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You know the old saying, "Never lend money to friends or relatives"

You should be oldernough to look after your self, you would have known your situation and plan accordingly, your friends said no because they know you could not give it back. You got yourself into it get out of it yourself.

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In my experience the only thing you can rely on is for people to let you down. There is no such thing as friends these days, just opportunistic people who spend most of their time lying, cheating, scamming and deceiving. Sorry about your situation but you can only rely on yourself and try not to become like the rest. Good luck.

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I've lend money to friends before when they were tight. I've borrowed from them when I had a bad month. Big difference is I KNOW they had a bad month, money will come back. And they can trust me as well that it's short term and surely coming back.

Maybe if you had a plan how to repay. A job in the pipeline a big order from your business that just hasn't been paid yet... your friend might very well help you out. But from what I've read you have no money coming in...no concrete plan on when and how to pay them back. If you were my friend and I had millions I'd probably help you as a gift, but not as a loan as it would impact our friendship if you don't pay me back.

Ps I do not have thousands let alone millions.

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I wouldn't consider them friends and I wouldn't bother talking to them again. But....I wouldn't ask people for a loan either, if I had no way of paying it back. You say you already got help from your family, should you not have used that money to go home and get organized. People can come unstuck for any amount of reasons but surly one has to be responsible enough to at least make sure they do something positive when they are coming to the end of their money but still have enough to go home. What is the point of hanging on in a foreign country until you are hungry and have to borrow to eat.

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Is this a troll post?

Shouldn't you now be concentrating on what you will eat next week,month or year ?

That's why I asked for the loan. I need to pay my rent and eat. Can't believe my friends wouldn't help a few hundred dollars. They make that every day.

What are your prospects and ability to repay? How did you get to this position? If you have employment/income prospects, why are you in the current position?

Perhaps they assessed the situation, and that assessment led them to believe it would be gifting, not lending.

I may sound tough, but I'd never ask a friend for money, not would I lend a friend money....that's just me.

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The reason your friends don't lend you money is friends like my friend, she borrowed 12000B from me while she was in cambodia(she said her atm card wasn't working there so i needed to send the money WU and assured me she's pay it back as soon as she got back and her atm card started working..

she's not thai btw, she's american-was over there on a visa run-at anyrate that was 7 months ago and she still says she 's having trouble financially, yet she still continues to live here.facepalm.gif

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BTW can someone lend me 12,000Baht, my atm card isn't working but I will pay you back as soon as I get it sorted out..

(After postng on this board for sometime, i'm sure there are people here at least as stupid as I am)

just PM me and i'll give you WU details, I also accept Bitcoin.smile.png

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Is this a troll post?

Shouldn't you now be concentrating on what you will eat next week,month or year ?

I sometimes wonder if these types of posts are fictitious and placed to keep traffic numbers up. They often seem to come from new people with only a handful of posts or less, and the topics are things like sin sod, marrying a girl of questionable background, money, etc., but I guess it doesn't really matter if they are real, troll bait, or fictitious as long we enjoy discussing them.

I wonder how old this supposed guy is. If he is somebody in the prime of his earning days, perhaps his "friends" are gently trying to push him into taking responsibility for his life, face the facts, and go home to get a real job. Why hasn't he divulged any of the info? That is what makes me suspicious that this is a fictitious situation. People would usually offer something about what job they had before or the situation in general that put them in financial straits.

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SCAM, SCAM,SCAM,SCAM...........LOOKING FOR FREE MONEY.....Don't fall for this

BULL Sh.t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfollow now.............

Agree. And just like a typical Nigerian scam, all he needs is a couple of incredibly stupid people to fall for it. Amazingly, one or two always does.

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The funny thing here is so many of us well meaning members have been repplying to this scam dill. His constant instant replies means he is sitting on his cell somewhere laughing away. I guess its one way to have a conversation.

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I was in a similar position a few years ago but I didn't tell anybody what my situation was. I didn't ask anybody for money. The only reason I would have gone out to ask for help was if I couldn't afford to feed my pets, because it wasn't their fault I was stuck in that mess.

I didn't have to do that anyway. Instead, I put my head down, found a job and started earning. And my situation was worse because I didn't see it coming for months -- It all happened in a matter of days thanks to an <deleted> of an ex (and I'm a woman, so it's not always about a Thai GF). Why did you wait until the end of February to deal with this? You could have been working and earning money by now.

