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What does "I want someone to take care of me" mean?

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''To take care'' someone means generally the same all over the world. Except in Italian sicilian ways. Anyhow, since this is a Thailand centric forum. When a Thai woman says she want you to take care her, it all depends on what kind of women she is.

If she is an issan bargirl - ''In exchange of use of my body sexually and be your girlfriend/wife, you need to provide enough money to support me, my family, my buffalo's, chickens and banana trees. And don't forget the 1MIL Sinsod''

If she is a ''normal'' working class girl - ''I want you to take care of me financially. Plus when we marry I want to have babies and you need to send me money every month when you are not in Thailand, And don't forget to make me look good in front of my family and friends.

If she is a partygirl - ''I want you to send me money every month and I will be yours alone(555:P). But I will be partying every night and hook up with with other guys and giks with your money. And don't forget I have an expensive lifestyle, I am a pretty girl and have many giks to support''

If she is a hi-so wannabe/Maxim model/carshow model - ''take care of me sexually and make me look good, cuz you are a good looking and rich farang, buy me alot of gifts and take me out to fancy places so we can be seen. And don't forget to send me money every month if you want me to be yours alone (555:P) cuz I have an expensive lifestyle, being a model and such''

funny you mention car models.

the girl I was with had friends who do that, and she is prettier.

and, they are the same everywhere.

girls are the same everywhere

I have a daughter that is a model, so I know the type well, and I was married to two of them.

I am certain that this girl would have been too had she not been raised in the north of thailand, with no commerce other than yabba

what we arent used to is,

they know the evil that lurks inside men,

and they are on guard for it, with less hope for change when they see a rotten apple.

I am starting to think many of the TV posters that debunk everyone's good experience, are these bad apples

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And their profile photos are often selfies or webcam pics of them sitting on their bed or in front of their pc, looking bored.

Fact: Only boring people feel bored.

Most men will steer clear of such listless dullards. A change of perspective and attitude could help those women a great deal.

most men will shag them once ,tell them what they want to hear and delete their phone number the next morning ........

and the cycle continues ..........shes back online ,looking for ANOTHER good man "to take care ' .......

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''To take care'' someone means generally the same all over the world. Except in Italian sicilian ways. Anyhow, since this is a Thailand centric forum. When a Thai woman says she want you to take care her, it all depends on what kind of women she is.

If she is an issan bargirl - ''In exchange of use of my body sexually and be your girlfriend/wife, you need to provide enough money to support me, my family, my buffalo's, chickens and banana trees. And don't forget the 1MIL Sinsod''

If she is a ''normal'' working class girl - ''I want you to take care of me financially. Plus when we marry I want to have babies and you need to send me money every month when you are not in Thailand, And don't forget to make me look good in front of my family and friends.

If she is a partygirl - ''I want you to send me money every month and I will be yours alone(555:P). But I will be partying every night and hook up with with other guys and giks with your money. And don't forget I have an expensive lifestyle, I am a pretty girl and have many giks to support''

If she is a hi-so wannabe/Maxim model/carshow model - ''take care of me sexually and make me look good, cuz you are a good looking and rich farang, buy me alot of gifts and take me out to fancy places so we can be seen. And don't forget to send me money every month if you want me to be yours alone (555:P) cuz I have an expensive lifestyle, being a model and such''

.....and your choice is ?


It means the first and more.

Pay for her to sit around with her boyfiend/husband/brother and the rest of the family getting drunk and gambling all day long like they have learnt to do on the rice farm.

Pay for her 'brothers' drinking habit and uncles and aunts. Pay for every single male family members bill they couldn't pay at the karaoke bar, extras included.

Pay all the familes this includes second cousins wives brothers sisters dogs, loan shark debt run up from drinking and gambling.

Pay for her car and petrol to drive to the temple/'brother/husbands house once a day for nookie with him and don't forget to provide his sang som and gambling money.

Pay for her donations to temple so she can make merit on what she is doing. Having sex with you while married to her husband.

Ok I go temple now.

Oh but before I do don't forget the sin sot even though she has got 5 kids(who up until now she told you were cousins) and a husband and been 'working' for 15 years. No she isn't the cashier and she didn't lose her other job 2 weeks ago.

I know one farrang doing this right now. He genuinely believes every word she says.

The "brother" looks after her children from her previous marrage. They send him money from the UK.


It means the first and more.

Pay for her to sit around with her boyfiend/husband/brother and the rest of the family getting drunk and gambling all day long like they have learnt to do on the rice farm.

Pay for her 'brothers' drinking habit and uncles and aunts. Pay for every single male family members bill they couldn't pay at the karaoke bar, extras included.

Pay all the familes this includes second cousins wives brothers sisters dogs, loan shark debt run up from drinking and gambling.

