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Dead boy's family in Phuket 'mob' against Russians

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Not to absolve of the Russians' responsibility, but why is a 16 year old driving a motorbike, at 1am Saturday night, without wearing a helmet??

The other day I saw what must have been a 12-13 year old Thai on a motorbike RACING down a soi in Ratchada with his friends. I repeat, not Ratchadapisek road, a 3 meter wide soi...and no helmet, of course.

Parenting: a "foreign" concept in Thailand.

What a stupid thing to say - do you know any Thai parents? Would you say this to them?

Better not to start a discussion on Thai "parenting". I'll not be politically correct.

"Better not to start a discussion on Thai "parenting". I'll not be politically correct." - and the whole country would lose "face." biggrin.png


Typical! Blame someone else. The family should first realise that their son was riding a bike at odd hours of the night without a crash helmet. That in itself is irresponsible and should go down to poor guidance from the parents. Societies acceptance of a lack of helmet does not help either. Yes, the Russians should have made a police report (it did not state if they did), and stayed back to closed up the loose ends of this accident. That is what it was an accident.

Either way, even if they had stayed back the end result would still be the same. A senseless death, why? because of clear disregard for safety.

This is more of the family not having the opportunity to milk money off these Russians for the loss of their child. IMHO.

So, let me get it straight. According to the article, the woman did a U-turn and hit a teenager on a bike. The husband was following her in another car, they saw the kid was dead/dying and they decided to flee the scene.

In Western countries, that right there would be enough to get her in jail for fleeing the scene and for not providing assistance to the kid.

In addition, the article doesn't say anything about the kid being at fault, besides him failing to wear a helmet. And, yet, you turn that into "an opportunity for the family to milk money out of those poor Russians???" That is widely uncalled for. They're the ones who now have to live without their child while those Russians just took the first flight home.

Edit: The article actually says he was driving in the same direction than the woman. Since she was making a U-turn, the kid had the priority over her (he was driving straight on), at least based on what has been reported.

Unless he tried to pass her on the inside of the uturn completely ignoring all signs like the break lights indicating that the vehicle is slowing down for something and a possible turn signal indicating the intended change of direction. As both a driver and motorcycle rider in Thailand i see the boneheaded behavior on the road every day. Not looking ahead and adjusting speed/direction accordingly in advance is at the top of the list. Not looking behind before executing a vehicle manuever is the close second. All cars have blind spots in their back view mirrors. If the kid was riding in one of the spots and then tried to go straight on the inside of a turning car the driver would have had no idea that he was there.

Now the behavior of the husband is inexcusable and he should answer for it.


Well said. And Buddhism (what defines most of SE Asia) came from India.

Which is confirmed by their having the exact same Near Death Experiences, meeting Lord Yama and his Yamatoots and having been found 'listed' in their book of new arrivals in error and 'sent back'.

I agree the people in the OP photo look much more like Koreans than Russians BTW. Not that it matters, kid still dead at whomsoever's hand.


I've had 25 years experience of driving here in Thailand from the very south to the very north, and I can assure you that in the event of an accident involving a Thai and a farang, irrespective if the Farang is in the wrong or not, the farang in 99% of the cases will be judged by both Thais and the police to be in the wrong.<snip>

And I can assure you that this is not true.

I second that,

I had an accident once - sure the other guy tried to say it was my fault and I pay but it ended up he had to pay for the repair of my car, my hospital bill, AND give me 1 months salary as compensation as I broke 2 toes.

What's the difference? Knowing your rights and enforcing them. Too many 'farang' are scared of confrontation and generally scared of Thai people.

I wonder how many 'farng' that live here don't have a 'poo yai' and expect justice?

I wonder how many 'farang' are illiterate, don't know what 'poo yai' means, yet expect justice?

I wonder how many 'farang' think using sign language with the police is a good way to get justice?

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I agree the people in the OP photo look much more like Koreans than Russians...

You are aware that Russia encompasses part of Asia and that some do look 'asian', right?

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^ So that makes it perfectly ok just to drive off does it? Who said the boy doesn't have a licence? Only gotta be 15 to have one
Indeed, "lostyourbike". Read the book. "Money Number One..

