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My 6 month conclusions on Thailand (and the women)


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Have a good flight back.

When you come back bring products that are expensive here, health products are best if bought on line and deliver to your usa address.

Yes you will be back here shortly as America like Canada is over taxed, overweight women, more of stuff the Jone's buy.. you will not want.

Keep life simple and your views being away from America you will see in a different light, some good points and more bad points...enjoy your time back home but expect the urge to revisit Thailand will overcome your negative views while here.

Ying and Yang the fine line that separates the white and dark sides...you my friend are now able to move across the circle of life and experience what other only dream of...good luck while in America..expect to hear from you on next posting..Sawadee..

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Some posters should not be so hard on the OP............most of us were still enchanted after only the first 6 months.

What I would like to hear from OP is: how did your, now ex, girlfriend take it when you broke it to her that

she was alright to be your number one and only one, for 6 months, but that you are moving on now?

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You wrote, "I don't even know if there is genuine health coverage here." A young lady who works for my company has a tumor. The company has been paying for what they call social security here and the semi public hospital we use is providing her with chemo therapy for a year to treat the cancer. There have been complications and it has been an extensive process involving blood transfusions and many scans in addition to the chemo. I would say the care was excellent. If you or anyone want any further information Thai Visa has a good health forum. But to answer your question, yes they have genuine health coverage here on many levels from basic to complex depending on your status.

In general your post is silly newby stuff. I think to understand the country and people takes time and the right opportunity such as working for a Thai company and speaking the language.

No Thai language skills is like going to America and trying to understand the people and culture while being a half blind deaf mute being led around by a homey from the ghetto.

From reading your posts I do congratulate you on leaving. I think that is a really good thing. I hope you can find a forum in America to post on.

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I'm on the OP's side mostly. Say 90%. I think he shows remarkable insight for being here a relatively short time. Of course, the dinosaurs ("I've been here eleventy-hundred years and I know EVERYgoddamnTHING!") may quibble, but based on my experience out here in provinces, he's pretty much spot on.

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when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

in Thailand size doesn't matter,but time does,so I have come to the conclusion you to needs I little more experience.

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What do you have in common with a 32 year-old Thai woman? Music taste? Literature? Golf? Greek mythology?

That pretty much goes for a Thai woman of any age. Might as well go for a young, pretty one.

True statement. That's why I question the logic of many young farangs in Thailand, thinking that they somehow have more in common with a Thai woman of the same age. They don't. Language (big one), cultural beliefs, values, etc., are vastly different, regardless of the age. Now if the farang dude can speak Thai fluently, a whole new ballgame.

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What do you have in common with a 32 year-old Thai woman? Music taste? Literature? Golf? Greek mythology?

That pretty much goes for a Thai woman of any age. Might as well go for a young, pretty one.

Again, another ridiculous generalisation. I have a lot in common with my wife, why else would I marry her? Being of similar age we like similar music, not all, but a fair bit, she enjoys reading, as do I, she also hits a pretty mean ball at the golf range.

When you say "Thai woman of any age". Are you talking about the upcountry women who didn't finish school?

This is why foreigners look so stupid to Thais. Because they come over, befriend, hang out with and marry the most undesirable, uneducated women. It's harsh to say it, but these are the women no decent Thai men want to be with and no decent Thai woman with half a brain wants to be around.

No matter how pretty the face, if a man has any sort of brain rolling around in his head, surely he would want to be able to relate, converse and enjoy mutual interests with his GF/wife. I guess its no wonder there are so many guys sitting around on bar stools moaning about Thai women and being bitter. What did you expect choosing a partner on such a shallow basis. This is a huge recipe for unhappiness.

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when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

Fair dinkum.

I was in Brisbane for a day once...... and it was crap. biggrin.png


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"the reason I was able to keep a young girl interested in me, is not because of money, but because, she was number one, and not number two."

This is the exact reason I am with my girlfriend of 7 years . I am 60 she is 35 We met when she was 26. so 29 years difference.

She never asks for money. She has a good job I treat he with respect and love and she is still with me

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What do you have in common with a 32 year-old Thai woman? Music taste? Literature? Golf? Greek mythology?

That pretty much goes for a Thai woman of any age. Might as well go for a young, pretty one.

Again, another ridiculous generalisation. I have a lot in common with my wife, why else would I marry her? Being of similar age we like similar music, not all, but a fair bit, she enjoys reading, as do I, she also hits a pretty mean ball at the golf range.

When you say "Thai woman of any age". Are you talking about the upcountry women who didn't finish school?

This is why foreigners look so stupid to Thais. Because they come over, befriend, hang out with and marry the most undesirable, uneducated women. It's harsh to say it, but these are the women no decent Thai men want to be with and no decent Thai woman with half a brain wants to be around.

