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Final questions before coming to thailand next week


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First I want to thank everyone for the vital info I have received over this past month. Both directly and through crusing through the forums. Most of my questions have been answered.

My plan so far is to come in visa exempt. Stay in Bankok a few days & head down to Ko Chaing island for s few weeks? I have an exit ticket to Vienatine Laos 25 days later where I plan on getting a dual entry Visa. Then heading to Chaing Mai to seek longer term cheaper residence. I want to stay for a few years, even if I have to fly out of country for 3 months. My questions are;

1. Exactly how many months can I stretch out a dual entry visa for. I thought I had this one down until I recently read a few contradictory posts? I am from the US and and I make enough to live comfortably but not enough to get a retirement visa. How often do I need to do border runs, 30, 60 days?

2. How do I contact the person who put adds for apts or condows for rent.

3. Is it unrealistic for me to think I can rent a studio or 1 bedroom condo/apt for around $150 a month.

4. Now this might be a dumb question but do the atm give out local currency & is the exchange rate good?

I appreciate all constructive posts

Thank you all

Sent from my BNTV400 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My guess is that you have never been to Thailand correct ??

In answer to your question

1. 2 Months plus 30 days extension at immigration times 2 (so 60 + 30 * 2 = 180 Days) (add. after the 30 days extension you have to make a border run)

2. Where are you looking for these apts to rent ?

3. You will only get basic acco for that kind of money

4. This is Thailand and ATM's here only give out Thai Baht (except for some ATM's at the airport), the Exchange rate depends on which bank in your home country you use.

Edited by MJCM
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4. This is Thailand and ATM's here only give out Thai Baht (except for some ATM's at the airport), the Exchange rate depends on which bank in your home country you use.

Plus if I am not mistaken a fee for ATM use on a foreign card of about 150-180 baht per transaction. Aeon used to be free but... If I am wrong someone will tell us!.

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You really havnt thought this through at all, or so it seems.

I would get alot more info and do alot more reading before you get that plane or you are going to be going back faster than you think and probably broke !

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I live in Chiang Mai and $150 a month is somewhat unrealistic for a rental. $200 is more realistic, and that would be a basic room, private toilet, aircon, TV, refrigerator, microwave, TV. Clean, basic, OK.

You say you make enough to live comfortably, but not enough for a retirement visa. Have you factored in border runs?

More importantly, since you mentioned retirement visa, that suggests you're "of an age" -- have you considered health care costs? Yes, basic out-patient visits are amazingly cheap, but an accident with broken bones, heart attack, stroke, etc, can set you back $5000 or more, and they won't start anything beyond "stabilizing" you until you cough up the funds. No free health care in Thailand. People die while they're being "stabilized". Hope you have a reserve fund you can tap at a moment's notice.

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4. This is Thailand and ATM's here only give out Thai Baht (except for some ATM's at the airport), the Exchange rate depends on which bank in your home country you use.

Plus if I am not mistaken a fee for ATM use on a foreign card of about 150-180 baht per transaction. Aeon used to be free but... If I am wrong someone will tell us!.

The OP will need to keep any eye out regarding becoming a walking ATM as well, often the withdrawal rate is exceptionally expensive, although initially the rates may look attractive.

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4. This is Thailand and ATM's here only give out Thai Baht (except for some ATM's at the airport), the Exchange rate depends on which bank in your home country you use.

Plus if I am not mistaken a fee for ATM use on a foreign card of about 150-180 baht per transaction. Aeon used to be free but... If I am wrong someone will tell us!.

The OP will need to keep any eye out regarding becoming a walking ATM as well, often the withdrawal rate is exceptionally expensive, although initially the rates may look attractive.

Funny....warning him this way for a double whammy.

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Thanks for the info. I didn't say I could only pay $150 for rent. Two friends of mine went to chaing mai & they only paid $150 a month. Also from what I have read I would have to have a monthly income of $2,400 a month to retire in thailand. I am just short of that. I have traveled extensivly in Central & South America. On every trip I stayed in each country for 3 to 6 months. All of which is a little more expensive than thailand. My last trip was to Equador where I stayed in the Galapagos & scuba dove for 3 months. I did this all on less than the income I have now. I have factured in the border runs. Besides I have already pre-payed my entire first 30 days for plane flights & hotel rooms. I am 59 and in great health. At that time if I feel I cannot make it I can simply fly back.

