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Thailand to protest Fox News over flight MH370 criticism


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PHP58 Blood pressure? Push your chair back and carefully step away from the computer. Take some deep breaths and try to have an original thought. This is a start. These same arguments on all sides have gone on throughout history and many have died kicking and screaming about what they say obsessively is right, and they are right (uhump) and in the meantime life passes by. Lies, truth...... we've made them irrelevant. The best story wins. coffee1.gif

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To be honest, I have watched the Fox reporting of the MH370 saga and I am of the opinion pretty much all the commentators, presenters and most of their guests were jerks.

What a hopeless, speculative, waffling tale it all was.... with dumb presenters talking of issues they obviously had no technical grasp of whatsoever, but of course needed their sound bytes.

Greta had a point though don't you think?

Why watch Fox when CNN's psychic was giving the world the true scoop!!

Haha....I do actually watch a bit of Fox News to keep up on the USA politics...didn't want to mention it here as it seems to be a Fox hating crowd.... a lot of Cool-Aid drinkers! :D

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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png

So the Thai Gov will make a big issue over the facts when they were wrong, I can just see a 30min Bill O'Riley devotion to the stupidity of this coming up now !!

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Sadly, many FNC critics don't watch the network, they just parrot what they've heard or read about it from a biased web site.


Au contraire. What he says is very accurate. Most of the haters either don't watch Fox or lie about what they have seen. Other than one or two commentators (i.e. Hannity) It is nothing like what is portrayed by the Fox bashing crew.

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Why do we have to have a dig at the people who have to live in a trailer park? For some it's a blessing from living on the streets. I doubt very few are there by choice and really life in a trailer park, (like every where else) can be a very nice life style... it's only what we make it out to be.

You may not like Fox news but you don't have to take a cheap shot at other people less fortunate than you as well!

Don't take the trailer trash comment literally.

The point is that people that watch FOX think they are being informed are just low IQ types.

Basement dwellers with no ability for analytical thinking.

What I don't understand is why there's any comparisons or cheap shots at any less fortunate people. I have at times "lived in a basement" either a bedroom or an apartment. Mind you the apartment was located near Diamond Head Crater in Hawaii... maybe not the best apartment but a fantastic location!

What's a low IQ type? My IQ isn't great... at best I can hope for is average but I do okay.

If I don't like something I vote with my feet or my remote...

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I am no fan of FOX news but Greta has a point.

Actually I am pretty sure the lowlies new about it but they have to route it through the Huan Na - protocol - in a status society a week later he looks at it. That said, the article offers no reasons and explanation for what they did ... 'uh ... yeah like we did that but heck you woudn't have known if those nasty evil FOX news people hadn't told you'

Great defense .... Lordy it gets worse every day

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If Fox News pulled an April Fools joke would their viewers be able to tell the difference?

It's not so bad that these dumb asses watch Fox News, it's that they believe Fox news.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Much as I hate to say it but Fox is right.

They often are. Because of politics, the left do their best to marginalize Fox News by smearing them and dishonestly quoting them out of context, but the truth is that they are often the only major news source in the USA who are actually doing their job. The founding fathers of the USA wanted a press that would keep the government in line, not spin and cover up for them like the MSM do most of the time now for the present administration. Greta got this right and much of the time, on many issues, her colleagues at Fox do too.

Have to disagree having watched many a right wing BS rant that completely misrepresents the truth on Fox. Funny at times but in the end just annoying.

And the liberal news network does not do rants. Try watching Rachael Maddow. Never seen a woman that can spend an hour show ranting against the conservative agenda like she can. We all have different views on any number of things but I would not say that Fox news provides anymore BS than the liberal side. Fox does have larger viewer ratings and claiming, as one poster did, that "The point is that people that watch FOX think they are being informed are just low IQ types.

Basement dwellers with no ability for analytical thinking." shows just how out of touch the poster is with reality. Seems like for him anyone with a conservative take on this is a low IQ type. Just shows his own ignorance.

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They are the worst news organization on the air today. So, Thailand... you go girl! ....

So back to the original topic, you applaud the Thai Air Command's withholding of critical information for 10 days during an international search of a missing airliner? blink.png


1) If you don't, then your logic and logical connections are suspect. The mark of a ranter? If so, typical of the FOX-bashers who've swarmed out of the woodwork.

