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Suthep says he is ready to talk to Yingluck


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And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

If she is intellectually far superior to Suthep - then she has nothing to fear from the live televised debate, right?

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Would be decent if he would sit down with her and talk together on live tv without "his" conditions. By saying "I will talk to you as long as you do what I say" is not what most people, I would imagine, would want to see.

Like the preconditions she always puts up when inviting Suthep to negotations?

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It's not Thailand's got talent... why on gods green earth it should be televised is absurd, it totally demeans the office of prime minister, and is just not done... anywhere. It's not a debate, it is a talk between rivals who should be attempting to nut out a solution. Suthep simply wants to make demands and crack the jimmy grits when she walks out... no wonder she preempted this.

I think Abhisit's talks with red shirt leaders in 2010 was televised so unless I'm wrong it has been done in Thailand and recently.

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I never thought I would hear Suthep and charisma in the same sentence.

You should seriously think about doing stand up comedy. People would roll around the floor laughing at your comments.

Why not? When Suthep speaks, he's fiery. And he when he's sarcastic, you can feel the sting. Ask the drunkard.

Yingluck? Teleprompter needed and she's like a boring professor reading, you just want to snoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Only gets interesting when she starts crying. Boohoo.

Maybe someone should do a side-by-side video of Suthep and Hitler speaking. The face expression, the movement of the hands and the tone of his speeches are exactly those of the madman Hitler and the gullible masses falling for him is a perfect example.

A crocodile's smile if ever there were one

Yingluck - How many principles of democracy do you adhere to?


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Good idea. Hold it at the police headquarters please and when he's done, arrest him as he has an arrest warrant for murder still outstanding.

Yeah good idea. And when he is done, the cops might like to arrest her.....and congratulate him for the eye opening!

Why would the cops arrest Yingluck? She's not the one with the outstanding murder warrant, Suthep is.

Quite correct...i don't think idiocy is an offence in this country.

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And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

Are you claiming Yingluck is an intellectual AND has high education levels? Seriously?

If comparing with Suthep, the answer is yes.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Suthep also has a Masters Degree from an American University.

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Would be decent if he would sit down with her and talk together on live tv without "his" conditions. By saying "I will talk to you as long as you do what I say" is not what most people, I would imagine, would want to see.

Like the preconditions she always puts up when inviting Suthep to negotations?

True. And what does she mean when she says "she wants to ask Suthep whether he is ready to hold talks under the framework of the Constitution or not."?

Is that another way of saying that no one is to talk about any type of corruption?

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She couldn't handle a public debate without her advisers coaching her and giving her the answers to his questions and demands.She could'nt cope with the impeachmentas it was , the democrates continually asked her to come out of the back room and face the music when she finally came out on the last day for about an hour she was in a state of confusion and her advisers kept telling her what to say.She finally left looking very stressed and upset.

It would be good to see the democrat leader and Yingluck in a public televised debate.

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How about a boxing or wrestling match between the two, just like Suthep had offered with Chalerm???

Now that would be something for live television broadcast. Winner takes the country! tongue.png

I'd rather see Suthep vs. Chuwit.

It would be good but very short. Suthep would be knocked out in the first punch.

I'd rather see Chalerm v Suthep as the title eliminator. Winner takes on Chuwit.

No please , we don't want a fist fight on TV between these two old men....

And people betting .....like in a cock fight ;-)

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Probably a smart move by Suthep to make the challenge knowing that there is no way she is stupid enough to accept and completely expose her inadequacies by trying to understand the situations discussed or think quickly on her feet to give good responses. Besides, she is as guilty as sin, so she couldn't possibly say anything believable. Also, how good would it look when she has to stop the process every minute or 2 to confer with that big string-puller in Dubai who dictates all her words and actions? By setting up this situation where Ms. S. must decline, it looks like she is unwilling to cooperate, but in reality she is just unable to cooperate without looking like a complete fool.

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so here we have a dictator 'in-waiting' demanding of the democratically elected PM that she GIVES IN to his preconditions before meeting?

he is deluded - can you imagine Kim Jong-Un asking Obama for such talks but preconditions include NO talk about elections and NO talk about sharing government?

she would be mad to agree to this as would Obama

it's posturing and he well knows she will never agree - he is getting desperate by the day (which is a good sign)

Please show one reference to a statement by Suthep that he wants to be the PM. From what I've read, he has NO interest. His only desire is to rid Thailand of the corrupt Shin clan. Not that bad, actually. wai2.gif

Suthep is a player in Thai politics. For better or worse. Yingluck is also a player, for better or worse. A debate is not such a bad idea.

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so here we have a dictator 'in-waiting' demanding of the democratically elected PM that she GIVES IN to his preconditions before meeting?

he is deluded - can you imagine Kim Jong-Un asking Obama for such talks but preconditions include NO talk about elections and NO talk about sharing government?

she would be mad to agree to this as would Obama

it's posturing and he well knows she will never agree - he is getting desperate by the day (which is a good sign)

Please show one reference to a statement by Suthep that he wants to be the PM. From what I've read, he has NO interest. His only desire is to rid Thailand of the corrupt Shin clan. Not that bad, actually. wai2.gif

Suthep is a player in Thai politics. For better or worse. Yingluck is also a player, for better or worse. A debate is not such a bad idea.

Right. He is only the leader of the revolution and the person that will choose the people's council.

Libya under Gaddhafi also had a people's council of "good people" that were chosen by Gaddhafi and Gaddhafi never held any political office besides being the "leader of the revolution".

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

Are you claiming Yingluck is an intellectual AND has high education levels? Seriously?

Feel free to tell the University of Kentucky that their Masters Degree is worthless. Whether you like her or not it's an accredited university in the USA that has standing. Who to believe? The US national system that provides that accreditation or some anonymous farang on Thai Visa.

I thought about it for a fraction of a second and decided to go with the US system.

Oh please, please don't insult the University of Kentucky in Lexington like that. She just happend to attend Kentucky State University in Frankfort which is a third rate university at best.
One wonders if she even 'attended' anyway!
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