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Why do people leave Thailand, why did you ?


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Well, I was never charged for it except through my taxes. HIV can be brought down to manageable levels to enable a normal life. Yes; I just had Pad See Ew Moo for 40 baht. Cancer is cured many times. You don't see Lance Armstrong in a cemetery. I've tested my IQ - its 117. I do have fun - and will really enjoy tonight…smile.png Thanks.

Bragging with a 117?

Cancer can be cured,

The way Michael Milken did it, and the girl from crazysexycancer.com

but not the way Armstrong did it,

he was just lucky

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Just to add in to this:

I left Thailand to give my wife and children opportunities in Australia.

The questions arise about the difference in Education, Healthcare (Medicare), University opportunity, freedom to travel and a number of other things.

We are not economic refugees and plan to return in the next 5 - 10 years, just what's better for the family.

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I left because I was bored after 10 years it became same same every day i've done 300.000klm driving around every part of Thailand and Laos and Cambodia, it all gets tame.

I am sure I will be back again in a few years.

happy to be away from the heat and dirt and thieves and bad drives.

Ten years?

I reached same at 6 months

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No, the usual "Thai-Bashing-post" reads differently. This a "Reality-Check". As suggested above, most problems will resolve itself by acquiring Thai-Citizenship.

This would be like throwing a wolfs-pelt over you in order to live among the wolf's, but soon the wolves will discover that you are not "a real wolf". OR:

- You can hang 3 Thai-Passports around your neck (like other folks hang gold around their necks), but at first sight, you will immediately still be identified as just a Farang.. So, in daily live, nothing will change for the Farang.

Thai Rak Thai and nobody else. Once this simple principle is understood and accepted by Farangs, there stands nothing in the way of having a fairly comfortable life here. Depends how the Farang knows how to play his cards (ATM Card included.) biggrin.png


You're right, even if you have citizenship, it's unlikely you'll ever be seen as Thai but why the hell would you WANT to be?

What advantage would it be to be seen as Thai? Do you think Thais go to Britain, Australia or anywhere else, eventually receive passports and citizenship and suddenly, they become British or Australian?

Moreover, do you think they sit on forums like this bitching about never really being seen as British or Australian?

Ok that may have a lot to do with those countries being multi-cultural but I'm sure every foreigner here realises that Thailand doesn't fit that description. They came here regardless, right?

Frankly I'm sick of fat, old pricks from the West bitching about their lot here.

I mean, is it not enough that they can turn up and adopt a ready-made lifestyle complete with elevated status and higher purchasing power just because they've got a few inches of Western money?

Long may the Thais continue to make us jump through immigration hoops to remain here. Don't our countries make people report?

Long may Thailand continue to deny greedy tossers the right to own a slice of the Kingdom. Given the chance, wouldn't they just drive up land values and squeeze out the locals?

I'm not a ''fat old prick'' i am quite slim..... , and i dont ''Bitch'' that much, i like it here.., beats ''Ecosse'' anytime...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Money was not an issue for me...I became tired of the daily routine...drinking...chasing women...fighting traffic...getting ripped off...being seen as a walking ATM machine...the language barrier...the corruption at every level...being portrayed in the media as moronic villains...immigration...banking...Thai politics...did I miss anything?

I can see this being the reason(s) I would leave... when I go. IT does get old and these people just don't care... and why should they... they seem happy with the status quo.

The reason some people leave is because they come to their senses.

If at the top of you're list are a good climate and weather, genuinely friendly, kind and honest people, then I think you are in the wrong place.

There are a number of other places in the world that beat Thailand hands down in these two areas and also offer a comparatively low cost of living with less hassles to deal with and I'm not talking about another Asian country.

I hear many talk about thailand as "amazing" or "exotic" and I just don't see that here. As I have stated before, it's ok here, but there are some amazing and incredible places back home and the diving, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, mountain biking and motorcycling there is some of the best in the world... and you can get just about any bike made and buy just about any motorcycle. There is a great 911 system and hit and runs are not very common in most cases and paying a govt official to do his job is not required.

The beer is some of the best in the world. The food is good.

