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Pretty sure chicken pox and shingles are closely related to what is called ngusawat in Thai. Quite common. The rash comes out in a pattern often repeated front and back & the belief is that if it fully encircles your body you die.


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i had it two years ago ,not very nice started out i thought i had sciatica or sciatic nerve pain went to doc he saw rash on my back and put me on tablets.two hundred dollars a bottle and take six a day. he said it was chicken pox that lies dormant in the spine and is bought on by stress. incidentally the rash is also only on one side of the body it never crosses over the centerline,the virus follows the bodies nerve lines and kills them as it goes ,i now have one side of my leg is permanately numb and also under my foot. i sympathise with any body that has to go through it.


I have it now and so does my girlfriend. She looked like in he words "you boxed me".I am back in Australia but it has infected my face a bit so will be seeing a GP tommorrow. I had to get a clearance from a Thai Dr to be able to fly. My GF tells me chickenpox rife in the sakeo area when she went home for her Mum to look after her. If you can afford a vaccination and you can get I suggest you do it. My Mum tells me she had them at 15. My girlfriend is 34 and I am 54 so don't wait until 60. A horrible thing.


If you do have chickenpox as a child the chance of having shingle is high as this is the same viruses , if you do have chickenpox vaccine the chane of having it is much lower, however the vaccine is worth getting in both case as the post herpetic neuralgia (nerve pain after the shingles infection) is horrible. The CDC recommends for people over 60 years as in general this group of people have many chronic disease and basically lower immunity compared to younger folks.

It is not available now but will be soon so keep checking with your health care provider.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I asked my doctor here about the vaccine ~ 6 months ago and he said it was still not available in Thailand.

I return to the U.S. every 60 days or so and plan to get it there once I reach the minimum age of 60 years; you can get this vaccine in a lot of chain pharmacies including CVS and COSTCO; I think it costs ~ $80 - $100.

My doctor (here) recommended keeping Virogon (aciclovir) 200 mg on hand, and to start taking it as soon as shingles presents. Virogon is available here OTC; 120 baht for 25 tablets (200 mg) at SouthEast Pharmacy (Sukhumvit Soi 15).


Shingles (herpes zoster) is caused by the reactivation of the latent varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection, sometimes decades after the primary infection. Primary infection typically occurs during childhood and causes chickenpox. Following primary VZV infection, the virus enters sensory nerves.

It is not known what causes reactivation of the latent virus, which leads to the clinical manifestations of shingles, but reactivation is usually associated with conditions that depress the immune system and/or old age. The severity of shingles increases with age. For this reason in UK as from Sept 2013 there is a programme of vaccination for persons over 70.

Treatment of the infection includes drugs used to manage the pain from these infected nerves (e.g. amitriptyline and paracetamol), but since this is a virus, personally I think it is also important to take or consider a whole body i.e. holistic approach too. Chinese medicine may also help.

At this time, CDC does not have a recommendation for routine use of shingles vaccine in persons 50 through 59 years old. However, the vaccine is approved by FDA for people in this age group.

There is no minimum age of 60 in the USA.

There have been shortages in production capacity in the past and suspect with many under age 60 now getting - as well as most above getting as insurance will pay for it - Thailand may of had issues in obtaining a reliable supply line so hope that is soon solved as will be in line.


As I mentioned I just had it within the last 12 months. Will the vaccine still be useful for those who have had shingles recently?


It is on the rise in Thailand. My mother-in-law got it recently after a very low immune system due to chemotherapy. It is also on the rise again in the UK. Worth having a vaccination.


I just had it ( herpes zoster) in september last year. According to my mother I didn't have chickenpox as a child.

I do use badly washed towels from the motel..I don't know where I got it from. I just turned 50.

Hurts like hell for a week , aspirines help a lot. Nightmare nights . After 4 days went to the doc and got a lot of pills.

It took 3 months to get my skin back to normal . I let the motel know because there was a young child and when the blisters break , it is very contagous.

Reading other posts here , I think I had a milt case. Still not sure where I got it from.

