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'Totally inappropriate': Tourist's shock at Buddhist temple in Thailand

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when it comes to imperialists like the Soviet bloc,

One of the beauties of living in Thailand, I can watch CCTV, Al Jazeera or Russian telly, thankfully Bubba in his double wide in Sth Georgia has no input.

Must make sure tomorrow I watch the Gerry Springer show, or even better Jeremy Kyle, great to keep in touch with how the masses back home think (brainwashed).

You have to laff, WW2 stared with Poland being invaded, it finished 6 years later with millions dead, and Poland was still invaded, they died for what?

Jeremy Kyle, lol. I don't think most of the Chavs on that show think, at all. Hilarious entertainment though, always watch a few episodes when I'm in blights, just for the amusement. How society has regressed.

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I expect the moronic justification from the powers that be will be more shocking than the actual mural itself. (which I think is in bad taste btw)

Just watch, the blame game and denial will be in full swing soon. I can state with almost certainty, no one will apologize or take any responsibility for it or the repercussions. Watch and see it unfold. Think of it as an exercise in understanding Thailand.

Doubt local media will even touch on this as a story, since it might make someone look bad...

You an American? I am. And not only do I not find the need to resent some dumb-ass nut job artist's painting- I do not require any apology from the Thais about it. I do resent your ridiculous retentive post and the manner in which you preemptively start the inane Thai bashing. It is uncalled for, unfair and might reflect poorly on people of a better caliber.

And "think of it as an exercise in understanding Thailand." Crapola! I think of your post as an exercise in understanding raving boorishness.



when it comes to imperialists like the Soviet bloc,

One of the beauties of living in Thailand, I can watch CCTV, Al Jazeera or Russian telly, thankfully Bubba in his double wide in Sth Georgia has no input.

Must make sure tomorrow I watch the Gerry Springer show, or even better Jeremy Kyle, great to keep in touch with how the masses back home think (brainwashed).

You have to laff, WW2 stared with Poland being invaded, it finished 6 years later with millions dead, and Poland was still invaded, they died for what?

Possibly off-topic, but I think they died because Neville Chamberlain's piece of paper wasn't worth the paper it was written on. The Poles fared badly out of it all, the Germans seem to have struggled through... perhaps if we had had Brian Blessed as prime minister instead of Neville Chamberlain (sorry - I can't find a Youtube link to Brian Blessed at the court of King John in the Blackadder series, on his return from the Holy Land Rowan Atkinson: "I last saw him disappearing over the walls of Antioch armed with nothing but a small fruit knife"

Blessed: "aahaaa" clutching a small fruit knife and sodden with (presumably saracen) blood.

We never had a nuclear war when we relied on mutually assured destruction. We had one before that.



I expect the moronic justification from the powers that be will be more shocking than the actual mural itself. (which I think is in bad taste btw)

Just watch, the blame game and denial will be in full swing soon. I can state with almost certainty, no one will apologize or take any responsibility for it or the repercussions. Watch and see it unfold. Think of it as an exercise in understanding Thailand.

Doubt local media will even touch on this as a story, since it might make someone look bad...

You an American? I am. And not only do I not find the need to resent some dumb-ass nut job artist's painting- I do not require any apology from the Thais about it. I do resent your ridiculous retentive post and the manner in which you preemptively start the inane Thai bashing. It is uncalled for, unfair and might reflect poorly on people of a better caliber.

And "think of it as an exercise in understanding Thailand." Crapola! I think of your post as an exercise in understanding raving boorishness.

Do you ever have a day off ? Why is it always Thai bashing ? It was only 2 weeks ago when you chimed in trying to defend a bus driver that killed 18, and fled the scene of a accident. Your reply then was "the driver did not break the law" You need to get a life "techboy".


The art work shows a piece of history- ...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree; it also shows a little of pop-culture. Perhaps 10,000 years from now when the temple is buried deep in dirt/dust, archeologists who dig up the place will be pondering the significance of the mural, without the bias that is pervasive in many (Western) people today.

I would suggest to the OP from passing any judgement, and instead attempt to contact the artist to inquire about the significance of the art. Maybe it will be a win-win situation for both parties; they might learn something from each other.


Just get over the pseudo shock horror and concern.....twas long ago now and public in your face aggression about anything to do with it that pisses of the to sensitives.......remember and grieve in peace and private those that were directly affected.

To many band wagon jumping onners.....that need a 'cause' to cry about and look popular.