Not one person on this forum has yet to reply that leaving the scene was whistling.gifk. But Thai civil behavior, in this regard, has earned Thai people a global reputation for seizing the opportunity to fleece foreigners, whenever that opportunity presents itself. And, Thai people further know that the police will support their efforts to fleece any foreigner, even when the police "know" that the Thai was 100% in the wrong.

I hope you "findyourbike" someday! Cheers,coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

So if someone hit your 16 year old boy whilst he was out getting mosquito repellent, that's ok cos you've read some book!?!? haha pathetic response.

I have had accidents where Thais were in the wrong and the BIB were most helpful and not insisting I pay at all, probably cos I was speaking Thai and most polite too. So your idea of farang wrong, farang pay isn't always the case.

Never mind son, how you get some more experience before commenting next time, oh and don't believe everything you read in a book.smile.png

I've had 25 years experience of driving here in Thailand from the very south to the very north, and I can assure you that in the event of an accident involving a Thai and a farang, irrespective if the Farang is in the wrong or not, the farang in 99% of the cases will be judged by both Thais and the police to be in the wrong.

I know of 3 accidents in the last month involving Farangs who were the innocent party, yet finished up paying, including one farang who left his car parked up at the side of the road,facing the correct direction. Which was then hit by a Thai coming from the opposite direction who lost control of his motorbike. Police verdict, Farang must pay.

It is possible that your friend was illegally parked on a red and white spot or out of hours.

You know of 3 accidents in the last month involving Farangs who were the innocent party, yet finished up paying. Life for you and your buddies here in Thailand, the persecuted and the oppressed, must be one form of living hell.

Sorry! I forgot to mention that he was parked legally, just as you have forgotten to mention your own son is in the Thai Police, who would probably agree with the comments of his fellow officer in Phuket. How proud you must be of him, to be in such an honest profession.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


This is a complicated debate. Because in many cases it does come down to money being paid to the victim or their family and having your Passport taken until an agreement is made people do not want to pay. In Europe/USA/Australia/NZ people do stop because in a serious accident like this if you do not you will most likely go to jail. Jail is an effective way of making people obey the law. I have said many times before Thailand should make it a mandatory jail sentence for driving off after an accident. Yes it would cost the government initially but then the numbers driving off would drop massively. In addition I think most people would vote for slightly higher taxes to pay for such, for the first year until the numbers came down.

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This is a complicated debate. Because in many cases it does come down to money being paid to the victim or their family and having your Passport taken until an agreement is made people do not want to pay. In Europe/USA/Australia/NZ people do stop because in a serious accident like this if you do not you will most likely go to jail. Jail is an effective way of making people obey the law. I have said many times before Thailand should make it a mandatory jail sentence for driving off after an accident. Yes it would cost the government initially but then the numbers driving off would drop massively. In addition I think most people would vote for slightly higher taxes to pay for such, for the first year until the numbers came down.

They would have to build quite a few more prisons to house all the runners.

Anyway I thought it was part of the Thai driving test--How to flee the scene of an accident.


This is a complicated debate. Because in many cases it does come down to money being paid to the victim or their family and having your Passport taken until an agreement is made people do not want to pay. In Europe/USA/Australia/NZ people do stop because in a serious accident like this if you do not you will most likely go to jail. Jail is an effective way of making people obey the law. I have said many times before Thailand should make it a mandatory jail sentence for driving off after an accident. Yes it would cost the government initially but then the numbers driving off would drop massively. In addition I think most people would vote for slightly higher taxes to pay for such, for the first year until the numbers came down.

You don't get it do you? Fleeing the scene is often the CORRECT thing to do as locals here take the law into their own hands.

I could discuss the Thais' thoughts about Karma, and how a 'bad' action cannot be 'righted' like in Western philosophy/religion, but think it might be wasted.


Here is a related topic "ask the lawyer" and surprising answer....if you do the U-turn at night and you can't see the upcoming motorbike because he has no light...and he crushes into you ...you still at fault ?!...<deleted>


Not surprising at all. It would be the same in many countries in the world, the main difference being that in many countries part of the blame would be attributed to the motorbike driver. But the driver made a u-turn while that could not be done safely.

