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Is there a cooling off period with contracts


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A good educated westernised to some extent but more to the point a person with commonsense which your one simply does not have. From what I see here you are living with a disease and the disease is in the form of a leach which has no compassion or care factor for you, money or anything at all. yes okay if she earns 100,000 thb per week, yes per week now year month the that is totally appropriate. considering she earns nothing you are no more than a fool and if you have not woken up after reading our advice then I have no more for people like you. Sorry I'm not god 27 years old lived here 7 now but surely you have a handle on girls yes? by the looks of it you have a long way to go Sir.

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It's gone mate how the hell did she get 20,000 of your money in the first place I really wish people would wake up and smell the coffee beans and relalise that they are there as the ATM machine and when the funds dry up the GF buys you a shirt with the words " NO MONEY NO HONEY " if she can do that to you what will be the next thing get rid my friend it will all end up in tears

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20k is only £400, which is not a vast amount. Though I wouldn't walk about with that much in my pocket.

I'm sure she will learn her lesson......they all do right? (Women in general not just Thai women)

Think your living in cuckoo land my friend !!!!

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I suggest that you take a creative approach to this scenario, so that you girlfriend will not fall for such scammers/salesmen again.

One way would be to find one of these salespersons and get her (better if it a her) to teach your girlfriend the tricks of the trade so that she will know how to deal with them. If you cannot find such a person, perhaps get your girlfriend to take some assertiveness training or put her on a training course for selling so that she can see through the bullshit and manipulation.

While getting angry is a completely understandable response by you, it does not help the situation at all. Instead, finding a way for your girlfriend to avoid the "politeness trap" that is often used by these snake oil salesmen/women to get people to buy their rubbish for ripoff prices.

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It's gone mate how the hell did she get 20,000 of your money in the first place I really wish people would wake up and smell the coffee beans and relalise that they are there as the ATM machine and when the funds dry up the GF buys you a shirt with the words " NO MONEY NO HONEY " if she can do that to you what will be the next thing get rid my friend it will all end up in tears

No honey more money :)

20k, better donate it to monks, homeless people .... and force her into a real job, start sharing costs, if she still with you, go on.

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There should be a cooling off period with Thai Visa posts.

Jeeze, the number of seemingly very embittered and unwarranted posts in this thread does make me wonder what happened to all these guys. It's a pity they all fire off before even reading the subsequent posts, and not even knowing the poor girl, who is probably not very happy at the moment anyway.

1. The money was HER money in HER bank account.

2. The OP was a little upset because she spent in on some nonsense due to a high pressure salesperson. I can understand why he flew of the handle.

My advice is to get the girl to ring up the salesperson and say that she had made a mistake and would like to cancel the contract. And if that doesn't work, go to the next level.

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Steve,....your money is gone !!! if you have already paid....from my experiences here. Cool off period is the time between opening your wallet and taking out the money....sadly.

if you alrfeady haven't paid don't do it! as she does not have the money they will be S.O.L.!

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Thanks to all who resonded............. ok money gone lesson learned.

To answer the question from Neversure, she had a credit card to her account I give her a certain amount of money each month and it came out of that. Ok it's her money to do with what she wants but I was still angry about it.

If its her money as you state and it keeps her happy let it fly. Otherwise, test her loyalty out and cut back on the payments...
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Time to dump her. No respect. Would she have done this if the money was hers? I doubt it. I find there are a certain number of girls who do the 'Farang Test'. You'll pass as another Farang sucker if you don't kick her out. If you let this go, she'll take you for everything you've got. Kick her out. She doesn't care about you.

Edited by EASYDOGG
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Dump her. No respect. Would she have spend 20,000 of her money? Would she have spent 200 of her money? Probably not. I find there are a certain number of girls who do the 'Farang Test'. You'll pass as another Farang sucker if you don't kick her out. If you let this go, she'll take you for everything you've got. Kick her out. She doesn't care about you.


What a load of bullshit based on an untrue premise.

Read post number 6 before pulling trigger with gun pointing at own foot.

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Buyer beware!

One of the lovely things about Thailand is that you need to behave like an adult here, and take responsibility for your actions.

