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Supa Piyajitti selected as new NACC member


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sounds like a great nomination, she is honest and prepared to do the hard yards to get to the truth but you can bet the ptp/reds will chuck a wobbly over her nomination, they dont like people that are honest...... especially when you consider she was the only one that was prepared to tell the truth about the rice scheme and the results, the ptp tried everything to silence her, couldnt ask for anyone better to be in the NACC.

Do you understand the concept of "conflict of interest"?

In the interest of judicial impartiality and fairness, she would have to recuse herself from anything to do with the rice program for the same reason a judge cannot adjudicate on a case he/she was involved in and for the same reason a police officer is not allowed to work a case he or she has an interest in.

It is an incredibly poor choice because she is a career bureaucrat with a perceived grudge against the current government. In the interest of impartiality and transparency, a neutral non implicated professional should have been nominated.

Apparently, you have no consideration for some basic elements of justice.

You mean she knows the truth!

"It is an incredibly poor choice because she is a career bureaucrat with a perceived grudge against the current government"

Because she has morals and values she decided she couldn't be quiet, she spoke up and therefore she's got a perceived grudge against pt.

Strange comment but not surprising..

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sounds like a great nomination, she is honest and prepared to do the hard yards to get to the truth but you can bet the ptp/reds will chuck a wobbly over her nomination, they dont like people that are honest...... especially when you consider she was the only one that was prepared to tell the truth about the rice scheme and the results, the ptp tried everything to silence her, couldnt ask for anyone better to be in the NACC.

Do you understand the concept of "conflict of interest"?

In the interest of judicial impartiality and fairness, she would have to recuse herself from anything to do with the rice program for the same reason a judge cannot adjudicate on a case he/she was involved in and for the same reason a police officer is not allowed to work a case he or she has an interest in.

It is an incredibly poor choice because she is a career bureaucrat with a perceived grudge against the current government. In the interest of impartiality and transparency, a neutral non implicated professional should have been nominated.

Apparently, you have no consideration for some basic elements of justice.

You mean she knows the truth!

That is not the issue. The integrity of the NACC and the process is at stake. If she knows the "truth", then she can testify as a witness for the prosecution.

Then you would no doubt say she shouldn't be a witness because she's biased, she has a grudge.

Nice try k'kid but your about as convincing as a broken leg.

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Yep.... chalk up another of the Suthep/Abhisit clan on the " independent...neutral" Commission...and then with the new Senator elect Jongchai Thiengtham who wants to be the upper house speaker... just a continuation of the dismantling of a fair and equitable body started in 2006... the never ending coup... and the beat goes on... more power too them... if your public allows you to stack the deck...som nom na... they get what they deserve...one day.. maybe not in this lifetime but when education is truly a desire... and history and information can be freely interpreted... the truth will be known and these cowboys all exposed 250-138= _____...

Are you suggesting she's corrupt? If so on what evidence? Was there something incorrect about her disclosure regarding the rice scheme? Could it be that they've chosen someone who's prepared to speak the truth and isn't corrupt. Did the government come up with any explanation why she was removed from her post.

I think she looks like an ideal replacement but what will really show how good she is will be if they can get things moving on the accusations of corruption against Abhisit and Suthep. That really needs dealing with quickly. Of course if they find there's no evidence of corruption you'll be on here telling us that's just them being biased.

I am not saying she is corrupt do not put words into my mouth.... what I am saying is and it should be apparent to someone as yourself... is that having already been reported as having testified to/taken the position of having knowledge of vast corruption in the scheme.. would better be suited as a witness on behalf of the NACC rather than a Panel member... It only opens up the inference of collusion which further complicates things an in no uncertain terms reeks of deck stacking... my guess down the road it will be argued both ways but appearances are what they are... some will see it one way others will see it 180 degreees opposite...I think it was a huge blunder considering the backlash with regards to the panel maintaining whatever semblance of equality and independence in the view of interested parties...

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So Ms Supa was known for her "audacious" move in uncovering evidence of corruption in the rice pledging scheme. Curious to understand what was audacious about it . But she will no doubt be biased and maybe even vendictive in her role as a NACC member. NACC doesn't need this person if it wants to portray itself as independent and unpolitical.

That is a catch-22. Do we want the NACC filled with people willing to stand up against corruption in if that means loosing their job and painting a target on their back? Yes, of course. However, as you say, that automatically makes them potentially biased, have tainted views and/or bitter and likely vindictive. So the alternative is to have what?