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Here is a related topic "ask the lawyer" and surprising answer....if you do the U-turn at night and you can't see the upcoming motorbike because he has no light...and he crushes into you ...you still at fault ?!...<deleted>


As I have been saying all the time here.. doing a U turn is a special manouvre and by doing so you need to let everyone else pass you have no right of way so if someone slams into you your at fault. Seems logic.. only non logic thing is the lights.

Its good that these laws exist else motorcycles would be even more at risk by cars as they already are.. But same goes for a motorcycle doing a U turn and you slamming into it they will be at fault.


That's pretty obvious about the U-turn that one have to yield to the other/upcoming traffic....but if you ride a motorcycle,or a car with no headlights on at night,you are not legal on the road and better use your logic and know,that you can't be seen...or you may be dead soon...and put the other driver in jail,for your negligence...it sucks does it ...


"While the loss of life is tragic these Russians DID EXACTLY WHAT THAIS DO EVERYDAY "

To true, while waiting to do a right turn my pillion and I were hit by a thai in a car. He got out and walked over to where we lay unconscious in the road, walked back to his car and drove off. No thai witnesses on a major road to tell police the car number!!


That's pretty obvious about the U-turn that one have to yield to the other/upcoming traffic....but if you ride a motorcycle,or a car with no headlights on at night,you are not legal on the road and better use your logic and know,that you can't be seen...or you may be dead soon...and put the other driver in jail,for your negligence...it sucks does it ...

It does and for not using a helmet.. then something that should not have resulted in death can be death. I find it not fair to put that 100% on the car driver. If someone does not wear a helmet and dies of head injury it should be taken into account and not put 100% on the car driver. That is just my opinion anyway.

As a car and bike driver i see both sides of the story and I always wear a helmet, and when on the big bike not scooter I also wear protective gear.


^ So that makes it perfectly ok just to drive off does it? Who said the boy doesn't have a licence? Only gotta be 15 to have one

Indeed, "lostyourbike". Read the book. "Money Number One..

Not one person on this forum has yet to reply that leaving the scene was whistling.gifk. But Thai civil behavior, in this regard, has earned Thai people a global reputation for seizing the opportunity to fleece foreigners, whenever that opportunity presents itself. And, Thai people further know that the police will support their efforts to fleece any foreigner, even when the police "know" that the Thai was 100% in the wrong.

I hope you "findyourbike" someday! Cheers,coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

So if someone hit your 16 year old boy whilst he was out getting mosquito repellent, that's ok cos you've read some book!?!? haha pathetic response.

I have had accidents where Thais were in the wrong and the BIB were most helpful and not insisting I pay at all, probably cos I was speaking Thai and most polite too. So your idea of farang wrong, farang pay isn't always the case.

Never mind son, how you get some more experience before commenting next time, oh and don't believe everything you read in a book.smile.png

I've had 25 years experience of driving here in Thailand from the very south to the very north, and I can assure you that in the event of an accident involving a Thai and a farang, irrespective if the Farang is in the wrong or not, the farang in 99% of the cases will be judged by both Thais and the police to be in the wrong.

I know of 3 accidents in the last month involving Farangs who were the innocent party, yet finished up paying, including one farang who left his car parked up at the side of the road,facing the correct direction. Which was then hit by a Thai coming from the opposite direction who lost control of his motorbike. Police verdict, Farang must pay.

yes I think the word is racism .Hope this post stay and not be moderated out .why?Because we know it's true

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Here is a related topic "ask the lawyer" and surprising answer....if you do the U-turn at night and you can't see the upcoming motorbike because he has no light...and he crushes into you ...you still at fault ?!...<deleted>


As I have been saying all the time here.. doing a U turn is a special manouvre and by doing so you need to let everyone else pass you have no right of way so if someone slams into you your at fault. Seems logic.. only non logic thing is the lights.