No matter how pretty the face, if a man has any sort of brain rolling around in his head, surely he would want to be able to relate, converse and enjoy mutual interests with his GF/wife. I guess its no wonder there are so many guys sitting around on bar stools moaning about Thai women and being bitter. What did you expect choosing a partner on such a shallow basis. This is a huge recipe for unhappiness.

You actually make a lot of really good points. I don't think UG was talking specifically about your situation, but his point could be that the language and culture differences are equally--if not more--important to a healthy relationship than simply age. Granted, we're not talking extreme age, like a 65 yr old with a 19 yr old. A Thai/Thai couple of 45/25 could have more in common than a farang/Thai 25/25. Anyways, I do agree with your point that many farangs end up disproportionately with the undesirables/uneducated, regardless of age.

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What do you have in common with a 32 year-old Thai woman? Music taste? Literature? Golf? Greek mythology?

That pretty much goes for a Thai woman of any age. Might as well go for a young, pretty one.

True statement. That's why I question the logic of many young farangs in Thailand, thinking that they somehow have more in common with a Thai woman of the same age. They don't. Language (big one), cultural beliefs, values, etc., are vastly different, regardless of the age. Now if the farang dude can speak Thai fluently, a whole new ballgame.

I agree that speaking Thai fluently is a big advantage, But I've been here several decades and only know few a Westerners who do. Otherwise, how many Thai women of any age have any real insights into foreign music, literature or Greek mythology? Very, very few.

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when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

Fair dinkum.

I was in Brisbane for a day once...... and it was crap. biggrin.png


yeah well maybe that opinion might stay the same for 30 years according to some I know tongue.png

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"the reason I was able to keep a young girl interested in me, is not because of money, but because, she was number one, and not number two."

This is the exact reason I am with my girlfriend of 7 years . I am 60 she is 35 We met when she was 26. so 29 years difference.

She never asks for money. She has a good job I treat he with respect and love and she is still with me

I don't want to insult anyone, so this is where I leave the thread.

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when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

in Thailand size doesn't matter,but time does,so I have come to the conclusion you to needs I little more experience.

Meatboy 30 years is a long time. If two people came to me to tell me about living in thailand and what is what and you had 30 years experience and the other bloke had 6 months experience then i'm thinking what you have to say is more valuable for me to hear. You would have to be thick not to see that.

Im just saying that all experience is still true for that person up until when they tell it. It is just different experience to learn from.

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Been here about the same time - but not leaving yet...

Immigration by far - IS the greatest problem!

They actually made it More difficult to get in -

sometimes through bad training/ignorance

some times because I did not give them reverence (Not bowing to a clerk!?)

(The times I almost said F* U - Im leaving!!)

some because I did not bribe!?

"Oooooh! you still don't have the right form..." and "Ooooh it's Not translated

but I could pass it through for you.... buuuut it will take meeee many hours Eeextra work............."

Schools are affraid of getting teachers from outside because of the time and Hassle.

And more

Thailand charges more to fly in (airport tax - compare to Philippines)

...charges for everything in triplicate! (Charged to see a Temple -
oh, its not a temple, it was built to make money from tourists - Jeeez!)

"ATTENTION! Welcome to Thailand - please leave your credit card at immigration,
in case you can't pay all our charges, when you leave"

(I do't give up easy! I don't have bad luck. But in Thailand.....)

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Good Post!.....sounds like you had a Great time in Thailand.

Not sure what you're really looking for BUT the immigration thing seems to have bothered you most. Why not go for a "retirement visa" where the hassle is minimal. Renewal once a year (less than an hour at immigration) and 90 day reporting (less than 15 minutes)....at least that has been my experience for the last 10 years. If that is TOO MUCH of a hassle for you to deal with to stay here .....then I agree with benabilina....."have a good flight back".

As for the women and having to take care of their family......this is Thailand and it is actually one of the things I like! In America the "old folks " are disposable and put in "homes" once they are no longer useful....SAD!

I have been lucky in my 10 years here as extended family have not asked much, so when I give to them its because I want to! Many are barely in survival mode and the little I give helps out greatly! I am happy to do it.

re: old people put in homes:

the old people today are the parents of baby boomers, as such, they are no longer; put in homes.

assisted living today is flourishing across the States and, they resemble apt villages;

of course there are still nursing homes, and these are for those who cannot care for themselves or have medical conditions that modern medicine has staved off death; but not infirmity,

this older generation is the best off, so, we are not talking about the same thing here,

I am referring to the family and extended family "expecting" that the youngers take care of them,

even if they have to sell their bodies to do it,

and if you agree with that, then, that's your choice,

I do not.

