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Surapong tells US of Suthep's declaration of himself a sovereign


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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

No need. The US embassy has a whole department full of rather switched on Americans and Thais who are able to brief the ambassador and the secretary of state about what is happening in Thailand far more intelligibly than this idiot who is clearly just talking his own book.

"this idiot" is the Foreign Minister of a major SEA country

he may be many things but an "idiot" he is not

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The US assistant secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel and US ambassador Kristie Kenny met the caretaker deputy prime minister at the Defense Ministry today during his visit to Thailand to hear briefing of the current political situation.

And they answered.... Well we are a bit busy now. Where is Pol Pot land??? We might need some places for R and R ... now run along there... be a good boy.

AS IF THEY CARE what really happens in ting tong land. As if I care .. it just makes my day less boring after work reading such childish antics and makes me think my staff are a whole lot better...

Thailand is a formal security treaty ally of the United States in a region of the world that is heating up because of aggressions by the Boyz in Beijing.

What happens in Thailand is of a great and direct importance to Washington given especially Washington's recently announced policy of a "Rebalancing to Asia" in terms that are military, political, economic. Thailand is the lynchpin economy and political force of mainland SE Asia and is second only to Indonesia in Asean.

Beijing and Manila are in a serious ongoing confrontation over the EEZ of the Philippines onto which Beijing is brazenly and arbitrarily encroaching - the Phils are also a formal security treaty of the U.S., as is Japan which is locked in an increasingly dangerous struggle against Beijing's similar aggressions concerning Japan's Senakaku Islands.

AsstSecState Russel is in the region accompanying SecDef Chuck Hegel who just hauled off at the Boyz in Beijing concerning these disputes and others in a new policy of confronting Beijing given the CCP's determined recklessness in the region. Beijing's new ADIZ aggressions have become a deal breaker to Washington. And now governments throughout the region see Beijing as preparing to act as Moscow is acting in the Crimea and Ukaraine, so Washington is having to take a new and much tougher line with Beijing.

AsstSecState Russel is the main U.S. Government guy in Washington for East Asia and the Pacific so it's significant his higher ups at the National Security Council - where Amb Kenney used to work - to include SecState Kerry saw a need to reroute him to Bangkok, where, according to a report just hours ago in the Xinhua official Chinese news agency, Russel met with Prime Minister Yingluck in the Defense Ministry office with Surapong and US Ambassador Kristie Kenney among others.

Russel did not meet with Suthep or Abhisit. Recall that his (exceptionally strong) predecessor, Kurt Campbell, travelled to Bangkok in 2010 and met with Red Shirt leaders in their camp in Central midtowne, and that PDRC mobs have menaced the US Embassy, unsuccessfully calling for Kenney's recall. Russel did personally deliver a letter to Yingluck from SecState John Kerry, the contents of which have not been released, but which reportedly affirms US recognition of the sovereignty of the legitimately elected democratic government of the Kingdom.

Democracy and stability are the core issues in Thailand as the United States does not want to find itself formally allied with a failed state engaged in an active civil war. Washington knows it will have to deal with whatever government takes shape here, but its strong preferences are clear and unmistakable. The mutual and long term closeness between the Pentagon and the Thai military are also prominently in the mix.

Your empty headed carping makes you look silly.

So is the airhead Kenney woman going to call in a US gunboat to sail up the Chaopraya and train its guns on Lumpini Park to prop up the Shinawatra family kleptokracy. Suthep must be quaking in his boots just like Putin.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

No need. The US embassy has a whole department full of rather switched on Americans and Thais who are able to brief the ambassador and the secretary of state about what is happening in Thailand far more intelligibly than this idiot who is clearly just talking his own book.

"this idiot" is the Foreign Minister of a major SEA country

he may be many things but an "idiot" he is not

Apart from his Chinese clan relationship to the Shinawatras and his willingness to hand deliver a passport to a convicted fugitive abroad, what were his qualifications to become foreign minister?

What are his notable achievements in the field of diplomacy apart from asking the UN secretary general to come to Thailand to help prop up his family's crumbling regime?

Edited by Dogmatix
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Wrak bastards! If you think so, ARREST HIM!! Only in Thailand are the police afraid of a thug!