Once you had it , small chance it will comeback. Thai doc + medicine = 479 THB.

I think you probably got it from the young child! I had it many years ago after being at a friends house where his small daughter was recovering from Chickenpox. Dr. told me it is a virus, probably already in most of us and the Chickenpox can start it off. Had it on my shoulder, it was more than a year before I put on a shirt without feeling discomfort. At that time I was in my late 20's and very healthy.


As I mentioned I just had it within the last 12 months. Will the vaccine still be useful for those who have had shingles recently?



The Vaccine cannot be mailed as it must be injected within minutes of removing from its frozen state by the Pharmacist. Cost in Canada $180. plus $20 for the immediate injection.


I was unaware that there is a vaccine to stop you getting it. But I did suffer from it a few years ago now and had it on my face.

It will either go from your ear and down you face, or from your ear up your face.

The one that goes down your face will give you a lot of pain, but is the one that goes up your face that is most dangerous.

If you get the one that goes up your face, you have the chance of it getting into your eyes and the worst scenario is that you can get encephalitis and that is life threatening.

It took about a month or so of tablets to clear it up and have never suffered again. I have no idea of why I got it, but can tell you it was one of the most painful ilnesses I have had in my life.



The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all.

I think you can get from the public health dept free or at nominal cost.



As I mentioned I just had it within the last 12 months. Will the vaccine still be useful for those who have had shingles recently?

Yes after it has passed but not during an episode.


I use to think that to , I happened to have a few friends who've unfortunately had The Revenge of The Chicken Pox , which hides until your in usually your 60s but my friends were a bit younger. When I moved to Naklua last year , the stress of the move and travelling caused my body to get Shingles on back of my neck and head. I thought , at first I had been bitten by a bug and scratching it caused it to be infected. I went to hospital and they mis-diagnosed it as Herpes ,which both are viruses but ones Simplex and the other is zoster ! So ,after taking meds from hospital I looked on-line to discover it was Shingles and I took lots of different meds and supplements but because I hadn't started on the right meds within 48-72 hours ,it took almost 2 months of pain meds and creams and lotions and vinegar...

tried anything people were recommending in forums on the problem. I suffered pain even after the sores had abated for a few weeks. So ,if you can get a vaccine, I strongly recommend it.

Another reason you may not have known many folks getting it in 72 years ,is that the Baby Boomers have just started reaching their 60's over the last 10 years. putting allot more people at risk. I also found , many people don't talk about it ,until you mention getting it. It really is a horrible feeling!

That seems like quite a strange request. We hear so little about people getting it. I have known two people in 72 years that had it and it was defiantly not nice. As a rule it is so rare people don't even think of it.

Is there a particular reason you asked for it?


I was unaware that there is a vaccine to stop you getting it. But I did suffer from it a few years ago now and had it on my face.

It will either go from your ear and down you face, or from your ear up your face.

The one that goes down your face will give you a lot of pain, but is the one that goes up your face that is most dangerous.

If you get the one that goes up your face, you have the chance of it getting into your eyes and the worst scenario is that you can get encephalitis and that is life threatening.

It took about a month or so of tablets to clear it up and have never suffered again. I have no idea of why I got it, but can tell you it was one of the most painful ilnesses I have had in my life.


It sure sounds like the same thing I had , what makes you say its not Shingles? the Location?

So , sorry but he is right in his description. Look up the pix on Google Images , if locatio had you confused.


The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all.

I think you can get from the public health dept free or at nominal cost.


in oz if you have a pension card its free,that is the tablets i was prescribed, but as the cost is expensive they only allow one go at it


I just had it ( herpes zoster) in september last year. According to my mother I didn't have chickenpox as a child.

I do use badly washed towels from the motel..I don't know where I got it from. I just turned 50.

Hurts like hell for a week , aspirines help a lot. Nightmare nights . After 4 days went to the doc and got a lot of pills.

It took 3 months to get my skin back to normal . I let the motel know because there was a young child and when the blisters break , it is very contagous.

Reading other posts here , I think I had a milt case. Still not sure where I got it from.