It's important to remember one thing: The NACC are investigators. They uncover evidence. They are not the judges! So what's wrong with having headstrong investigators?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Beyond farcical. She is a witness in these matters, how can anybody suggest she can be impartial now. What a joke. Of course given the chance to present information about wrongdoing last July, she chose to do it through the media. Also a Director of Siam Commercial Bank. Where does that money trail lead?

She's an investigator. Not a judge.

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sounds like a great nomination, she is honest and prepared to do the hard yards to get to the truth but you can bet the ptp/reds will chuck a wobbly over her nomination, they dont like people that are honest...... especially when you consider she was the only one that was prepared to tell the truth about the rice scheme and the results, the ptp tried everything to silence her, couldnt ask for anyone better to be in the NACC.

Do you understand the concept of "conflict of interest"?

In the interest of judicial impartiality and fairness, she would have to recuse herself from anything to do with the rice program for the same reason a judge cannot adjudicate on a case he/she was involved in and for the same reason a police officer is not allowed to work a case he or she has an interest in.

It is an incredibly poor choice because she is a career bureaucrat with a perceived grudge against the current government. In the interest of impartiality and transparency, a neutral non implicated professional should have been nominated.

Apparently, you have no consideration for some basic elements of justice.

Do you understand the NACC are not judges?

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So Ms Supa was known for her "audacious" move in uncovering evidence of corruption in the rice pledging scheme. Curious to understand what was audacious about it . But she will no doubt be biased and maybe even vendictive in her role as a NACC member. NACC doesn't need this person if it wants to portray itself as independent and unpolitical.

That is a catch-22. Do we want the NACC filled with people willing to stand up against corruption in if that means loosing their job and painting a target on their back? Yes, of course. However, as you say, that automatically makes them potentially biased, have tainted views and/or bitter and likely vindictive. So the alternative is to have what?

It's important to remember one thing: The NACC are investigators. They uncover evidence. They are not the judges! So what's wrong with having headstrong investigators?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And investigators who know the ins and outs of government process, documentation, where / how evidence etc., might perhaps be hidden.

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Yep.... chalk up another of the Suthep/Abhisit clan on the " independent...neutral" Commission...and then with the new Senator elect Jongchai Thiengtham who wants to be the upper house speaker... just a continuation of the dismantling of a fair and equitable body started in 2006... the never ending coup... and the beat goes on... more power too them... if your public allows you to stack the deck...som nom na... they get what they deserve...one day.. maybe not in this lifetime but when education is truly a desire... and history and information can be freely interpreted... the truth will be known and these cowboys all exposed 250-138= _____...

1. So what's actually your point?

2. How would you suggest appointing the commissioners of the NACC?

3. Who are the cowboys you mention?

4. Please share some suggested real names as possible NACC commissioners.

Let me put it to ya this way... lets deal with the cowboys...and you have to step back and look at this from a bigger perspective...follow the money... follow who finances the Democrat Party... Look at who sits on the boards of these companies...look at what leading Industrialists say about the unbelievable sway BOT, Privy Council..and the 10 or 20 wealthiest Thai Families have and their relationship to Thai Politics...takes a bit of reading and research ... a few months worth for me as I can't sit and ponder it daily but could prove quite revealing to you as well but is a good read...and then couple that with the archaic laws governing freedom of speech ..Those two tied together are what keeps the MO going... and the monied people from both colored sides understand this.... though one side weighs in quite a bit heavier than the other,,,if and when... you are not sued for defamation and truth can be spoken out loud and topics not intentionally suppressed.....only then can the playing field be a bit more level... for me the biggest inhibiting factor is truth and education...taking the Thai people out of the mythology of expertise and actually educating them and giving them the confidence to speak up...something they are currently taught not to do from Matayom 1 on... you know thew old adage... Money talks... has a couple of edges...bribes.. is the obvious ...but the subtler is the one where someone evaluates what a billionaire says and weighs that against what a pauper says... and normally thinks that the guy with the money must be right...he got the money so his MO must be the better choice...

Someone that sits on a Commission that decides on Corruption or Decides on Elections has to be as squeaky clean as possible and has to be vetted publicly otherwise it matters not what side you take there will always be those who claim corruption there as well... They should be vetted publicly and agreed on by a broad spectrum of the public in order to not be a repeat of the last 8 years...

not gonna take the time to give you as list now ....as what or who I think might be good has no bearing on any outcomes but... I think the Thai public should be provided a list to take a look at.. not arbitrary appointments by insiders stacking the deck in their interests... Education is the key... Thais are taught not to think independently...and frankly after 12 or more years of that hammered into your head in school you end up with people in the workforce with an attitude that does not embrace educating themselves in any way shape or form or even wanting to...after getting a degree..not all mind you ..but many...just don't want to study anymore because that takes work...and that has been intentional...that is where the whole thing functions from... it is how the cowboys keep control of the herd...

