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Thinking of moving back to Thailand for good? Could use some opinions.


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OP, I must have missed the part about how you plan to support yourself in Thailand ? Sponging off your mother at 30 - regardless of which country we are talking - just isnt cool IMO.

surely you have seen this chap before,

these are the same "men?" who go on to sponge off fat and ugly girls,

the one's with kids, the one's with rich parents that no one else wil take

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Whatever problems you have in the states you will have here.

College at 30? The women will be all over you.

No they won't. The typical female undergrad will be 18-21. She will have nothing in common with a 30 year old farang freshman living off his mum. If he was a dashing doctoral or post doc fellow and was financially independent, then yes, there might be interest. Desirable Thai university girls can have their pick of a large pool of handsome, financially secure Thai university students.

I am speaking from personal experience. Not in Thailand, true, but it's a wonder I managed to get through the three years that I was there (age 26). And I was poverty stricken.

Is it possible, that you were attractive? I don't know you, but I'd be willing to wager that you were not obnoxious and didn't beat up your girlfriends.

I'd also be willing to wager that you weren't a mommy's boy. Those are factors to take into consideration. You most likely had something called a personality. wink.png

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ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, she did take a few swings at me ovee the years; including one last one, where I smiled, and stated plainly in her face;

"congratulations, you have turned into me, now I can leave you,"

In the past, I just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~ NEVER DO YOU STRIKE A FEMALE WITH ANYTHING but the sight of your ass as you walk out the door; unless your mother trained you this way?

you didnt mention your father?

this is a bad scenario to come to Thailand with, have you ever seen the inside of a Thai jail?

People, people people,

if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

Edited by Scarpolo
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Man I swear everyone on here a counselor!!! Lol.

I mention one thing about an abusive relationship and every TV user is all of a sudden an angel who lives perfect lives. Please...

Fearing for "all" the women in Thailand like I'm Godzilla and will come and beat every woman I come in contact with lol. NO. That's not what I do.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I think you should stay in the US. You're obviously mentally and emotionally unstable. We've got more than enough here already.

Out of curiosity who is "We" ?.....unless your a Thai citizen, as it appears the OP might be, one suspects he has more right to be "here" than you have..whistling.gif

Lol exactly. Typical foreigner response. The same types I seen in Bangkok, they stay there a few months and think they own the block they stay on and choose to act like some higher power to the less experienced foreigners.

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ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

It's hard. It's bad, but I love her. I feel that maybe time will heal things and we can grow for the better.

We've spent 5 years together no breaks, so that would be like losing a body part or half of me. I've walked out numerous times but she has always talked me back in to coming home. Unless you have experienced this, it's not something that's easy to do.

My love, pride, fear, income holds me back from moving on.

I will feel like trash being almost 30 and sleeping on my moms couch again.

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ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, he did take a few swings at me, I usually just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~~

if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

Lol. You guys should write movie scripts for porn, with all the plots you all throw out there.

I'm heading for a "kitchen knife ending" lol. Please...

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Dont do it. You will regret it later if you stay long enough. Take it from soneone who has been here for 16 years.

Malaysia is a better place to go.

I'll never step foot in Malaysia after what there people (and influenced people) have done to mine in the south of Thailand.

Plus my plane might never arrive.

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ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, he did take a few swings at me, I usually just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~~

if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

Lol. You guys should write movie scripts for porn, with all the plots you all throw out there.

I'm heading for a "kitchen knife ending" lol. Please...

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Dude, if you are the OP,

you have already publicly stated that you hit women,

I have seen some pretty tough guys here in Thailand, and I doubt they hit their women

and I have seen the police deal with female bar keeps, and seen one or more sound off on the police,

you, won't see the daylight for a very long time, and you will pray you stayed and got help,

while you become someone's female, in jail

make that, many peoples female

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Lol...most posters are telling the OP to stay in US.

I agree though OP. No use in running away from your problems....they will follow you.

Either mentally or physically, i.e. your mental abusive girlfriend will follow you here.

