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Where can I find proper porridge?


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Bangkok Hilton?? Lol

Leave the guy alone, he's after his "OATS" I'm pretty sure he'll get em anywhere in Thailand, Chang Mai should be no different, maybe the price will be cheaper for your oats in Chang Mai though compared to Bangkok or Pattaya...biggrin.png

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Good luck with this one.

dont worry winnie .... ive got him sorted :)

the answer is my room three or four mornings a week

providing you dont mind sitting with a 64 year old going bald smelly fat brit ... whoes naked :(

just joshin .... dave2

ps ... a small tin quaker oats are about 68 baht in any rimping and get your hotel to cook it :)

pps .... paggai ... no :)



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The best rolled oats for porridge can be found in Rim Ping, Plastic 1 Kg bag from Australia,

100% better than that Quaker oats crap, cannot remember the manufacturer ,but its as

good as Scotts Porridge oats.

I soak it in the pan, covered in milk the night before,quicker to cook in morning.

regards Worgeordie

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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

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So.. this is a thing then for the elderly.. porridge?

Expat life.. Exciting. wink.png

If this gets boring we can do a Hamburger or pizza thread. I see we have a Sunday Brunch one.

How about a hot dog one. Can't say as I remember one of those. I know dukes has them on the menu.

Or how about the best street cart to buy orange juice from. Or Kebob's.

The list is endless I can see some high times coming for Chiang Mai Thai Visa.wink.png

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So.. this is a thing then for the elderly.. porridge?

Expat life.. Exciting. wink.png

If this gets boring we can do a Hamburger or pizza thread. I see we have a Sunday Brunch one.

How about a hot dog one. Can't say as I remember one of those. I know dukes has them on the menu.

Or how about the best street cart to buy orange juice from. Or Kebob's.

The list is endless I can see some high times coming for Chiang Mai Thai Visa.wink.png

It gets exciting when you slice some banana on top and a swirl of condensed milk.

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So.. this is a thing then for the elderly.. porridge?

Expat life.. Exciting. wink.png

If this gets boring we can do a Hamburger or pizza thread. I see we have a Sunday Brunch one.

How about a hot dog one. Can't say as I remember one of those. I know dukes has them on the menu.

Or how about the best street cart to buy orange juice from. Or Kebob's.

The list is endless I can see some high times coming for Chiang Mai Thai Visa.wink.png

It gets exciting when you slice some banana on top and a swirl of condensed milk.

Or a rotie with banana and chocolate on it.

Oh happy days are here again.

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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

Hi Joe, So what do you have for breakfast, now you have moved up the ladder, Beluga caviar and blinnies ?

The Queen of England likes a bowl of porridge ,followed by Kippers,or maybe kidneys,shes old but defiantly

not poor.

regards Worgeordie

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Makro's 1kg Aro branded 82Bt Oatmeal is the best. Cook in Micro or 2 mins on stove.

Aro out-of-stock 2 weeks ago so I bought McGarret(?) brand @ ~82Bt ... terrible taste and texture ... longer cooking time also, will never buy again.

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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

Hi Joe, So what do you have for breakfast, now you have moved up the ladder, Beluga caviar and blinnies ?

The Queen of England likes a bowl of porridge ,followed by Kippers,or maybe kidneys,shes old but defiantly

not poor.

regards Worgeordie

You have breakfast with the queen! I hope no-one tells Phillip.

I'm not really a breakfast person, toast and marmalade and a coffee is usually enough for me. Porridge reminds me of my relatively poor youth, as does semolina, sago and tapioca. A dollop of jam livened them up a bit, but it was always too bland for me and was eaten out of necessity rather than desire.

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i think that chiengmaijoe has just shown himself to be the farang equivalent of a 'wannabe hiso'.

The deliberate misspelling of 'Chiangmai' always was suspicious.

If not liking porridge makes a person hiso, then I'm as hiso as they get. Mind you,I still haven't been to promenade, maya or festival malls so my hiso credentials possibly aren't that high. As for Nimmanhemin....... never been there.

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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

Hi Joe, So what do you have for breakfast, now you have moved up the ladder, Beluga caviar and blinnies ?