Someone that sits on a Commission that decides on Corruption or Decides on Elections has to be as squeaky clean as possible...

So who would you suggest? Chalerm, Surapong, Plodprasob, Sanoh, Jatuporn, Thida, Nuttawut,...

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Honest question.

What would happen if she finds Yingluck not guilty?

Personally I just think it's another kangaroo court but just say it's not guilty then what?


What is vulgar about this is not complaining about the case that made the conviction but complaining about the court before the verdict

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So Ms Supa was known for her "audacious" move in uncovering evidence of corruption in the rice pledging scheme. Curious to understand what was audacious about it . But she will no doubt be biased and maybe even vendictive in her role as a NACC member. NACC doesn't need this person if it wants to portray itself as independent and unpolitical.

That is a catch-22. Do we want the NACC filled with people willing to stand up against corruption in if that means loosing their job and painting a target on their back? Yes, of course. However, as you say, that automatically makes them potentially biased, have tainted views and/or bitter and likely vindictive. So the alternative is to have what?

It's important to remember one thing: The NACC are investigators. They uncover evidence. They are not the judges! So what's wrong with having headstrong investigators?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And investigators who know the ins and outs of government process, documentation, where / how evidence etc., might perhaps be hidden.

AS she was investigation this rice scheme she may have knowledge about the last scheme - Democrats, So if there is any ground for investigation she would know and know where to look. If there is not then resources would not be wasted,

What I am hoping is that she has looked at the changes to the tax code that allowed business to "offset agricultural losses" against their tax on other business. One of those little things that has made life harder for genuine rice farmers. Or has that slipped under ever bodies radar.

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I guess the big question is what will be the next show to drop.

Jatuporn making the UDD a political party would just abut end the PTP and would not be a bad move for Thailand.

The best Yingluck can count on the rice scheme trial result is for her to be found not guilty due to incompetence. Either way she is finished as the PM.

The interesting story will be who gets thrown under the bus

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Honest question.

What would happen if she finds Yingluck not guilty?

Personally I just think it's another kangaroo court but just say it's not guilty then what?

if she was found not guilty you would say it wasn't a kangaroo court I guess

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Your right dinooz and that's my point,

With all the accusations of bias in the whole judicial system how is anybody going to be satisfied with any verdict handed down by any court.

The whole system is a basket case.

Yep that's right pppppppppppp parrrrrot (excuse my stuttering) there will always be one side that wont accept the verdict,if evidence, overwhelming evidence proves guilt, PTP wont accept it.

Going off topic here, but the whole thing with Suthep stating if the ptp don't accept a guilty verdict he will take control blah blah blah to me is fair enuff,if he had said that if the courts find PTP innocent and he said he would do this and that I would take issue PTP?UDD wont accept anything but an innocent verdict otherwise it will be war I cant accept that way of thinking .

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you dropped the 'perceived' I see. Now it's 'associated with grievances'.

Now that type of behavior would exclude you, even from a body like the NACC.

BTW would you care to name some of those people who are qualified, impartial, without affiliation to any political party, etc.?

There are literally thousands of potential candidates that can be found within the Thai business groups or Thai professional associations who are qualified lawyers, accountants and administrators. There are professors close to retirement at several of the universities who are more competent than a career bureaucrat. Although many might have voted for political parties other than the PTP, their integrity and independence would be likely.

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you dropped the 'perceived' I see. Now it's 'associated with grievances'.

Now that type of behavior would exclude you, even from a body like the NACC.

BTW would you care to name some of those people who are qualified, impartial, without affiliation to any political party, etc.?

There are literally thousands of potential candidates that can be found within the Thai business groups or Thai professional associations who are qualified lawyers, accountants and administrators. There are professors close to retirement at several of the universities who are more competent than a career bureaucrat. Although many might have voted for political parties other than the PTP, their integrity and independence would be likely.

So you can't name any ?

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Oh boy! Someone in Dubai sprayed his morning latte all over his keyboard when he read this news!


They tried to intimidate and discredit this woman, when she was doing her last job with courage and integrity. I guess that really backfired, didn't it?

And presumably once the Rice Scheme fiasco has been settled, someone will be brought to book for illegally sacking this Lady - we hope.

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Seriously? They select their own members? Sounds like the recipe for corruption.

Yes Serioulsy........don't all organisations do that ??

One classic case of where nepotism is rampant is in Shinawatra Corp/Thailand inc.