The weather can be perfect or you can move around to have year round great weather, go up into the mountains and ski and drive down and bike ride in shorts.

I'm here just traveling around and enjoying life, saving a crap load of money and with no intention of staying here forever... maybe come back to hang out, but a year here and I have not felt settled, have not bought a car, motorcycle or bicycle and that tells me something... not really the place for me to live....

Still have several other places around SEA to hit up and spend time in... not going to waste much more time in LOS... although it will be my base for another year or so.

Hoping to hit up Eastern Europe on my way around the world... and spend a year hanging out.

Yep, there are many other places that beat thailand hands down... I agree and many that are very affordable.

no foreigner should own, or drive a vehicle in thailand,

taxi's are practically free, basis the US $

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Next to the 2 year millionaires, that have to leave eventually, there is an other kind of Farang that will turn their back on the land of smiles. Realizing that:

- I will never be part of Thai-Society (with or without language skills).

- My Thai-Wifes loyalties will remain with "the Family", in the end,I will come in second.

- My ATM Card is basically my only life-support system (what else would there be?)

- Whatever property I buy will never be mine ( big crackdown on dodgy RE deals ongoing and increasing in the near future.)

- My kids (if applicable), will be educated in an learning-environment that resembles the times when queen Victoria was in power.

- The political situation is reduced to a burlesque - show, with more entertainment-value than any TV- soap-opera.

- Once 70 years old, what health coverage will I be getting here, and at what price?

And above all: As an European/US/Aussie-Guy, do you really want to live in a place where dishonesty, fake and meaningless smiles, face-saving-rituals are the rule of daily live and override anything else?

How many Farangs, having worked in Thailand for 10 years, can claim they have gained one single Thai-Males true friendship during this time? (money excluded).

The list is by far not complete. It's just to indicate, that there are a few other good reasons to take the exit, short of running out of money.


I agree with all your points, especially, the loyalty issues,

however, I am a musician, and I have made many decent new friendships with my fellow musicians here, because we speak a common language,

that said,

none of them really speak english, and that is about as far as those friendships will carry, the ability to play and enjoy the creative process,

that said,

my thai girlfriend wants to be pregnant before I leave her, as, she wants a white baby,

that, is how insane this place is,

she knows I am leaving, and wants a white child; no marriage, no sin sot, no family ritual, just a white baby,

if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no.

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I haven't left yet, but will be gone in 19 days. I'm just moving on to greener ( I hope ) pastures in Japan. I've had 8 great years here and I just want to try out a new country for some time. I have a feeling that I will be back in Thailand one day. I hope the political situation calms down by the time I come back. I think that is one reason that is pushing me away. Maybe it is me, but I feel Thailand has changed a lot in the last few years and not for the better. People just seem to be more on edge and too intolerant of others ideas and opinions. But I digress. Overall, Thailand has been very good to me and I hope I can retire here when the time comes to hang up the cleats.


the country that is about to go to war w China, again?

you better bring a geiger counter with you as the entire country of Japan, is about to die

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I find it funny that so many people have mentioned corruption as a reason to move away from Thailand.

15-20 years ago, it was one of the main attractions for people moving here, people p1ssed off with the rules and regulations their own home countries based their societies around.

I can't figure out if it is a short term memory thing or a righteous change in thinking.

If you can't be good, be good at it.....................wink.png

corruption, for most in the west, doesnt interefere in their daily lives,

very few police officers are seeking $100 to let you off the speeding ticket,.

many police pull over girls here, for a chance to screw them, and not that it doesnt happen elsewhere, here it is a sport.

thai police, dont speak english, so, any trouble, its your fault, every time

there is no justice system, this is Dodge with a language barrier,

my girlfriend? will she forget me when I leave, no?

will she go right back to the life she had before she met me?

If she does, it's her choice,

they make few good decisions here, and have few choices to make those decisions on,

I wouldnt want to live here

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I find it funny that so many people have mentioned corruption as a reason to move away from Thailand.

15-20 years ago, it was one of the main attractions for people moving here, people p1ssed off with the rules and regulations their own home countries based their societies around.

I can't figure out if it is a short term memory thing or a righteous change in thinking.