What is your job over there OP? Probably not something you can do in Thailand.

Which means you will not find a satisfying job here, or not find a job at all.

You will then resort to teaching here, like many, which is just a means to remain here in Thailand, not really to LIVE here.

Unless your mother is rich, which she is not, otherwise you would not be scraping by with a "dead-end" job now.

OP if you want to settle here, first finish things with your girlfriend there.

Then, like others have posted, get a degree in US, something that you can use here to get a good job.

Then come over here.

She is not rich. But we have land. She owns a house and a business out in Thailand to keep the ball rolling. She lives modestly.

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ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, he did take a few swings at me, I usually just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~~

if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

Lol. You guys should write movie scripts for porn, with all the plots you all throw out there.

I'm heading for a "kitchen knife ending" lol. Please...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Dude, if you are the OP,

you have already publicly stated that you hit women,

I have seen some pretty tough guys here in Thailand, and I doubt they hit their women

and I have seen the police deal with female bar keeps, and seen one or more sound off on the police,

you, won't see the daylight for a very long time, and you will pray you stayed and got help,

while you become someone's female, in jail

make that, many peoples female

There we go again...

Throwing another "story" out about how I will be in jail.

Look. This is the only abusive relationship I've been in, in my 29 years of life. Alright.

I don't walk around with my chest out knocking out the first girl who turns me down.

I get physical when my back is against the wall.

When I try to leave the house to cool off and she won't let me leave, and is pushing me back inside, tearing my shirt off me, screaming, crying yelling, pulling, ripping my car keys out of my hands. Yanking my phone out of my hands. Crying, screaming all while I'm trying to just get out, or calm her down and get to the route of the problem. There no stop until, It goes to another level...

I haven't been to jail once in my life, what makes your think I will go in Thailand?

I haven't been nobody's bitch in my life, what makes you think I will in Thailand? You know about that life?

You been to thai jail? Or where you watching too much locked up abroad?

Quit talking out your ass like your a saint.

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Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

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All I know is whatever issues you're facing in the US are going to be changed / amplified here.

Or it depends I guess. Do you look Thai, and speak / read / write fluent Thai? If so, then it might be alright for you. However, if you look more like a white guy, and speak only minimal Thai, then as I said, your problems will probably only be amplified. Get your house in order first, then come out.

In other words, where's "home" for you? Does Thailand feel like home? If so, then come on down! Otherwise, probably best to get your affairs sorted out first before coming over. Being in a bad position in a place you consider "home" is one thing, but being in a bad position in a foreign country on the other side of the world is a totally different thing.

Lol you drunk? First you say don't come down unless in fluent in Thai.

But then come down if I look like in Thai?

Here... I'm half Thai, and speak some Thai. Does that qualify me to come to the country my mom was born in?

Listen I've lived this Thai life both in the city and in the village.

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You have a real problem with abuse. I would guess you come from an abusive family and you need to seek help for this problem. You will never get any help here in Thailand so I would suggest you go to an anger management group that is a good idea or see a therapist . I understand what you are saying but you will not truly be free until you deal with this problem. and it is a Real problem

Good luck and you can find solutions to this problem. This is also holding you back from getting better jobs as well

I DONT have a problem with abuse.

I have a problem with people who feel it's ok to talk down to me, make me feel worthless, and prevent me from leaving my own house to cool down physically.

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Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oooha boyo, I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for you, but using other peoples' failings to excuse your own doesn't sound right.

Ok, so go to Thailand, beat up women, and all that stuff. I have never seen a policeman in our village (apart from our friendly immigration officer) but rest assured that justice prevails. People get banned, don't get work, disappear. They don't go to jail, true.

On reflection, I guess you need to grow up

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Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oooha boyo, I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for you, but using other peoples' failings to excuse your own doesn't sound right.

Ok, so go to Thailand, beat up women, and all that stuff. I have never seen a policeman in our village (apart from our friendly immigration officer) but rest assured that justice prevails. People get banned, don't get work, disappear. They don't go to jail, true.

