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NACC to establish its own security force


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NACC to establish its own security force


BANGKOK, 17 April 2014, (NNT) - National Anti Corruption Commissioner Wicha Mahakhun has revealed that his agency is considering establishing its own security force after several threats and attacks have been made to its members due to their consideration of important cases.

According to the NACC spokesperson, the security unit in question constitutes a normal part of an independent agency in the international community, adding that the Administrative and Justice Courts are also embracing the idea. Mr. Wicha said although police and military officers assigned to the agency are doing their best to protect the NACC members, intimidation currently rises as the NACC is dealing with national-level corruption cases.

The commissioner assured that his agency is investigating corruption cases without bias, citing as example the rice support programs. He said the NACC is looking into the schemes implemented by both the current and previous administrations.

Mr. Wicha explained however the investigation process is not progressing as expected as several related units are being uncooperative.

-- NNT 2014-04-17footer_n.gif

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It's high time that the institutions of the law are protected, as they would in any society. It has become increasingly clear in recent months that the security of these institutions is a very real issue. They should not work in fear for their safety.

" Mr. Wicha explained however the investigation process is not progressing as expected as several related units are being uncooperative. "

​This of course, is the " other " kind of delinquency - not cooperating with the investigation. The Yingluck administration can be viewed as analogous to a baseball game where one team is clearly losing. They simply decide to carry the ball home. The brilliant legal minds of Yingluck's defense team have come down to this. One can only assume that the evidence doesn't afford them a better option. But in the meantime, these institutions must be protected.

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's high time that the institutions of the law are protected, as they would in any society. It has become increasingly clear in recent months that the security of these institutions is a very real issue. They should not work in fear for their safety.

" Mr. Wicha explained however the investigation process is not progressing as expected as several related units are being uncooperative. "

​This of course, is the " other " kind of delinquency - not cooperating with the investigation. The Yingluck administration can be viewed as analogous to a baseball game where one team is clearly losing. They simply decide to carry the ball home. The brilliant legal minds of Yingluck's defense team have come down to this. One can only assume that the evidence doesn't afford them a better option. But in the meantime, these institutions must be protected.

"...not cooperating with the investigation...." This cannot be accepted and if needed punishment should be severe.

Severe punishment should also apply to any / all forms of intimidation of the NACC or any of it's staff.

And same thing for all courts and similar agencies.

Many reforms are nedeed

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

As always, total rubbish.

I guess you believe that in the NACC, & deliberately not cooperating with the NACC (and other bodies) is just fine.

Your colours show as bright as ever.

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% it will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized with impunity. Besides - It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them which under these circumstances can still be achieved. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. That would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

zugswang... love it! Game of chess?

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There should be two type of policing levels,one that protects government personal and property, they could be called the Thai Federal police (TFP) , they only have control on government property , they have boarder crossings and Airports policing , you have the two pillars the feds and the state, like in OZ and the US.coffee1.gif

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NACC members are right to warrant defence lines, on a personal basis. Threats are not to be taken lightly here, in Thailand, when creaming money being a government member is concerned and being possiblt stopped, and thus death can happen so randomly on streets avalanched with guns now.

Yet, the question remains, Poo's lot, Suthep's lot, Chalerm's lot, Twatnip's lot, whoever's lot, all got there through corrupt ways, and that is also likely to apply to NACC members too. Where is an uncorrupt force going to come from, to lead Thailand in a straight and uncorrupt manner?

Chula students could be given the opportunity, yet how did most of them get places?

I believe the word 'impossible' comes to mind.

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about time too, with all the reds threatening and shooting/firing grenades at these people I think iy is only common sense to have their own protection seeing the police simply point them out to the reds. The NACC are the ones that have to make key decisions and cannot allow the red terrorists to try to control them because of the fact that they are independant and not in thaksins pay so they make the decisions that the reds dont want.

Leave your political prejudices asside for a moment. Do you really think the proliferation of private security forces is a good thing? How can a private security force help the NACC to perform its functions in a transparent and unbiased way when one of its members has already publically stated that the entire Thai judicial system, of which the NACC is part, is corrupt. In the case of the NACC, they appoint the investigator from within their organization (in the case of Ms Yingluk, they appointed an oponent of her brother), they determine what witnesses an accused may call (they allowed her 4, she wanted to call more), they determine the case and it is they who set the penalty. Added to which are accusations of political bias.

The real danger is that if this suggestion is adopted, not only by the NACC, but the Administrative Court and Justice Courts - as they too are said to be considering the iidea, will be perceived as an another armed politicized body masquerading under a differnt guise. The tarnished image of the Thai judicial system will be further damaged. Would it not be better if the all the courts in Thailand were transparent, impartial bodies that fairly considered cases properly investigated by independent people?

