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They're BaaAACK - the fake music police.

Ulysses G.

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I just ate at a small restaurant that got really hard by the fake music police the last time that they were around a year or so ago. They were all freaked out because these con artists had just come by tonight and started threatening them once again. They said that when they started taking photos of them they backed down, but anyone who has dealt with them before that it is not easy to get rid of them. Maybe Pym of Citylife can publicize this, so that the powers that be will crack down on these crooks again and get them to leave town.

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It is very very apparent by now that the genuine licencing/copyright representatives are NOT interested in chasing lawsuits against small shop owners, restaurants and the like......around the world.

They are more prone to targeting big events, singalike lookalikes, internet broadcasts and professional performers stealing songs.

as I said before, a complaint would need to be made and received from the real authorities before anyone should need to act.

I am no longer phased by this or any crew any more and they will get nothing from me other than to tell them to keep their voices down.

And I recall last feb....the irony was they got nothing but we charges them a few hundred baht for their stooge who came for a massage.

Thanks for the heads up, a pity most owners don't have access to TV and so always oblivious to what's going on.

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I said it on another thread, download royalty-free music and it doesn't matter *how* official they are.

If it's Copyright-free they have no claim and no rights.



Who wants to listen to royalty free music? If a bar or restaurant is playing music it is because they are playing music that they think the customers will know and like. Generally speaking, customers are not going to enjoy music they've never heard before unless it is just background music.

Getting the music right can make a big difference to a bar, a fact that most don't seem to appreciate.

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No worse than most of the crap they play in bars and restaurants thinking that the customer likes the same sh** they do.

And you can't get busted for playing it.

You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

The only people hassling bars about music licences are scammers so the simple option is to keep playing whatever music you want and tell the scammers to <deleted> off. The other option, of a licence for a few thousand baht, has also been mentioned in previous threads.

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In countries with effective legal system, a business purchases a legitimate licence or subscribes to internet music service.

One would only defy the music licensing agencies at the risk of swift and crushing legal penalty.

Where they need only to deploy lawyers with letters of demand, music licensing executive management would never dare resort to tactics where they would face personal prosecution for extortion and racketeering, or would they? Corporations don’t always worry about using extrajudicial tactics to achieve their objectives in second or third countries where they do not fear legal accountability. Take the extreme example of Royal Dutch Shell, who were using Nigerian military units for security at petroleum operations in the Ogoniland region. In a certain famous case peaceful environmental protestors were detained and later executed by “special military tribunal”. Although Royal Dutch Shell denied any responsibility in the case they did end up paying millions in out-of-court settlements years later.

Though not likeIy I wonder if there is not a small degree of of actual involvement in these operations. Not facing such accountability, in Chiang Mai, it is not totally inconceivable Western licensing agencies would not ally with shady foreign intermediaries to recover a fraction of the huge losses they experience from the unlicensed exhibition of copyrighted material overseas.

Just a thought.

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No worse than most of the crap they play in bars and restaurants thinking that the customer likes the same sh** they do.

And you can't get busted for playing it.

You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

There is plenty of contemporary copyright-free music out there because artists are no longer restricted to being picked by the record companies.

Many of them stick good music out for free to get themselves promoted.

I would suggest you maybe have a listen before you start spouting off.

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No worse than most of the crap they play in bars and restaurants thinking that the customer likes the same sh** they do.

And you can't get busted for playing it.

You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

There is plenty of contemporary copyright-free music out there because artists are no longer restricted to being picked by the record companies.

Many of them stick good music out for free to get themselves promoted.

I would suggest you maybe have a listen before you start spouting off.

And you obviously dont know what your talking about and have never met these Music Police scammers because if you had you would know it DONT MATTER what music you are playing they will intimidate the staff and start taking ipods computers etc and even arrest staff members and lock them up in the police station until the fine is paid

Many people are intimidated by them and that is why the pay like what has been said before take pictures start calling the REAL POLICE and let them know you know what their game is.

If indeed they are back then its the publicity that got them arrested last time so pictures and video is order of the day.

If fake police can kidnap and lock up people at the real police station, then what good would it do to call the real police, if they're already in on it? Very scary.

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When this was widely publicized by Citylife last time, the police cracked down on the scammers and they left town. Before that, the main police station let them set up a desk in the lobby where people were brought and intimidated. Letting the public know what is going on is the key to getting rid of these criminals.

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When this was widely publicized by Citylife last time, the police cracked down on the scammers and they left town. Before that, the main police station let them set up a desk in the lobby where people were brought and intimidated. Letting the public know what is going on is the key to getting rid of these criminals.

Wow that is just amazing isn't it?

That the cops would let them set up a desk in the main station is pretty bold.

Agree letting the public know is probably the best way to rid CM of these criminals.

Too bad they didn't also rid CM of those that allowed that desk too.

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The fact that the cops take a back seat....ie when you call them they arrive and Do Not take control as they would in a traffic accident reinforces the fact that they are not in on it but turn a blind eye.

You would expect police to take the lead in law matters, they don't in this case.

They never threatened me, never asked me to pay the scammers and I think acting with some confidence and being falang the police were maybe fearful of their own dishonesty being exposed.

In the end it was of course.

A few days on.....no further reports of incidents?

