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How to make friends and meet a Thai lady for sincere relationship and marriage


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I am from London UK and am in Chiang Mai on a long stay one year O-A visa.

I am finding it difficult to meet people who would actually like to talk and meet.

My wish to find a way to meet people for friendship, and to meet a Thai lady for a genuine long-term relationship with marriage in mind.

I am 57 and in good health. My background is in the law, in computer repair, and I have a keen interest in alternative medicine.

I have a lot of friendship to give, but need genuine advice on helping resolve my current isolation.



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he's joking about picking up the hill-tribes working in the massage parlours....i think??? any way not recommended.

ever asked out a lady you fancied working at say Central? they are very open to the idea. if you are not a Thai speaker then communication could be difficult. but a good way to begin to learn the language.

stay away from the pros...

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If you ever did anything in the UK that worked, try it here. Meet and talk is bull shit, action man, it is about action. Why does it have to be a Thai lady, are you a racist?

indeed. there are some very nice Burmese ladies out there too. as a bonus a large percentage of them speak fluent English.

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You asked for advice: Hold on to your money. Don't let short-term loneliness saddle you with someone who's only interested in money.

BTW, it's all about money.


For someone in his late 50s like the OP I would say he has a good chance of meeting a decent Thai woman in her mid 40s upwards. But if he has his sights set on Thai women in their 30s and younger, yes then I agree, in the majority of cases it`s going to be about money, no matter how good a shape the OP is in and some of these younger Thai girls love to give the semblance of being girlfriends to the middle aged or elderly naive, gullible farangs fresh off the boat. The good part about Thailand is that there are always the options of going short time, a pay as you go, with no strings attached if he prefers much younger women.

Of course there are always going to be the exceptions to the rule, but it`s really up to the OP`s worldly experience of people, as I assume he is an intelligent guy and to make his own judgements and use his own discretion, keeping in mind that the attitudes of Thai women are not much different to the attitudes of women anywhere else in the world, and to play the game taking the same or perhaps taking a little more precautions in Thailand because he is newbie as he would back in the UK.

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You asked for advice: Hold on to your money. Don't let short-term loneliness saddle you with someone who's only interested in money.

BTW, it's all about money.

Really? Wow.... I must be an exception to the rule!

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You asked for advice: Hold on to your money. Don't let short-term loneliness saddle you with someone who's only interested in money.

BTW, it's all about money.

Really? Wow.... I must be an exception to the rule!

Yes, yours is different.

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You asked for advice: Hold on to your money. Don't let short-term loneliness saddle you with someone who's only interested in money.

BTW, it's all about money.

Really? Wow.... I must be an exception to the rule!

Yes, yours is different.

I take it you've been burnt once or twice?

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I would like to thank all the contributors who have replied so far. It is really nice that people are willing to take the time to give advice.

With regard to contributor Dante99, considering what I am seeking, Dante99 should consider how silly their question is in asking if I may be racist; yet maybe their question to me was not meant seriously.

I would also add that although I am not sure what the affect of marrying a Thai citizen is, I am given to understand that you are not then subject to the visa and also that you can then apply for a work permit.



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1. you know a girl 30 years younger might, just might, want money for her and her family

2. if you don't speak thai, or she doesn't speak english very well, deep conversations are hard

3. stay away from ones with kids (more pressure for money) and who likes to drink

anyhow, it might be hard for an older lady to trust you. why is she single? she must learned some lessons. but i'm sure they are out there. You want a lady not near tourists, but then maybe her english isn't the best. i also wouldn't do the internet.

so, hmmmmmm...i would maybe take some local trips to the zoo, wat(s), chiang dao, etc....and take some local buses. find some local women, and just start by saying "hi." then walk around sunday market and see how it works (not ideal, but try it).

and, lastly, don't talk much about money at first. don't impress too much. they are not dumb women, they just think in a different language about the same things.

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I would like to thank all the contributors who have replied so far. It is really nice that people are willing to take the time to give advice.

With regard to contributor Dante99, considering what I am seeking, Dante99 should consider how silly their question is in asking if I may be racist; yet maybe their question to me was not meant seriously.

I would also add that although I am not sure what the affect of marrying a Thai citizen is, I am given to understand that you are not then subject to the visa and also that you can then apply for a work permit.



Whoa, hold on. Now you're talking marriage. Being over 50, you can get a retirement visa entirely on your own. If you marry a Thai, you can get a marriage visa which has less stringent financial requirements. Do not get married for the sake of less stringent visa financial requirements. Do not let a Thai lady tell you that if you are married there are no visa requirements, and only if you are married can you apply for a work permit. You can apply for a work permit being single.

Here are some other things that you CAN do on your own. Again, don't let a Thai woman tell you otherwise.

Own a car in your name.

Own a motorcycle in your name.

Own a condo in your name.

I know men whose first contact in Thailand were women and they convinced them that all the above had to be bought in a Thai's name. Also that they had to be married to get a visa. Not true.

Edit: OK, so I see you have an OA visa. Good.

Edited by mesquite
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he's joking about picking up the hill-tribes working in the massage parlours....i think??? any way not recommended.

ever asked out a lady you fancied working at say Central?


Wasn't a great idea. They're pretty though.

But still, would you marry a shop girl back home?

(Not to mention that clearly any 20-something shop girl wants to marry a 57 year old guy just because of his bright blue eyes. :rolleyes: )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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he's joking about picking up the hill-tribes working in the massage parlours....i think??? any way not recommended.

ever asked out a lady you fancied working at say Central?


Wasn't a great idea. They're pretty though.

But still, would you marry a shop girl back home?

(Not to mention that clearly any 20-something shop girl wants to marry a 57 year old guy just because of his bright blue eyes. rolleyes.gif )

What exactly is wrong with marrying a central shop girl in CM?

Can you clarify do the comment on shop girl back home? Do you mean from a social standing type stance?

:) Was part a play on the usual comment of 'you wouldn't marry a .... back home', but it is also the case that many department store pretties are actively in the market to become someone's (usually monied Thai guy's) mia noi, while not having much of an education or anything, so you get some of the same hassles as with anyone else from a poorer background who never had to handle money before, but is really keen on showing off. That gets expensive, and 'money' will always be a factor in the relationship.

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Haha genuine lady in Chiang Mai? you would be the first one to find..

alternative medicine? thats one hobby I share :)

Plenty of us have met wonderful Thai ladies and have been happily married for a very long time. Negative, cynical Idiots like you never will. I wonder why you stay.

which was ment as a sarcastical joke, old people maybe not get that :)

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I understand the bridge club, which meets at The Pub has quite a few Thai people who play bridge. I know one older American gentleman who met a wonderful, mature (but still very beautiful), kind Thai lady thru that group.

I know another older American gentleman who meet a nice Thai lady thru his birdwatching hobby. Haven't meet her, since she's in Bankgok, but he looks forward to the birdwatching trips around Thailand where he gets to spend time with her and see Thailand, also.

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Read at least 5 full length books on Thai culture including 2 or 3 by serious knowledgeable academics. Then ask yourself if this is what you want and can do. If you answer yes and do not have a lot of good ideas how to proceed, go someplace else.

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Open lots of bank accounts to get near the sitdown girls. Spend time in Central Festival mall and frequent the likes of the Wine Connection, Starbucks.

Have met some fine locals on business class flights.

Note: you must always be smartly attired... avoid thongs, shorts and sandals.

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