In Thailand often the police are the thugs and yes people are afraid of them.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The quote is from post #35 from Khaosod

"It is clear that Suthep wants to seize power into his own hands," Mr. Surapong charged, "He has never listened to anyone in the past ... It's the way of dictators".

If you were to replace Suthep's name with that of Thaksin it would mean exactly the same thing but from the opposite view.

Neither Thaksin nor the PTP/PPP/TRT ever listened to anybody else in the past either.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.

yes he did you need to read between the lines a little bit better. He & ONLY he would appoint a PM and cabinet. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?????

Ask your hero Thaksin. It is what he does.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.

Oh yeh!!! you can guarantee he did - after all, that quality newspaper Khaosod said so!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

And, if he really telling the truth? Did suthep say specifically that he would be the sovereign.

Oh yeh!!! you can guarantee he did - after all, that quality newspaper Khaosod said so!!

Yes he did. But in Thai. Read Here:


Edited by chotthee
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Stop bitching and start voting. Anything else IS treasonous to a Democracy.

Apart from the fact that democracy doesn't equate with elections, we do not have an election planned at the moment.

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Whilst I believe that, on occasion, Suthep has taken leave of his senses - stating that he will be the "sovereign" is not something that I believe him to have said.

Delusions of taking over the big chair and the crown jewels would leave him answering charges of LM as well as being straight-jacketed and subsequently Guy Fawkesed and he's not that daft.

He may well believe that he will be granted certain powers under certain conditions - but he would be in a tiny minority of people entertaining such thoughts.

This is Thaksin's cousin mischief making by false representation in my opinion

He obviously said something like the people will exercise their sovereign power which they hold according to Article 3.

I don't TV should post a heading that is an obvious mistranslation or distortion of what he said.

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

The only immature post here is yours.........you defend anything a red Shirt Politician does and critical of anyone who has a different opinion to yourself. I suggast you take your own advice and move along.....preferably out of Thailand

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

another immature post

The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

nothing to see here... move along

I don't know why so many posters are getting upset about this. Its entirely normal diplomatic protocol to inform the ambassadors of other nations certain events that impact the host nation - an act of Treason is probably one such event. As there was a very senior member of the US Govt visiting Thailand, again its normal procedure that a meeting is arranged with senior Govt and diplomatic officials. I'm certain that the US would be very well informed of the political status from their own sources anyway, but at Govt level certain protocols must be followed. No big deal.

Protocol to tell a lie >>don't think so !!

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WoopyDoo, on 08 Apr 2014 - 16:25, said:

and attack all the foreigners.


They are the ONLY ONES that gave us, Khun Foreigners the PR's as they all know that we support and take care of the Thai labour force, be it large, medium or small.

The Dems never and ever did this for us when they were is power, for us Khun Farangs.


What Planet is this poster from ??? Can anyone please translate ??

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Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

I seem to remember Hillary Clinton praising Yingluck as an incredible leader.

so it shows how much the US knows!!

then again,.. the chances are that Hillary was praising Yingluck in order to get something in return...

the shinawartas are an ideal 'match' for other corrupt leaders in the world!!

back-end deals are part of the parcel in governments there days.

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Isn't it great how they show the world how stupid they are and how they want to lead a country?!??!?!?!

But its a pitty many of the thais dont know anything whats going on: they cant read english newspapers or website and so they stay uninformed and vote agine for a corrupt regime...its far from any democratic system: just rob their own people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a pitty that this country has no independant press!!!!!!!!!!! I worked more than 30 years in Germany for press and feel so upset about the press here in Thailand. The independant press is the one who should inform the people of this country about all whats going on and not some bullshit informations given by the government to spread over the country!

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Isn't it great how they show the world how stupid they are and how they want to lead a country?!??!?!?!

But its a pitty many of the thais dont know anything whats going on: they cant read english newspapers or website and so they stay uninformed and vote agine for a corrupt regime...its far from any democratic system: just rob their own people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a pitty that this country has no independant press!!!!!!!!!!! I worked more than 30 years in Germany for press and feel so upset about the press here in Thailand. The independant press is the one who should inform the people of this country about all whats going on and not some bullshit informations given by the government to spread over the country!

I totally agree but an 'Independent' press that reports the true facts in this country is very dangerous for the reporter and his employer. Let me say that again, very dangerous.

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