I do believe that living with an American has taught her how to say no, and I am seeing it begin its effect as the annual pilgrimidge to the north, has already been expressed as too expensive for her to entertain, as she expectes it to cost her 100,000 baht for family, and she isnt getting it from me, which only means one thing;

she either sells her body some more for her family, or she cuts her trip short.

I already heard her tell her mother, it is going to be much shorter than part trips,

and her friend just came home from the north to bkk, and told her it cost her 40,000 Baht, and she felt raped.

It has begun,

She has been altered by living with me, and I knew and expected it,

Her mother was encouraging her to get pregnant from me, and the only reason she gave, was so, someone would take care of her when she was older,

no thought to their not being a father for the child,

all she thought of was indentured servitutude for the offsrping,

the reponse was, there was no guarantee that a child would do that in the next generation and she is right

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Good Post!.....sounds like you had a Great time in Thailand.

Not sure what you're really looking for BUT the immigration thing seems to have bothered you most. Why not go for a "retirement visa" where the hassle is minimal. Renewal once a year (less than an hour at immigration) and 90 day reporting (less than 15 minutes)....at least that has been my experience for the last 10 years. If that is TOO MUCH of a hassle for you to deal with to stay here .....then I agree with benabilina....."have a good flight back".

As for the women and having to take care of their family......this is Thailand and it is actually one of the things I like! In America the "old folks " are disposable and put in "homes" once they are no longer useful....SAD!

I have been lucky in my 10 years here as extended family have not asked much, so when I give to them its because I want to! Many are barely in survival mode and the little I give helps out greatly! I am happy to do it.

Not interested in the retirement visa due to IRS reporting requirements and disclosures.

One of the reasons to leave the States is the oncoming Obamacare tax role which applies penalties for filers

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Good Post!.....sounds like you had a Great time in Thailand.

Not sure what you're really looking for BUT the immigration thing seems to have bothered you most. Why not go for a "retirement visa" where the hassle is minimal. Renewal once a year (less than an hour at immigration) and 90 day reporting (less than 15 minutes)....at least that has been my experience for the last 10 years. If that is TOO MUCH of a hassle for you to deal with to stay here .....then I agree with benabilina....."have a good flight back".

As for the women and having to take care of their family......this is Thailand and it is actually one of the things I like! In America the "old folks " are disposable and put in "homes" once they are no longer useful....SAD!

I have been lucky in my 10 years here as extended family have not asked much, so when I give to them its because I want to! Many are barely in survival mode and the little I give helps out greatly! I am happy to do it.

re: old people put in homes:

the old people today are the parents of baby boomers, as such, they are no longer; put in homes.

assisted living today is flourishing across the States and, they resemble apt villages;

of course there are still nursing homes, and these are for those who cannot care for themselves or have medical conditions that modern medicine has staved off death; but not infirmity,

this older generation is the best off, so, we are not talking about the same thing here,

I am referring to the family and extended family "expecting" that the youngers take care of them,

even if they have to sell their bodies to do it,

and if you agree with that, then, that's your choice,

I do not.

I do believe that living with an American has taught her how to say no, and I am seeing it begin its effect as the annual pilgrimidge to the north, has already been expressed as too expensive for her to entertain, as she expectes it to cost her 100,000 baht for family, and she isnt getting it from me, which only means one thing;

she either sells her body some more for her family, or she cuts her trip short.

I already heard her tell her mother, it is going to be much shorter than part trips,

and her friend just came home from the north to bkk, and told her it cost her 40,000 Baht, and she felt raped.

It has begun,

She has been altered by living with me, and I knew and expected it,

Her mother was encouraging her to get pregnant from me, and the only reason she gave, was so, someone would take care of her when she was older,

no thought to their not being a father for the child,

all she thought of was indentured servitutude for the offsrping,

the reponse was, there was no guarantee that a child would do that in the next generation and she is right

Baby boomers are approaching 70. Their parents would be approaching 100.

  • Number of nursing homes: 16,100
  • Number of beds: 1.7 million
  • Occupancy rate: 86 percent

The "Young Old" 65-74.”The first wave of aging Baby Boomers who will reach full retirement age in 2011. For the next 20 years, 74 million Boomers will retire.“

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54 yeas old and u think a young girl went anywhere near you for any other reason but money? Lol

First, she was not a 'young girl' (being in her 30s) unless you have a very strange way of understanding those words. Second, history is full of examples of Older/Younger, even Ugly/Beautiful relationships. All you do when you make that kind of statement is repeat an old prejudice, and one which doesn't apply in Asia in general anyway. Personally, i'm a pensioner babe-magnet ! ;-)

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