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PM Yingluck admits tough rice testimony ahead


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PM admits tough rice testimony ahead


BANGKOK, 4 April 2014, (NNT) - Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has admitted that her testimony on rice support program fraud would be difficult, given only 3 witnesses out of 11 submitted to testify for her have been allowed by the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) .

The Premier also said the NACC allowed her insufficient time to prepare for the case; however, she would fight the case fair and square under the judicial system, while insisting on her innocence.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s legal team, meanwhile, questioned the motive of the NACC, pointing out its determination to put the Prime Minister on trial based on incomplete evidence.

A member of the PM’s defense team, Bancha Poramesanaporn, is preparing to request that the NACC question 4 additional witnesses, including Labor Minister Chalerm Yubamrung, Deputy Commissioner General Worapong Chiwaprecha, Deputy Secretary General of the Prime Minister Tawat Boonfieng, and President of the Federation of Accounting Professions Pichai Chunhawashira.

Meanwhile, Ruengkrai Leekitwattana, Pheu Thai Party’s legal advisor, echoed the Premier’s lawyers’ opinion on the NACC’s incomplete evidence, pointing out that one of the documents on the pledged rice production figures in each season was inaccurate. He also claimed the NACC is biased against Ms. Yingluck, as it has documents that can be used against former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but did not press charge against him.

-- NNT 2014-04-04 footer_n.gif

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I doubt the judges involved are reading/reacting to the newpaper reports of what defendents think of procedure to date. This type of plea is not for justice/fairness, but an attempt to sway pubic opinion, and stir up the thugs waiting in the shadows.

The rumors, inuendo, and out right lies that have been reported as coming from the caretaker PM and her supporters, has reached the point that it seems to be an admission of guilt, with a plea for soomeone to intervene and throw a wrench into the gears of justice. Maybe the latter has been somewhat successful when the shooting, bombing, etc are considered.

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Nice pic. Nice clean desk, not a piece of paperwork, but holding a pen. Obviously not a lot going on mentally or physically. giggle.gif

Edit: oops... not even holding a pen... it's the table line 555

The lady has to be the most photographed Thai individual in recent history. The time , outfits, various venues, etc.which many would consider a total waste of time, effort, and money, seem to be a piority of Yingluck.

The description ''vain'' comes to mind.

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its a farce, not being allowed to have witnesses to testify on your behalf, due process not allowed when reviewing evidence, case taking precedence and jumping the q.

Please take note, from the onset she had loads of time to go present, but instead failed to respond quickly, she was then given more time but NO she cried wolf and now wants more time---Shin delay tactic, be honest.

The government was a farce. over 2 years and look how we are now. No excuses, why are you making excuses for them, are you puddled ??

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

again we see the indefensible trying to bluff their way oput of it. How can you defend not even doing the job you appointed yourself to do, yl made herself head of the rice scam yet never once sat in on any meetings or even attempted to guide them, instead she let them scam the thai people and steal their money, billions and billions of baht. The she and the ptp have the audacity to claim they are innocent and knew nothing about it while trying to stall all proceedings against her. As the head of the sheme the buck stops with her, there is no excuse, if any fraud was commited she should have known about it and stopped it, simply being too stupid to control what happened plus going on shopping trips instead of sitting in on meetings or reading the minutes is no excuse.

Stating that there are no true records of what actually happened with the rice or the money is who's fault, they have been asked for a very long time to produce accurate records but keep refusing to and now that its come back to bite them on the bum they are trying to use not being able to have them defence, the mind boggles at their ineptness.....

Sadly their are many Thai people who believe her and some farangs who i cannot understand who also think the sun shines out of her ***

Now look at the picture in the OP and imagine some blond hair with it, no more words needed.

Now that just being UNFAIR to blond ladies. They may not be the brightest but they are far better than this lady.

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its a farce, not being allowed to have witnesses to testify on your behalf, due process not allowed when reviewing evidence, case taking precedence and jumping the q.

Your problem is serious loss of memory. Start from the initial ( INVITE) and follow it then through. Time she had.

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its a farce, not being allowed to have witnesses to testify on your behalf, due process not allowed when reviewing evidence, case taking precedence and jumping the q.