Its good that these laws exist else motorcycles would be even more at risk by cars as they already are.. But same goes for a motorcycle doing a U turn and you slamming into it they will be at fault.

If you're doing a U turn wouldn't a bike be on your left anyway?


Drunk driving is a criminal offense and killing someone whilst driving is manslaughter at least. Put the two together and they are culpable homicide. In the States or Europe you'd be looking at a 7-8 year stretch. Thailand probably 2-3years or a big payout before it got to court. Anyway I'd rather do a couple of years in a Thai prison than live in Russia for the rest of my life. The Russian Embassy will know who these people are and I am confident there will be resolution. Russian investors in Phuket or Thailand don't need the bad press.

Killing someone while driving is in now way automatically a.manslaughter offence. Have you ever driven in Thailand?

Drive 5 miles in heavy traffic and there can be 100 opportunities to hit a bike and be in the legal right. Undertaking, overtaking, weaving in and out, illegal uturns, no signals, no helmets, no lights, there is barely a legal motorcycle driver in Thailand by western standards.

I have driven in Thailand for 25 years and as you know the law is not always fully enforced. Do you think they drive with no lights because they want too? They are poor people that are paying for you to have your Western standards. I have lived here too long to judge by Western standards but I understand it must be shocking for you seeing people do things differently. Kill an well connected Thai kid and you'll soon find out what is and isn't the law. Anyway what are Western standards? Social despotism?

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Here is a related topic "ask the lawyer" and surprising answer....if you do the U-turn at night and you can't see the upcoming motorbike because he has no light...and he crushes into you ...you still at fault ?!...<deleted>


As I have been saying all the time here.. doing a U turn is a special manouvre and by doing so you need to let everyone else pass you have no right of way so if someone slams into you your at fault. Seems logic.. only non logic thing is the lights.

Its good that these laws exist else motorcycles would be even more at risk by cars as they already are.. But same goes for a motorcycle doing a U turn and you slamming into it they will be at fault.

If you're doing a U turn wouldn't a bike be on your left anyway?

Not when there is a 16 year old youth going out on his motorbike at 1 am for "mosquito spray" and passing on the right as he really needed to get that spray. Only problem is, their story has serious holes in it as there is no store selling mosquito spray in the area the accident happened, merely a very big spa and then an uphill curve going towards Kata beach with no shops.


Drunk driving is a criminal offense and killing someone whilst driving is manslaughter at least. Put the two together and they are culpable homicide. In the States or Europe you'd be looking at a 7-8 year stretch. Thailand probably 2-3years or a big payout before it got to court. Anyway I'd rather do a couple of years in a Thai prison than live in Russia for the rest of my life. The Russian Embassy will know who these people are and I am confident there will be resolution. Russian investors in Phuket or Thailand don't need the bad press.

Killing someone while driving is in now way automatically a.manslaughter offence. Have you ever driven in Thailand?

Drive 5 miles in heavy traffic and there can be 100 opportunities to hit a bike and be in the legal right. Undertaking, overtaking, weaving in and out, illegal uturns, no signals, no helmets, no lights, there is barely a legal motorcycle driver in Thailand by western standards.

I have driven in Thailand for 25 years and as you know the law is not always fully enforced. Do you think they drive with no lights because they want too? They are poor people that are paying for you to have your Western standards. I have lived here too long to judge by Western standards but I understand it must be shocking for you seeing people do things differently. Kill an well connected Thai kid and you'll soon find out what is and isn't the law. Anyway what are Western standards? Social despotism?

Nearly happened to me a couple of nights back. At the traffic lights on a cross road, lights just turn green and I'm just setting of, then a Thai raced through from another direction with no lights on, completely disregarding the red lights, luckily I managed to stop in time, then proceeded along the road that he had taken, after a few hundred yards I see him getting of his M/ bike and go into a well know drinking den. So yes he was doing something different to what I would do, and it had nothing to do with him being poor or not. I'm just very lucky I did not hit him, if I had, I know who would have been made to take the blame.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


On the subject of whose fault a road accident is when it involves a Thai and a Farang. I recently knocked a lady off her bike. The lights had just turned to green so I slowly started to move forward. This lady came up on my inside and then decided to do a sharp right angle turn directly in front of my car. Of course I had no time to stop and she was pushed off her bike.

