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Voting fraud by MP helped kill loan bill

Lite Beer

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Like him or not- this time it looks he hit the nail on the head when Thaksin said: that Pheu Thai Party lacks "professionals" and “the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard".

And what the heck should we think is going on in parliament when we read this:

“a person alleged to be an MP of the ruling party stretching his arm to press the bottom...”

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.


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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

With all your reading, how have you managed not to notice that most of the anti-government posters do not support Suthep himself, but simply support the anti government establishments effort to stop and expose the PTP

Too true.

Now that Suthep has utterly failed and been ring-fenced in Lumpini Park there has been a great many jumping off the wagon.

(It seems the only real protestors that remain are the PDRC guards who have been ripping off the local prostitutes).

The support has swung behind the push for a judicial coup.

It too will fail and the anti-government forces will be in search of a new "wagon".

There is a reason why the entire international community does not support the methods of the movement to remove the government of Thailand.

Those inside Thailand that support the overthrow refuse to see the facts as they are - they are blind to the flaws of the cause they support.

They are forced to remain in denial and defend the indefensible in order to continue on with their illigitimate actions.

So irrespective of whichever faction of the "yellow" side an individual supports - denial of the flaws within is required as there so much that is wrong and so little that is right within the movement.

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Once again the Thaksinistas are caught in electoral fraud when they already had the votes to win the vote without cheating.

These numbskulls just can't help themselves.

All they seem to know is cheating and deception and never seem to learn from the past when they were caught out, eg. TRT.

It could be that it's in the Shinawat DNA as whether it's politics, business, education, whatever they just can't seem to help themselves. It may not even be their fault but been passed down the family since they were Chinese and now there is nothing that can be done about it short of aversion therapy or tying their hands together.

And in time they might even name a compulsive cheating disorder disease after them......Shinawat Syndrome perhaps?... and one day a philanthropic Shin will emerge and devote some of their vast fortune to finding a cure.wai2.gif

Something worthwhile for the family to be remembered for at last.

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From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

With all your reading, how have you managed not to notice that most of the anti-government posters do not support Suthep himself, but simply support the anti government establishments effort to stop and expose the PTP

Apparently bob thinks that our "ilk" must support Suthep because we are anti-government. If he had indeed been reading posts by anti-government posters like myself he would know that was not the case. But why let the truth get in the way of a good story.

The only reason prbkk and his "ilk" find it easier to accept the government's flaws is because there are so darn many of them ! clap2.gif


The floor has really fallen out under Suthep.

Rooster one day - feather duster the next.

Sondhi better clear some shelf space - looks like he's got a new room mate heading his way.

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If Yingluck had any brains she would be firing these cheating bar stewards.

Instead she moans about legal action.

Take the lead, show some leadership, do something other than shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If not then at least shut up about legal action - you asked for it

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"Vorachai Hema, Pheu Thai's former MP for Samut Prakan, defended these actions by saying no MP could possibly sit in the House for 24 hours non-stop."

Is it possible to be more retarded, lazy and corrupt, all rolled together into a P!ss Poor Party?! And they had a majority in the House!

In the UK, every party has a Whip, one of whose jobs is to ensure MPs turn up for important votes. I know it sounds a bit BDSM but I've never seen a Thai party Whip! giggle.gif

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

Shouldn't that read - for prbkk as our side. Don't be another closet red, don't hide behind the girlies.

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What I am really wondering, given this one man multiple votes type of democracy, who is briefing her?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

With all your reading, how have you managed not to notice that most of the anti-government posters do not support Suthep himself, but simply support the anti government establishments effort to stop and expose the PTP

Thanks you saved me a lot of typing.

I wonder if he will accept his flaws or keep 'quiet' about it?

Edited by kimamey
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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

Shouldn't that read - for prbkk as our side. Don't be another closet red, don't hide behind the girlies.

It could do yes.

I do think there appears a much greater degree of intellect and balance on the prbkk side.

In this debate, one side is extremely illogical and fanatical the other pragmatic and rational.

I'm not sure if prbkk stands for Pragmatic Rational Bangkok - but the shoe certainly fits.

I intended to be an impartial participant but the line dividing right from wrong in this instance is just to bold and clear.

I choose to be on the right side of history.

No closet required, sign me up.

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Nothing more than the Courts have found a pretext to deny a PTP project. Thats is there job! biggrin.png

Go Team Yellow!

The Courts, The Army. the Dems, The English Media, and The Elite/Royals, are a tough group to deal with.

Nothing more than they've been caught cheating again.

If they are so popular and have a majority why do they need to do this?

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Even after all these multiple infractions have been duly recorded over a period of months, Pheu Thai still manages to defend the practice. It's little wonder that Pheu Thai is in the predicament it's in, being surrounded by legal challenges right and left. They simply don't recognize any infractions of the law whatsoever. And if this happened on multiple occasions, why aren't those bills similarly nullified ? Pheu Thai have absolutely no concept of what a parliament is all about.

They know. This is Thai politics. It is how Thai politics is played.

What gets me is some of the diplomats, who represent countries, are so poor at understanding Thai politics. Maybe they don't care, but any diplomat who thinks these days they can slide into Thailand for 3+ years and slide out onto another easy posting is mistaken. These days it takes more.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The lack of punishment, yet again, is a prime example of why Suthep is on the streets, why democracy is doomed in Thailand , why corruption rules the roost and why in so many ways the country is a box of frogs

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

But thailand has all the things you mentioned.

Democracy = votes only

Corruption= money and laying blame on others so as not to lose face and if caught red handed means running without being chased.

Lack of punishment= Thailand has punishment everywhere. Pay money or threaten people if you cant buy them. This is taught in their basic education system.