If you can't be good, be good at it.....................wink.png

Can't be for me, since I've only been here for a little over two years...

The Thai society is as filled with rules and regulations and somehow it appears they apply more to farang than to Thais. Luckily (sarc) farang have a convenient way of getting around those rules simply by throwing money to the appropriate police/Customs/immigration officer.

In a larger context, corruption is a major problem for the development and future of Thailand. Exporting agricultural products is all fine and dandy, but if Thailand wants to develop its economy and export industry, it needs to start producing high-quality end products, not commodities. Just because you get a certificate claiming quality doesn't make it so if said certificates can be easily bought. As long as the country has a reputation of being corrupt, no one will believe your assertions that your products are safe or durable. For all you know, the item could be made out of dog hair and nuclear waste, if there's is no truly independent governmental or private body to verify your claims.

Thailand's economy is headed straight for the toilet, and thats a toilet with no paper

Commodities are one thing,

Stolen goods trafficking seems to be the main product here

Nothing is authentic, and the malls are amercianizing at a faster pace than Ronald MacDonald can bend over and say sewadee

KFC and MacDonalds, will assure the declining health of millions

Credit cards will destroy what little people hsve earned

Balloon mortgages have created a false real estate boom,

and Chinese investment will soon dry up,

Thailand is about to experience a deflation they are not prepared for,

think people are demonstrating now?

they still have food,

wait until the freighters stop coming and 7-11 can't restock with the garbage it sells

I actually like it it,

imagine if I didnt

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Life was too comfortable. No challenges and felt like I wasn't moving forward.

That's funny -- those are many of the reasons that I moved to Thailand 10 years ago.

I felt the same way when I left SF, LA, and Miami, but 6 months in BKK, with 6 weeks, (two separate trips) here have shown me that there is a better life in the States, in spite of the encroaching FEMA state

Florida's great although I'm a Central Florida guy -- As I used to say of the Brazilians when I lived there, I now go there to visit my money.

you can't buy a breeze in Ocala during the summer,

it's almost like bkk, in the winter

that said, the air is clean and so is the water,

and the girls,

always interested

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I have been thinking whether to go back home to the UK for a long time. I have a couple of small things I do here when coupled with my talent for the markets and sporadic inheritance payments makes my life very decent. The one thing I cannot find is a decent women and nor will I probably ever, especially seeing that I like isan girls and them only for some reason. This is what makes me worried the most as I really do like the company of a women. I am still in my 20's so I am not worried too much about this problem but it does make me wonder whether I would be better off with someone of my kind for a long term relationship and to grow old with.

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Thailand's economy is headed straight for the toilet, and thats a toilet with no paper

Commodities are one thing,

Stolen goods trafficking seems to be the main product here

Nothing is authentic, and the malls are amercianizing at a faster pace than Ronald MacDonald can bend over and say sewadee

KFC and MacDonalds, will assure the declining health of millions

Credit cards will destroy what little people hsve earned

Balloon mortgages have created a false real estate boom,

and Chinese investment will soon dry up,

Thailand is about to experience a deflation they are not prepared for,

think people are demonstrating now?

they still have food,

wait until the freighters stop coming and 7-11 can't restock with the garbage it sells

I actually like it it,

imagine if I didnt

ridiculous wishful thinking and wet dreams are always quite amusing.

attachicon.gifL-dog vs.jpg

Naam you must be so heavily invested in the Thai economy. Seriously, you seem to think the sun shines out of it's arse. I bet in 96 you were posting the same kind of sarcastic drivel. You seriously have a huge penchant for replying to posts that make negative references to the Thai economy, with sarcastic comments. Read what Oscar Wilde said about sarcasm.

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-i don't consider the roof over my head and a very comfortable home an investment

-and neither do i consider my preference for a couple of very expensive cars an investment.


This, you da man Naam!

Only way buying here can be justified - if you'd be OK with never recouping 1 baht of the sunk cost. Spending that money as an consumer for non-financial reasons.

Maybe you will get it back maybe not, but if the amount you're spending here is important to you, you can't afford the risk and are MUCH better off renting.