The police attitude was that it was my fault and I did not need to worry because my insurance will pay for all her compensation and hospital treatment, so they could not understand why I was still maintaining it was her fault.

This went on for some time till my insurance representative arrived and demanded to see the video recordings from the cameras at the junction. When it became clear my insurance rep would not give way the police suddenly decided it was all her fault. Fined her 400 baht for dangerous driving and then wanted to know how much I wanted her to give me for my inconvenience. They were most put out when I insisted I wanted nothing and they had to let us both go without getting any money. Three hours wasted by them and no tea money!

Sounds OK till I tell you that on the way out of the police station a policeman followed me and whispered that I had to give him 500 baht for his time! He was hungry and wanted to go buy food. TIT.

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On the subject of whose fault a road accident is when it involves a Thai and a Farang. I recently knocked a lady off her bike. The lights had just turned to green so I slowly started to move forward. This lady came up on my inside and then decided to do a sharp right angle turn directly in front of my car. Of course I had no time to stop and she was pushed off her bike.

The police attitude was that it was my fault and I did not need to worry because my insurance will pay for all her compensation and hospital treatment, so they could not understand why I was still maintaining it was her fault.

This went on for some time till my insurance representative arrived and demanded to see the video recordings from the cameras at the junction. When it became clear my insurance rep would not give way the police suddenly decided it was all her fault. Fined her 400 baht for dangerous driving and then wanted to know how much I wanted her to give me for my inconvenience. They were most put out when I insisted I wanted nothing and they had to let us both go without getting any money. Three hours wasted by them and no tea money!

Sounds OK till I tell you that on the way out of the police station a policeman followed me and whispered that I had to give him 500 baht for his time! He was hungry and wanted to go buy food. TIT.

Ok understand why you are puzzled. If there is a dispute in a motor vehicle insurance claim and the Police get involved the party proven to be wrong must pay a fine of 400 Baht and all associated damages. Which is exactly as you said. Now the reason the Policeman asked you for money is because you made him think you were some sort of raving philanthropist throwing money around so he might as well have some free money too.

Next time I suggest you throw a $1000 baht to the motorcyclist and tell him/her you know the Chief Inspector (Sarawat Yai ben phuen pom) at the local Cop Shop BEFORE the Police arrive, and you will be merrily on your way. Instead of hanging around in Police stations for hours.

I know it is "wrong" but 30 bucks and you're on your way, you've made merit, the Thai lady would have told all he friends what a gentleman you were and you can write off the $30 as a charitable donation and have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

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On the subject of whose fault a road accident is when it involves a Thai and a Farang. I recently knocked a lady off her bike. The lights had just turned to green so I slowly started to move forward. This lady came up on my inside and then decided to do a sharp right angle turn directly in front of my car. Of course I had no time to stop and she was pushed off her bike.

The police attitude was that it was my fault and I did not need to worry because my insurance will pay for all her compensation and hospital treatment, so they could not understand why I was still maintaining it was her fault.

This went on for some time till my insurance representative arrived and demanded to see the video recordings from the cameras at the junction. When it became clear my insurance rep would not give way the police suddenly decided it was all her fault. Fined her 400 baht for dangerous driving and then wanted to know how much I wanted her to give me for my inconvenience. They were most put out when I insisted I wanted nothing and they had to let us both go without getting any money. Three hours wasted by them and no tea money!

Sounds OK till I tell you that on the way out of the police station a policeman followed me and whispered that I had to give him 500 baht for his time! He was hungry and wanted to go buy food. TIT.


Ok understand why you are puzzled. If there is a dispute in a motor vehicle insurance claim and the Police get involved the party proven to be wrong must pay a fine of 400 Baht and all associated damages. Which is exactly as you said. Now the reason the Policeman asked you for money is because you made him think you were some sort of raving philanthropist throwing money around so he might as well have some free money too.

