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ADSL Internet : what is a good alternative to TRUE Online ?

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Since the beginning (1st november) I experienced some problems with my Internet connection working with TRUE Online (DOCSIS).

As I use the internet connection for my business, I would like to secure the connection with another one.

I am wondering what could be a good alternative to TRUE Online (ADSL technology) ?

3BB, TOT ... ?

Thank you to share your experiences.


I got 3BB fibre optic last week. 30 MB/s and great so far. 1200 per month.

Thank you for your anwser.

How long is take to set up the line ? (I mean from signing date to service delivery date).


I've been using 3BB optic since the start of the year and mostly it's pretty good.

This is true optic to the home, not optic to the node and then copper to the home.

Installation was three days after applying.

The initial demand of paying 12 months in advance was met with a copy of the Thai constitution showing foreigners are to be treated the same as Thais. A phone discussion with a 3BB manager asking him if he would prefer I complained to the NBTC saw the matter quickly dropped to paying monthly (the same as a Thai). If you have a WP it will help, otherwise a long stay permission to stay/visa/extension.

The initial installation security deposit for the router was Bt2,000 + one month payment in advance. The router is a 4 port LAN model with WiFi

The 3BB service support is way better than True -- phone 1530, press 9 for English and 1 to leave your number. Usually you get a call back from an English speaking service agent within half an hour, though most of the time much less than that. So far I haven't experienced any of the ridiculous excuses I used to receive from True.

It's also not uncommon to have an English speaking engineer phone you to better diagnose any problem.

Without a doubt 3BB way, way outperforms True (though that wouldn't be hard to do)

If 3BB optic is available in your area I say don't hesitate. Get it and pay the Bt1,284 (incl vat)

The best thing I ever did was to get rid of ALL True products


Anyone know if 3BB optic is

available in any of these areas?


Tha Yang

Hua Hin

Cha Am

Thank You

If in Cha Am go to CAT

They have good pricing and the back up service is great


also: you may need to check with your office building if they are RESTRICTED to just True Online.

some buildings sign contracts with ONE company which disallows any other company from selling their services to you!!!

basically, its bribery money!!! one company bribes the office to sign something which allows the other companies to be cut out of the building.

I have this with TOT in my condo... it really sucks coz their service is not very fast or stable.

if your office management team have this deal with True Online,,, then all other companies will see that your place is blocked.

so,, check with your office first ;)

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I got 3BB fibre optic last week. 30 MB/s and great so far. 1200 per month.

And the upload? Upload speeds is where most ISPs in Thailand fail.


The 3BB is not good.

I use 3 BB about 3 years, now the modern often shot down.

Call to the call center tell him the modern often shot down.

Tell them come to check.

They told me over 1 year not have guaranted.

I think, the modern is 3bb property, they must keep it work good. If the modern broken they must change new or a good one.

Can not say they no maintance the modern.

no modern how I use the internet.

It is mean I stop and cancel 3 BB, change to other company

Very funny Thailand

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LoL - I switched from 3BB to True a few months ago because my 3BB connection wouldn't stay connected for more than a few minutes at a time. I didn't know about the "paying monthly like a Thai" thing so I paid for a year up front.

Within days I was having continuous disconnects, sometimes up to 15 times per hour ! I was actually recording the times each time it DC'd on me. By the time the modem reset itself and I could start surfing again, it would DC again.

Called the help line and was told by their tech that it "wasn't a problem from their end". Couple more calls and a new modem and......same problem. I have the distinct feeling that the problem is with the wiring they installed on the poles in my "village". Most likely a sloppy (loose) connection that causes signal loss whenever the wind blows (which would explain the frequent, but irregular disconnects). Unfortunately, it seems their techs are much smarter than some old farang, so the problem must be my fault in some inexplicable way.

Went off to work, returned 3 months later hoping that whatever the problem was would have been fixed (on their end). No luck. Screw it, got TrueVision installed. No problems (over 6 months later). A week after getting True in, a 3BB tech called me to say they noted it looked like I was having problems downloading ! I told him not to worry about it (as I plan on cancelling when my year is up anyways). The only reason I have kept the 3BB is in case True starts acting up the same way as 3BB was doing.

Every so often I look up at my 3BB modem and smile as I watch all the lights flashing merrily away (indicating that it had DC'd again and was rebooting).

However, if you are in an area where 3BB has been set up and running for awhile, you may not experience the same problems. It seems I was the first person in this village in soi Khao Noi to get 3BB, as they had to string a new line all the way from Khao Noi down to my (sub-soi ?) and I'm sure that is the source of my problems. If you are in an area where there are existing lines then any connection problems have probably been sorted out already.

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I got 3BB fibre optic last week. 30 MB/s and great so far. 1200 per month.

Are you actually clocking 30 Mbps? Or is that what 3BB is claiming you get?


As with everything True touches. They want as close as possible to a monopoly, yet are unable, or unwilling, to associate any service industry with customer service, or satisfaction.

BB seems to work well enough when used in public areas where they operate. TOT was also ok when I previously had their fixed line - apart from when they changed my SMTP address without telling me - but I can't say about their wifi.


I don't think you'll find any ISP that is completely reliable. Since internet service is fairly cheap here, you might consider using two service providers, that way if one goes down, you can switch to another if you need to. I use True Online (cable) for my main provider, and also have a slower 3BB ADSL which I switch to when my True connection goes down every month or so.


True online is not even close to a monopoly. TOT, CAT & 3BB are competitors. I've used TRue online (in Bangkok) for many years and their service (the few times I've needed it) is good. The only continuing problem is with their (cheap &) free Billion modem which takes you to their landing page if you don't clear your browsing cache.

Now if True Visions is mentioned I'm glad to be rid of that 'service'.


Moving to Chiang Mai soon and heard 3BB was the way to go. Can anyone confirm from their experience which provider is the better by performance and reliability? Moving to the East side around near third ring.


Can anybody using 3BB FTTX post traceroute (tracert ADDRESS in dos/console box and copy paste here) for the following IPs for me?






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