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-i don't consider the roof over my head and a very comfortable home an investment

-and neither do i consider my preference for a couple of very expensive cars an investment.


This, you da man Naam!

Only way buying here can be justified - if you'd be OK with never recouping 1 baht of the sunk cost. Spending that money as an consumer for non-financial reasons.

Maybe you will get it back maybe not, but if the amount you're spending here is important to you, you can't afford the risk and are MUCH better off renting.

i fully agree with you that every case has to be judged individually. my case is that i won't be able to recoup a single Satang after they carried me to a crematorium and later send my ashes to my home country. of course that does not apply to the majority of TV-members because they are all in their 20s and 30s and will live not one day less than 102 wink.png

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Fair enough Naam but I have seen you castigate a few valid points and indeed points made by professionals on some pretty influential websites regarding the state of the Thai economy and emerging markets at large. Good to hear you have nothing invested as do I but that would lead me to now believe you are just a cynical old sod wink.png


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

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Fair enough Naam but I have seen you castigate a few valid points and indeed points made by professionals on some pretty influential websites regarding the state of the Thai economy and emerging markets at large. Good to hear you have nothing invested as do I but that would lead me to now believe you are just a cynical old sod wink.png


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

Anyone in finance knows it takes 6 to 18 months for the real effects of economic "changes" to fully hit the economy,

the "taper" began a few months ago,

capital flight out of emerging markets has begun,

3 million cares produced, "big &lt;deleted&gt; deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford.

Thai's are broke and living on credit and the income from foreigners,

Americans have near zero interest in Thailand, unless they are criminals or working in boiler rooms.

I am talking about the financial rape of what was the rising middle class, from high interest credit, and mortgages they do not fully understand,

anyone disputing this, will have to wait 6-12 months, but I already see it, in the heavily discounted merchandise in the malls and that is of actual needed merchandise,

there is so much crap being sold on the streets here, when the capital flight is no longer "hidable" by the lying finance ministry,

see how far Thailand grows

the place is a shithole,

and it is going to get ugly, soon

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Fair enough Naam but I have seen you castigate a few valid points and indeed points made by professionals on some pretty influential websites regarding the state of the Thai economy and emerging markets at large. Good to hear you have nothing invested as do I but that would lead me to now believe you are just a cynical old sod wink.png


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

Your same source disputes your baseless post:

Hidden debt, and non serviceable debt is what is going to cascade on the Thai's


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Baht Advances in Week as Easing Political Concern Spurs Inflows Updated 2 hours, 50 minutes ago


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

Anyone in finance knows it takes 6 to 18 months for the real effects of economic "changes" to fully hit the economy,

the "taper" began a few months ago,

capital flight out of emerging markets has begun,

3 million cares produced, "big fuc_king deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford.

Thai's are broke and living on credit and the income from foreigners,

Americans have near zero interest in Thailand, unless they are criminals or working in boiler rooms.

I am talking about the financial rape of what was the rising middle class, from high interest credit, and mortgages they do not fully understand,

anyone disputing this, will have to wait 6-12 months, but I already see it, in the heavily discounted merchandise in the malls and that is of actual needed merchandise,

there is so much crap being sold on the streets here, when the capital flight is no longer "hidable" by the lying finance ministry,

see how far Thailand grows

the place is a shithole,

and it is going to get ugly, soon

Nonsense as usual. Start with you wrote, "3 million cares produced, "big fuc_king deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford."


One- ton pickup trucks are the local industry’s largest single product category, making up 61% of total automotive output in Thailand,


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Baht Advances in Week as Easing Political Concern Spurs Inflows Updated 2 hours, 50 minutes ago


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

Anyone in finance knows it takes 6 to 18 months for the real effects of economic "changes" to fully hit the economy,

the "taper" began a few months ago,

capital flight out of emerging markets has begun,

3 million cares produced, "big fuc_king deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford.

Thai's are broke and living on credit and the income from foreigners,

Americans have near zero interest in Thailand, unless they are criminals or working in boiler rooms.