This, post and others here are the war cry of a complete and utter coward.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "



when it comes to imperialists like the Soviet bloc,

One of the beauties of living in Thailand, I can watch CCTV, Al Jazeera or Russian telly, thankfully Bubba in his double wide in Sth Georgia has no input.

Must make sure tomorrow I watch the Gerry Springer show, or even better Jeremy Kyle, great to keep in touch with how the masses back home think (brainwashed).

You have to laff, WW2 stared with Poland being invaded, it finished 6 years later with millions dead, and Poland was still invaded, they died for what?

Possibly off-topic, but I think they died because Neville Chamberlain's piece of paper wasn't worth the paper it was written on. The Poles fared badly out of it all, the Germans seem to have struggled through... perhaps if we had had Brian Blessed as prime minister instead of Neville Chamberlain (sorry - I can't find a Youtube link to Brian Blessed at the court of King John in the Blackadder series, on his return from the Holy Land Rowan Atkinson: "I last saw him disappearing over the walls of Antioch armed with nothing but a small fruit knife"

Blessed: "aahaaa" clutching a small fruit knife and sodden with (presumably saracen) blood.

We never had a nuclear war when we relied on mutually assured destruction. We had one before that.


Perhaps (as with many other events in play at the time) that is the case.

Fortunately, your "post hoc ergo propter hoc"reasoning but your mention of Chamberlain reveals a schoolboy's puerile account of history

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


This image appears to me to be a legitimate work of art.

It seems the artist is extremely talented.

Whether such provocative art belongs in wats though, that I don't know, as I don't pretend to understand Thai Buddhist culture.

I think an art gallery would be better.

Yes, even in New York. Maybe better in New York.

Art is more than something that looks pretty over your sofa, my dears.

Gosh, I was going to say something along those lines but was too scared of the backlash. Thumbs Up JT!!

too much PC ov TV for this ex-thai VIP


Even saw in Christian church in Bangkok,

A man depicted nailed to a cross.

(Pictures & Carvings)



Apples vs. Oranges (to put it mildly).

What shocked you (I have a hard time believing that) is indeed central to the doctrine of Christianity. And your personal take on it is an affront to all Christians.

An attack on the World Trade Center is not quite "central" to Buddhist doctrine. Most fail to see the connection, which is why its appropriateness is the topic of discussion here.

I think that you missed the sarcasm here Fookhaht - the smiling wai at the end should have provided the clue.


Even saw in Christian church in Bangkok,

A man depicted nailed to a cross.

(Pictures & Carvings)



Apples vs. Oranges (to put it mildly).

What shocked you (I have a hard time believing that) is indeed central to the doctrine of Christianity. And your personal take on it is an affront to all Christians.

An attack on the World Trade Center is not quite "central" to Buddhist doctrine. Most fail to see the connection, which is why its appropriateness is the topic of discussion here.

I think that you missed the sarcasm here Fookhaht - the smiling wai at the end should have provided the clue.

And wrong,

only some christian "sects" use an image of a man on the cross, the rest just use the cross itself, which is a symbol that long predates Jesus


Even saw in Christian church in Bangkok,

A man depicted nailed to a cross.

(Pictures & Carvings)



Apples vs. Oranges (to put it mildly).

What shocked you (I have a hard time believing that) is indeed central to the doctrine of Christianity. And your personal take on it is an affront to all Christians.

An attack on the World Trade Center is not quite "central" to Buddhist doctrine. Most fail to see the connection, which is why its appropriateness is the topic of discussion here.

I think that you missed the sarcasm here Fookhaht - the smiling wai at the end should have provided the clue.

And wrong,

only some christian "sects" use an image of a man on the cross, the rest just use the cross itself, which is a symbol that long predates Jesus

He was making a joke in saying that he saw a man nailed to a cross in a Christian church in Bangkok and found it disgusting, that's all!!

I am not going to enter into a conversation about Christianity with you as it doesn't interest me.


oh, I took it figuratively,

but it was meant, literally?

got it.

agreed, I have no interest in being saved either,

used some, but not saved


Even saw in Christian church in Bangkok,

A man depicted nailed to a cross.

(Pictures & Carvings)



Apples vs. Oranges (to put it mildly).

What shocked you (I have a hard time believing that) is indeed central to the doctrine of Christianity. And your personal take on it is an affront to all Christians.

An attack on the World Trade Center is not quite "central" to Buddhist doctrine. Most fail to see the connection, which is why its appropriateness is the topic of discussion here.