Pay for her car and petrol to drive to the temple/'brother/husbands house once a day for nookie with him and don't forget to provide his sang som and gambling money.

Pay for her donations to temple so she can make merit on what she is doing. Having sex with you while married to her husband.

Ok I go temple now.

Oh but before I do don't forget the sin sot even though she has got 5 kids(who up until now she told you were cousins) and a husband and been 'working' for 15 years. No she isn't the cashier and she didn't lose her other job 2 weeks ago.

I know one farrang doing this right now. He genuinely believes every word she says.

The "brother" looks after her children from her previous marrage. They send him money from the UK.

big sisters and brothers an aunts and uncles are clearly more amplified here,

the girl's mother has 11 siblings

they are everywhere in numbers that stagger even the old west


Just write a book with this extensive experience of yours. Sure it will became best seller. You will buy first edition.

  • 3 weeks later...

It means exactly what it says. And often has "and my family" attached

If you look at Chinese and other ASEAN dating sites, this requirement only really occurs in the Thai ones. Most other people are looking for a 1:1 relationship. However the down trodden Thais who still live in a world of male patronage have not twigged that this is not the most attractive of propositions!


It means she has had enough of searching for the full package and just want the cash now, however she can get it, and off whoever.

  • 4 months later...

Id thought id just brainstorm/rant/express myself from yesterday (so please excuse me for second)

had a converstaion yesterday with a girl from Thaicupid that ive been chatting with for a few weeks, Shes from pattaya, 30, 2 bfs in her life, one thai, one korean, no kids, works in an office of somesort, doesnt like farangs

actually id say is one of those good girls,

hates walking st, disgusted by hookers, hates the whole scene (the usual blah blah blah)

looking for a serious relationship, not butterfly (blah blah)

Thaicupid is full of butterflies, and old loser farangs blah blah

we got onto the topic of dating, and after a bit, she said that she expected the guy to pay for all meals during dates?

I asked why? "because if he earns more then he should pay and if you are in a serious realtionship youll have a joint account, so it doesnt matter who pays"

I then asked "so what happens if you earn more then him?:" "oh we pay half each!" "thats a bit hypocritical isnt it?" "man should be leader, man should take care of lady, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH"

her "also if once you get married, and have baby, do you expect her to pay for everything too?" me: "no, not at all, so why would he have to pay before you have a baby", "DEAD SILENCE"

me: "Would you still expect the man to pay for everything if you didnt or couldnt have kids???" " DEAD SILENCE"

me: "so whats teh difference between you and a bargirl??, customers will 'take care of you', pay you, and pay for your baby?" her: "if no sex, then yes, I will go and work for the bar!!!" me: "oh so you claim to be a good girl but are willing to take money from a customer as long as no sex???", her: "oh you are such an ugly man, you will be single for ever, every woman in the world thinks like this (mind you she hasnt been outside of thailand!), im sure your father paid your mother when they were dating,does that make her a prostitute??? " me: "um no, why would my father pay my mother an allowance, the concept wouldnt have entered their minds", her: "RANT RANT RANT RANT RANT"

her: "I am independant woman, I can take care of myself, I work hard, I am good girl,I not bargirl", me: "thats good, so why are you looking for someone to take care of you???" her: "oh you are so ugly on the inside, you dont understand women, women the same everywhere in the world, RANT RANT RANT, DELETE"

its interesting how some see themselves as different, when essentially they arent, or how they almost stand a high moral ground

just sharing my experience from yesterday, must admit, had a bit of a chuckle

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Usually a good Thai girl will say "lets take care of each other " then you know your on the right track. Some will say "take care of me " which means her extended family as well. You need to make sure you understand what she means.

Then if you agree on the meaning you will not have any problem . You read a lot of negative things about Thai woman here . This is a good site for vending but in reality most (not all) but most Thai woman are nice have a good nature and will give you a happy life. But like anywhere there are woman who will con and steal . So use common sense

Don't think with the little head it will almost always get you in trouble . Use good sense. Its that simple

90% of the male TV members have a fixed idea on its meaning but i and a few others we ask the pretty thing, its called communication.

From my experience on a sliding scale the lower the job and education profile the higher the "take care" is financial, the higher the education and job profile the "take care" is emotional, having said that all woman in all cultures dont like to date cheap guys.


I think men and women around the globe are pretty much looking for the same thing.

The thing I've noticed about Thai culture is that - more so than in the West - - women seem to want men to 'show-them-the-bacon' before they commit to a relationship.

But once a Thai woman is made to feel like she can rely upon and trust her man, she can be as dependable, devoted and loving as any man could wish for.

I also think that a lot of Western men forget that Thai women are risking a lot when they get involved with a Western man.

They're putting their reputations on the line. They risk being labeled a prostitute for becoming involved with a tourist, and risk being humiliated if they're summarily dumped by their 'holiday' boyfriend.

