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Suthep says he is ready to talk to Yingluck


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Come on, thats not fair. We all know she couldnt win a debate with a cucumber.

At least allow her to have a teleprompter, assistants and to delegate the actual answering of questions.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yingluck already declined.

She will reject it. There's no way she can have a talk 'live' on TV. She will need 'advice' from overseas and love him or hate him, Suthep has more charisma than her. Of course, she could always cry on live TV. That way the stupid people can say Suthep bullied her. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

...and that's the PRIME reason why she's not fit to lead the country. She can't hold her own or express herself in any meaningful or decisive way.

I saw her on the Aljazeera interview and all I could think was how similar the conversation was on a UK show I watched where an ex bar girl was defending herself against her English husband's accusations of cheating. "preese,... I no lie you"! The tone of conversation and ability in responding was so similar!

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Yingluck wont do it, too much too lose for her. The conditions that Suthep puts down, also give her the get out card.

Anyway, as Yingluck is incompetent, there is no way she would put herself live on TV in a debate against her nemesis.

See that's what I have some difficulties in understanding in a society big on face-saving. Appearing on live TV, appearing inept due to lack of ability to articulate (some say intelligence?) will definitely make YL lose face. But, she doesn't feel her face is being eroded by the minute with what she has been doing all this while AND with her bluffs being called left, right and centre? Hmm... odd indeed.

Anyone will give away a bit of face if the price is right..

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In fairness to the Dutch, they did have all these English football hooligan rebels to deal with on a number of occasions tongue.png

In all seriousness, didn't they have issues concerning North/South Mollucans (sp) back in the 70's and 80's?

:) ........then learn from the Dutch mistakes in all your wisdom. The present situation doesn't give any room anymore for jokes, or blaming eachother. Ego's are the problem of Thailand. Try to reach consensus in a peaceful, democratic and constructive way. And above all fight the corruption of 'Aristocracy" and ' Oligarchs' in your country. And surely you will find more things that went wrong in the Dutch society in the past or even present, but I'm not interested in that score. Thailand should look now for win-win solutions which are there!!

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And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

Isn't YL the one that has been requesting talks with Suthep? I think about three times she has requested. Now she instantly declines when offered as it will be broadcast on live TV.

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In the last paragraph..why he ask for a debate but stated that he doesn't want included democratic election or democratic ways to end the conflicts..so why have this debate when what Suthep wants is calling the government to accept his proposal on the reform and doesn't want to share of power when there will be two or more political party involve in election (but I agree on the return of asset thing)..So does Suthep mean he want all the power and everything else? So by the end we just know this debate is not to settle the conflicts on both side and get a compromise but just to show who is more fierce and louder..

If like this then his debate on TV will just be another talk, challenge, pointing finger at each other and by the end there will not be any solution to this conflict..

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by DK2223
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And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

Isn't YL the one that has been requesting talks with Suthep? I think about three times she has requested. Now she instantly declines when offered as it will be broadcast on live TV.

They both have pre-conditions for talks that are unacceptable to the opposite party...

... talks aint gunna happen...

Suthep knows he only has to wait it out now... as YL is gunna be thrown out by either the courts or the Senate very soon...

I'm kinda hoping hte Senate will deal with it (Expired Caretaker role) as that way a Neutral PM will be appointed, if the courts throw her out then expect counter protests by the reds and the whole thing starts again... the Senate route might be more palletable to the Red side.

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Love all the guys on here describing how he "would tear her a new one" bla bla bla yet safe to assume 80%+ can`t speak Thai. How they can asses how articulate she is is beyond me when you don`t even speak the lingo. I fear most are basing her debating skills on her English speaking interviews (a language Suthep can`t speak at all.)

Like or loathe PT and Yingluck (and Im no fan, just like im not of the other side) the way she has out manouvered Suthep throughout is impressive. He is literally battling to just stay relevant now, things are moving on without him.

Hes a nobody with a mandate to represent nobody.

Yingluck has been outsmarted, out-maneuvered, and backed into a corner that she will not get out of. She will soon be gone, Suthep will, in time, be a hero to many, i don't like him, but no question he has won this round and kept PTPs corrupt hands off more than 2 trillion baht.

Why has Suthep got another "Final Push" penciled in ? laugh.png

4 months have passed and nothing has changed. Well one thing has changed, the amount of protest sites has diminished and the amount of people at them number 100`s if not less.

Every opportunity to draw the government into violence and start a coup has failed. Every effort to bring them down via a judicial coup has failed. Considering how weak Yinglucks hand has become with the farmers now turning against her, its actually an embarassment they still havn`t managed to remove her.

If you think that walking Bangkoks streets for months on end with some Southern peasants, shaking a tin like some kind of charity walk, is out smarting your opposition, then thats fair enough.

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I think most of us know, that Suthep is not the real head of the Anti-Government movement and that Yingluck isn't the real leader of Thailand.

Do some of you really believe that the Navy and some of the air force and army would support Suthep, if they were not told who is really behind him?

and on the other side...