On reflection, I guess you need to grow up

Now I'm using other peoples failings to stick up for my own?... Another idiot talking out his ass.

You all are telling me I will end up in jail.

"If you sneeze at a women your going to be someone's bitch in jail" bla bla bla.

Bet none of you even when to thai jail. So don't talk about something you don't know about.

I've been detained in Thailand, did I get thrown in jail with the wolfs... Nope. They where told a story and we gave them our side of it and we where released.

So all you folks QUIT TALKING OUT YOUR BUTT CHEEKS. Thanks. ;)

I will go to Thailand and beat "other women".

Why cause I'm in ONE really bad situation here at home? In 29 years.

You folks are quick to judge.

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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

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Man Clings to Life After Being Attacked in Bar Fight

By Erin Sherbert Fri., Mar. 21 2014 at 9:39 AM

sfpd11-thumb-204x247-thumb-300x363-thumb Bar fight in Japantown A 25-year-old man is in critical condition this morning after he was attacked by a group of guys outside a bar in the city's Japantown neighborhood.

Police were called out to the scene on the 1700 block of Post Street at about 1:45 a.m. today where they found the victim with a massive head injury.


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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

8K? Better than no K.

Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

8K? Better than no K.

Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


you said "Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail."

What is your personal opinion about these men?

What if it was your mother, or your sister, what would be your reaction?

just askin

you had a shot with this TV crowd,

you circled the drain faster than this one guy who let a bar girl make a copy of his house key, never complained when there was missing baht, and came here and cried and cried about how, "if only he had given her that 2,000 baht raise"

and then, voila, one night, as he sat alone at home,

his apt. door magically opened, and there was a thief at his door,

and he let her in,

and, if I recalled him right, "she even let him finish"

frankly, I think he is dead ,but idk

please reveal your innermost to my questions

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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

8K? Better than no K.

Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oh sut yot, luk kreung mai rue ruang.

Mai gern ayout 55, mai chai samong ai kwai, khun la krap?

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Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oooha boyo, I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for you, but using other peoples' failings to excuse your own doesn't sound right.

Ok, so go to Thailand, beat up women, and all that stuff. I have never seen a policeman in our village (apart from our friendly immigration officer) but rest assured that justice prevails. People get banned, don't get work, disappear. They don't go to jail, true.

On reflection, I guess you need to grow up

Now I'm using other peoples failings to stick up for my own?... Another idiot talking out his ass.

You all are telling me I will end up in jail.

"If you sneeze at a women your going to be someone's bitch in jail" bla bla bla.

Bet none of you even when to thai jail. So don't talk about something you don't know about.

I've been detained in Thailand, did I get thrown in jail with the wolfs... Nope. They where told a story and we gave them our side of it and we where released.

So all you folks QUIT TALKING OUT YOUR BUTT CHEEKS. Thanks. wink.png

I will go to Thailand and beat "other women".

Why cause I'm in ONE really bad situation here at home? In 29 years.

You folks are quick to judge.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Well, deary me, sorry I offended even though I did try to avoid offence. I think I indicated that I had been slow to judge but had come to a conclusion, that is now confirmed by this post. You are desperately trying to get out of an unpleasant situation and are expecting to get a solution here. I certainly didn't say that you would go to jail, I tried to indicate that there is an underground justice system that will be applied here if you carry on in the same way as your ranting and raving suggests that you will.

My friend, you really make a strange impression, you are now blaming us for your problems, some people have answered a bit aggressively but maybe they feel a bit aggressed by your postings.

By the way, I don't have 'butt cheeks'. I have an <deleted> but never mind.

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I left Thailand and brought my family back to America a year ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Don't care if I never see that crap hole again

Would you be willing to share more data with the crowd, as, I too just returned, albeit lone, but I did leave a good cohabitation situation behind, and since I just got to Ca this week, and have much to do before I can even seriously consider going back,

why you feel this way?

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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

8K? Better than no K.

Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


you said "Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail."

What is your personal opinion about these men?