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

As always, total rubbish.

I guess you believe that in the NACC, & deliberately not cooperating with the NACC (and other bodies) is just fine.

Your colours show as bright as ever.

Not with standing the inappropriate, and insultingly out of sync mis-appropriation of the Beatles nickname;

The shear blather and bile spewed against rational thought is astounding.

As if a solid coating of mud will not eventually crack and reveal proper truths, a Thailand "Great Leap Forward" would have no less horrendous effects than it had for China. So eventually, in this age of super communications, the truth will show through brightly come light of day, not just slithered darkly under a rock of psychophantic propaganda.

An arch capitalist liege-lord, using neo-socialists as a cudgel to gain power, and backed by greedy hacks, and those not willing or able to see realities, is disgusting. J. Lennon would be aghast, though Vladamir Ilyich would applaud your intemperate efforts.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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about time too, with all the reds threatening and shooting/firing grenades at these people I think iy is only common sense to have their own protection seeing the police simply point them out to the reds. The NACC are the ones that have to make key decisions and cannot allow the red terrorists to try to control them because of the fact that they are independant and not in thaksins pay so they make the decisions that the reds dont want.

ok a new agency with power over government and goes on and on and...... no one is in charge in thailad, except mighty bath

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

And the PTP haven't got a TRANSPARENT head on their shoulders none of them.

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It's high time that the institutions of the law are protected, as they would in any society. It has become increasingly clear in recent months that the security of these institutions is a very real issue. They should not work in fear for their safety.

" Mr. Wicha explained however the investigation process is not progressing as expected as several related units are being uncooperative. "

​This of course, is the " other " kind of delinquency - not cooperating with the investigation. The Yingluck administration can be viewed as analogous to a baseball game where one team is clearly losing. They simply decide to carry the ball home. The brilliant legal minds of Yingluck's defense team have come down to this. One can only assume that the evidence doesn't afford them a better option. But in the meantime, these institutions must be protected.

What I like about this is something along the roots of eliminating and depoliticizing the national police force; however, I don't know one Thai who trusts the police. Why, because they will be replaced by other Thais. The corruption here is terminal.

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Give me the number of police in this country not having to man road checks for not M/cycle hats and the like. My small town years ago had 100 police-40,000 population, example. most of them apart from the odd drug nab and school crossing duties were manning road checks.

Why cannot the so called force protect government bodies, this one in particular because they are not trained to protect anyone--most of them. What a department for the security of it's people and institutions. come on police get your rears mobile.

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

As always, total rubbish.

I guess you believe that in the NACC, & deliberately not cooperating with the NACC (and other bodies) is just fine.

Your colours show as bright as ever.

Not with standing the inappropriate, and insultingly out of sync mis-appropriation of the Beatles nickname;

The shear blather and bile spewed against rational thought is astounding.

As if a solid coating of mud will not eventually crack and reveal proper truths, a Thailand "Great Leap Forward" would have no less horrendous effects than it had for China. So eventually, in this age of super communications, the truth will show through brightly come light of day, not just slithered darkly under a rock of psychophantic propaganda.

An arch capitalist liege-lord, using neo-socialists as a cudgel to gain power, and backed by greedy hacks, and those not willing or able to see realities, is disgusting. J. Lennon would be aghast, though Vladamir Ilyich would applaud your intemperate efforts.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ahhh... Lennon vs Lenin. I think we could all safely make the assumption as to where Thaksin's government lies. Does anyone here remember how the opposition MPs were forced out of the house chamber BY THE POLICE at the request of the Speaker of the House... very much in violation of the law. It was a real power to the people of PTP kinda thingy and a shinning example of UDD democracy in action!

Fab, you should be so proud of those brave police who escorted those unarmed politicians out of the chamber because they disagreed with with the government.... You should be hoping for more police rather than slagging off the police for being too many police to police the police that aren't really police.

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

We are not discussing the perceived bias of the courts, we are talking about the security of the judiciary. Most countries have a department dedicated to protection of such and Thailand should be no different, especially in the light of a caretaker PM holding the court system in contempt (which is illegal by the way) and fueling a hatred for a judiciary that is required to uphold the law.

America has the Marshals, Thailand should be no different. Albiet the Thai Marshals would be protecting the judiciary from the government. Or would you suggest when the CC commissioners are threatened with kidnapping that they should just accept that as part of modern day Thailand.