I think that you missed the sarcasm here Fookhaht - the smiling wai at the end should have provided the clue.

And wrong,

only some christian "sects" use an image of a man on the cross, the rest just use the cross itself, which is a symbol that long predates Jesus

He calls the 2.3 billion members of the Catholic Church a "sect."

Yes, TV is DEFINITELY often the hub of disinformation...case in point.


i love it, this also should remember all the us citizen on the attack under false flagg from the terroristc goberment from the usa at this time.

Someone to translate this for us?

Get over it.

Its now an historic event.

All this feigned sensitivities from people not even affected by it in reality.

Leave it to those that were directly affected to deal with it each year and move on...same same all these war story remembrance days.....past their use by date much.

Four wars and counting.

International culture of paranoia

Ditto for anti-Islamic hatred

Neuro linguistic bafflegab and shrill Bill O'Reilly replace McNeal Lherer, currency controls, propaganda baths daily.

Really showbags this was NOT a sporting event or a starlet caught gobbling charcuterie behind a forking dumpster.

The people who did this haunt every aspect of our daily lives.

You suggest we "get over it" ????

Are you living in a one room walk up in Broaque At on D'ole ????

Doesn't haunt every aspect of my daily life. It's not even something I think about momentarily when I get the call to prayers at 0630, nor when I get woken up by little boys in their toy cars at 0215, as the pubs are kicking out.


Well, Street Cowboy it actually does.

But hey, as they say: . . . . . . . . . and, um, how's THAT working out for ya ;-?

If I got into hating Muslims and gargling more beer, and watching more footy instead of assessing the geopolitical environment and making pots of cash year over year as a result maybe I'd be happier.

I'll check back with you in a month or so.

Don't be a stranger, now ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

So thats the basis of it...your just jealous.


Just get over the pseudo shock horror and concern.....twas long ago now and public in your face aggression about anything to do with it that pisses of the to sensitives.......remember and grieve in peace and private those that were directly affected.

To many band wagon jumping onners.....that need a 'cause' to cry about and look popular.

This, post and others here are the war cry of a complete and utter coward.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Not sure whats worse....the people that cry over it for attention....or the ones that complain because they have not made money from it....yet.

As for coward....yes, if that is the tag you would like to issue people that think wars are a complete and utter waste in this day and age......go for it big boy.


Just get over the pseudo shock horror and concern.....twas long ago now and public in your face aggression about anything to do with it that pisses of the to sensitives.......remember and grieve in peace and private those that were directly affected.

To many band wagon jumping onners.....that need a 'cause' to cry about and look popular.

This, post and others here are the war cry of a complete and utter coward.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Not sure whats worse....the people that cry over it for attention....or the ones that complain because they have not made money from it....yet.

As for coward....yes, if that is the tag you would like to issue people that think wars are a complete and utter waste in this day and age......go for it big boy.

War is big business.

When you say waste of money,

not to the arms suppliers, the railroads, and the other merchants of death who built thes empires, past and present

there is always a winner,

it just isnt either fighting side


Just get over the pseudo shock horror and concern.....twas long ago now and public in your face aggression about anything to do with it that pisses of the to sensitives.......remember and grieve in peace and private those that were directly affected.

To many band wagon jumping onners.....that need a 'cause' to cry about and look popular.

This, post and others here are the war cry of a complete and utter coward.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Not sure whats worse....the people that cry over it for attention....or the ones that complain because they have not made money from it....yet.

As for coward....yes, if that is the tag you would like to issue people that think wars are a complete and utter waste in this day and age......go for it big boy.

Deliberately obtuse?

Illiterate ?

Ignorant ?

This thing in the mural is at the bottom of every corporate energy war .

The real murderers are currently vetting Republican candidates for the next pseudo-democratic electoral exercise in the world's second most murderous regime.

Willful ignorance of this is Cowardice

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


This image appears to me to be a legitimate work of art.

It seems the artist is extremely talented.

Whether such provocative art belongs in wats though, that I don't know, as I don't pretend to understand Thai Buddhist culture.

I think an art gallery would be better.

Yes, even in New York. Maybe better in New York.

Art is more than something that looks pretty over your sofa, my dears.

Art in itself can be many things to many people, apart from the untalented scribbling of 99.9% of graffiti "artists" there can be something to appreciate in all pieces presented for review or comment.