2) If you do, then your ethics are suspect.

Either way, you're suspect. 1zgarz5.gif

Okay one by one:

Without knowing the true reason or even whether or not the action/s taken by Thai Air Command actually happened as Fox 'says' it did... what was the "critical information"? As for the statement that the Thais "withholding" any information for "10 days" is concerned... well how do they know that? Besides, other systems picked up what is being reported as being the 'withheld'. The fact that the Thais did not report it at the time seeing as the information was already out there from other sources and known, sort of makes the Thais reporting it irrelevant... again as it was already known. So what "withholding of critical information"? Or are you Thai "basing"?

Try and remember that information in this case especially takes time to assess and process. One has to collect the data, investigate its implications, correlate those finds (if any) to the myriad of other data results from a vast array of other information gathering systems, attaching their relevance to what is known, then review the results, and come to a point where the relaying of those results can be displayed (or in this case reported). Not doing so can only lead to false leads, wild goose chases, misinformation, and even more lost time, frustration and despair for all those affected (relatives and searchers alike). Not to mention taking the focus away from what may have actually have happened and in so doing making mistakes that just add to the already harrowing and complex job at hand.

Remember the Chinese satellite images that reported to have seen wreckage? That turned out to be false. Then there was the oil slick that too was not connected. Those instances were acted upon with speed, and speed is not always the best way to do things. For without a verifiable stream of reliable data, electronic or visual confirmation all one can do is try and piece the instance together as best as one can and keep searching. The release of data/information without a comprehensive investigation of said data/information is irresponsible and does nothing but fuel the media's speculation and therefore ours. The fact is that we simply do not know what happened... yet!

There has been no withholding of information in this case. The fact remains that no one knows what the hell happened as of now. Well unless you are one of those that think that there has been a cover up by Malaysia, the airline, Boeing, any of the manufacturers of the sub-systems on board the aircraft, the UN, the US (always a target), China (hay why not), the insurance companies, or by the military's concerns that we will find out that aliens are responsible. There will always be those that think that they can see a conspiracy. The fact however is that it is a vast search area and as one Australian P3 pilot stated on the BBC today "We are not looking for a needle in a hay stack... but rather trying to find the hay stack".

"1)": As for my "logic"... it is well seated in reality. I try to see things as they are and not how I wish to see them. Am I "ranting"? Defiantly with regards to your statements. For I find that what you said to be outside the scope of the original OP and the subject it concerned itself with. As for my feeling about Fox News... prove me wrong! Show me how they have done their jobs and not just been the mouth piece of a particular group/s (and remember that I am a Republican and I think that they are lousy at their job and far too 'one-sided'. RT... the Russian News Network... has a far less bias POV). "Coming out of the woodwork" may be your take on things, but I was commenting upon a post, giving my opinion. Which, like yours, is my right to do here (within the parameters set forth by this site).

"2)": As for my "ethics"... who are you to make that determination? The 'Red Card' graphic was a nice touch, but really only showed that you find the whole thing only worth a Emotion Icon. Shame that. I could repond with one of my own, but will not belittle the severity of the underlining incident of a airliner going down with all hands.

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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png

Yes but that shouldn't be a surprise as thais tend to complain about the truth all the time.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is not reporting but rather simply giving their opinion, an opinion that they want us to accept as News, is factual, and without bias! They are entitled to that opinion, of course, but to make the suggestion that we should hold what they say as being the right way to think and so do things is myopic

Huh? They are OPINION shows and I have never heard anyone but you suggesting otherwise. They use facts to back up that OPINION. It up to the viewer to agree or disagree with their OPINION. Fox also has 12 hours of hard news per day which is not OPINION.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"the lamest country of the day". ???

She obviously hasn't been watching what's been going on here the past decade!

Well of course not, because the last time Thailand rated any mention over there was during the 2004 Tsunami, about 9.5 years ago! Hence why she reminded viewers that Thailand was at the epicenter of that tragedy.

