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Natthawut claims Suthep will become supreme leader


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hahahahahahaha, desperation from the ptp I see, no one wants sutherp to be a leader in this country, he is serving a purpose now but once that purpose is done we all want to see the back of him. Ending the shins and corruption is all he is good for, the people would never accept him as anything else, ptp sh*t stirring again is all this is.

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“ He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process, can confiscate the assets of anybody or deport anybody out of the country. "

Goodness. It sounds just like Thaksin, Chalerm, Pheu Thai, the UDD, Jataporn, Ko Tee - and yes, like Nattawut " I-can-wear-as-many-hats-as-I-like " Saikua. Nattawut has been such a busy man in the totalitarian department, he clearly must be considered an expert at this point. He is the one who infamously called on the arson of 2010 and said he would " take responsibility ". Unfortunately, he had the misfortune to have that speech video-taped, and it has since become one of the most viewed tapes in the history of youtube. Not to matter, he never took responsibility for it. If fact, he became a cabinet minister. Of agriculture ! Of course, that was his misfortune as well, as he was able to become the proud overseer of the rice scheme, that evolved into the worst and most massive fiscal scandal the country has ever seen. No matter, he had a back-up plan for that, as well. He has now become the " secretary-general of the UDD " - something Joseph McCarthy would have loved to have dreamed up for himself. Oh yes, he's our man, alright. Mr. Integrity. Just the person to point fingers. Forget about the fact that the Yingluck administration has itself acted consistently above the law. Forget about the fact that the Yingluck administration itself has consistently behaved unconstitutionally. Forget about the fact that the Yingluck administration itself has considered itself above the judicial process. Forget about the fact that the Yingluck administration itself had actually frozen the bank accounts of many of those they saw as enemies. Forget about the fact that the Yingluck administration itself actually sought the deportation of a man who spoke at a protest stage - a protest deemed constitutional, by the way, by the Criminal Court, the Civil Court, and the Constitutional Court. No - forget about all that. It's Suthep. Nattawut is now operating wholly from the Joe McCarthy book - Issue a name. That's it ! It's very simply. Issue a name. He knows the tactic works on both the faithful as well as the exceptionally gullible. Just issue a name. Suthep has of course repeatedly said he wants no such thing. But the UDD don't care. Nuttawut and Thaksin consider the truth as only a speed bump on the road to power.

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“He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process ...”. Hmm. Seems a familiar concept.

I know where he can get a few pointers lol

anyway the Thai people would not allow this, it's that simple - the same way they will not allow Thaksin and PTP - we've seen that already

I'd be willing to let Suthep have a go - not sure he can achieve what is required but I'd let him try, history doesn't lie - Thailand needs reform of that there is no doubt, if he steps out of line then the Thai people will toss him aside as they did Thaksin

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Are these all mendacious claims by Natthawut or does he have facts (inside information) to back up his statements. Let us for one moment entertain the fact that the West (USA and Britain steering the New World Order agenda) are behind all this. It certainly follows the formula 100% to overthrow a legitimate but uncooperative democratically elected government and it's leaders.

  1. First, sabotage the country’s economy.

  2. Then bribe corrupt military officers and thugs and pay rent-a-mobs to create chaos in the streets.

  3. Next (this step is optional) incite violence by paying snipers to fire into crowds – and maybe set off some bombs.

  4. Finally, send the corrupt military units and gangsters to overthrow the target nation’s legitimate leader, murder or imprison his/her supporters, install a Western puppet in his place – and announce that “order has been restored.”

I firmly believe that this is the blueprint and Natthawut is attempting to thwart their attempts. Many are claiming he is a crackpot just for these allegations, imagine if he he came straight out with the cold hard alleged facts as I have.

It must be noted that Thaksin, his family and political cohorts must shoulder much of the blame by being so moronic, self centred, greedy and tyrannical and allowing the country and it's people to be placed in this ignominious, exposed and defenceless position.

Now, I will leave it up to your own means to interpret who are the main players in this pantomime (Thais love a soap opera) since Suthep commenced this charade. It is all smoke and mirrors; unsubstantiated daily claims and counter claims, fake and pre fabricated events, few arrests, no convictions, so on and so forth. Just follow the time line of events and happenings and draw your own conclusion.