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Let me put it to ya this way... lets deal with the cowboys...and you have to step back and look at this from a bigger perspective...follow the money... follow who finances the Democrat Party... Look at who sits on the boards of these companies...look at what leading Industrialists say about the unbelievable sway BOT, Privy Council..and the 10 or 20 wealthiest Thai Families have and their relationship to Thai Politics...takes a bit of reading and research ... a few months worth for me as I can't sit and ponder it daily but could prove quite revealing to you as well but is a good read...and then couple that with the archaic laws governing freedom of speech ..Those two tied together are what keeps the MO going... and the monied people from both colored sides understand this.... though one side weighs in quite a bit heavier than the other,,,if and when... you are not sued for defamation and truth can be spoken out loud and topics not intentionally suppressed.....only then can the playing field be a bit more level... for me the biggest inhibiting factor is truth and education...taking the Thai people out of the mythology of expertise and actually educating them and giving them the confidence to speak up...something they are currently taught not to do from Matayom 1 on... you know thew old adage... Money talks... has a couple of edges...bribes.. is the obvious ...but the subtler is the one where someone evaluates what a billionaire says and weighs that against what a pauper says... and normally thinks that the guy with the money must be right...he got the money so his MO must be the better choice...

Someone that sits on a Commission that decides on Corruption or Decides on Elections has to be as squeaky clean as possible and has to be vetted publicly otherwise it matters not what side you take there will always be those who claim corruption there as well... They should be vetted publicly and agreed on by a broad spectrum of the public in order to not be a repeat of the last 8 years...

not gonna take the time to give you as list now ....as what or who I think might be good has no bearing on any outcomes but... I think the Thai public should be provided a list to take a look at.. not arbitrary appointments by insiders stacking the deck in their interests... Education is the key... Thais are taught not to think independently...and frankly after 12 or more years of that hammered into your head in school you end up with people in the workforce with an attitude that does not embrace educating themselves in any way shape or form or even wanting to...after getting a degree..not all mind you ..but many...just don't want to study anymore because that takes work...and that has been intentional...that is where the whole thing functions from... it is how the cowboys keep control of the herd...

The MAJORITIES of the world are not always right and do not always know what is BEST for them or anything else.

The government with its massively CORRUPT schemes, and my stating this is based on what IMF and other world agencies have stated in the past and on what is happening now. If not so then no commissions of inquiry.

AND as much as many of you sprout that THE MAJORITY WANTS AND KNOWS, well this is absolute TRASH. That is why EMPLOYEES do not run the office - they have NO IDEA and that unfortunately is the case with MANY THAI PEOPLE who are ill advised, poorly educated and lack any interest in many things of Government and National interest. National interest is about BIG BUSINESS and unfortunately, whether we like it or not, if we work for someone, we are merely PAWNS in the big world game.

Agree whole heartedly...it is a much bigger picture than just votes or majority ( his signature not mine) but what the majority wants here is not what the controlling minority wants... and if you look at my first paragraph above you will see I referred to exactly what you said chorused here... the employees never run the office...

Yes but voting for the PTP is way way way over rated as they are the devils in disguise. i would rather a few controlling people who are still corrupt but the lesser of 2 evils. I would rathe rnot have evil, but these opunks know no better for many centuries.

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Could not have been a better choice.

If one has no respect for the concept of transparency and integrity.

If one has no respect for the concept of transparency and integrity.

Do you think Yingluck and her caretaker Government have respect for the concept of transparency and integrity?

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He didn't (couldn't) defend the govt by revealing the top secret details of the rice scheme. The secrecy of which seem to be up there with the American nuclear missile launch codes.

LMAO. That is the best one I've heard in a while.

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you dropped the 'perceived' I see. Now it's 'associated with grievances'.

Now that type of behavior would exclude you, even from a body like the NACC.

BTW would you care to name some of those people who are qualified, impartial, without affiliation to any political party, etc.?

There are literally thousands of potential candidates that can be found within the Thai business groups or Thai professional associations who are qualified lawyers, accountants and administrators. There are professors close to retirement at several of the universities who are more competent than a career bureaucrat. Although many might have voted for political parties other than the PTP, their integrity and independence would be likely.

So you can't name any ?

Well, if you like we can review the retiring business profs at Chuangkorn,Mahidol, Assumption, and Bangkok. There are usually 2 or so every year.

Why would you expect me to name candidates? There is a pool of qualified candidates. This specific nomination is intended to embarrass the government and violates conflict of interest guidelines for regulatory and investigative bodies in a diverse list of countries ranging from the UK to the USA to Australia to Japan.

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