Once you had it , small chance it will comeback. Thai doc + medicine = 479 THB.

Herpes zoster is bad but i use a cream the works perfect and ofcourse should work for everybody...Trok-N is the cream

Herpes is always there and can come back when you immune system is down so you should know that and better to have the cream handy


As I mentioned I just had it within the last 12 months. Will the vaccine still be useful for those who have had shingles recently?

It will prevent further episodes so yes it still benefits you

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I just had it ( herpes zoster) in september last year. According to my mother I didn't have chickenpox as a child.

I do use badly washed towels from the motel..I don't know where I got it from. I just turned 50.

Hurts like hell for a week , aspirines help a lot. Nightmare nights . After 4 days went to the doc and got a lot of pills.

It took 3 months to get my skin back to normal . I let the motel know because there was a young child and when the blisters break , it is very contagous.

Reading other posts here , I think I had a milt case. Still not sure where I got it from.

Once you had it , small chance it will comeback. Thai doc + medicine = 479 THB.

Herpes zoster is bad but i use a cream the works perfect and ofcourse should work for everybody...Trok-N is the cream

Herpes is always there and can come back when you immune system is down so you should know that and better to have the cream handy

From what I have read ( on the medical internet sites) , is that vacination after you had it , won't benefit much.

So because of the cost and low chance the dormant virus comes back , I won't get the vacination.

I now know what the symptoms are and what to do about it. First time that kind of pain all alone in strange country, pretty scary. Thought I was dying...or a kidney stone or a crushed nerve in the spine , untill the rash came .

Hospital wanted me to come dayly for a dressing of the rash , but walking home , the sweat washed it off , so I didn't go again. (thanks foxteen : I copied the name of the cream , hopefully not to use...)


Shingles is from the chicken pox virus called herpes zoster. When you get chicken pox (usually as a child), the virus remains dormant in your body for many years. It can become active anytime but usually after the age of 60, when it can cause problems. There are many things that can trigger re-activation of the virus but we do not totally understand the process.

Zostavax is a vaccination of the weakened chickenpox virus and stimulates an immune response. Zostavax will not totally prevent shingles and it is not used to treat shingles. Zostavax MAY decrease the chance of shingles from occuring and if shingles does happen, it will usually decrease the severity and duration of the shingles outbreak.

Zostavax is administered subcutaneously, usually in the back part of the upper arm(triceps area) and is not very painful. The vaccination comes from the manufacturer frozen and MUST remain that way until it is prepared for administration. I would definitely NOT consider having a dose shipped to Thailand from anywhere.

The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all. It is recommended for individuals over 60 years old. Most pharmacists and retail pharmacies in most states can give the vaccination and does not require a visit to a doctor or prescription from a doctor.

Many people think it is worth the cost to get the vaccination. I suggest you talk with your doctor or an experienced pharmacist to get more information about the benefits and risks involved.

Hope this information helps.



"The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all. "

Just a couple of years ago the cost for my vaccination at a Walgreens was between $25 - $30. NO insurance coverage for some reason. I don't remember why Walgreens wouldn't honor insurance for it.

I'd highly recommend getting the Shingles vaccination as well as a mumps vaccination.


Yes, I too got it for around $50 (give or take) at a pharmacy in the US, no doctor visit required (this may vary by state though). Penumococcal and I think flu vaccines can be gotten the same way.


If the cost to you was really $25 or $30 without any insurance, there will be literally thousands of pharmacies going directly to Walgreens to buy from them. Truth is that Zostavax wholesale cost to any retail pharmacy or doctor is $160 to $180 USD per dose. In the USA, it depends a lot on individual insurance policies as to what the final cost is to the patient/insured. I have seen everywhere from zero to no coverage.

But still worth the price for many people.


Shingles is from the chicken pox virus called herpes zoster. When you get chicken pox (usually as a child), the virus remains dormant in your body for many years. It can become active anytime but usually after the age of 60, when it can cause problems. There are many things that can trigger re-activation of the virus but we do not totally understand the process.