The burden of proof is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, the best translation of which seems to be: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.http://www.trans-lex.org/966000

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due-process violation, which offends against the rule of law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_process

Impartiality is a principle of justice and the NACC has the burden of proof and must adhere to due process. That means they must; give adequate time to the defence, consider all evidence, consider all cases in a timely and impartial manner, etc. The manner in which the NACC are conducting this investigation and hearing is highly suspicious, especially given the lenience and lack of haste applied to others. They are laying themselves bare to criticism which will severely undermine their foregone verdict. This has happened before with several cases against Thaksin and or his parties leading to division & hatred.

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I very much doubt she or her Govt are innocent, but to pretend this inquiry is anything other than politically motivated is just being naive.

Everyone is aware that corruption runs from top to bottom in Thailand, and has done since the beginning of time through all administrations, and other than her brother, i dont believe anyone has ever been found guilty of anything or even investigated properly.

If she is found to have been negligent she should be punished in accordance with the law, and hopefully this would set a precedent going forward so that people of all political persuasion and position are investigated and punished accordingly without any prejudice. However once she is disposed of, i doubt very much this will happen, but here's to hoping. One bad apple about to dissapear, lets hope the remaining 100's are also weeded out. I wont be holding my breath on it though!

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If everything was above board, why then would she be in this position??? does this cPM and PTP think everyone has fallen off the back of a number 10 bus ???

Big coincidence ---how many charges have been made against this government so far and more upcoming. for years this lame dog sick pig excuse about politically motivated-sick. similar to the song---"there's a hole in my bucket dear +++"

She wants time ??? over 2 years, time was no problem when pillaging. pathetic Thaksin stance, repetitive stalling tactics. and NOT ME statements, rather childlike to say the least, otherwise I would be on a TVF holiday.

"If everything was above board, why then would she be in this position?"

She needs to "bend over and take it like a man"

Bend over the balcony and jump, and do us all a favor, would be best. She's good for absolutely nothing.

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its a farce, not being allowed to have witnesses to testify on your behalf, due process not allowed when reviewing evidence, case taking precedence and jumping the q.

The burden of proof is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, the best translation of which seems to be: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.http://www.trans-lex.org/966000

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due-process violation, which offends against the rule of law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_process

Impartiality is a principle of justice and the NACC has the burden of proof and must adhere to due process. That means they must; give adequate time to the defence, consider all evidence, consider all cases in a timely and impartial manner, etc. The manner in which the NACC are conducting this investigation and hearing is highly suspicious, especially given the lenience and lack of haste applied to others. They are laying themselves bare to criticism which will severely undermine their foregone verdict. This has happened before with several cases against Thaksin and or his parties leading to division & hatred.

Lorem ipsum notwithstanding her best defence and the one that she will almost certainly rely on is diminished responsibility through having an abnormally low IQ. Fact is, there is no evidence(even anectodal) that she even realizes or appreciates that she is technically a prime minister of a sovereign nation.

Sadly, the 450 billion baht that has been trousered by the red elite is too big a sum to be ignored. That it has bankrupt Thailand makes the charges more pertinent. That the real decision maker and controller of this red government boasted that he was given more than 30 billion baht( I see you recently learned of this theft in another thread) since Yingluck was the puppet PM is even more damning.

Having said that I will agree with you that she is a barry looking chick.

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What a funny situation. Yingluck has been trying to persuade us that she was the boss and in charge of the rice scheme for the last 2 years, and now the staggering corruption figures have come to light is trying to claim that she in fact was just a figurehead and not actually in charge of the rice scheme at all!

What sayeth her fans? Is there any way to spin this one?

They are still waiting on instructions from the camel herder before starting the spin machine.

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It always makes for a great start in a legal case to declare that you are being treated unfairly and to have your legal team echo that sentiment.

If the missing/incomplete documents relate to the financial administration of the scheme then this would be an own goal as many parties have been crying out for many months for the exact figures and despite many promises that it would do so, the PTP has failed to deliver.

They could not find the missing documents because they are still with the missing 450 billion thai baht. And the incomplete records are the list of people who took the money. Also YL wants more people to testify to make it easier for her so she doesnt have to answer for herself. She would be speechless already without her legal team.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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