One thing that is crystal clear is that the PTP government (caretaker) cannot rely on the rank / leaders of UDD or the armed forces as they are both on the payroll of NWO together with the police and courts. They are manipulating the public into perceiving a complete different scenario. The ordinary people, the supporters / protesters on all sides are pawns, in their simplicity are being conned to fight each other and commit violence in a misguided belief that they will have a better quality of life through policies or reform. Consequently they are going to pay dearly for their trust in these fraudulent and deceptive Thai 'Uncle Toms'

If this is Natthawut's true intention, good luck to him he will need it, as I believe it has gone beyond the point of no return and the Kingdom of Thailand especially it's subjects are going to suffer extensively and cruelly.

A near perfect description of the UDD led strategy in 2010. At the time our dear Nattawut also 'shoutcasted' something about destruction and violence and "if someone asks, point them to me, it's on me" or something similar.

Anyway all that is in the past which the Yingluck government tried to bury with their blanket amnesty bill. As such I wonder why you keep on reminding us of what needs to be buried.

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

imagine! you are already falling for the sh*t that's coming out of his toilet mouth, exactly what he means to do!

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“He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process, can confiscate the assets of anybody or deport anybody out of the country.

Sounds like the head monk beater has been talking to Tarit and Chalerm, asset seizers and deporters both. Nattawut, the head monk beater, has proven that he is neither trustworthy or responsible, he has nothing of substance to offer.

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.


Actually there's another way. It's called an election. But you need popular support and a lot of hard work to win one of those.

Together with lots of cash payments and baseless promises to ensure those who don't really care who is in power vote at your direction.

yeah you can even import your voters like they did in phuket recently for the mayor elections....which politician is he aligned with? hmmm

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

" What luck for rulers, that men do not think "

Adolf Hitlerph34r.png

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Regardless of one's opinion on this article, either self-generated or agenized, I give credit to this media for finally giving some airtime to non-coup-mongers.

At this moment, behind me on AsiaUpdate, Jatuporn is giving a major speech.

It would be nice to see more balance shown between giving exposure to both pro-electoral/Parliamentary democrats, and the all-pervasive anti-democrat noise in the English Language media...It would give linguistically challenged Farangs like me, a much better perspective. I am fortunate to be amongst English proficient and educated Thai political junkies to get that perspective. Without it, explains the sympathy for anti-democracy stuff one hears from farangs who I am sure are not anti-democratic.

Another tiny positive, I see the media has stopped aggrandizing the coup-monger stage, by characterizing their noise as some sort of seminar or forum....At least I haven't seen it for awhile.

I did not understand this post! What does "aggrandizing the coup-monger stage" mean? What does "agenized" mean in this context? Who are you bleaching with chemicals? I've asked before, but have had no reply: What is a coup-monger?

Is it similar to a fishmonger? What was the content of Jaturporn's 'major speech'? Did he call for more violence? His major speech in Chiang Mai recently was about violence and emotional manipulation. I heard no policy (as instructed in the leaders' handbook Mein Kampf)! What is your take on the beating up of an innocent poor monk? When people of my acquaintance, simple Thai people, expressed regret at this event, they were threatened by a closet red shirt whom had been invited to eat in their home. What do you think about this? What do you think about Amnesty International listing 18 major human rights violations (ie assassinations of selected political opponents) against Thaksin? Should Thaksin return to Thailand and serve his time in jail, face his other court hearings, thank the judiciary for those charges of which he was cleared and appeal those for which he was convicted? Do you think autocratic power, as visibly practiced by Thaksin, is good democracy? And finally, what do you think about the reds who have instigated a manhunt against 6 members of the NACC? I look forward to a full response.

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What a load of rubbish.

Suthep has said many times he is not interested in the position of PM.

If he wanted to be supreme leader why would he make so much effort in setting up a reform committee?

Why have a list of potential candidates as neutral PM?

If there is any danger of a "supreme leader" then it comes from Thaksin.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a load of rubbish.

