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YouTube videos not loading on 3BB


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It started few days ago - Youtube videos on 3BB are not loading or loading very very slow. Anyone have this problem? When I connect through a VPN I have no problem at all, so it looks like they are blocking something again.

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Youtube has been playing funny buggers for a while now, most of the time it works properly if I refresh it a second time but it rarely buffers fully. If I can't get a video to play I use the flashgot addon for firefox to download it to my desktop.

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Problem is with Youtube. 3BB was out this morning in Pattaya but is now up and running for me at least. The issue with Youtube is a separate problem I think. Google "is youtube not streaming" and it will direct you to various websites that monitor internet down time. Others from around the world have had issues the last few days with youtube.

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I can confirm the exact same problems over the last few days.

However, as with many things internet related here it is instantly fixed with my VPN service.

I highly recommend a service called Private Internet Access (dot com) or just Google the phrase. There is a yearly fee, but I could not and would not conduct my dealings here in Thailand without it. They offer terabyte speed internet connections throughout the world, including dozens of connecting points in the US, Canada and Europe. Once installed and subscribed you can configure their VPN software to pick the server in the country you need (like if you had a bank account in the US, you could connect through your home state in many cases), or configure the software to automatically select their fastest server at the moment from their worldwide farm of servers.

Often connecting with this company's VPN clears you free of IT configuration issues and errors created at the TOT, 3BB, and any number of vendors who touch or have routers and servers between local traffic here and things outside our area or country.

If you prefer to review a rundown, review and user rating of VPN solutions, Google the phrase "Lifehacker FIve Best VPN" for the site URL.

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Same in Patters past 3 days or so...

Yes,I've found in Pattaya they've been slow at times for a few days, but the same has been true with CNBC, USCCB & other videos and some websites based in the US, although everything does load eventually. With the videos, for some reason I find if I refresh the page they then start up. Also for some reason if a website doesn't load or is working slowly when I'm using Chrome, I find it's working fine in IE11 or vice versa. If Google search is slow, Yahoo search is OK. If Yahoo Finance doesn't load in one browser there's no problem in another browser. Very mysterious (at least to a tech-challenged person like me).

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Same with me...western side of Bangkok (Bangplat/Pin Klao)...YT vids not loading....hit the refresh button a few times seems to fix it.......from previous comments seems like it's YT's system not necessarily your IT providers

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I dont have 3BB but a good TOT connection in Koh Samui and for the past two weeks Youtube has not been loading properly, stops frequently and is very patchy.

It was very good before. Are Youtube to blame, maybe too much traffic?

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I have issues with 3BB in Phuket but either waiting a few minutes and trying again or reloading the page usually is enough to get things moving again. It seems to me that data on 3BB ebbs and flows a lot more than TOT, which I had a few years back, which at the time seemed to be rock solid most of the time. Anything that is "streaming" is almost out of the question, I've started using skype out and paying for a Thailand subscription to get to have any conversation over skype.

I'm lucky that in the building I live that I can physically access the main router. I can't change settings as I think collisions with other Wifi networks is probable, when it was first installed it was the only kid on the block now there is 20+ active networks at any given time. Turning the router off, waiting a minute and then back on seems to do the trick if nothing else works. Don't know if the machine has some sort of problem that builds over time or if the the connection some how stops working. I don't have access enough to troubleshoot it, so I'm not thinking about it too much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still having problems with Y/T and other sites where I keep getting the message that the web page will not load, even on Microsoft stuff, wondered if it is a problem with Internet Explorer but hope a more knowledgeable poster can offer advice.

I have tried system restore backwards and forwards with no success.

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I still have the same problem. Many youtube videos don't load unless I click the reload button.

I just started noticing that since yesterday. I have to hit reload for the video to actually start streaming. Once it starts though it is smooth for the duration of the video. Will look at some configuration options to see if I can find something. This is under Firefox so may also try Chrome/IE.

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Have you tried the new option of changing to HTML5 webplayer instead of flashplayer?

Works best with Chrome (up-to-date version necessary).


You can switch back anytime.

For me it has the advantage that the buffering is smooth continuing to the end of the video.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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  • 2 months later...

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