I think there could be many things that Thai officials and the Thai government should be called jerks for, over the past 10 years or so, but the MH370 radar "incident" if it can even be called that, is not one of them. Rather, the corruption, ineptitude, food tainted with formaline, constant bus crashes and no changes being made to safety standards, tourist scams, jetski scams, and all manner of other problems should be pointed out. But oh yeah, I forgot. Like anyone is going to broadcast such "irrelevant" news on their network!

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

What's your point? I simply pointed out that of all the things to criticize Thailand for, this "radar incident" doesn't happen to be one of them. Thailand should be criticized for all it's other failings as mentioned. But that wouldn't make the news over on Fox News because Thailand is generally irrelevant to any news broadcast over there.

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Hey Thailand in case you haven't figured this out, the rest of the world thinks you're a joke and doesn't take you seriously in the least

That's if Fox viewers can even figure out where Thailand is. I lived and studied in the States and it took quite an effort for people to understand I was talking about THAI-LAND not TAI-WAN! Most people hadn't heard anything of Thailand, only perhaps that it was somewhere in Asia, perhaps in China? Finally however, my girlfriend's university transcript still arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, despite being address to Bangkok, Taiwan.

Clearly Thailand grabs so little attention that the Fox News reporter needed to point out that Thailand was the scene of the 2004 Tsunami, as that was probably the last time the country rated any mention in the news over there.

So only Fox news viewers can't find thailand on the map? take the same question to your own countrymen.....is your name tomtom or tingtong?

It's a well known fact that viewers of Fox News are spoon-fed whatever they are told! That's why the reporter had to "remind" viewers when the last time Thailand was in the news. In my country about 4% of the population visits Thailand every year and there is said to be the largest or second largest number of Thai restaurants outside of Thailand in the world. I'm therefore quite certain people in my country know where Thailand is.

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Hey Thailand in case you haven't figured this out, the rest of the world thinks you're a joke and doesn't take you seriously in the least

That's if Fox viewers can even figure out where Thailand is. I lived and studied in the States and it took quite an effort for people to understand I was talking about THAI-LAND not TAI-WAN! Most people hadn't heard anything of Thailand, only perhaps that it was somewhere in Asia, perhaps in China? Finally however, my girlfriend's university transcript still arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, despite being address to Bangkok, Taiwan.

Clearly Thailand grabs so little attention that the Fox News reporter needed to point out that Thailand was the scene of the 2004 Tsunami, as that was probably the last time the country rated any mention in the news over there.

So only Fox news viewers can't find thailand on the map? take the same question to your own countrymen.....is your name tomtom or tingtong?

It's a well known fact that viewers of Fox News are spoon-fed whatever they are told! That's why the reporter had to "remind" viewers when the last time Thailand was in the news. In my country about 4% of the population visits Thailand every year and there is said to be the largest or second largest number of Thai restaurants outside of Thailand in the world. I'm therefore quite certain people in my country know where Thailand is.

your country has many Thai restaurants, therefore, everyone knows where Thailand is......great logic. I bet if I stand outside one of your country's thai restaurants and ask each patron where Thailand is located on a globe, or Mongolian restaurant or Ethiopian restaurant, they would pinpoint it on a map. your country is very exceptional that each patron will go to an atlas and find that country before patronizing the restauant

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The report isn't exactly a shining tribute to the intellect of the Fox viewers, no matter what way you look at it.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that O'Reilly viewers got 51% - the same as NPR listeners. It depends on which programs one watches. Chris Wallace's show and Fox Report also have highly informed viewers

By the way, moaning about the date of the study is amazingly silly. That is the last one that Pew did and only a few years old. rolleyes.gif

Did I moan about the date?

You are a Fox fan and you are showing how disregarding the facts can lead to ill-informed views.Quite apt.

I ignored the fact you mentioned, 1. because 51% is significantly better than 35%, which speaks for itself, and 2. because 51% is not that great either and perhaps reflects on the population in general.

BTW, you did not respond to the main gist of my post. ;)

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Thaddeus, on 24 Mar 2014 - 07:23, said:

Oh Thailand doesn't like this.

Unfortunately for Thailand, in the rest of the big wide world, if you act like a jerk, and someone else calls you a jerk because of it, you can try and sue them for defamation if you want, and all that happens is you look like a bigger jerk than before.

Just admit a mistake.