Your final comment on the other hand is purely pretentious and patronizing, I believe the vast bulk of negative comments here are simply about the location of the exhibited piece and not about it's artistic merits. I happen to agree with most of them as a place of religious worship is no place to exhibit unrelated artwork.

Even if we are less well educated or cultured than your good self, I doubt many people on this forum still buy there "artwork" to hide a damp patch on the wall.


Just get over the pseudo shock horror and concern.....twas long ago now and public in your face aggression about anything to do with it that pisses of the to sensitives.......remember and grieve in peace and private those that were directly affected.

To many band wagon jumping onners.....that need a 'cause' to cry about and look popular.

This, post and others here are the war cry of a complete and utter coward.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Not sure whats worse....the people that cry over it for attention....or the ones that complain because they have not made money from it....yet.

As for coward....yes, if that is the tag you would like to issue people that think wars are a complete and utter waste in this day and age......go for it big boy.

Deliberately obtuse?

Illiterate ?

Ignorant ?

This thing in the mural is at the bottom of every corporate energy war .

The real murderers are currently vetting Republican candidates for the next pseudo-democratic electoral exercise in the world's second most murderous regime.

Willful ignorance of this is Cowardice

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

the same people who killed the Kennedy's?


if this was in MOMA or the Tate Modern it would be hailed as progressive modern art with the art community proclaiming how it depicts western pop culture symbolism and capitalism or something something blah blah and there would be nothing wrong with that, why is it so wrong for an artist to do it at a temple here?


if this was in MOMA or the Tate Modern it would be hailed as progressive modern art with the art community proclaiming how it depicts western pop culture symbolism and capitalism or something something blah blah and there would be nothing wrong with that, why is it so wrong for an artist to do it at a temple here?

cud very well be,

the artists started w the towers,

became saddened and brightened the painting w good things about america,

he could have made the first part, never finished it, and then came in with a new perspective entirely, and mixed thoughts

the artist, could be a woman


Would you prefer satanic cult of Judaism?

Who created Christianity?

Whoa! "sect"? "cult"?

Someone needs to consult a basic dictionary. Even a small pocket edition would clarify your muddled semantics. On third thought, easier yet, just check with a native English-speaker. tongue.png


if this was in MOMA or the Tate Modern it would be hailed as progressive modern art with the art community proclaiming how it depicts western pop culture symbolism and capitalism or something something blah blah and there would be nothing wrong with that, why is it so wrong for an artist to do it at a temple here?

I've just noticed the petrol pump emanating from one of the hit buildings pouring petrol into people's mouths and so I guess that this is a protest at 'capitalist America's thirst for oil through any means available to them such as invading and destroying countries to maintain their energy security (justified by their national interests naturally).

Also, what looks like a 'grim reaper' figure gliding over the top of the 'about to be destroyed' tower plus a few other clues indicating the artist's disdain for the great US of A!!!.

Definitely more in this than first meets the eye.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thai at Heart, on 10 Apr 2014 - 23:57, said:Quote
Metapod, on 10 Apr 2014 - 13:13, said:Quote

America trying to export their morals onto everyone else yet again it seems.
I'm sure there are a lot of things that would be totally inappropriate and shock thai tourists in America too.

The daily mail is British...

Removed by poster


Would you prefer satanic cult of Judaism?

Who created Christianity?

Whoa! "sect"? "cult"?

Someone needs to consult a basic dictionary. Even a small pocket edition would clarify your muddled semantics. On third thought, easier yet, just check with a native English-speaker. tongue.png

the fact is, it is a cult,

that it grew so large was a result of their turning on the Knights Templar, Oct 1307

they do occult rituals

they dress in occult fashion

they profess to hate gays,

but they have sex with young boys,

yes, a satanic, and cruel cult, that is soon to be cut down


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Would you prefer satanic cult of Judaism?

Who created Christianity?

Whoa! "sect"? "cult"?

Someone needs to consult a basic dictionary. Even a small pocket edition would clarify your muddled semantics. On third thought, easier yet, just check with a native English-speaker. tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png alt=tongue.png width=20 height=20>

the fact is, it is a cult,

that it grew so large was a result of their turning on the Knights Templar, Oct 1307

they do occult rituals

they dress in occult fashion

they profess to hate gays,

but they have sex with young boys,

yes, a satanic, and cruel cult, that is soon to be cut down

Oh my, why does Thailand attract these types? crazy.gif

I can see it coming now.... "Several off-topic troll-rants have been deleted along with quotes containing their posts....."

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