Do you really believe that Yingluck pulls the strings and that the UDD and the police act independently from Thaksin?

They are two people doing a job for others, above them. One has to be an idiot not to figure out what is really going on in Thailand.

So why bother to get so excited about Yingluck and Suthep. They are just doing the job, they are asked to do by their superiors.

There are some things, we cannot talk about here, which of course makes it difficult to discuss the situation accurately and in detail. Sad, but that is just the way it is.

As far as Ms. Yingluck and Mr. Suthep are concerned, why be so mean, when talking about them. She is doing the job, her brother ask her to do and stepped up to the plate and Mr. Suthep stepped up to the plate, when someone else asked him to. I'm sure that both feel good, that they have stepped up to the plate. I also believe, that they both think, that they are on the right side. wai2.gif

I agree with you there.

Some Thais even believe that this is a fight that is coming from above Thaksin and Suthep. Not everything is as it seems in this country and Thaksin may not even be the the puppeteer on the government side. Not every family is always as picture perfect as it looks on the outside. Those that don't know what I mean, well ...not my problem. Don't ask for explanations.

I normally despise your untrue posts. But this time I agree with you.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I still don't quite understand what keeps the middle ground majority from forming a center party and winning the next election by a landslide. Haven't heard of anything about new parties. The old ones are exhausted with their militant wings trenched in, it would be perfect time for a new political entity to surface and grab all the spoils. No money ? Intimidation ?

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What's this "we" business coming from Farangs? It's not about what "we " Farangs want, it's about what the Thai "We's" want, the "we want a proper working government" isn't down you you or I, it's down to Thais, simple as that.

If the new unelected peoples council stipulated that all Farangs had to wear pink tutu's would you rush out and buy one?

If the New elected Government through fair and impartial voting won and they too stipulated that all Farangs had to wear Pink Tutu's again would you do it?

And if it was passed and became a Law same question?

The answer to them all is probably NO, so you're never going to be part of this "we" Brigade are you? , so stop thinking your part of something that has nothing to do with you unless you have the "rights to vote" that lets you be a real "we"!! wink.png

We can't vote but there's no reason why we can't state what we want.

What I want you to do is look up 'Thailand' 'internet' and 'world wide web(www)'. Then notice how they differ. The last 2 aren't wholly within the first. After that you could try doing as I've suggested to many before, Google the word 'forum' and see what it means.

You need to remember that whilst there are many farangs who just spend their time in bars and befriending bar girls some of us have a vested interest in Thailand and have legitimate concerns.

Oh and most of knew we couldn't vote here before you helpfully informed us.

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" Yingluck told reporters that she wants to ask Suthep whether he is ready to hold talks under the framework of the Constitution or not.

"Moreover is Khun Suthep ready to halt the protests so that the election can proceed according to the principles of democracy?" she asked."

Suthep has threatened her and her family. Regardless she will not sink to his level, or anywhere near it.

What ever you think of her politics this is a lady with class who with a few words has shot down Suthep leaving him looking like the smuck he is.

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And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?


She is the Prime Minister

Leader of the country

If you can not handle the heat in the kitchen

you should get out

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There would not be any dialog - this would be a Suthep monolog - a monolog about corruption of the current government - by the corrupt politician who brought down his own last elected Democrat government with his corrupt dealings!

Not constructive at all - just more rhetoric.

I think the PM should accept - and when he arrives serve the arrest warrant and have him arrested - live on TV - now that would bring joy to millions of Thais!!

Then with the Democrats should bring out somebody mature and responsible and start real talk and dialog with the government without the stupid rhetoric and the hatred.

I am sure they can work something out acceptable to all Thais - but not as long as Suthep and the other haters from his protest stages are still in the picture - they cause nothing but division and are unacceptable to most Thais.

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This guy is a moron. I agree that Thailand needs reform but he should have a private meeting with her first. To put her on the spot in front of millions is a stupid proposal. Talk about loosing face.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What's this "we" business coming from Farangs? It's not about what "we " Farangs want, it's about what the Thai "We's" want, the "we want a proper working government" isn't down you you or I, it's down to Thais, simple as that.

If the new unelected peoples council stipulated that all Farangs had to wear pink tutu's would you rush out and buy one?

If the New elected Government through fair and impartial voting won and they too stipulated that all Farangs had to wear Pink Tutu's again would you do it?

And if it was passed and became a Law same question?

The answer to them all is probably NO, so you're never going to be part of this "we" Brigade are you? , so stop thinking your part of something that has nothing to do with you unless you have the "rights to vote" that lets you be a real "we"!! wink.png

We can't vote but there's no reason why we can't state what we want.

What I want you to do is look up 'Thailand' 'internet' and 'world wide web(www)'. Then notice how they differ. The last 2 aren't wholly within the first. After that you could try doing as I've suggested to many before, Google the word 'forum' and see what it means.

