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Active Ingredient in Skin Whitening Creams


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The time has come to stop spending hundreds of dollars a month on skin whitening cream that I can not work out the active ingredient.

It can't be good for you.

Why don't Thais just use sunburn cream?

Can I just buy a bath and mix in some bleach to save money? (Wish full thinking)

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YipYipYa123, on 07 Apr 2014 - 08:26, said:
chrisinth, on 07 Apr 2014 - 08:14, said:

Corn flour and water works just as well. Instant white if applied correctly.......................thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif width=25 alt=thumbsup.gif>

Save you a fortune as well....................tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png width=20 alt=tongue.png>

Wheat flour or baby powder would also be a cheap alternative .............biggrin.png


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Whenever a Thai sales person tries to sell me some lotion or cleanser (doesn't happen often, but anyway..) and mentions its

skin whitening quality, I say that I don't need that because I already have 'real white skin'. smile.png

I say this because for most products that quality is the main quality, that I don't need or want.

Aside from that, when asked why I am so white even though the sun always shines he, I just say I drank a lot of milk when younger smile.png .

(This is not to imply I am superior, or to bash or anything, I just don't like the whole skin whitening culture, even think it creates

inequality and discrimination within (Thai) society, which is just sad).

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I live between the "white" thai lady's and i noticed they will never ever go in the sun. Also not when they have a baby, the baby will only go outside at 6 pm for 10 minutes a day.

So what is worse for a human body? Using whitener or sitting under a roof all day long with the baby?

My neighbour told me proudly to have a look at the white legs of her 3 years old daughter. So white. Only thing i saw were very fat legs full of mosquitobites and pimples and they even were misformed allready from no excercise.

I went to the beach in a big group of Thai. The Thai didn't want to swim or take off any clothes, just sit and drink beer. The beach was full of westerners swimming and wearing bathsuits. I wonder what the Thai were thinking then.

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I live between the "white" thai lady's and i noticed they will never ever go in the sun. Also not when they have a baby, the baby will only go outside at 6 pm for 10 minutes a day.

So what is worse for a human body? Using whitener or sitting under a roof all day long with the baby?

My neighbour told me proudly to have a look at the white legs of her 3 years old daughter. So white. Only thing i saw were very fat legs full of mosquitobites and pimples and they even were misformed allready from no excercise.

I went to the beach in a big group of Thai. The Thai didn't want to swim or take off any clothes, just sit and drink beer. The beach was full of westerners swimming and wearing bathsuits. I wonder what the Thai were thinking then.

Are you a relatively recent arrival in Thailand?

Just asking like ... rolleyes.gif

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No idea but I've found that darker skins age FAR better than pale pink.

Far more vulnerabe to skin cancer disorders too.

I understand what you mean, but I think you have the reason wrong.

Us whities, as kids and teenagers go bask under the Midday sun with, at best, a covering of Baby Oil, thus 30/40/50 years later, those early practices are visible.

Just my take on it ...

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No idea but I've found that darker skins age FAR better than pale pink.

Far more vulnerabe to skin cancer disorders too.

I understand what you mean, but I think you have the reason wrong.

Us whities, as kids and teenagers go bask under the Midday sun with, at best, a covering of Baby Oil, thus 30/40/50 years later, those early practices are visible.

Just my take on it ...

A lot of dark skinned people frolicked around in the sun when they were young too. They still age better than whites

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The absolute worst thing you can do to your skin is spend too much time out in the sun. Not only do you risk skin cancer, but premature aging as well. This is well documented in countless medical literature. So regardless of the reasons, the Thais are doing something right.

By the way, do you know what the active ingredients in cigarettes are? Ever try to explain this to a smoker? And hot dogs? And french fries? How about people who don't exercise? Especially obese people. Isn't that extremely unhealthy? Nevermind....sorry about that, folks. Didn't mean to pry into peoples' PERSONAL LIVES. Unlike this thread.

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Both in Thailand and the west, many "whitening" products just contain sun block, nothing else.

but some products in Thailand contain some fairly harsh chemicals.

Sheryl's right on this. The mass market body lotions sold in all the stores that have "whitening" on the label contain sunblock and maybe some other harmless products to give the skin a pearly tone. I rather like them. My skin is very fair and sunburns easily. I've worn sunblock every day since I was age 22 because I can get a nasty sunburn just walking from my front door to a parked car. I found I could stop buying expensive sunblocks if I use the Thai mass market body lotions instead. Seems they work just as well.

A chemist friend explained that these lotions contain sunblocks that are actually better than those used in most lotions sold as sunscreens, but the reason the Thai whitening body lotions don't have a SPF number on them is because the sunblock chemicals used aren't shelf stable, so they aren't appropriate for use in products being sold specifically as sunscreens. But, if you use a bottle of Thai whitening body lotion that has been stored properly and hasn't been on the shelf for years, it will have good sunblock properties.

Seems to work for me. I've converted Hubby, too. Now, after he's done shaving or washing his face, he slatters my Citra body lotion (with whitening pearl essence) all over his face, neck, forehead and ears every day. Good way to avoid a nasty case of skin cancer. Much less greasy than products sold as sunscreens, too.

Note: I'm not talking about the really expensive products sold in small bottles on the promise they'll lighten skin tone several shade. This stuff is simply body lotion with "whitening" on the label. It's a good product to use daily.

Edited by NancyL
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Have to tell this one. Had a friend staying from the Seychelles a while ago. Very funny and extrovert guy with really black skin, and a big deep voice. He wanted some face cleansing cream.Took him to Tesco's. He wandered around the shelves getting more and more frustrated, and muttering loudly, - whitening cream ? whitening cream ? - I do NOT want to be white !!

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