The senate is legislative. I said judicial. Please don't try to project what I am trying to say.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give me the number of police in this country not having to man road checks for not M/cycle hats and the like. My small town years ago had 100 police-40,000 population, example. most of them apart from the odd drug nab and school crossing duties were manning road checks.

Why cannot the so called force protect government bodies, this one in particular because they are not trained to protect anyone--most of them. What a department for the security of it's people and institutions. come on police get your rears mobile.

Good points. It all brings the question - are the current 'forces' organized / deployed / resourced / focused on the right things in terms of protection, risk, etc., etc?

And ultimately is the main allegiance to a party / person / colour etc., or is allegiance strongly / professionally focused on their organizations reason for existence and their specific job description and the outputs demanded by that job description?

Reforms are clearly needed.

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NACC considers setting up its own security force


BANGKOK: -- The National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) is now considering setting up its own security force following increasing threats to its members and armed attacks on its office after they take on investigation of controversial corruption cases.

The NACC commissioner and spokesperson Wicha Mahakhun, explained that the security force constitutes a normal part of an independent agency in the international community.

He said this idea has been embraced by other independent organization such as the Administrative Court and the Court of Justices.

Mr Wicha said although police and military personnel assigned to the independent organization are doing their best to protect the NACC members, intimidation currently rises as the NACC is dealing with national-level corruption cases.

The commissioner assured that his agency is investigating corruption cases without bias, citing as example the rice support programs.

He said the NACC is looking into the schemes implemented by both the current and previous administrations.

Mr Wicha explained however the investigation process is not progressing as expected as several related government units are not cooperative.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/nacc-considers-setting-security-force/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-17

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

As always, total rubbish.

I guess you believe that in the NACC, & deliberately not cooperating with the NACC (and other bodies) is just fine.

Your colours show as bright as ever.

he gets more bitter and pathetic everyday..never used to be like this..guess thats what happens when you back a three legged horse..wai.gif

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of atime for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

Come on Fab 4, you know what is going on. The police are split, with some favoring Thaksin all the way, no matter what happens, and some more interested in justice being served (violence against the anti-government protestors). The CC will make the call against YL, not the NACC for reasons I think you already understand.

The issue now is the meeting yesterday vis a vis the move recently published in the a Royal Gazette. If nothing here makes sense

to you, then please carry on with this BS. If it does, then why continue?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

As always, total rubbish.

I guess you believe that in the NACC, & deliberately not cooperating with the NACC (and other bodies) is just fine.

Your colours show as bright as ever.

Not with standing the inappropriate, and insultingly out of sync mis-appropriation of the Beatles nickname;

The shear blather and bile spewed against rational thought is astounding.

As if a solid coating of mud will not eventually crack and reveal proper truths, a Thailand "Great Leap Forward" would have no less horrendous effects than it had for China. So eventually, in this age of super communications, the truth will show through brightly come light of day, not just slithered darkly under a rock of psychophantic propaganda.

An arch capitalist liege-lord, using neo-socialists as a cudgel to gain power, and backed by greedy hacks, and those not willing or able to see realities, is disgusting. J. Lennon would be aghast, though Vladamir Ilyich would applaud your intemperate efforts.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


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It is about time the judiciary had their own security force. America has the U.S Marshals even when Obama does not allure to the intimidation of judges through stating the courts are biased thus fueling the contempt in the system which in turn promotes violence.

Violence is the language of the inarticulate and one can rest assured the inarticulate minority are forming a 200 000 armed militia to go against the judiciary lest they give a judgement that they like, not a judgement based on facts.

Protection of the rule of law is paramount to ensure anarchy does not quickly follow suit lest it not be respected.

Of course this security detail would need to be budgeted and with the NACC budget slashed by 60% t will fall on the next administration to allocate funds for it. That could offer a zugswang for a Shin party should they take office. Allocate the budget and that will ensure the judges are safe and won't bow to intimidation. Not good for the Shin regime. They want the judges intimidated and demonized. It keeps the supporters full of hate to demonize them. Don't allocate the budget and be seen as promoting intimidation of the judges. Not good for the Shin regime either. They would propagate their clear hatred for the rule of law thus ensuring the international community saw them for what they truly are.

Stuff your sensibilities - the above is just pure hyperbole and hysteria. What next, security guards for the CC Judges, the Senate, etc?

It's just Wicha fouling the ground ahead of time for the PTP and anyone associated with them. This is why the PTP wanted this man off of the Rice Probe. He hasn't got an independant bone in his body.

Haven't you noticed the violence and threats that have been going on for the last few months? You are unable to understand why judges/agencies want protection? Why the NACC might feel that police protection might not be available when needed? You didn't notice when this PTP government slashed their budget (along with other court/agency budgets)?

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