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Staying at the in laws in Phrae at Songkran - hold me


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What's wrong with you guys?? What do you think marriage is all about? Family? How bad can it be to show some respect to your wife's family? So you "reduce" your standard of living for a couple of days. You seem to forget that this is where she IS FROM, this is where she grew up, those are the people that brought her up to be the woman you decided to marry!!!

How would you feel if she snubbed your family? If she refused to eat with them? refused to visit them??

You THINK that your way of life is an upgrade for her - well, you are WRONG! It's definitely a change, a different way of life, but rest assure most Thais don't hate their heritage, they feel good going back home and stay with their families, at the old house with what YOU consider "sub-standard" toilets. Try for once viewing it without judgement. Look at it as DIFFERENT, not INFERIOR. It will make your life easier to bear.

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Thumb sucking mummy's boy needs to be dumped up country for much longer.

5555 a classic,,I knew he was from England and the way he was carrying on I presumed he was from the Home Counties, a southern, softie, shandy drinker, but it turns out he's from Manchester. I knew a Yorkshireman couldn't be so dainty.
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Each one of us is entitled to express our comfort expectations. Years ago in Blighty, I stopped my mother in law from popping in unannounced for Sunday tea, invariably when friends were visiting. It made me and my friends feel awkward. It had to stop. Wifey understood....eventually. My house, my family, my choice. Then I became an expat..no longer a problem.

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Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.

Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.

I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

A wimp you say, I would be caught dead before going to a toilet like that, am I a wimp because I like to spend my quality time alone in the bathroom, sitting down, contemplating world problems and organising my daily schedule?

Of course I would use a device like that if I didn't have any other choice but it is my nightmare too when I travel.

I'm very happy to be a wimp if that's what qualifying me to be one.

Edited by KamalaRider
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I been there.. You are not going to be having problems. It is a beautiful area if you get out of the town. Just go 10 kilometers outside town...as if you were going back to Loei.... Nice bunch of cottages with cable, aircon, hot water, wifi and a store just across from the outdoor furniture outlets. Has some big statues in front of a horse and a few others. You will be comfortable. It was about 400 baht. Don't be a silly bird and stay as you described.

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Hell, pinkpanther, you are bound and determined to keep this troll thread staggering along from pillar to post (you know, as you keep adding these little folklore morsels that you "forgot to add)

Ever think of this ??

People who are too smart to get themselves into these nightmares are smart enough to know that pride of ownership here is utter folly. So they do NOT buy real estate on which they will have little or no leverage. Too smart for that.

They do not nail their right foot to the floor (ie they NEVER "invest" in a business scheme brought to them by an uneducated farm girl or her family . . . . . this, no matter how fervent the, um, lurve or promise of lurve.

Guys who can't say "no" are too POOR already to buy real estate advertised here

Many guys posting here have already LOST their pile to a any of the above so while they are still stoopid enough to want to buy one of these tropical palaces they can't.

The guys who snipe and laugh at trolls like you do so because they bluddy well CAN

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.

Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.

I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

A wimp you say, I would be caught dead before going to a toilet like that, am I a wimp because I like to spend my quality time alone in the bathroom, sitting down, contemplating world problems and organising my daily schedule?

Of course I would use a device like that if I didn't have any other choice but it is my nightmare too when I travel.

I'm very happy to be a wimp if that's what qualifying me to be one.

Ah good. Quality of many of the posts appearing here, certainly that good old stuck-on-themselves "brevity is the soul of wit" and "pot/kettle" and "by your own argument" crowd of semantics mavens . . . . . the (cough) quality of THEIR posts is fully explained.


"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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bannork, on 16 Apr 2014 - 08:15, said:bannork, on 16 Apr 2014 - 08:15, said:

Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.

Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.

I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

Edited by Rorri
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Thumb sucking mummy's boy needs to be dumped up country for much longer.

5555 a classic,,I knew he was from England and the way he was carrying on I presumed he was from the Home Counties, a southern, softie, shandy drinker, but it turns out he's from Manchester. I knew a Yorkshireman couldn't be so dainty.

As apposed to these ahem, fine folk.

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Hell, pinkpanther, you are bound and determined to keep this troll thread staggering along from pillar to post (you know, as you keep adding these little folklore morsels that you "forgot to add)

Ever think of this ??

People who are too smart to get themselves into these nightmares are smart enough to know that pride of ownership here is utter folly. So they do NOT buy real estate on which they will have little or no leverage. Too smart for that.

They do not nail their right foot to the floor (ie they NEVER "invest" in a business scheme brought to them by an uneducated farm girl or her family . . . . . this, no matter how fervent the, um, lurve or promise of lurve.

Guys who can't say "no" are too POOR already to buy real estate advertised here

Many guys posting here have already LOST their pile to a any of the above so while they are still stoopid enough to want to buy one of these tropical palaces they can't.