This may help explain, at least in part, why Thai woman push for more of an upfront proof of commitment than one might otherwise expect.

  • Like 2

I think men and women around the globe are pretty much looking for the same thing.

The thing I've noticed about Thai culture is that - more so than in the West - - women seem to want men to 'show-them-the-bacon' before they commit to a relationship.

But once a Thai woman is made to feel like she can rely upon and trust her man, she can be as dependable, devoted and loving as any man could wish for.

I also think that a lot of Western men forget that Thai women are risking a lot when they get involved with a Western man.

They're putting their reputations on the line. They risk being labeled a prostitute for becoming involved with a tourist, and risk being humiliated if they're summarily dumped by their 'holiday' boyfriend.

This may help explain, at least in part, why Thai woman push for more of an upfront proof of commitment than one might otherwise expect.

All those sacrifices in the name of.....?

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Perhaps you should be asking those that post they want to be taken care of.

Yeah! I always fantasize about asking 90% of the ladies on Thai Cupid what they mean by putting in Q. Your best feature? A. "If you are lucky I will show you later".


I think men and women around the globe are pretty much looking for the same thing.

The thing I've noticed about Thai culture is that - more so than in the West - - women seem to want men to 'show-them-the-bacon' before they commit to a relationship.

But once a Thai woman is made to feel like she can rely upon and trust her man, she can be as dependable, devoted and loving as any man could wish for.

I also think that a lot of Western men forget that Thai women are risking a lot when they get involved with a Western man.

They're putting their reputations on the line. They risk being labeled a prostitute for becoming involved with a tourist, and risk being humiliated if they're summarily dumped by their 'holiday' boyfriend.

This may help explain, at least in part, why Thai woman push for more of an upfront proof of commitment than one might otherwise expect.

All those sacrifices in the name of.....?

exactly, you play with fire, you risk getting burnt!

if the colour of your skin/hair is the only criteria of choosing a partner, be prepared in getting burnt or ending up with a complete loser

unfortunately, both males and females who choose partners based on superficial crap such as ethnicity, bank balance, country, usually end up with the losers or end up getting burnt

I have a friend back home who is mid 40s, average looking, says crap like "I only date 20-30 yr olds" once they hit 30, I dump them, (obviously he is half joking), but the reality is, these 20-30 yr olds just chew and spit him out, and he wonders why!


"I see so many profiles that have "I want someone to take care of me", and people who say this in person too,

what exactly does it mean? as ive heard so many different variations."

It's the traditional Thai male wedding vow. So they are asking for a husband.

Male vow is "Take care of wife"

Female vow is to "Serve her husband".

Remarkable ignorance shown on basic marriage detalis in Thai culture.

Some of you should learn a bit of Thai.

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"I see so many profiles that have "I want someone to take care of me", and people who say this in person too,

what exactly does it mean? as ive heard so many different variations."

It's the traditional Thai male wedding vow. So they are asking for a husband.

Male vow is "Take care of wife"

Female vow is to "Serve her husband".

Remarkable ignorance shown on basic marriage detalis in Thai culture.

Some of you should learn a bit of Thai.

in my country and culture, take care is more about mental/emotional support,

maybe the way the vowels are described is outdated, but im sure both men and women would be outraged if a man said "ok, ill pay for everthing, thats my end of the bargain done, Im not coming home/im getting a mistress"

maybe in thailand its different!


maybe the way the vowels are described is outdated, but im sure both men and women would be outraged if a man said "ok, ill pay for everthing, thats my end of the bargain done, Im not coming home/im getting a mistress"

75% of Thai women would be completely happy with that deal.

(Although I believe "take care" includes some degree of protection & management duties, etc. from the man)


"I want someone to take care of me" and "Give from heart". When someone says that to you, then just run!!!!!!


Who wants to get into a relationship/partnership where the aim isn't to take care of each other on one level or another.

The problem occurs when one partner decides that the other partner is there for their own gain only and doesn't want to reciprocate in the caring or giving, then the balance is lost.

I think many of us, me included have been burnt by someone along the line.

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and its no wonder why these supposed good girls simply dont understand when you say, "why would I go out with you, when I can get a bargirl!?!!?!!?"

With a bargirl

Someone to cook/clean for me: CHECK


A pretty thing to hang off my arm: CHECK

Company: CHECK

Get a new one, when you get sick of that one

with a GF

Sex: if its bad, you have to suck it up

Nagging: if its bad, you have to suck it up

Company: if its bad, you have to suck it up

Cant get a new one, when you get sick of that one

Cost: same as a bargirl if not more as time passes

Its understandable, that its a no brainer to many men


It's code for seeking Sugar Daddy.


And if an older man is writing it, than it means, he looks for nurse not a wife......

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