The Queen of England likes a bowl of porridge ,followed by Kippers,or maybe kidneys,shes old but defiantly

not poor.

regards Worgeordie

You have breakfast with the queen! I hope no-one tells Phillip.

I'm not really a breakfast person, toast and marmalade and a coffee is usually enough for me. Porridge reminds me of my relatively poor youth, as does semolina, sago and tapioca. A dollop of jam livened them up a bit, but it was always too bland for me and was eaten out of necessity rather than desire.

Semolina , sago and tapioca.......are prison food. Rock bottom in the food world. Porridge can't be included in that list. It's a healthy meal, quick and easy. Best to make it yourself.

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Are there any restaurants or hotels that serve proper porridge?

For Pete's sake this is Thailand mate. Go to Sripoom Rd. And get you some Jok . (Jok Somphet. Open 24 hrs.) Cheap and good.

Really though oatmeal is good stuff and good for you. I like it with brown sugar and raisins, cooked wih water no milk.

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There's that word again.. which means entirely different things to people depending on where they're from.

I interpret it as the kind of "porridge" that Oliver Twist used to eat when he was a wee lad.

The kind that makes you want to say, "please sir I want some more" biggrin.png

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I sun dry (well my wife does) mangoes, apples, bananas, add currants and anything else that takes my fancy. Mix with oats and leave in the fridge in milk or yoghurt overnight.. better than porridge and very healthy.

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I sun dry (well my wife does) mangoes, apples, bananas, add currants and anything else that takes my fancy. Mix with oats and leave in the fridge in milk or yoghurt overnight.. better than porridge and very healthy.

That sounds lovely! When can I come for breakfast?!

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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

Hi Joe, So what do you have for breakfast, now you have moved up the ladder, Beluga caviar and blinnies ?

The Queen of England likes a bowl of porridge ,followed by Kippers,or maybe kidneys,shes old but defiantly

not poor.

regards Worgeordie

You have breakfast with the queen! I hope no-one tells Phillip.

I'm not really a breakfast person, toast and marmalade and a coffee is usually enough for me. Porridge reminds me of my relatively poor youth, as does semolina, sago and tapioca. A dollop of jam livened them up a bit, but it was always too bland for me and was eaten out of necessity rather than desire.

Semolina , sago and tapioca.......are prison food. Rock bottom in the food world. Porridge can't be included in that list. It's a healthy meal, quick and easy. Best to make it yourself.


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I thought porridge was for poor people! I had plenty of it as a kid, but since I moved up the ladder I haven't had it. That and tripe, which is very aptly named, as far as I'm concerned.

They were giving out free packets of seaweed at the CMFc game last week. I thought, if I was swimming and managed to get seaweed in my mouth I'd spit it out, so why are you trying to sell it? The worst thing was it tasted of ......... Seaweed.

Hi Joe, So what do you have for breakfast, now you have moved up the ladder, Beluga caviar and blinnies ?

The Queen of England likes a bowl of porridge ,followed by Kippers,or maybe kidneys,shes old but defiantly

not poor.

regards Worgeordie

You have breakfast with the queen! I hope no-one tells Phillip.

I'm not really a breakfast person, toast and marmalade and a coffee is usually enough for me. Porridge reminds me of my relatively poor youth, as does semolina, sago and tapioca. A dollop of jam livened them up a bit, but it was always too bland for me and was eaten out of necessity rather than desire.

Semolina , sago and tapioca.......are prison food. Rock bottom in the food world. Porridge can't be included in that list. It's a healthy meal, quick and easy. Best to make it yourself.

Porridge is bland , and as a kid the worst thing a parent can say to get you to eat something is "it's good for you". That is usually a way of hiding the fact that it is horrible. As a kid my choices for breakfast were 'eat it or go hungry' so hopefully porridge wasn't on the table when I woke up. If it was, I had to hope we hadn't run out of jam.

As someone already said, the Thai equivalent is Jok.

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Porridge is bland , and as a kid the worst thing a parent can say to get you to eat something is "it's good for you". That is usually a way of hiding the fact that it is horrible. As a kid my choices for breakfast were 'eat it or go hungry' so hopefully porridge wasn't on the table when I woke up. If it was, I had to hope we hadn't run out of jam.

As someone already said, the Thai equivalent is Jok.

I'd forgotten all about that.....brings back memories.

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