It's a jagged little pill, but it may teach you a lesson that is so desperately needed.

I would love to see Thailand take Fox to court over defamation. Thailand would then have to prove to the world that they are not jerks, something most of us know they can not do.

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Thaddeus, on 24 Mar 2014 - 07:23, said:

Oh Thailand doesn't like this.

Unfortunately for Thailand, in the rest of the big wide world, if you act like a jerk, and someone else calls you a jerk because of it, you can try and sue them for defamation if you want, and all that happens is you look like a bigger jerk than before.

Just admit a mistake.

It's a jagged little pill, but it may teach you a lesson that is so desperately needed.

I would love to see Thailand take Fox to court over defamation. Thailand would then have to prove to the world that they are not jerks, something most of us know they can not do.

Except a Thai newspaper agreed with Van Susteren, but not the way she presented her message.

Take Fox to court? For what? Defamation? I'm not an Attorney, but I know enough that this is ridiculous.

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Hey Thailand in case you haven't figured this out, the rest of the world thinks you're a joke and doesn't take you seriously in the least

That's if Fox viewers can even figure out where Thailand is. I lived and studied in the States and it took quite an effort for people to understand I was talking about THAI-LAND not TAI-WAN! Most people hadn't heard anything of Thailand, only perhaps that it was somewhere in Asia, perhaps in China? Finally however, my girlfriend's university transcript still arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, despite being address to Bangkok, Taiwan.

Clearly Thailand grabs so little attention that the Fox News reporter needed to point out that Thailand was the scene of the 2004 Tsunami, as that was probably the last time the country rated any mention in the news over there.

So only Fox news viewers can't find thailand on the map? take the same question to your own countrymen.....is your name tomtom or tingtong?

It's a well known fact that viewers of Fox News are spoon-fed whatever they are told! That's why the reporter had to "remind" viewers when the last time Thailand was in the news. In my country about 4% of the population visits Thailand every year and there is said to be the largest or second largest number of Thai restaurants outside of Thailand in the world. I'm therefore quite certain people in my country know where Thailand is.


Or do these facts exist only inside of your head?

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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.1yRKwuklr5.png

No, the complaint is she didn't bother to get the facts. But, based on most of the comments on this thread, she's not the only clueless one.

Fox has several competent retired military officer commentators, who usually do a good job of filling in the gaps left by the clueless civilian anchors. Greta should have grabbed one of these before spouting off -- although I haven't seen any Air National Guard types on Fox -- and these are the experts on air defense, both in the command and control centers, and flying the interceptors. She sure could have benefited from their input.....

....... 'cause it's not that difficult to see what happened.

Nations with adjacent borders have 'hot lines' between their air defense centers to sort out anomalous situations. The Thai Air Vice Marshal, when he said 'they didn't ask' was talking about the real time situation, when the airliner was flying outside Thai airspace, was being painted intermittently (transponder turned off), wasn't on a heading to penetrate the Thai ADIZ, and thus of no interest -- and apparently wasn't even noticed, at least at the decision making level, by RTAF controllers. Remember, the fact of the missing airliner wasn't known at this time by Thai air defenders, so no increased looksee. And possibly not even known by Malaysian air defenders, who apparently were tracking the airliner (and, without a transponder, radio comm, nor a correlating flight plan, was most certainly tagged a "pending" track of interest). Now, this is where it's curious that Malaysian controllers didn't call the Thai air defense center and ask, "Do you have any info a track located blah blah blah?"But THEY DIDN'T ASK.

Anyway, when it became known about the missing airliner, Thai officials pulled the tapes of the historical radar returns, and as the AVM said, had experts go over the data. This took several days, possibly pulling in raw data from the individual radar sites (the Thai air defense system is automated, with data from several radar sites amalgamated at a command and control center). When they concluded, the info was passed to Malaysia.

It's unfortunate the context of "they didn't ask" got screwed up. And why the RTAF has subsequently gone silent in correcting this is not helpful....

......but neither is Greta.

Maybe Fox should have an ANG person available to educate the civilian talking heads about air defense matters. This certainly was the case immediately following 9/11.

Thai military needs a press spokesman, that's about the only sound conclusion I find. Top level brass going live on camera is bound to look like jerks, anywhere.