Sent from my BNTV400 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I almost forgot I still do not know what acco is.

Sent from my BNTV400 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Make sure that you have good medical insurance, certainly worth having. If you can stretch a bit further, a policy that covers Sick Buffalo may also be advisable.

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If you open a thai bank account as soon as you arrive, then it might be easier and a little cheaper for ATM withdrawals. You can always find certain places which do great exchange rates, like one place I use in Sukhumvit which delivers/picks up.

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Scar polo is correct. Bring minimum 10k.

Most points already covered. A friend of mine is in Chiang. Mai now. He has a fan room for $75 us a month. But one word of advice. You say you don't have enough income for retirement visa. This is a very small amount of money. Many farang including my friend think they can live here on thin air. What are you going to do. Stuff costs money. Chicks esp. Even ladies not from bars don't want to walk about Chiang mai holding hands breathing the lovely CM air.

You need more than you think.

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Cool warnings about expenses.. Our newsletter here, says they are cracking down on too many visa runs..I have an English friend who lives in Udon Thani so no dangerous van drives from C. Mai. The bus is much safer, though! I'm told 50$ per mo. will buy health insurance. Things worked out pretty good for me while there..as I went with the flow..good luck.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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if as you imply you've got income around 2k USD/month and some in the bank to cover emergency / flight home, that should be plenty to live in chiang mai and live a comfortable life but...

- make sure you budget for and get decent health insurance (not travel insurance)

- you will need to eat mostly thai food so better taste some before you come

- you can save money if you wait until AFTER you've arrived in Chiang Mai to find accommodation

- your budget isn't enough to fund dependents so only date ladies/men who are self-sufficient

good luck
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You may love it here. You may not. I've lived here 3 years, comfortably employed and I could stay another few years, or leave tomorrow.

Personally, as an American, I will be looking for a 20+ hour shorter plane ride for a place to retire. But that's me. I've got extended family and friends that I dearly miss- and going home for a week or so is just too much travel time to be worth it.

I'd suggest you answer all your own questions when you get here on an exploratory, closed ended trip. Then take a break and decide if you really like it here- and why. Too many people pack up their crap, sell their homes and goodies and hop on a plane to come live the dream in Thailand. They're so invested in it, they can't seem to change their plans when they find out things aren't like in the travel brochures. Or that their buddies who preceded them (and convinced them to do the same) are a bunch of whore mongering drunks who love it here for all the wrong reasons. And I know others who got their one night stand "in the motherly way" right out of the blocks. Great if that's what you want, but not so great if it's her plan and not your plan.

Good luck whatever you decide!

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4. This is Thailand and ATM's here only give out Thai Baht (except for some ATM's at the airport), the Exchange rate depends on which bank in your home country you use.

Plus if I am not mistaken a fee for ATM use on a foreign card of about 150-180 baht per transaction. Aeon used to be free but... If I am wrong someone will tell us!.

Yes 150 baht, but remember there is often a charge at home as well. My bank it's $5 CDN for withdrawl.

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If you plan on staying in Chiang Mai, I suggest you check out a condo called Sa-Nquan Malee Nice rooms, I paid 5500 Bht. a month, its out by the University and food is cheap in that area 7-11 across the street and ATM, easy walk down to catch a red truck, 40 bht to ride down town. Nice quite area.

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to save money while u look around for the best place to be - stay in a hostel

from USD 10 or cheap hotel USD 20.

Get advice before signing a contract for accom.

1. dont trust Asian women. 2 Don't trust any other woman (with Money or any other valuables)

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... and make 2 copies of everything.

to save money while u look around for the best place to be - stay in a hostel

from USD 10 or cheap hotel USD 20.

Get advice before signing a contract for accom.

1. dont trust Asian women. 2 Don't trust any other woman (with Money or any other valuables)

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