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There are proverbs on this topic....Lend money to a friend, lose both!

Do you really need a hundred others randoms opinions? Doesn't the proverb say it all?

Unless this isn't about simply lending money, but a post about how true friends should be? And you seeking validation in your way of thinking.....

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I don't mind troll posts much, it's entertaining lol.

Anyway, on the off change that this is not a troll post:

Maybe the OP adopted too much of the 'mai pen rai' attitude here and now he is broke.

I guess he was not one of the subjects of the 'Cheap Charlies' thread also running on here.

He still talks about his friends when it is safe to assume they can be considered ex friends by now.

I understand OP's disappointment and he has every right to be.

However, he keeps wallowing in that disappointment instead of acknowledging and accepting that that route of action is not working

and focusing on different course of action. The OP could follow the advise that others have offered: instead of borrowing money, ask a

friend if you could stay with him in exchange for helping out with chores or whatever. Meanwhile, find some work that at least pays something.

Cancel that THB 30,000 course and get a refund. Use that for food and bare necessities only while staying with your friend.

Use that time you have then to get that online business running again. He did it before, he could do it again.

He should be focusing on that only, and put aside all the other treats that makes him want to stay in LOS.

I don't lend money to people and I don't borrow money from people. Would only do that if I reallyyyyyyyyyyy don't have another choice.

And I would sure feel like a loser.

I was only able to come to Thailand, and remain here, by keeping strict finances.

This for example means turning down invites for drinking sessions with friends, just so that I can have a certain amount

from income saved at the end of the month that I aim for.

It is of course a different situation if people go broke from causes outside of their own doing.

But from reading what the OP wrote, although little, it would appear that this is not so in his case.

Running online businesses successfully for 10 years and then now broke? He made a mistake somewhere.

Anyway, I hope the OP, if not a troll, gets up and takes action, one that does not involve charcoal.

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IsaanUSA, on 28 Feb 2014 - 05:00, said:

It sounds like this thread isn't about money, but rather a vent about friends not behaving as desired.

Sorry man.

A rant... maybe, to me it's a made up story, but assuming it's true, he admits to already "borrowing" from family, surely the alarm bells started ringing, and it was time to pack up and use the money to return home, cold or not, it's better than being destitute in a foreign country.

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I disagree with most posters here, I do belive that if you have real friends then they will help you through thick and thin and would want to help you, of course real friends and drinking buddies are different but life isnt meant to be a cold place where your on your own you.

Sometimes you just need a bit of help to get your back on track and one hopes that family or friends would want to help, i know i would.

Good luck OP hope it works out.

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Also, I think the problem might be that you don't have a plan. You say you need to borrow 10,000 from friends for rent and food, but what are you doing to ensure you'll be able to pay for yourself the following month? Are you looking for a job? Because even if your friends lent you enough to survive March, April is coming right after that.

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It is strange that if anyone was borderline on the bones of their arse in any other country but their own, they would be on the first bus home and not asking friends and strangers for a hand out. But here in Thailand, everyone without a pot to piss doesn't want to go home. It must be something in the water? Or the pussy?

Yes, I guess it's the pussy.... again.

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Also, I think the problem might be that you don't have a plan. You say you need to borrow 10,000 from friends for rent and food, but what are you doing to ensure you'll be able to pay for yourself the following month? Are you looking for a job? Because even if your friends lent you enough to survive March, April is coming right after that.

Oh, the old "you don't have a plan!" excuse. Yeah, I planned my life already when I was 7 years old and every possible random life pathway has already been included in the master plan!

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You shouldn't be putting your friends in the situation where they have to say no to you. You don't need the funds to feed your self or familly- you need it for some 'hair-brained' business idea.....I'd be asking you "if it fails, how can you pay me back"?

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SCAM, SCAM,SCAM,SCAM...........LOOKING FOR FREE MONEY.....Don't fall for this

BULL Sh.t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfollow now.............

Agree. And just like a typical Nigerian scam, all he needs is a couple of incredibly stupid people to fall for it. Amazingly, one or two always does.

More precisely Thai visa members.

I mean this troll would have thought, surely i can manage to drum up some sympathy and a certain amount of donations..

Troll, scam call it what you may.. time to move onto a new subject.

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