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A post containing a link to Bangkok Post has been removed:

23) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be deleted from the forum. Please note that this is a decision by the Bangkok Post, not by Thaivisa.com and any complaints or other issues concerning this rule should be directed to them. Quotes from and links to Phuketwan are also not allowed and will also be removed. In special cases forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources.

More posts and replies not related to the following have been removed:

BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has hit back at an American reporter who called Thai authorities "jerks" for their alleged delay in publishing the flight data of the missing Malaysian jet.

Thai officials have previously indicated that military radars manned by the Royal Thai Air Force have detected the suspected presence of flight MH370 as it departed Malaysia and headed toward the Gulf of Thailand. Officials said the airplane was later seen veering off its path and flying back to Malaysia.

Link to opening post: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/713220-thailand-to-protest-fox-news-over-flight-mh370-criticism/?p=7599531#entry7599531

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FOX and CNN... both completely irrelevant organisations touting nothing but sensationalised speculations and rethorics, and below-the-belt blows which they pass off as news with a straight face. Redefines 'loving one's own voice' and 'seeing one's own reflection' and brings the stupidity bar to an all-time low. Before these pillocks came along, it was easy to be stupid. Now, you'd have to try very hard to beat these idiots before you can be officially branded a moron.

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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.1yRKwuklr5.png

No, the complaint is she didn't bother to get the facts. But, based on most of the comments on this thread, she's not the only clueless one.

Fox has several competent retired military officer commentators, who usually do a good job of filling in the gaps left by the clueless civilian anchors. Greta should have grabbed one of these before spouting off -- although I haven't seen any Air National Guard types on Fox -- and these are the experts on air defense, both in the command and control centers, and flying the interceptors. She sure could have benefited from their input.....

....... 'cause it's not that difficult to see what happened.

Nations with adjacent borders have 'hot lines' between their air defense centers to sort out anomalous situations. The Thai Air Vice Marshal, when he said 'they didn't ask' was talking about the real time situation, when the airliner was flying outside Thai airspace, was being painted intermittently (transponder turned off), wasn't on a heading to penetrate the Thai ADIZ, and thus of no interest -- and apparently wasn't even noticed, at least at the decision making level, by RTAF controllers. Remember, the fact of the missing airliner wasn't known at this time by Thai air defenders, so no increased looksee. And possibly not even known by Malaysian air defenders, who apparently were tracking the airliner (and, without a transponder, radio comm, nor a correlating flight plan, was most certainly tagged a "pending" track of interest). Now, this is where it's curious that Malaysian controllers didn't call the Thai air defense center and ask, "Do you have any info a track located blah blah blah?"But THEY DIDN'T ASK.

Anyway, when it became known about the missing airliner, Thai officials pulled the tapes of the historical radar returns, and as the AVM said, had experts go over the data. This took several days, possibly pulling in raw data from the individual radar sites (the Thai air defense system is automated, with data from several radar sites amalgamated at a command and control center). When they concluded, the info was passed to Malaysia.

It's unfortunate the context of "they didn't ask" got screwed up. And why the RTAF has subsequently gone silent in correcting this is not helpful....

......but neither is Greta.

Maybe Fox should have an ANG person available to educate the civilian talking heads about air defense matters. This certainly was the case immediately following 9/11.

Thai military needs a press spokesman, that's about the only sound conclusion I find. Top level brass going live on camera is bound to look like jerks, anywhere.


Well said Jim.

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"the lamest country of the day". ???

She obviously hasn't been watching what's been going on here the past decade!

Well of course not, because the last time Thailand rated any mention over there was during the 2004 Tsunami, about 9.5 years ago! Hence why she reminded viewers that Thailand was at the epicenter of that tragedy.

I think there could be many things that Thai officials and the Thai government should be called jerks for, over the past 10 years or so, but the MH370 radar "incident" if it can even be called that, is not one of them. Rather, the corruption, ineptitude, food tainted with formaline, constant bus crashes and no changes being made to safety standards, tourist scams, jetski scams, and all manner of other problems should be pointed out. But oh yeah, I forgot. Like anyone is going to broadcast such "irrelevant" news on their network!

Yeah . . . . and no oil to steal.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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