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President Obama sends Songkran wishes to Thais


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President Obama sends Songkran wishes to Thais

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 14 April 2014 (NNT) – United States President Barrack Obama has sent wishes to the Thai people on the occasion of the traditional Thai New Year.

According to the a statement released by the US Department of State, US Secretary of State John Kerry, on behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, were delighted to send their best wishes to the people of Thailand on the occasion of Songkran.

He said he hoped that this Songkran would provide all Thais with an occasion to spend an enjoyable time with family and friends and to look forward to good luck and prosperity in the New Year.

The two nations, Thailand and the US, enjoyed an unshakable bond and were looking forward to working together in the New Year on important issues such as trade relations, health research, security cooperation, and educational exchange, the statement also said.

The statement has also been posted on the website of the US embassy in Thailand.

-- NNT 2014-04-14 footer_n.gif

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John Kerry as U.S. Secretary of State , doesn't in-still much confidence in me , he seems to be lame duck, the guy means well but just doesn't get the point across , the sameness seems to apply here , the U.S. and Thailand were great friends prior to the Thaskin era, it has fallen some what behind since then , Thailand is now entertainment plus at the six o'clock sundowners ,for all embassy's, lots of giggles and laughs, at the antics of the chosen few.

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President Obama sends Songkran wishes to Thais

Disingenuous at best. I guess that's better than sending an unsolicited Hellcat missile with "Chok Dee" printed on the warhead, e.i., Pakastani-style. rolleyes.gif However, that could change on a whim base on what happens in the South over time.

Edited by connda
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John Kerry as U.S. Secretary of State , doesn't in-still much confidence in me , he seems to be lame duck, the guy means well but just doesn't get the point across , the sameness seems to apply here , the U.S. and Thailand were great friends prior to the Thaskin era, it has fallen some what behind since then , Thailand is now entertainment plus at the six o'clock sundowners ,for all embassy's, lots of giggles and laughs, at the antics of the chosen few.

John Kerry.....swiftboat ,non combat purple heart......lying sack of poo.

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Obama's just pleased and relieved that there is a democratic country more screwed up than the US. Obama having to deal with the inoperable Republican and the insensible Tea Parties is just water under the bridge compared to the Thai Government having to deal with a political and judicial insurrection. Happy Songkran Thailand.

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Think the Thais really give a rats ass because the US sent a message of good wishes?

For some reason the National News Bureau of Thailand seems to be able to feed every single word from the States to TVF's news feed. You rarely see anything but statements form the US, almost making one think Thailand is a vassal state.

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Think the Thais really give a rats ass because the US sent a message of good wishes?

For some reason the National News Bureau of Thailand seems to be able to feed every single word from the States to TVF's news feed. You rarely see anything but statements form the US, almost making one think Thailand is a vassal state.

Asian pivot -- it is a vassal state.

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Obama's just pleased and relieved that there is a democratic country more screwed up than the US. Obama having to deal with the inoperable Republican and the insensible Tea Parties is just water under the bridge compared to the Thai Government having to deal with a political and judicial insurrection. Happy Songkran Thailand.

what has the tee party stopped obama from doing?. he has gotten all he wanted-socialized medicine.,etc. obama behind closed doors is laughing all the way to the kremlin, wondering how ez its been. No push back from anyone.

Some of us would be happy if the weeping willow john boehner! actually tried to stop this socialist on rampage..

Edited by choochoo
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who needs wishes from a loser , every 6. american has no job

If you used the SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate that was used up until 1994, then it's closer to 1 out of every 4 Americans don't have a job, and probably 1 out of every 3 for the 18 - 25 age group. Even Carter is viewed in a better light nowadays. Barry's going to go down in history as the worst president. But let's see what 2016 will bring. It could be worse.

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I wonder if Obama sent a personal Songkran greeting to anyone in Thailand.

The president's annual Songkran well wishes to the Thai people was as always released by the State Department at the State Department website, hence the mention of SecState John Kerry.

Prez Obama's personal message to the Thai Sovereign is a personal one so it is not announced publically. There might be a gift involved, but we don't know nor would we know until the end of the year when all gifts to foreign heads of state must be publically reported (along with their value). It's customary however that foreign leaders exchange gifts when they personally meet.

. 689183973.jpg?1353247739

views-icon.png 1,721

512 days ago

President Obama receives gift for first lady Michelle Obama from Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Bangkok, Nov 18, 2012. The King's softly spoken words made Obama smile at one point. Obama was heard to reply, "Elections in the United States are very long but it's very gratifying to know people still have confidence in me."

Songkran 2011 then SecState Hillary Clinton noted the recent 50th anniversary of the King's historic first visit of a Thai monarch to the United States, during which HM was given a parade in Washington along Constitution Avenue.

In the above photo one can see at the left in pink Ambassador Kristie Kenney. The then SecState Clinton is in the blue, similar to the blue representing the King on the Thai national standard and also to the field of blue on the U.S. national standard. The prime minister is seated immediately to the King's left.

There's also this from the 2012 visit:


Edited by Publicus
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John Kerry as U.S. Secretary of State , doesn't in-still much confidence in me , he seems to be lame duck, the guy means well but just doesn't get the point across , the sameness seems to apply here , the U.S. and Thailand were great friends prior to the Thaskin era, it has fallen some what behind since then , Thailand is now entertainment plus at the six o'clock sundowners ,for all embassy's, lots of giggles and laughs, at the antics of the chosen few.

John Kerry.....swiftboat ,non combat purple heart......lying sack of poo.

In order for any of Kerry's three purple heart to be invalid in any way, there would have to be something wrong with the process for awarding them. You're calling into question, not just Kerry's, but the purple hearts of the thousands of other wounded veterans. None of them, Kerry included, walked in and bought them off the shelf at Wal-Mart. Your motives for singling out Kerry more than 40 years after the fact are transparently political, and only political. I'm only guessing, but I'm inclined to think you prefer the deserter-in-chief who failed to show up for his Air National Guard assignment, after it kept him away from Vietnam and his well-connected Daddy promised to cover his spoiled ass.

Kerry's so-called brothers in arms who "outed" him in the first place later apologized for their lies.

For you non-Americans, the Purple Heart is awarded for injuries in combat.

For your information......I received 2 for real combat action, I know damn well what is required......retired Air Force (23 years)

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Don't get excited..."If you like your insurance...you can keep your insurance"...everything he says...does not hold water...

Well the Republican's answer to healthcare "Just Don't get sick, and if you do, then die quickly"

- Alan Grayson

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