I am talking about the financial rape of what was the rising middle class, from high interest credit, and mortgages they do not fully understand,

anyone disputing this, will have to wait 6-12 months, but I already see it, in the heavily discounted merchandise in the malls and that is of actual needed merchandise,

there is so much crap being sold on the streets here, when the capital flight is no longer "hidable" by the lying finance ministry,

see how far Thailand grows

the place is a shithole,

and it is going to get ugly, soon

Nonsense as usual. Start with you wrote, "3 million cares produced, "big fuc_king deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford."


One- ton pickup trucks are the local industry’s largest single product category, making up 61% of total automotive output in Thailand,


bought with 7 year loans,

please, you offer nothing of value to indications of economic activity, other than car sales?

when the Chinese money stops flowing to Thailand, the trucks will sit idle as the workers will have no jobs,

the amount of empty buildings I see here, and unfinished construction, is apparent everywhere,

UNLESS, you are opening a cosmetics store for skin whitening, or teeth straightening,

girls will sell their little sisters here for white skin and straight teeth,

face it, even the papaya is being rejected, and their rice scheme? joke

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Fair enough Naam but I have seen you castigate a few valid points and indeed points made by professionals on some pretty influential websites regarding the state of the Thai economy and emerging markets at large. Good to hear you have nothing invested as do I but that would lead me to now believe you are just a cynical old sod wink.png

my wife talked to you behind my back! this will have consequences! angry.png

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Fair enough Naam but I have seen you castigate a few valid points and indeed points made by professionals on some pretty influential websites regarding the state of the Thai economy and emerging markets at large. Good to hear you have nothing invested as do I but that would lead me to now believe you are just a cynical old sod wink.png


Some post rumors some post facts. The above is news today.

Anyone in finance knows it takes 6 to 18 months for the real effects of economic "changes" to fully hit the economy,

the "taper" began a few months ago,

capital flight out of emerging markets has begun,

3 million cares produced, "big fuc_king deal" most of them are tiny cars, and many for export, particularly Ford.

Thai's are broke and living on credit and the income from foreigners,

Americans have near zero interest in Thailand, unless they are criminals or working in boiler rooms.

I am talking about the financial rape of what was the rising middle class, from high interest credit, and mortgages they do not fully understand,

anyone disputing this, will have to wait 6-12 months, but I already see it, in the heavily discounted merchandise in the malls and that is of actual needed merchandise,

there is so much crap being sold on the streets here, when the capital flight is no longer "hidable" by the lying finance ministry,

see how far Thailand grows

the place is a shithole,

and it is going to get ugly, soon

it's going to be soon eight years since i read, respectively post in Thaivisa. a year earlier i was lucky to buy all required (and some more) Baht for land, construction, cars. since then the Baht has strengthened considerably and since then the lamenting and gloom forecasts (dozens of threads and hundreds of postings) appeared on Thaivisa. they always ended and are still ending


-any time from now

-perhaps a few months

-by the end of this year

synonym to

it takes 6 to 18 months for the real effects of economic "changes" to fully hit the economy

not only "soon" and "any time from now" or "6 to 8 months" but 108 months have passed without any drastic change.

Your honour, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury...

these are the facts. i rest my case.


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This is swings and roundabouts. The taper is a smokescreen. Everyone knows the Fed's in it for the long term.

Whether that's through QE or simply dropping money out of helicopters,

There's a high likelihood it will be postponed or reversed before the end of the year.

There's a good chance that money will be looking for yield in emerging markets again.

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Next to the 2 year millionaires, that have to leave eventually, there is an other kind of Farang that will turn their back on the land of smiles. Realizing that:

- I will never be part of Thai-Society (with or without language skills).

- My Thai-Wifes loyalties will remain with "the Family", in the end,I will come in second.

- My ATM Card is basically my only life-support system (what else would there be?)

- Whatever property I buy will never be mine ( big crackdown on dodgy RE deals ongoing and increasing in the near future.)

- My kids (if applicable), will be educated in an learning-environment that resembles the times when queen Victoria was in power.

- The political situation is reduced to a burlesque - show, with more entertainment-value than any TV- soap-opera.

- Once 70 years old, what health coverage will I be getting here, and at what price?