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No worse than most of the crap they play in bars and restaurants thinking that the customer likes the same sh** they do.

And you can't get busted for playing it.

You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

There is plenty of contemporary copyright-free music out there because artists are no longer restricted to being picked by the record companies.

Many of them stick good music out for free to get themselves promoted.

I would suggest you maybe have a listen before you start spouting off.

And you obviously dont know what your talking about and have never met these Music Police scammers because if you had you would know it DONT MATTER what music you are playing they will intimidate the staff and start taking ipods computers etc and even arrest staff members and lock them up in the police station until the fine is paid

Many people are intimidated by them and that is why the pay like what has been said before take pictures start calling the REAL POLICE and let them know you know what their game is.

If indeed they are back then its the publicity that got them arrested last time so pictures and video is order of the day.

No-one has tried this particular legal route, so you have no idea what the response would be.

Well done on stating the imaginary though.

What happens if you already have the appropriate license by the way?

Do you know anyone who has one and who has had a visit from the scammers?

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What happens if you already have the appropriate license by the way?

There is no appropriate license. They just make something up that the victim does not have a license for. I know at least 4 businesses that I frequent that have had to pay a lot of money. One of my favorite restaurants went out of business and a lot of the credit goes to these grifters who shook her down twice and she could not pay her bills. She did not have music on the second time, but they "examined" her computer and "found" some porno that had not been there before. bah.gif

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I said it on another thread, download royalty-free music and it doesn't matter *how* official they are.

If it's Copyright-free they have no claim and no rights.



Who wants to listen to royalty free music? If a bar or restaurant is playing music it is because they are playing music that they think the customers will know and like. Generally speaking, customers are not going to enjoy music they've never heard before unless it is just background music.

Getting the music right can make a big difference to a bar, a fact that most don't seem to appreciate.

Some people do, bar, restaurant, whatever. The choice of music is really the choice of the owner of the facility. I had two Thai restaurants in Melbourne and we played genuine Thai country music in both. The music tapes were bought from some innocuous market somewhere in Thailand. A few days after we opened we had calls from the genuine music royalty 'police' who demanded we pay a monthly fee. When I challenged them to tell me who was going to benefit from the fees collected they couldn't tell me. The musicians on the tapes were not identifiable by anyone I knew or them and when or where the tapes were made. We didn't have to pay any fees. We chose the music to give the restaurant a sense of Thai culture and many customers said they enjoyed it. Perhaps some didn't but they really enjoyed the food.

If you want to listen to modern music to fit the surroundings and identifiable by the music cops go ahead but expect to pay more for the enjoyment of it.coffee1.gif

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You sound like your dad...... " that's not music, it's just a noise". Playing copyright-free music in a bar is just not an option . It appeals to no one.

There is plenty of contemporary copyright-free music out there because artists are no longer restricted to being picked by the record companies.

Many of them stick good music out for free to get themselves promoted.

I would suggest you maybe have a listen before you start spouting off.

And you obviously dont know what your talking about and have never met these Music Police scammers because if you had you would know it DONT MATTER what music you are playing they will intimidate the staff and start taking ipods computers etc and even arrest staff members and lock them up in the police station until the fine is paid

Many people are intimidated by them and that is why the pay like what has been said before take pictures start calling the REAL POLICE and let them know you know what their game is.

If indeed they are back then its the publicity that got them arrested last time so pictures and video is order of the day.

No-one has tried this particular legal route, so you have no idea what the response would be.

Well done on stating the imaginary though.

What happens if you already have the appropriate license by the way?

Do you know anyone who has one and who has had a visit from the scammers?

Yes they have tried it and it worked a mate of mine had a bar near where the old spicey was and he was hit by the scammers he resisted and then called the REAL POLICE and all it took was handing the phone over to the scammer and next minute they picked up and left so it does work if you get the right cop.

And as for Licenses LOL they have hit up people who have the fake license ONLY TO BE TOLD ITS NOT THE RIGHT ONE so they have to pay.

They are scammers period and rely mostly on threats and intimidation, dont let them take anything or touch anything take pictures, video and send to citylife and the police post on youtube and make it public, this is how they were defeated last time.

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What happens if you already have the appropriate license by the way?

There is no appropriate license. They just make something up that the victim does not have a license for. I know at least 4 businesses that I frequent that have had to pay a lot of money. One of my favorite restaurants went out of business and a lot of the credit goes to these grifters who shook her down twice and she could not pay her bills. She did not have music on the second time, but they "examined" her computer and "found" some porno that had not been there before. bah.gif

" A “collecting management organization” known as MPC Music Co (www.mpcmusic.co.th. Tel 02 641 52113) is solely responsible for collecting royalties for international music in Thailand."

Note No. 3.



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And as for Licenses LOL they have hit up people who have the fake license ONLY TO BE TOLD ITS NOT THE RIGHT ONE so they have to pay.

Some dumb people really just bring these things upon themselves by not doing their homework.

If you wish to go the legal route, this is the only company that collects revenue for (I think 800,000) international artists.

The application form can be downloaded here:


If you choose to not go the legal route, som num na.

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Posting on (Thai) Facebook (in Thai) will help with this. Today's Thai societal pressure is very much moving in this direction.

CM108 & Pantip would be good places to post as well.

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