You need to remember that whilst there are many farangs who just spend their time in bars and befriending bar girls some of us have a vested interest in Thailand and have legitimate concerns.

Oh and most of knew we couldn't vote here before you helpfully informed us.

Don't get me wrong, I hear you, but we don't always get what we want when we chose to up sticks and relocate to another country, what we tend to do is keep a low profile and keep ourselves away from the limelight, and just go with the flow, I liken myself to a palm tree in the wind, whatever direction it blows, just lean with it, don't lean against it, and eventually you'll end up back upright!!

I would like free housing free benefits and free social security handouts and a free car thrown in whilst your at it, I worked hard all my life and paid my dues, but back in the UK I didn't get that, despite the various Governements, but guess what? You arrive as an Immigrant, then you pretty much get all of the things I wished for!! You think that's right?

You, like I have chosen to leave our Natural country and opted for the LOS, and am I right n thinking that you abide by all the laws and expect that if you do wrong you will face the consequences?

And yes, if you're in a relationship then your wifes and partners can vote, and you can try and influence them, will it still get you your wish list? Highly doubt it.. I understand the passions involved too, but seriously, some Farangs just love to sit there and throw tonnes of insults and make it sound like everything that's happening directly impacts them, when most of them who have been here years just accepts things are just what they are, and accept TIT..Nothing wrong with that, I fail to see the need to get caught up in the red/yellow nonesense and shyt throwing it solves nothing and only keeps a divide going amongst the population.

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Yingluck shoots down Suthep's offer to talk

BANGKOK: -- Anti-government rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban offered on Thursday to hold one-on-one talks with caretaker premier Yingluck Shinawatra on the condition that this is broadcast live.

Suthep had earlier vowed only to talk to fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, the older brother of Yingluck, who he accuses of being behind the rampant corruption and abuse of power in the country. He and the protesters, who have been on the streets since November, have vowed to bring down the Thaksin Regime.

Suthep said at a rally site that he is ready to sit down and talk with Yingluck but this has to be oneonone and broadcast live on all television channels.

Suthep's offer was shot down a few hours later by Yingluck, who is in Chiang Rai on an official visit to oversee bush fires problems. Yingluck told reporters that she wants to ask Suthep whether he is ready to hold talks under the framework of the Constitution or not.

"Moreover is Khun Suthep ready to halt the protests so that the election can proceed according to the principles of democracy?" she asked.


-- The Nation 2014-02-27

Now why are we all not surprised

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So Suthep wants to "talk". but only of subjects HE chooses, with conditions HE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the man can't help but behaving like a little Mussolini.

The same as everytime Yingluck wants to open dialog with Suthep and his lot, its a list of pre-conditions (with the latest being 'end the protests, let the election run *then* we can talk')

So... i put it to you...

So Yingluck wants to "talk". but only of subjects SHE chooses, with conditions SHE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the woman can't help but behaving like a sock puppet mouthing an exciled criminals demands.

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" Yingluck told reporters that she wants to ask Suthep whether he is ready to hold talks under the framework of the Constitution or not.

"Moreover is Khun Suthep ready to halt the protests so that the election can proceed according to the principles of democracy?" she asked."

Suthep has threatened her and her family. Regardless she will not sink to his level, or anywhere near it.

What ever you think of her politics this is a lady with class who with a few words has shot down Suthep leaving him looking like the smuck he is.

I will not talk to anyone threatened my family. Even if he or she apologize.


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So Suthep wants to "talk". but only of subjects HE chooses, with conditions HE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the man can't help but behaving like a little Mussolini.

The same as everytime Yingluck wants to open dialog with Suthep and his lot, its a list of pre-conditions (with the latest being 'end the protests, let the election run *then* we can talk')

So... i put it to you...

So Yingluck wants to "talk". but only of subjects SHE chooses, with conditions SHE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the woman can't help but behaving like a sock puppet mouthing an exciled criminals demands.

Links to Yingluck saying the protest must end before talks can start please?

Ironically though in 2010 the red shirt leadership agreed to meet Suthep and his side kick Abhisit several times before any violence broke out but nothing not even a roadmap could be accepted until all protesters went home, it was "the rule of law" according to MR. S.

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So Suthep wants to "talk". but only of subjects HE chooses, with conditions HE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the man can't help but behaving like a little Mussolini.

The same as everytime Yingluck wants to open dialog with Suthep and his lot, its a list of pre-conditions (with the latest being 'end the protests, let the election run *then* we can talk')

So... i put it to you...

So Yingluck wants to "talk". but only of subjects SHE chooses, with conditions SHE wants, and NOTHING else. Even when pretending to want to talk the woman can't help but behaving like a sock puppet mouthing an exciled criminals demands.

Links to Yingluck saying the protest must end before talks can start please?

Ironically though in 2010 the red shirt leadership agreed to meet Suthep and his side kick Abhisit several times before any violence broke out but nothing not even a roadmap could be accepted until all protesters went home, it was "the rule of law" according to MR. S.

You have a very different recollection ofevents than many.

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