And above all: As an European/US/Aussie-Guy, do you really want to live in a place where dishonesty, fake and meaningless smiles, face-saving-rituals are the rule of daily live and override anything else?

How many Farangs, having worked in Thailand for 10 years, can claim they have gained one single Thai-Males true friendship during this time? (money excluded).

The list is by far not complete. It's just to indicate, that there are a few other good reasons to take the exit, short of running out of money.


I agree with all your points, especially, the loyalty issues,

however, I am a musician, and I have made many decent new friendships with my fellow musicians here, because we speak a common language,

that said,

none of them really speak english, and that is about as far as those friendships will carry, the ability to play and enjoy the creative process,

that said,

my thai girlfriend wants to be pregnant before I leave her, as, she wants a white baby,

that, is how insane this place is,

she knows I am leaving, and wants a white child; no marriage, no sin sot, no family ritual, just a white baby,

if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no.


@ Scarpolo,

"if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no."


I feel sorry for your future child if you proceed with your plan as per your post.

Edited by watcharacters
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Long may Thailand continue to deny greedy tossers the right to own a slice of the Kingdom. Given the chance, wouldn't they just drive up land values and squeeze out the locals?

yes ,they would ,all the beachfront property would be foreign owned

imagine how much buying power people from other nations have vs thai wages and you can see why the restrictions are in place

wrt to foreigners owning land

what would be wrong woth foreign ownership of beachfront property?

wouldnt that create jobs, and, god forbid, increase prosperity for business owners as travelers have more and better, and cleaner choices?

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Long may Thailand continue to deny greedy tossers the right to own a slice of the Kingdom. Given the chance, wouldn't they just drive up land values and squeeze out the locals?

yes ,they would ,all the beachfront property would be foreign owned

imagine how much buying power people from other nations have vs thai wages and you can see why the restrictions are in place

wrt to foreigners owning land

what would be wrong with foreign ownership of beachfront property?

wouldnt that create jobs, and, god forbid, increase prosperity for business owners as travelers have more and better, and cleaner choices?

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Next to the 2 year millionaires, that have to leave eventually, there is an other kind of Farang that will turn their back on the land of smiles. Realizing that:

- I will never be part of Thai-Society (with or without language skills).

- My Thai-Wifes loyalties will remain with "the Family", in the end,I will come in second.

- My ATM Card is basically my only life-support system (what else would there be?)

- Whatever property I buy will never be mine ( big crackdown on dodgy RE deals ongoing and increasing in the near future.)

- My kids (if applicable), will be educated in an learning-environment that resembles the times when queen Victoria was in power.

- The political situation is reduced to a burlesque - show, with more entertainment-value than any TV- soap-opera.

- Once 70 years old, what health coverage will I be getting here, and at what price?

And above all: As an European/US/Aussie-Guy, do you really want to live in a place where dishonesty, fake and meaningless smiles, face-saving-rituals are the rule of daily live and override anything else?

How many Farangs, having worked in Thailand for 10 years, can claim they have gained one single Thai-Males true friendship during this time? (money excluded).

The list is by far not complete. It's just to indicate, that there are a few other good reasons to take the exit, short of running out of money.


I agree with all your points, especially, the loyalty issues,

however, I am a musician, and I have made many decent new friendships with my fellow musicians here, because we speak a common language,

that said,

none of them really speak english, and that is about as far as those friendships will carry, the ability to play and enjoy the creative process,

that said,

my thai girlfriend wants to be pregnant before I leave her, as, she wants a white baby,

that, is how insane this place is,

she knows I am leaving, and wants a white child; no marriage, no sin sot, no family ritual, just a white baby,

if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no.


@ Scarpolo,

"if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no."


I feel sorry for your future child if you proceed with your plan as per your post.

my current kids are 26 and 23,

to quote George Harrison, I want to be "free from birth"

having another child, is not in the cards for me,

if the girl wants a child, she will get it, from someone,

and raise it on her own,

I have seen countless girls do this in the US, who don't want to deal with a husband, and or a bad father, versus an absent one,

she grew up without a father,

if she thinks that's wise to repeat,

and doesnt take counsel to the contrary, what is the right thing, and who gets to decide?

Edited by Scarpolo
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