You believe this guy? I think it's very clear how Suthep was going to play this for a long time, as soon as the opportunity arises to take control then he will be there, and will make up some rubbish story to justify it.

Some of you really have the blinkers on, amazing to see how different peoples views are, unfortunately that is not necessarily a good thing because so many of you are very misguided.

Hi Mike! Another new poster supporting the left/right wingers and their autocratic demagogue leader from Dubai. Interesting observation about Suthep. We've heard it all before by new posters who continually come and go h ere. But in fact it is a repetition of propaganda instigated by PR people such as Robert Amsterdam. I'm on the side of truth and honesty and if Thaksin were to pay me a million baht a day I would not change my position which supports the good and quiet people of this land. It is such a shame that people, such as Thaksin and his acolytes, who are so desparate for power will sink to the depths that we have seen in order to fulfill their psychological need for total power. Thaksin is an evil demagogue. He is a dangerous man. And his propaganda and nasty politics is turning this country inside out. When I see you people, Mike, jumping on his bandwagon, I just feel sick to the core.

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Regardless of one's opinion on this article, either self-generated or agenized, I give credit to this media for finally giving some airtime to non-coup-mongers.

At this moment, behind me on AsiaUpdate, Jatuporn is giving a major speech.

It would be nice to see more balance shown between giving exposure to both pro-electoral/Parliamentary democrats, and the all-pervasive anti-democrat noise in the English Language media...It would give linguistically challenged Farangs like me, a much better perspective. I am fortunate to be amongst English proficient and educated Thai political junkies to get that perspective. Without it, explains the sympathy for anti-democracy stuff one hears from farangs who I am sure are not anti-democratic.

Another tiny positive, I see the media has stopped aggrandizing the coup-monger stage, by characterizing their noise as some sort of seminar or forum....At least I haven't seen it for awhile.

I did not understand this post! What does "aggrandizing the coup-monger stage" mean? What does "agenized" mean in this context? Who are you bleaching with chemicals? I've asked before, but have had no reply: What is a coup-monger?

Is it similar to a fishmonger? What was the content of Jaturporn's 'major speech'? Did he call for more violence? His major speech in Chiang Mai recently was about violence and emotional manipulation. I heard no policy (as instructed in the leaders' handbook Mein Kampf)! What is your take on the beating up of an innocent poor monk? When people of my acquaintance, simple Thai people, expressed regret at this event, they were threatened by a closet red shirt whom had been invited to eat in their home. What do you think about this? What do you think about Amnesty International listing 18 major human rights violations (ie assassinations of selected political opponents) against Thaksin? Should Thaksin return to Thailand and serve his time in jail, face his other court hearings, thank the judiciary for those charges of which he was cleared and appeal those for which he was convicted? Do you think autocratic power, as visibly practiced by Thaksin, is good democracy? And finally, what do you think about the reds who have instigated a manhunt against 6 members of the NACC? I look forward to a full response.

Don't get your hopes up for anything meaningful as a response.

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.


Actually there's another way. It's called an election. But you need popular support and a lot of hard work to win one of those.

Together with lots of cash payments and baseless promises to ensure those who don't really care who is in power vote at your direction.

yeah you can even import your voters like they did in phuket recently for the mayor elections....which politician is he aligned with? hmmm

Must have missed that with all activity here. Any link on that?

Thanks wai.gif

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What a load of rubbish.

Suthep has said many times he is not interested in the position of PM.

If he wanted to be supreme leader why would he make so much effort in setting up a reform committee?

Why have a list of potential candidates as neutral PM?

If there is any danger of a "supreme leader" then it comes from Thaksin.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a load of rubbish.

You believe this guy? I think it's very clear how Suthep was going to play this for a long time, as soon as the opportunity arises to take control then he will be there, and will make up some rubbish story to justify it.

Some of you really have the blinkers on, amazing to see how different peoples views are, unfortunately that is not necessarily a good thing because so many of you are very misguided.


Reminds me of the character the brilliant Charles Durning played as Texas Governor in Best Whorehouse in Texas. I'm sure Suthep is more than capable of doing " a little sidestep "

“Ooooooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't-

I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,

cut a little swathe and lead the people on”laugh.png

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“He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process, can confiscate the assets of anybody or deport anybody out of the country. Suthep said before that he would seize the assets of Ms Yingluck Shinawatra,”

He will breeze and all will freeze, he will fart and all will depart.....