The guys who snipe and laugh at trolls like you do so because they bluddy well CAN

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

A troll?

Why is it that if a post isn't about 7/11 stamps or finding 400k for a retirement visa is branded a troll?

And what are you going on about buying real estate and investing in business? What the hell has that got to do with anything about me staying at my inlaws?

Why bother posting inane nonsensical ramblings?

You need to take a step back from the computer screen mate.

Edited by pinkpanther99
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Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.

Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.

I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

A wimp you say, I would be caught dead before going to a toilet like that, am I a wimp because I like to spend my quality time alone in the bathroom, sitting down, contemplating world problems and organising my daily schedule?

Of course I would use a device like that if I didn't have any other choice but it is my nightmare too when I travel.

I'm very happy to be a wimp if that's what qualifying me to be one.

Kamalarider, it's admirable you spend the time in the morning contemplating the world's problems whilst seated on the throne, but even kings need at times to see how the peasants live and adopt a more crouching manner as it were.

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I am sure your wife has done many sacrifices for you . I think by going there will make up for her sacrifices . And she will enjoyed showing you off. Enjoy it and put on a smile , by the time you read this it would be over . Was it that hard .. Alot of us have to go through this as well. My in laws dont even talk , you pull up to their house and the father does not even say hello. and yet when it is time to get some money he says thankyou . But he is my wife's father and I have to show some respect , not alot but some for her.In laws are either good or not so good.


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I been living for short periods of time in my wife's house way out in the sticks some 60 km from SiSaket.

No AC off-course but I found that if you have a floor fan next to the bed it isn't too bad actually and I can sleep but the house hold animals wake up at first light and the damned village chief are having pep talks though his loud hailer speakers at 0600 each morning, he-he, so try to go early to bed.

Wow. Sounds just like our village in the middle of the mountains in central Lamphun province. thumbsup.gif

Luxury. You get more sleep than I do.

The dogs start their chorus about 04:30 - 05:00 followed by the roosters.

Then first light with loud music from various neighbours until the monks appear.

Once they are safely back in the Wat more loud music again till 07:00 when the village speakers start up just to make sure everyone is awake and off to work.

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Seem's as though many TV members are fairly clueless about life and living conditions in rural Thailand.Over 70% of Thai people live in far worse conditions than the OP describe. Isaan bathing all year round, (dak naam) no A.C. mozzie net Iv'e lived in rural Mahasarakarm this way for over 20 yrs. keuy chin laew. jd

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Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.
Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.
I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

What a rubbish post. Get a life man, ever heard of of rheumatoid ??? Replaced total Knees, aged people
Also he does not need a fat b........d like you probably are giving your bull shit advice.
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Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.
Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.
I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

What a rubbish post. Get a life man, ever heard of of rheumatoid ??? Replaced total Knees, aged people
Also he does not need a fat b........d like you probably are giving your bull shit advice.

555, bull shit is good fertiliser but pig manure is better in my opinion, it really inspires my mango trees to branch out.
Lighten up man, just some friendly banter on a humid day.No need to get hot and bothered.
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Many posters seem a bit crazy... Like they are some how hard or better than the OP because they can suck it up and "stay in an Isan house"

Of course anyone can do the same if they want to... But some folks would just prefer to stay in a nice comfortable hotel room with A/C and western toilet... That doesn't make them bad or weak or insensitive ...

I spent many a night while in the army sleeping on the cold , wet ground with nothing more than a poncho cover... So living in an Isan house is not going to give me any night mares... But that doesn't mean that I would not prefer a nice hotel room.

There is a difference

Between being 'Hard' and being Stupid...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Why do I feel so many of you are simply weak people. Stand up fools. First, suffer a day or 2 then say - i am going back to where ever, I cannot stand being here, sorry. Then leave with or without your wife - no problem. so understands. Second, do what i did - I added a room onto their house for me - nice bed, A/C, TV, cable, etc. Expensive option but i can do it. Third - I found a hotel about 20 klms away. I stayed there before i built the room. Sometimes i would stay there all day and the heck with going to a place that was torture and no one to talk to. I would hire a 'massage' for 2 hours at a time then walk around for exercise and 'whatever'. A lot of internet usage and lots of massages. my wife seldom came back to the hotel with me there. Good to be free for a day or so.

They once invited me to supper. Ok, but all i want is rice and vegs. that was ok. Then I invited them to an A/C restaurant. they did not want to go. that is even better - my wife and i went.

So if you're such a man about it, why go in the first place?

I went to Isaan with my missus once about 6 years ago, I told her that I would never go back again and I haven't, no problem.

Some real fools knocking around these forums, how many of your 'marriages' are real anyway. And the mother in law jokes really don't work when your wife is Thai, nodoby in the village gives a monkeys about you, including the 'in-laws.

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Let me sum it up:

If you don't like hanging out with the in-laws in their village, then don't go.

