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Do you trust a Thai - Seriously!


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I've never had one, because, well... I'm in my early 30s and still don't really have any facial hair. Only have to quickly shave my moustache area about once a week. Not my fault, but I'm not complaining. smile.png

Have your testicles dropped yet ?...rolleyes.gif

Only joking....thumbsup.gif

Soutpeel........I guess it's better than having gentlemen's "bits" (post #7). That must be embarrassing. biggrin.png

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I would have thought a more appropriate question would be

"How paranoid or racist is the OP?"

Hey wilco ... don't diss me too early!

I read some of your OP's ... you're a solid poster ... thumbsup.gif

Read some of my stuff beyond this OP before you shoehorn me into a place I don't fit.

'paranoid or racist' ... neither am I ... w00t.gif

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In Hua Hin, a farang gets charged 200 baht for a straightforward back and sides haircut, whereas in Cha-am the going rate seems to be 70 baht.

in bkk theres a sign thats says 60thb and thais and farang pay the same

if i thought i was paying 3-4 times the going rate i would look somewhere else

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Too many Sweeney Todd viewings.

The chair always swings back when the Thai Barber shaves you.

My barber also shaves my ears, neck and takes out my nose hairs. I give him 20b tip.

If you had a Demon Barber, do u think you might be the first one down the trap?

I smell troll-dung. How boring is it in your village???

Mate, no troll here.

I just get a wee bit tired with the 'Bar girl did me wrong' style thread.

I genuinely had the experience as described, just wanted to share.

Plus, I was curious just how far would you 'trust a Thai' to complete a task for which they are normally not known as their field of expertise.

Trust a Thai to whip me up and incredibly tasty lunch ... sure 100%

Trust a Thai to whip off my 2 day old growth with a cut throat razor ... less then 50% ... so I declined.

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I dont trust you .

I know that there were a number of closley timed posts above but ...


If, however, you are talking to one the members above your quote ... that's fine, but I'm fairly sure they are nice chaps also... laugh.png


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80 baht for a haircut in Hi-So Issan. facepalm.gif

Same prize as Samui.

Up in Northern Chiang Mai it 30 baht.

its only 60 in the middle of bkk ..............

Local shoppie is 40 Baht, just the occasional delay whilst the barber serves a shop customer with beer or whatever.

On the cut-throat topic, I'm 99% certain that every haircut I've had in Thailand has involved a straight razor (either a 'real' one or one that takes blades), I've never felt unsafe at any point.

Unlike the chappie on the street outside the digs in Mumbai who was shaving clients with a straight razor whist the client was sat on an orange box with pedestrians pushing past. Not one I tried!

100 baht in an Isarn village is expensive.

I used to get a shave every other day in India for a few months as it was so relaxing. At first I was scared but then realized that he wasn't going to do anything with 50 people sticking their heads in to watch the 'hippy' get a shave.

Here in Khon Kaen the last few barbers I went to didn't offer a shave to which I was surprised. I used to always get a shave/massage without asking and all for 50 baht or so. Times are changing or maybe I have developed body odour or something.

Do I trust a Thai? Strange question. Of course I do. I married one, for a start.

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Does anybody here know that razor can transmit dangerous diseases, such as HIV for example, if not sterilized properly. And it seems to me there were no autoclave in that village.

One, who dares to get a shaving in such a place, really has guts...

If people here can have sex with a lot of bargirls/prostitutes/sexworkers I don't think they should worry about razorblades.

And every place I have been to change the razorblades after using it.

In theory you can also get infected by the scissors they use when cutting your hair wink.png

Speak for yourself - I don't have any sex with sexworkers or strangers.
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i guess only farangs don't trust thais.

Really ? I wonder why whistling.gif

Do u face issues then ?

Not really, but i try to be prepared.

Btw, Thais don't trust Thais too, and personally i don't trust everyone, Thai or foreigner smile.png

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i guess only farangs don't trust thais.

Really ? I wonder why whistling.gif

Do u face issues then ?

Not really, but i try to be prepared.

Btw, Thais don't trust Thais too, and personally i don't trust everyone, Thai or foreigner smile.png

Woah ok. Personally I've been to thailand many times and so far I have no issues with them. In fact I think they can accept my country easily. I guess learning thai plays a key role. Edited by Jackson86
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so cheap....

in my moo bahn, it is 150-200 baht

only need the quick thing with the raisor over the head a few times, but she does not do that anymore or claimes not to have the shaver, you know, military style ...

so since then, i do myself...

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Reminds me of a situation I was once in, not long after 9 11, I was in a small barbers shop behind Minburi market, having a haircut. The barber was an old muslim guy and he was shaving around my ears and the hairline at the back of the neck when the tv showed the second plane hitting the towers. He tutted a couple of times and asked me what I thought of it all. I was about to answer then I remembered what he had in his hands and what religion he was and I kind of gulped. He laughed as he too saw the funny side of it.

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Yes. Sounds like racist question.

Is Thai a race ? Would you also call a person that don't thrust people from USA, Italy or Finland a racist?

Probably prejudices against Thai people. But not a racist.

Btw. I thrust Thais as much as I thrust people from all other countries

Edited by larsjohnsson
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80 = 20=100 for a haircut??

In my village my guy charges 40 ( recently up from 30 ) for a haircut and a good shave with a straight razor.

He does a great job and the straight razor is really a superior shave.

All done in a little shed in front of his house.

Relax and find a reasonably priced barber!

Before the guy I go to now, I was paying another guy 50 for a haircut and no shave.

One day I had to wait for 4 Thai guys to finish before my turn.

I couldn't help but notice they all got shaved as well and only paid 30!

I asked why and was told "Farang price"

I have not been back since and have told all my Farang friends.

Wonder if he put 2+2 together and now knows why he no longer gets any Farang business?

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You are extremely paranoid. I have had a number of shaves in Thailand with a razor. I did not see any blood on the floor. The shaves were very efficient and as close a shave as I have ever experienced. Inexpensive.

Other services I have not been so fortunate with. Some repairs to the home have been great while others the men disappeared without being fully paid. Thais seem to be satisfied with a little money and so not see the completion of the task as being particularly satisfying.

LESSON LEARNED. DO NOT PAY PARTIAL UNLESS IT IS A SMALL AMOUNT TO BUY MATERIALS. PAY ONLY ON COMPLETION. This is true in the whole world not just in Thailand. I have had money stolen in other countries by people who did not intend to deliver the service.

If you are concerned about having your throat cut, have your wife or friend sit there while you are getting service.

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