Next time I suggest you throw a $1000 baht to the motorcyclist and tell him/her you know the Chief Inspector (Sarawat Yai ben phuen pom) at the local Cop Shop BEFORE the Police arrive, and you will be merrily on your way. Instead of hanging around in Police stations for hours.

I know it is "wrong" but 30 bucks and you're on your way, you've made merit, the Thai lady would have told all he friends what a gentleman you were and you can write off the $30 as a charitable donation and have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

No, the lady would not have told her friends how much of a gentleman he was, more likely she would have referred to him as a "sucker", it's Farangs who do as you are suggesting, that's encouraging some Thais to always try and exploit situations when it involves a farang in order to make a financial gain. The TV poster "lor" did exactly the right thing, good for him.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Nearly happened to me a couple of nights back. At the traffic lights on a cross road, lights just turn green and I'm just setting of, then a Thai raced through from another direction with no lights on, completely disregarding the red lights, luckily I managed to stop in time, then proceeded along the road that he had taken, after a few hundred yards I see him getting of his M/ bike and go into a well know drinking den. So yes he was doing something different to what I would do, and it had nothing to do with him being poor or not. I'm just very lucky I did not hit him, if I had, I know who would have been made to take the blame.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Unfortunately there are crazy people in every Country and there's not much you can do about it. However I would find it highly unlikely that you would have to take the blame unfairly. The Police are not stupid. They have probably had 10 times the experience of interpreting the rights and wrongs of traffic accidents than your average Western Copper. What is very important in such a situation is that you show sincere signs of remorse. Say you're sorry, cry even better especially if you killed him, even though it was blatantly his fault and call your insurance asap. They will sort it out. That is why you should always have Ist class insurance in Thailand. The Police will probably request that you admit you are wrong so that your insurance can pay for the funeral or hospital bills. Again I know it is wrong but go along with it and you will come back as a billionaire in your next life.


On the subject of whose fault a road accident is when it involves a Thai and a Farang. I recently knocked a lady off her bike. The lights had just turned to green so I slowly started to move forward. This lady came up on my inside and then decided to do a sharp right angle turn directly in front of my car. Of course I had no time to stop and she was pushed off her bike.

The police attitude was that it was my fault and I did not need to worry because my insurance will pay for all her compensation and hospital treatment, so they could not understand why I was still maintaining it was her fault.

This went on for some time till my insurance representative arrived and demanded to see the video recordings from the cameras at the junction. When it became clear my insurance rep would not give way the police suddenly decided it was all her fault. Fined her 400 baht for dangerous driving and then wanted to know how much I wanted her to give me for my inconvenience. They were most put out when I insisted I wanted nothing and they had to let us both go without getting any money. Three hours wasted by them and no tea money!

Sounds OK till I tell you that on the way out of the police station a policeman followed me and whispered that I had to give him 500 baht for his time! He was hungry and wanted to go buy food. TIT.


Ok understand why you are puzzled. If there is a dispute in a motor vehicle insurance claim and the Police get involved the party proven to be wrong must pay a fine of 400 Baht and all associated damages. Which is exactly as you said. Now the reason the Policeman asked you for money is because you made him think you were some sort of raving philanthropist throwing money around so he might as well have some free money too.

Next time I suggest you throw a $1000 baht to the motorcyclist and tell him/her you know the Chief Inspector (Sarawat Yai ben phuen pom) at the local Cop Shop BEFORE the Police arrive, and you will be merrily on your way. Instead of hanging around in Police stations for hours.

I know it is "wrong" but 30 bucks and you're on your way, you've made merit, the Thai lady would have told all he friends what a gentleman you were and you can write off the $30 as a charitable donation and have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

No, the lady would not have told her friends how much of a gentleman he was, more likely she would have referred to him as a "sucker", it's Farangs who do as you are suggesting, that's encouraging some Thais to always try and exploit situations when it involves a farang in order to make a financial gain. The TV poster "lor" did exactly the right thing, good for him.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Well I'd rather be the Biggest Sucker in the World than hang around a Cop Shop for hours and be labelled a "Falung Kee Nok". God Bless.