He will be Chuck Norris......

And he will fight against the Dubai Chuck Norris....

And when the dust settles, after the fight is finished.... Thailand will not be the same again.....

And tomorrow, we will deny everything and complain to the UN.... sick.gif

Seriously though, I concur with some posters above, could be a clever move to put pressure on every one they fear by naming them before hand...

If case anything goes wrong for them, easy pointing and the usual: " I told you, see, see..."

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Supreme leader of what? Buddism? Surat Thani?

There's only one real supreme leader in Thailand and he is above politics. There is a criminal in self-exile who has been a de facto supreme leader of the PTP and displays all the elements of wanting to be an above the law (supreme?) leader again.

As for Nattiwut - a lying two-faced gangster - having any credibility? Only to gullible souls who ought to know better.

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“He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process ...”. Hmm. Seems a familiar concept.

Shouldn't that read, he is (currently) above the Constitution and the judicial process - that is Thaksin you are talking about, isn't it?

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Truth be told, Suthep is just a puppet for some "invisible hands"... none of which care in the least for democracy... instead they care only about power, holding on to it, influence... and more power.

But in any case its a battle none of them can win without destroying democracy and splitting the country in the process. The people woke up years ago, they know whats going on, they won't be bullied or have their will and rights be disrespected.

To their shame, they have decided to push ahead and split the country and destroy democracy to achieve their goals.... and like the cowards they are, they hide behind their props like whistles and thai flags, bully anyone who doesnt agree with them, while hacking the country to pieces. Even more shameful are those farangs that still support this bonehead, even now, after we have seen all the blood on his hands and his motives have been laid out bare

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Truth be told, Suthep is just a puppet for some "invisible hands"... none of which care in the least for democracy... instead they care only about power, holding on to it, influence... and more power.

But in any case its a battle none of them can win without destroying democracy and splitting the country in the process. The people woke up years ago, they know whats going on, they won't be bullied or have their will and rights be disrespected.

To their shame, they have decided to push ahead and split the country and destroy democracy to achieve their goals.... and like the cowards they are, they hide behind their props like whistles and thai flags, bully anyone who doesnt agree with them, while hacking the country to pieces. Even more shameful are those farangs that still support this bonehead, even now, after we have seen all the blood on his hands and his motives have been laid out bare

Still touting your hate-filled agenda I see. As far as blood on hands is concerned, the attackers of the protestors have litres of it. Are you looking for a few more deaths to cheer?

This thread is about what the gangster Natthawaut's idiotic claims are. Have you anything to say on topic?

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Truth be told, Suthep is just a puppet for some "invisible hands"... none of which care in the least for democracy... instead they care only about power, holding on to it, influence... and more power.

But in any case its a battle none of them can win without destroying democracy and splitting the country in the process. The people woke up years ago, they know whats going on, they won't be bullied or have their will and rights be disrespected.

To their shame, they have decided to push ahead and split the country and destroy democracy to achieve their goals.... and like the cowards they are, they hide behind their props like whistles and thai flags, bully anyone who doesnt agree with them, while hacking the country to pieces. Even more shameful are those farangs that still support this bonehead, even now, after we have seen all the blood on his hands and his motives have been laid out bare

Still touting your hate-filled agenda I see. As far as blood on hands is concerned, the attackers of the protestors have litres of it. Are you looking for a few more deaths to cheer?

This thread is about what the gangster Natthawaut's idiotic claims are. Have you anything to say on topic?

Khunken, please don't be to hard on our dear friend moonao. He just made a typo.

If you read his post again and replace Sutheps name with yingluck, than his post make sense.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The longer Suthep and his backers keep secret and unpublished the membership of their "People's Council" the more everyone needs to be concerned that their secret agenda consists of the worst of all possible worlds. If their secret agenda is so good, give it to everyone to know and to see, publish the names, the processes, the procedures, the goals and purposes of this secret group that as far as we know will meet in secret as often as they like.