I you enjoy hanging out wth the in-laws in their village, then go.

If you have never hung out with the in-laws in the village, at least try it once before forming an opinion. Once you have an opinion, stand by it.

If your neutral, some times you go and some times you don't.

Always be willing to send the Tii Rak even if you don't plan to accompany her.

Easy breezy! :)

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Amazingly, I have been all over Northern Thailand, and believe me, there is an abundant supply of decent hotel rooms.

A foolish thing is to go someplace where you have choices, and not make yourself comfortable.

You will find they will respect you more by choosing to stay at a hotel, and not sleeping on the floor or in a makeshift bed.

This is too late, but you may consider looking on the below site for the next trip.


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I just came back from a few days in the village. I quite enjoy these stints. Reminds me of camping or the little cottages we stayed at in my youth. Part of the appeal back then was the simplicity and the hardship but also being out in nature. I like how quiet the country can be. And it's great to see a sky full of stars (none of that light pollution of the big city). Sleeping on a mattress on the floor is no big deal, as is no A/C. And I'm happy with Isaan food (this is ant egg salad season - good stuff). The only thing I can't stand are the damned roosters crowing early in the morning.... wanted to fry all those buggers up.

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I just came back from a few days in the village. I quite enjoy these stints. Reminds me of camping or the little cottages we stayed at in my youth. Part of the appeal back then was the simplicity and the hardship but also being out in nature. I like how quiet the country can be. And it's great to see a sky full of stars (none of that light pollution of the big city). Sleeping on a mattress on the floor is no big deal, as is no A/C. And I'm happy with Isaan food (this is ant egg salad season - good stuff). The only thing I can't stand are the damned roosters crowing early in the morning.... wanted to fry all those buggers up.

That's the joy of having a house 500 metres from the nearest neighbour- no roosters.

The sky at night is truly fantastic at this cloudless time of the year, 180 degrees of stars, so clear in this light.And full moon, I can only use an expression from my youth -'far out'.

In Bangkok I'm never sure if I'm looking at the moon or the lit up sign on top of the roof of Thai Farmers Bank!

There was one drag though at night, and in the day too-mosquitoes.

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I just came back from a few days in the village. I quite enjoy these stints. Reminds me of camping or the little cottages we stayed at in my youth. Part of the appeal back then was the simplicity and the hardship but also being out in nature. I like how quiet the country can be. And it's great to see a sky full of stars (none of that light pollution of the big city). Sleeping on a mattress on the floor is no big deal, as is no A/C. And I'm happy with Isaan food (this is ant egg salad season - good stuff). The only thing I can't stand are the damned roosters crowing early in the morning.... wanted to fry all those buggers up.

I am sure for enough money to replace them they would gladly have been fried, grilled boiled or however else you wanted them.

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Thanks for the responses guys.

Of course I could just say to the Mrs that I'm not going, plain and simple. However, whilst I really don't want to go, I'm trying to think of it from her point of view. Let's say the roles were reversed and she was in the UK at Christmas time, for example. I don't think I'd feel too great if she refused to visit my family during the Christmas period.


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I been living for short periods of time in my wife's house way out in the sticks some 60 km from SiSaket.

No AC off-course but I found that if you have a floor fan next to the bed it isn't too bad actually and I can sleep but the house hold animals wake up at first light and the damned village chief are having pep talks though his loud hailer speakers at 0600 each morning, he-he, so try to go early to bed.

You were lucky!

In my wife's village, the monks start chanting ( shared via loudspeakers with everyone ) about 5 am.

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Why do I feel so many of you are simply weak people. Stand up fools. First, suffer a day or 2 then say - i am going back to where ever, I cannot stand being here, sorry. Then leave with or without your wife - no problem. so understands. Second, do what i did - I added a room onto their house for me - nice bed, A/C, TV, cable, etc. Expensive option but i can do it. Third - I found a hotel about 20 klms away. I stayed there before i built the room. Sometimes i would stay there all day and the heck with going to a place that was torture and no one to talk to. I would hire a 'massage' for 2 hours at a time then walk around for exercise and 'whatever'. A lot of internet usage and lots of massages. my wife seldom came back to the hotel with me there. Good to be free for a day or so.

They once invited me to supper. Ok, but all i want is rice and vegs. that was ok. Then I invited them to an A/C restaurant. they did not want to go. that is even better - my wife and i went.

Funny post, you say weak people and stand up fools!! You went to a hotel before your own room was build with AC and cable TV so you are the dude that is weak.

Only things I bought for the house up North was a fridge and a big floor fan before I could fell fairly comfortable.

One have to try to fit in and show some respect, the people in the village is very hard working and modest, only very few had pick-up trucks and the ones I saw was about 20 year old.

Roughing it up for less than a week is good for everybody and gives you more perspective in life in general.

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