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Typical! Blame someone else. The family should first realise that their son was riding a bike at odd hours of the night without a crash helmet. That in itself is irresponsible and should go down to poor guidance from the parents. Societies acceptance of a lack of helmet does not help either. Yes, the Russians should have made a police report (it did not state if they did), and stayed back to closed up the loose ends of this accident. That is what it was an accident.

Either way, even if they had stayed back the end result would still be the same. A senseless death, why? because of clear disregard for safety.

This is more of the family not having the opportunity to milk money off these Russians for the loss of their child. IMHO.

So, let me get it straight. According to the article, the woman did a U-turn and hit a teenager on a bike. The husband was following her in another car, they saw the kid was dead/dying and they decided to flee the scene.

In Western countries, that right there would be enough to get her in jail for fleeing the scene and for not providing assistance to the kid.

In addition, the article doesn't say anything about the kid being at fault, besides him failing to wear a helmet. And, yet, you turn that into "an opportunity for the family to milk money out of those poor Russians???" That is widely uncalled for. They're the ones who now have to live without their child while those Russians just took the first flight home.

Edit: The article actually says he was driving in the same direction than the woman. Since she was making a U-turn, the kid had the priority over her (he was driving straight on), at least based on what has been reported.

Your edit has blown your argument out of the window. Actually NO you are wrong. It indicates the driver of the bike was unable to stop in time when the vehicle in front was slowing down to make a legitimate turn. In any road accident case i have experienced the vehicle behind running into the vehicle in front is at fault because if you kept the safe distance and driving at the speed limit, in all circumstances you will have time to stop. Unless of course it is thick fog!!! maybe you can try that one but it will sound just as stupid as the first post you made.

Not really.. U turn should always give away to everyone else as its a special movement.. guess they never taught you how to drive.

U turn is a special move!!! are you for real or what? We are talking about the traffic in the same direction, not the oncoming traffic you are going to turn into. This goes without saying!! For Some of course.


On the subject of whose fault a road accident is when it involves a Thai and a Farang. I recently knocked a lady off her bike. The lights had just turned to green so I slowly started to move forward. This lady came up on my inside and then decided to do a sharp right angle turn directly in front of my car. Of course I had no time to stop and she was pushed off her bike.

The police attitude was that it was my fault and I did not need to worry because my insurance will pay for all her compensation and hospital treatment, so they could not understand why I was still maintaining it was her fault.

This went on for some time till my insurance representative arrived and demanded to see the video recordings from the cameras at the junction. When it became clear my insurance rep would not give way the police suddenly decided it was all her fault. Fined her 400 baht for dangerous driving and then wanted to know how much I wanted her to give me for my inconvenience. They were most put out when I insisted I wanted nothing and they had to let us both go without getting any money. Three hours wasted by them and no tea money!

Sounds OK till I tell you that on the way out of the police station a policeman followed me and whispered that I had to give him 500 baht for his time! He was hungry and wanted to go buy food. TIT.


Ok understand why you are puzzled. If there is a dispute in a motor vehicle insurance claim and the Police get involved the party proven to be wrong must pay a fine of 400 Baht and all associated damages. Which is exactly as you said. Now the reason the Policeman asked you for money is because you made him think you were some sort of raving philanthropist throwing money around so he might as well have some free money too.

Next time I suggest you throw a $1000 baht to the motorcyclist and tell him/her you know the Chief Inspector (Sarawat Yai ben phuen pom) at the local Cop Shop BEFORE the Police arrive, and you will be merrily on your way. Instead of hanging around in Police stations for hours.

I know it is "wrong" but 30 bucks and you're on your way, you've made merit, the Thai lady would have told all he friends what a gentleman you were and you can write off the $30 as a charitable donation and have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

No, the lady would not have told her friends how much of a gentleman he was, more likely she would have referred to him as a "sucker", it's Farangs who do as you are suggesting, that's encouraging some Thais to always try and exploit situations when it involves a farang in order to make a financial gain. The TV poster "lor" did exactly the right thing, good for him.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So do you now accept that what you said about farang always being wrong not true?

Do you know the law about the bigger sized vehicle always being at fault?

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