What if it was your mother, or your sister, what would be your reaction?

just askin

you had a shot with this TV crowd,

you circled the drain faster than this one guy who let a bar girl make a copy of his house key, never complained when there was missing baht, and came here and cried and cried about how, "if only he had given her that 2,000 baht raise"

and then, voila, one night, as he sat alone at home,

his apt. door magically opened, and there was a thief at his door,

and he let her in,

and, if I recalled him right, "she even let him finish"

frankly, I think he is dead ,but idk

please reveal your innermost to my questions

Damn your all up in my business.

But as for your questions.

The men in Thailand are like the men anywhere in the world. We all have our problems. Jobs are scares. Lots of alcohol consumption. If the women choose to stay, then they will stay and work it out. If not good for them.

But I don't judge the Thai men as a whole because a few have hit there lady.

I have seen my mom get hit and gasoline poured on her, I walked up to her Thai boyfriend that was in a drunken blur that did it ready to swing, but my newly Thai wife pulled me away... Like I said, it was heated, they had some food, talked about it and got over it, me.. I was mad for weeks until I got over it, but he had access to a shotgun as I had no access to guns.

I did threaten him with the same gun months later and shot it off in the air, his brother called police on me and I almost got arrested by plain clothed officers but my moms side of the family talked them out of it.

He is dead now from a motet cycle accident so I get karma has it's ways of showing. But he wasn't a bad man just a troubled one and an alcoholic

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

What qualifications do you actually have?

Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

8K? Better than no K.

Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


you said "Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail."

What is your personal opinion about these men?

What if it was your mother, or your sister, what would be your reaction?

just askin

you had a shot with this TV crowd,

you circled the drain faster than this one guy who let a bar girl make a copy of his house key, never complained when there was missing baht, and came here and cried and cried about how, "if only he had given her that 2,000 baht raise"

and then, voila, one night, as he sat alone at home,

his apt. door magically opened, and there was a thief at his door,

and he let her in,

and, if I recalled him right, "she even let him finish"

frankly, I think he is dead ,but idk

please reveal your innermost to my questions

<deleted> your all up in my business.

But as for your questions.

The men in Thailand are like the men anywhere in the world. We all have our problems. Jobs are scares. Lots of alcohol consumption. If the women choose to stay, then they will stay and work it out. If not good for them.

But I don't judge the Thai men as a whole because a few have hit there lady.

I have seen my mom get hit and gasoline poured on her, I walked up to her Thai boyfriend that was in a drunken blur that did it ready to swing, but my newly Thai wife pulled me away... Like I said, it was heated, they had some food, talked about it and got over it, me.. I was mad for weeks until I got over it, but he had access to a shotgun as I had no access to guns.

I did threaten him with the same gun months later and shot it off in the air, his brother called police on me and I almost got arrested by plain clothed officers but my moms side of the family talked them out of it.

He is dead now from a motet cycle accident so I get karma has it's ways of showing. But he wasn't a bad man just a troubled one and an alcoholic

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That is quite a bit of violence young man.

Do you think this is indicative of soceity at large?

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Threads like this just leave me even more worried for those I have to leave behind there.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think in more poorer places this will happen more (physical abuse), more stress, more alcohol consumption, more problems altogether.

BUT. Compared to Bangkok the village I lived in even though very poor, there is a lot more love, everyone knows everyone, and always check and want to know what or where your going. If there is a dispute, 80% chance the neighbors will come and smooth things out. These people have grown in the village together and know each other's life story's.

In Bangkok, I lived in a complex, and the neighbors never acknowledged each other. I hear our newly Chinese make neighbor beat his wife, after he left, my wife was the ONE to sit on the stairs with her and console her. I heard an foreigner and Thai woman fighting above me (he found out she was a hooker) she was screaming "chooay dooay" very loud and nobody batted an eye, no one came to help or knocked on the door.

But it happens everywhere. Some of the worst murders come from middle-upper class crust ... So who knows the real answer. Everyone's mind ticks it's own way.

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