No "cooling off", "refund", none of that. No Big Brother to "protect" you.

Love it.

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I don't know how long you've been together Steve but this is normal Thai behavior. They want something, get it "sold" to them, so they buy it. Whether they (or you) can afford it or not is immaterial. They won't want to loose face and say "no thanks" as we would.

You gave her the mechanism to spend - so she will and won't understand why you're angry.

Also, I'm pretty sure if you look at the credit card sales slip it will have the words "non refundable" on it. Your gf certainly won't want to try and cancel it as she'll loose face if anyone finds out.

Good luck mate.

Exactly. Well said. Time for the Farang to grow up I reckon.

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bought a beauty/health spa treatment course for 20,000 baht

If that was her money, so what? Or she robbed it from you or expects you to pay for it?

Consider the money lost if paid already or maybe she gets good treatment from the SPA? I've known Thais that paid half a million for a lengthy treatment period.

Having a fight like this over money is rather bad sign for the future of you two. Patience and listening and sound advice/agreement much better. Or is she your property that can't decide on anything?

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yep my ex-missus, bought a "Kirby" vaccum cleaner. (remember them) behind my back, dam expensive, but i could creosote the fence with it. and nearely bought us a timeshare, for the "special" discount , all she had to do was purshase some kitchen units, needeless to say the kitchen company went bust over night and also her money went with it, Ahh, happy memories NOT !!

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"I'm trying to work out who's the daftest here. Steve or the girlfriend".--Tanlic

My vote goes to Steve............w00t.gif

Not for losing the money---but for being stupid enough to Post about it on here............................The home of sympathetic listeners


The masochist said beat me Beat me........ & the Sadist said.........no

Edited by oxo1947
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As you probably expected, you got a lot of shallow answers making assumptions (that say more about the writer than anything else) and sweeping generalisations about you, your girlfriend, and you relationship that are not warranted by your question. But that's the nature of the forum.

My experience of Thailand is that cash rules - contracts, or what is 'right and wrong' mean very little if someone has the cash, then it's all over red rover unless you are particularly disposed to get nasty, in which case you have to think about where it could end as this could lead to a war of escalation ... because your big brother may threaten to take the salesperson to the woodshed, but the response could be the salesperson's uncle kindly offers to demonstrate what occurs when a person 'trips and falls in front of a concrete mixer'.

I have had to walk away from much larger amounts even though I was completely and without doubt entitled to a refund - with written contracts in place in three cases. In one when I did escalate through contacts I was kindly updated with the cost in Tai baht of a 9mm parabellum round, and given the message that if I persisted I would be treated to a free trip back to my home country - one way, in the cargo hold. That's the unfortunate reality.

So your girlfriend caved in to the pressure of a sales pitch, and because (perhaps for the first time in her life) she didn't have to even go to the bank to get the money but it was right there in her pocket - and it was, in reflection, not a great decision. Buyers' remorse. How many times have I done that - that damn Audi being a good case in point. I was a slow learner.

The question is will this be a learning experience for her and a positive issue in your relationship? Will the fact that this decision means other things now can't be purchased because of this mistake and the consequences of a poor decision make her more cautious in future? Is this a 20k baht cost to you, or a 20k investment in your relationship that will produce a positive return in time? Only you can answer that.

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It's not much money in the scheme of things, Thai women ( and boys) are totally bombarded with adverts for beauty products and treatments

Just think you are treating your loved one to a bit of pampering- there is no way back.

I just spent 60,000 on four days in Udon- flights, hotels, parties etc- do I worry-NO - my other half and family had a good time.

Just be supportive- money can cause so much problems - you can't take it with you- just enjoy

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Thanks to all who resonded............. ok money gone lesson learned.

To answer the question from Neversure, she had a credit card to her account I give her a certain amount of money each month and it came out of that. Ok it's her money to do with what she wants but I was still angry about it.

If it was her money, then she's the one who has learned the lesson. Just make sure she really learns it! No 'supplementary' money when she finds herself short on cash. You've essentially loaned her 20 grand that she will 'pay back' over time (i.e. The monthly allowance you would normally have given her instead goes toward paying down the $600 credit card bill).

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