All the posts to this thread that are critical of publishing names, of naming names, have tried to direct attention away from the "People's Council" and of Suthep's role relative to the council and its work, its purposes, its methods. The fact is Suthep will be the overseeing power and the ultimate authority over this "People's Council' whether it is a public or private role.

What about this "People's Council"? No one will say. The Suthep and "People's Council" posters want to only talk about everyone and everything else except the "People's Council."

The PCAD has said its priority is to expel Thais and others from Thailand, which would include a confiscation of assets and forced relocations of citizens and farang alike. What is the plan of the "People's Council" and the PCAD, Suthep, for present cabinet ministers, red leaders in their large numbers, citizens who oppose the anti-democracy means and purposes of the "People's Council."

It is very good indeed that the media and civil organizations, to include the international community and media, can now ask the people named today what they may be up to, to include the opportunity to deny forever they would be members of the very real "People's Council" as it exists in the mind of Suthep and his big money powerful backers.

"Fascism seeks to build a mass movement of everyone considered part of the
national community, actively engaged but controlled from above, to seize
political power and remake the social order. This movement is driven by a
vision of the national community rising phoenix-like after a period of
encroaching decadence which all but destroyed it. Such rebirth involves
systematic, top-down transformation of all social spheres by an
authoritarian state, and suppression or purging of all forces, ideologies,
and social groups the fascists define as alien."


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What happened to Nattawut?

He seems so desperate lately.

Has he gone nuts?

The arsonist has not recently gone nuts, he's been intellectually challenged for sometime. I am guessing his a dear Leader is not happy, so spreading some mistruths will rally the sheep to start filling up their gasoline bottles. With this fool, and Jatta The Hut running ThE Red Mob, violence, intimidation and arson are guaranteed.

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What a load of rubbish.

Suthep has said many times he is not interested in the position of PM.

If he wanted to be supreme leader why would he make so much effort in setting up a reform committee?

Why have a list of potential candidates as neutral PM?

If there is any danger of a "supreme leader" then it comes from Thaksin.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Did you not mention the long nose your friend Suthpep gets every time he said that !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What a swell opinion the caretaker deputy commerce minister Nattawut has. I wonder what the opinion of the caretaker labour minster is? What will tomorrow's headlines read? Suthep claims Nattawut wants to become the supreme leader. It is as plausible as Nattawuts claim. They are both baseless, empty statements centered on a "belief" of which is even a stretch in this instance.

This is the vocal stylings of an accused terrorist 3 days before yingluck has to defend herself at the NACC. This caretaker commerce minister is also a leader of the terrorist wing of the PTP. Talk about conflicts of interests. He leads the largest unemployed, disenfranchised, radicalized and undisciplined street gang in history to protect the government he is a minister in. One could speculate that the 200 000 strong street gang is directly under the control of the PTP then, not that that was ever in doubt. Flashbacks of Europe in the 1940's come to mind. I remember other govt.'s that had there own militia that did their dirty work too.

So lets keep hearing your opinion Nattawut to take our minds of you moving your militia….sorry the PTP street gang, around Bangkok and overrun military check points to amass a "front line" around the NACC in your attempt to denigrate that principle of democracy called the rule of law.

One opinion I would like to hear though is yinglucks? This muppet is a commerce minister and terrorist leader. In Thailand unfortunately he and the labour minister can get away with making baseless accusations which is why we hear them. They can act with impunity. yingluck can't get away with it though. Even though she stated she will not respect some principles of democracy because it loosens her grip on power she is also accountable for what she says in the capacity of the PM. That is why we don't hear from her. The more these muppets speak the more I want to hear what yingluck has to say. Or is thaksin in a "zugzwang" when looking upon that playing board at that particular piece in the corner being defended by 3 little pawns.

What a conundrum thaksin has positioned this regime into.

I'd like to hear nattawut give a specific update about when the farmers will be paid. But I guess he's hoping that everybody has forgot this item and hoping everybody has forgotten the unnerving grilling he got when seated opposite the farmers representatives.

And on that note, how come the unpaid farmers are so quiet?

Anybody else suspect something has happened in the back room to push them to keep quiet and stay at home?

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