issue is more if the people at the counter will let me check in and give me a boarding pass when I only have one way ticket to Thailand. As soon as I am in LOS I have money saved in accounts over there as well, but they are over there, I am over here.. :/

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OP ... I am no expert on this subject... but just recently went through the process. You may be right in taking a chance on 'just going for it'.. but even if you are successful your 30 days Visa upon arrival cuts your time short for processing an ED Visa.

I went through the Honorary Consulate ... of course it was in the USA... but perhaps the same rules will apply where you are. I got a Non Imm 'O' Multi-Entry Visa for a one year duration. I paid $200.00 ... the process took 10-15 minutes at the Consulate Office. You can go to school on this Visa (someone please correct me if I am wrong)...

If this 'O' Visa is available to you it will give you time to check out other school arrangements which might be better, cheaper or in a location you wish to be. This 'O' Visa I have is not a Retirement 'O-A' Visa, there was no background check and no financial requirements except a general review of my bank accounts to see if I had enough financial reserves to stay one year which doesn't seem to be a high mark.

In short, if it were me, I would opt for more time in Thailand for choosing and processing my options.

On what basis do you think the OP could get a non-o visa?

He is not married to a Thai nor does he have a Thai child. He is not 50 or over. Those are about the only way to get one other than working as a volunteer.

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OP ... I am no expert on this subject... but just recently went through the process. You may be right in taking a chance on 'just going for it'.. but even if you are successful your 30 days Visa upon arrival cuts your time short for processing an ED Visa.

I went through the Honorary Consulate ... of course it was in the USA... but perhaps the same rules will apply where you are. I got a Non Imm 'O' Multi-Entry Visa for a one year duration. I paid $200.00 ... the process took 10-15 minutes at the Consulate Office. You can go to school on this Visa (someone please correct me if I am wrong)...

If this 'O' Visa is available to you it will give you time to check out other school arrangements which might be better, cheaper or in a location you wish to be. This 'O' Visa I have is not a Retirement 'O-A' Visa, there was no background check and no financial requirements except a general review of my bank accounts to see if I had enough financial reserves to stay one year which doesn't seem to be a high mark.

In short, if it were me, I would opt for more time in Thailand for choosing and processing my options.

Thanks Jdgruen. Really appreciate it. However I can't go for the non imm O yet since we have yet to become legally married. (And to be honest we're not really stressing it, we're both still young so we'll wait for as long as we can), would make things easier with Visa though that's for sure.

So ED Visa is the best option for me to stay long term at the moment. Later on I will change that for an O visa, or hopefully even a B visa, since I truly hope I will find a way to make an income of at least 20k/month (Not being a native English speaker can be a pain in the ass in LOS, at least if you don't have capital enough to make your own business run smoothly.. That being said nothing is impossible

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OP ... I am no expert on this subject... but just recently went through the process. You may be right in taking a chance on 'just going for it'.. but even if you are successful your 30 days Visa upon arrival cuts your time short for processing an ED Visa.

I went through the Honorary Consulate ... of course it was in the USA... but perhaps the same rules will apply where you are. I got a Non Imm 'O' Multi-Entry Visa for a one year duration. I paid $200.00 ... the process took 10-15 minutes at the Consulate Office. You can go to school on this Visa (someone please correct me if I am wrong)...

If this 'O' Visa is available to you it will give you time to check out other school arrangements which might be better, cheaper or in a location you wish to be. This 'O' Visa I have is not a Retirement 'O-A' Visa, there was no background check and no financial requirements except a general review of my bank accounts to see if I had enough financial reserves to stay one year which doesn't seem to be a high mark.

In short, if it were me, I would opt for more time in Thailand for choosing and processing my options.

On what basis do you think the OP could get a non-o visa?

He is not married to a Thai nor does he have a Thai child. He is not 50 or over. Those are about the only way to get one other than working as a volunteer.

You're absolutely right... I glossed over the details,,, didn't see info about OP's age... which is my only qualifier ...

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But since I don't that means I would have to go to Stockholm, get to the embassy, leave my passport and wait (not sure if it's 24 hours or up to a week?), then get back to the embassy to pick up my passport.

Does the Thai Embassy in Stockholm offer a postal service?

Not sure Wooloomooloo, but I will certainly check it up! Thanks!

I can't imagine that they would expect people to travel from areas with mountains of snow and temps of -20, simply to obtain a Tourist Visa...........Thailand isn't THAT important!

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But since I don't that means I would have to go to Stockholm, get to the embassy, leave my passport and wait (not sure if it's 24 hours or up to a week?), then get back to the embassy to pick up my passport.

Does the Thai Embassy in Stockholm offer a postal service?

Not sure Wooloomooloo, but I will certainly check it up! Thanks!

