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Just kinda on a bummer, married life.


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This may not even completely only relate to living in Thailand, but since I do here are my woes.

My wife works ALL THE TIME. Why am I bitching, right? We don't even live in the same town, fairly close to each other but certainly not with each other. Here is kind of the my married life goes. She gets off work, drives to visit me. She arrives around 8-9pm exhausted; I am tired too at that point. She leaves at 7am to go back to work. This is out awesome routine and we enjoy sometimes twice a week.

What does this add up to? About 8 hours of awake time per week. It's tough you know, having such little time with your sigfig other in a new land. I do OK on my own, but I get bored and simply miss being with my girl. I mean we're becomming aquaintences more than growing as a couple. And of course she needs to reserve time for the family. She is stressed due to work obligations and wants emotional support from me, but the less I see her the less invested I feel in the relationship. I almost feel resentful, and I know its because we do not spend enough time together, it's that simple.

I suppose this is more of a maritial issue than a geographical one, but I am here in this marriage so there it is. Anyone deal with this similar type of agreement?

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It affects many first-world couples as opposed to non-first-world couples, or are you simply stating that this happens a lot in first world countries? Not clear on what you mean by that statement. Yeah she's not really happy with this arrangement either, but this is the road she has chosen to navigate, as have I. The GOV works'em hard. I'm just on a bummer right now. It'll either work out or it wont. We're both still young, and things will get better whether we are together or not, I suppose.

Neither of us are sure we want babbies. And as for a maybe baby, nooooo way, Jose.

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It's an issue that affects many first world couples.

What you need to do is sit down and have a nice chat to her....ask her if she is happy with the arrangement, and why does she continue like this. Maybe she is working towards a promotion and you both have to make the sacrifice now for a better future. Maybe she hates her job and would quit but fears your reaction. Maybe....maybe... just talk to her....but try and make it about her first, not you.

It is not subject, between her and I, that really needs to talked about delicately. We both know she works too much, but now it is starting to cause some issues. Oh, backtrack. I get what you mean. Yes, it is starting to cause me more grief and rather than come down on her that her job is making me feel a particular way, I should say because of of your job you...you...you.... That was supposed to come out funny, but it looks just mean now. Anyway, I just need to be more patient; it's just difficult being so in a foriegn country, or more difficult I should say. I am sure this would cause some stress at home too.

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Yeah only 6 months is right. I feel the same way. She lives at the hospital in a smaller town, one where I could not see myself spending more time then I have to. The town is about 50 klicks from where I am, but it's not the distance, it's the demand of the job. I guess there is no good answer for this one. I need to figure out something enriching to do for myself in the interim. We both believe it will not continue on like this forever. I suppose I am just being selfish--it's lonely ya know.

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I do private turtoring but don't really need to work. I could not see myself teaching full time, not in the LOS anyway. I bet a close network of friends would be very helpful. I do not lean on her to make my life better, in fact it is the opposite. I start to push her away as a result of time passing between visits.

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I think you may want to prepare yourself for the fact that your wife has someone else in her life.

Maybe. I'm not certain, but I think the OP said he sees his wife twice a week. I'd be a little suspicious of a Thai woman I was married to that was okay with that.

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It's an issue that affects many first world couples.

What you need to do is sit down and have a nice chat to her....ask her if she is happy with the arrangement, and why does she continue like this. Maybe she is working towards a promotion and you both have to make the sacrifice now for a better future. Maybe she hates her job and would quit but fears your reaction. Maybe....maybe... just talk to her....but try and make it about her first, not you.

In other words, will you support me financially.

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Try to regularly have some dedicated quality time together, some common activities; plus trying to keep busy yourself might make it less difficult.

I think this very well could be the problem. I have not been busy the last month and a half. I am conditioned to keep busy and well too much idle time starts playing on my mind....Well I post threads regarding how kooky and depressed I feel. I need to get going on something to stay occupied, some thing where I feel progression is being made--not try to invent the wheel. It can be simple but positive, hopefully bring in a little money would be best.

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I have had friends who’s main criteria for a wife or girlfriend was that they work, for two reasons. First so they wouldn’t have to support them and second so they wouldn’t be around much, leaving them with lots of free time to do as they wished.
I always thought that was crazy because I got married for love and companionship. Even after 17 years, I hate spending more than a day away from my lovely wife.
Perhaps your priorities are different but I couldn’t live the way you are living now. One way or another you will work it out, I suppose. The question is whether or not your relationship survives.

Yes we do love each other, I mean that's why we got married. I could have married several times over but declined, mostly due to maturity issues. We are much closer than we were when I was still in the States. We actually had a long distance relationship for almost two years. I can't really believe it myself. But we did, and it is the real deal. We are both grateful that I am here and that I am not flip city from the darastic change that is moving from Western culture to this one. I acclamated pretty well, I feel. It's this damn idle time coupled with the stress caused to both her and I wanting to be closer. Her job just will not allow that, however.

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Try to regularly have some dedicated quality time together, some common activities; plus trying to keep busy yourself might make it less difficult.

I think this very well could be the problem. I have not been busy the last month and a half. I am conditioned to keep busy and well too much idle time starts playing on my mind....Well I post threads regarding how kooky and depressed I feel. I need to get going on something to stay occupied, some thing where I feel progression is being made--not try to invent the wheel. It can be simple but positive, hopefully bring in a little money would be best.

Time for the if your bored it's your fault crowd to chime in.

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