But don't just blame Sutheps freedom on these things. It is the reason all the Dems and PTP are walking the streets either here or in Dubai.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

One of the most disheartening things you mentioned is that there are a lot of Farongs who agree with Democracy meaning being able to vote.

To them every thing else is OK. Sell your vote that is your democratic rite lie to your constituents that is democracy in action for them. rob the country blind that is also OK with them it is Democracy in action.sad.png

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Shouldn't that read - for prbkk as our side. Don't be another closet red, don't hide behind the girlies.

I think it should read - "I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for me as my side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's."

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

Sounds like something prbkk would post ! whistling.gif

... or, Man of Reason. Where is he ? rolleyes.gif

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The lack of punishment, yet again, is a prime example of why Suthep is on the streets, why democracy is doomed in Thailand , why corruption rules the roost and why in so many ways the country is a box of frogs

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you honestly believe that if Suthep was locked up all the corruption and graft carried out by the PTP would suddenly disappear ? It's a lovely thought but keep dreaming.

And for once can you guys defend the despicable actions of the government without mentioning Suthep, Abhisit or the "elites" ???

I would like to hear them defend Chalerm for not cutting his head off.

The best idea he has had since being in office and he couldn't even follow up on it.

They are like watching an are gang comedy. Their defense is well 20 years ago Suthep did this.

Even dumber is when he was in office why didn't he clean up the corruption. They over look the fact he was not the Prime Minister and the government was a minority one so the Democrats did not have a free hand. The PTP did why did they not clean it up rather than increase it. Simple Answer Thaksin did not tell them to. He just showed them how to get more money into the trough.

Besides it is illegal to cut the heads off of corrupt politicians. that would stop them. Any other way and they just find a way to weasel themselves back into the trough. Check their actions in 2010 and you will see how they got back into the trough.

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What is the US Ambassador saying about this type of democracy?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like prbkk and others of their ilk on here, this type of action is ok apparently in democratic redland...their silence speaks volumes.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

From what I have read of prbkk (and his ilk) they would not support these actions.

The biggest difference that I have noticed between the supporters of each side on these forums is the willingness of only the prbkk side to accept the flaws of those that they support whilst the Suthepsta's seem to think they are on the side of angels.

Blind fools if ever there were.

I guess accepting the flaws is an easier proposition for prbkk as his side only has about 1 or 2 for every 100 by the Suthepsta's.

Sounds like something prbkk would post ! whistling.gif

... or, Man of Reason. Where is he ? rolleyes.gif

Prbkk and I disagree often.

Suthep and his supporters have been saying that democracy doesn't begin and end at the ballot box. This issue of one man multiple votes was brought up during the censor debate by the Democrats. This is before the US Ambassador openly supported the PTP's style of democracy. This is not democracy and I just don't see how diplomats from democratic countries can openly support this.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Once again the Thaksinistas are caught in electoral fraud when they already had the votes to win the vote without cheating.

These numbskulls just can't help themselves.

All they seem to know is cheating and deception and never seem to learn from the past when they were caught out, eg. TRT.

It's the same 'shoot-yourself-in-the-foot- attitude of an Isaan bargirl.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Perhaps they thought they were in New Zealand? (Allowed with rules)

Or pre-1995 US Congress?

Or maybe the Council of Ministers of the EU? (Though that is more weighted voting)

Anyway - it's against the law here, and the MP's involved should have been reminded of this by the party and the rules enforced stringently.

A sad state of affairs when a minister has to be reminded that he has to cast his own vote. Speaks well to the intelligence of the ministers involved and willing to do it or just sit by and watch it. It is not a nice thing to say but some times I wonder if they are not allowed into the PTP unless they rank lower than average in intelligence.

Is there a penalty for doing it. Or is it one of those if you are a PTP it is OK if not you will be crucified and people will be pointing there finger at you 20 years later.

When the PTP and their coalition parties have 300 seats (out of 500 seats) in parliament and they can't be bothered to muster the votes without committing voting fraud it is a true reflection of their contempt in the only principle of democracy they purport to respect and just plain lazy or stupid. No wonder this is the only principle of democracy they adhere too. They can manipulate it!!!

Repspect my vote??? In the words of a pattaya ladyboy "Respect my ass"!!!!

Hello everyone where is or are all those red democracy supporters defending THIS as the TRUE democracy. If you think voting for others is democracy - oh my god I want to stop the world and get off!

Democracy my rear end! (I have to be careful as I got banned for speaking the truth and calling someone an idiot...)

You won't find too many "red democracy supporters" on this topic, they are like hyenas looking for easy pickings. Fabio and friends are probably trolling other topics where it is easier to attack Suthep, Abhisit, yellow shirts, hi-sos, elites etc.

Any thing accept defend the illegal actions of a good looking women. Makes one wonder some time which head they are thinking with. I mean when your defense is in 1998 so and so did this well you can see there is no gray matter involved in those kind of defenses.

It has been said the best defense is a good offence. Maybe they should try that for a change. Again this would involve a head with gray matter in it.

If I was to change sides here the first thing I would do is tell you of all the accomplishments they have made. Of course when the Prime Minister breaks out crying and says we just want to help it kind of washes away those accomplishments. Well they did manage to keep Bangkok from completely flooding by flooding other provinces and they managed to get curtsey of Thaksin on Government relief goodies for the flood victims.

Just some thing in the back of my head saying that was not right. The people they saved in Bangkok choose to live in a flood area. The people who they flooded out did not choose to live in a flood area. That was Yingluck's idea. O excuse me I forgot that was when she was saying she was clueless give her 6 months. I guess that makes it all right. NOT

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