I can't imagine that they would expect people to travel from areas with mountains of snow and temps of -20, simply to obtain a Tourist Visa...........Thailand isn't THAT important!

haha, apparently the Thai consulate thinks differently. From their home page "NO LONGER APPLICATIONS BY POST From March 1st, 2014, the Consulate do not accept the application nor return the passport by post."

Still I don't really understand why a Tourist visa would be a guarantee for the airline that I will get a stamp into the country? I am sure the Thai immigration will have no problem, never ever have they asked me for a return ticket at the immigration. It's only the airline that worries me, some people suggest Thai is a save bet, Thai can be expensive though. Norwegian is my choice, a one way ticket would cost me 6000 baht from Stockholm right now, whereas a return ticket costs something like 20-30k baht. That's a huge difference. Would loose money I could live on for a month down in LOS.

That's why I'm checking if it's an alternative to buy a ticket with air Asia for lets say +-2000 baht Then the final cost would be approx 8000 baht, and I would still need to do a trip to Vientiane or PP before I get the papers needed to my ED Visa anyway, so I wouldn't consider it a loss.

Finally just the fact that I have money on a Thai card at SCB makes thing easier over there, here I only have money on a Norwegian card ( = Unwanted fees at the ATM's) except for some Swedish cash (about 15,000 baht), which is absolutely nothing in Swedish measures.

I'm simply trying to make things as cheap as possible. I could go for a 2 way ticket, but with many people swearing that it's not necessary I feel it would be a loss of money since don't know if I will stay 6 months or 6 years as the situation looks right now. I will return when I need quick money, but as long as I have money and can make a sustainable income over in LOS (or Cambodia) I will stay.

So the part about ED Visa and the time needed to get the papers from the ministry of education isn't the problem, only if the airline would accept the fact that I hold a ticket to another country as a proof that they will not be held responsible or have to take me back home. I know it is kind of unlikely they will even ask upon check in, but I also know it has happened and people have been forced to by a return ticket at the airport (not sure it has ever happened anyone traveling with Norwegian though), so any proof that would make them feel more comfortable taking me to LOS would be helpful I guess.

A Thai friend of mine is traveling by one way tickets all the time, always checking in with his Norwegian passport at Oslo Airport, however he is Thai, so no matter what passport he holds I think the airline feel secure that they will not get into problems automatically. I have never heard of anyone from Scandinavia not being granted a 30 day Visa exempt when arriving at Suvarnabhumi, I arrive all the time from neighboring countries, never have I showed them that I have a ticket back in the future. So as said, my concerns are the airlines and how strict they are.

Edited by banglassie
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This has sort of become about visas but from the OP you seem to be asking can you just turn up or do you need a ticket out?

It never used to be a problem but it seems more of an issue these days to have that way out. I also agree that the issue seems to be more with your airline that Thai immigration.

You can take a chance. If they say anything just say you will do some traveling, you're heading to Malaysia and Indonesia and will get a ticket there. It's perfectly reasonable plan, I never used to have return tickets but think it's different

Everyone knows people travel around Thailand so you may get away with it. Ask the airline ahead of time, you don't want a ticket as you don't know where you will fly from and when, maybe Bali, maybe KL, etc. If they say you need one you can still chance it

Worst case they make you buy a cheap ticket at check in. Go online and buy cheapest ticket to Laos or Malaysia

Other than that, have a cheap Air Asia ticket already 'just in case', not too expensive

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This has sort of become about visas but from the OP you seem to be asking can you just turn up or do you need a ticket out?

It never used to be a problem but it seems more of an issue these days to have that way out. I also agree that the issue seems to be more with your airline that Thai immigration.

You can take a chance. If they say anything just say you will do some traveling, you're heading to Malaysia and Indonesia and will get a ticket there. It's perfectly reasonable plan, I never used to have return tickets but think it's different

Everyone knows people travel around Thailand so you may get away with it. Ask the airline ahead of time, you don't want a ticket as you don't know where you will fly from and when, maybe Bali, maybe KL, etc. If they say you need one you can still chance it

Worst case they make you buy a cheap ticket at check in. Go online and buy cheapest ticket to Laos or Malaysia

Other than that, have a cheap Air Asia ticket already 'just in case', not too expensive

Thanks! That's more or less all I wanted to know in the first place :)

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Let's move this over to the visa forum. Your safest bet is to get a visa before you leave. An AirAisa ticket will cost you about what that visa would. I'm not sure a train ticket out of the country would work. Let's see what others have to say.

Topic Moved.I understand a train ticket would work but not available on the internet since (I think) January. Someone in Thailand could get it & mail it to you before you start your journey....

Sorry, my input somehow got inside the quote box. Apologies for that!

Edited by kratiam
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