Zostavax is a vaccination of the weakened chickenpox virus and stimulates an immune response. Zostavax will not totally prevent shingles and it is not used to treat shingles. Zostavax MAY decrease the chance of shingles from occuring and if shingles does happen, it will usually decrease the severity and duration of the shingles outbreak.

Zostavax is administered subcutaneously, usually in the back part of the upper arm(triceps area) and is not very painful. The vaccination comes from the manufacturer frozen and MUST remain that way until it is prepared for administration. I would definitely NOT consider having a dose shipped to Thailand from anywhere.

The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all. It is recommended for individuals over 60 years old. Most pharmacists and retail pharmacies in most states can give the vaccination and does not require a visit to a doctor or prescription from a doctor.

Many people think it is worth the cost to get the vaccination. I suggest you talk with your doctor or an experienced pharmacist to get more information about the benefits and risks involved.

Hope this information helps.



"The cost in the USA at a pharmacy is about $200 USD, if you do not have insurance that pays part of all. "

Just a couple of years ago the cost for my vaccination at a Walgreens was between $25 - $30. NO insurance coverage for some reason. I don't remember why Walgreens wouldn't honor insurance for it.

I'd highly recommend getting the Shingles vaccination as well as a mumps vaccination.


I just checked the Costco website. Cash price for Zostavax (no insurance) is $185.36 USD. Pneumonia vaccine is $69.78.

In the USA, Costco nearly always has the best retail price for these types of meds, especially when they are not generic. Some large retail chains have loss-leader prices that give away meds for less than cost, e.g. $4.00 for a 30 day supply of some generic meds (which is cheaper than Costco cash price).

It depends on which state you are in as to which vaccinations a pharmacist is allowed to prescribe and administer. Best to actually call a pharmacist in the state you are in and talk to them about availability, costs and risk / benefit for you individually. There are lots of variables and they need to be sorted out for each person.

I hope this clears up some questions.


Yes, I too got it for around $50 (give or take) at a pharmacy in the US, no doctor visit required (this may vary by state though). Penumococcal and I think flu vaccines can be gotten the same way.


I suffered an attack of herpes zoster ophthalmicus last June. It almost cost me my left eye. I had no vision in it for 2 months, and when it came back I had severe diplopia, and had to wear glasses with heavy prisms. I still have extensive scarring all over the left side of my head, from the bottom of my eye socket and up. The post-herpetic neuralgia lasted 6 months, and often woke me screaming in the night. I lost 20% of my body mass, and had a BMI of 16 at one point. I was so weak that some days I could not get out of bed. I think it could have killed me if I had not had the right diagnosis and treatment. It took nearly a year to get my body mass back to the healthy range.

Before I had it I thought shingles was like acne; a skin disorder, easily treated. Little did I know. If the vaccine works it is worth almost any amount of money. I hope it comes to Thailand soon. I know someone who really needs it.


That seems like quite a strange request. We hear so little about people getting it. I have known two people in 72 years that had it and it was defiantly not nice. As a rule it is so rare people don't even think of it.

Is there a particular reason you asked for it?

not that rare - it's you just don't think about it.


As shingles is a consequence of having Chicken pox that usually affects old people (esp. over 70) , to get an idea of the figures you need to check your HOME country, not Thailand for incidence rates


I asked my doctor (Bumrungrad, 6 month check-up) yesterday about the shingles vaccine and he told me that it remains unapproved and unavailable here, but that there is a lot of interest in it here. He was not aware of any near-term plans for it to be approved or made available in Thailand.

I was wrong in my previous post on pricing in the U.S., I had said $80 - $100 based on info, from my brother-in-law who is a physician, but I misunderstood. The manufacturer's price is $150, while many retail pharmacies charge $180 - $200. He confirmed the minimum age of 60 for this vaccine, but I have no clue how stringent various clinics, doctors and pharmacies might be.

Again, Aciclovir, if taken at the first sign, can greatly reduce the impacts of a shingles episode. My doctor recommended keeping some on hand, which I do. It is available here over the counter as Virogon.

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