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Pro-Govt lecturer loses contract with Chulalongkorn University


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It is possible that her academic performance really was quite average. Serious academics have to put in a lot of time on research in addition to mere teaching duties. Being the leader of a political activist group must be very time consuming and leave time for research into her own academic discipline.

Since her academic performance is cited as only average and she is leader of a red shirt group, she should waste no time in sending her resume to Shinawatra University. Sounds a marriage made in heaven.

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The university informed you that your contract would not be renewed, because of your average academic performance, not because of your political views. So why are you making it political?

I know that it is almost unheard of in Thailand.

But is it possible the University is lying?

They could be lying. Or they could be telling the truth and this lecturer is the one who is lying or thinks too highly or herself.

How do they have any lecturers if they only keep the above average ones? That's a maths question by the way.

How do you know this lecturer is even 'above average'?

They claim she was average. I never said she was above average.

Well average didn't cut it. She should just go quietly and save herself the embarrassment.

So, if every year you cut all the average lecturers, how many years until you have only one left?

And that's a maths question.....

Perhaps Chula remains one of the top universities in this country because they don't have that many 'average' lecturers and the ones that are, like this one, get cut. Most normal people find new jobs. This one makes a big political fuss about it.

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It is possible that her academic performance really was quite average. Serious academics have to put in a lot of time on research in addition to mere teaching duties. Being the leader of a political activist group must be very time consuming and leave time for research into her own academic discipline.

Since her academic performance is cited as only average and she is leader of a red shirt group, she should waste no time in sending her resume to Shinawatra University. Sounds a marriage made in heaven.

Outside of the science faculties, my understanding is that lecturers need not devote much time to research.

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average thats way to bright for a pro government supporter surely..w00t.gif

Your post clearly demonstrates that she is way above your level. That is further evidenced by your abject failure to comment on what, if true, is blatant corruption in the university: "What is worse than my case is ... some senior lecturers in the bureaucracy who can simply extend their own working contracts endlessly," Ms. Suda told Khaosod, "They can get the retirement money and still receive salary from the university." Do you condone that practice?

And above yours if you believe what she says or is reported.

It can be said your comment might be average at best.

This might be true whether we are discussing mean average, median average or modal average. I suspect if you yourself are average in your comments, you might be the "mean" average. smile.png. The poster in the center above is unquestionably "mean" average. He's also the TVF modal average.

CU might argue its "average" faculty member is well above the average of faculty at other universities in Thailand. Then again, maybe not.

Edited by Publicus
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And if she was rated "average" she will take the University to the cleaners at the labour department.

She will clean up.

Yes, I think Chalerm might like that.

According to the rule of law and the equal protection of law.

The constitution applies equally to all.


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And if she was rated "average" she will take the University to the cleaners at the labour department.

She will clean up.

Yes, I think Chalerm might like that.

According to the rule of law and the equal protection of law.

The constitution applies equally to all.



If as an employee, you have been rated average and had no adverse warnings, you can reasonably expect to have a contract renewed.

I wish her luck. The level of dodginess on Thailand just tells you their processes don't pass muster.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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You wrote the following post:

No you're wrong. Chula is one of the top universities in the nation. They probably only want better than 'average' lecturers in their university. You are the one who's not getting it. Average in this case probably meant lecturers as whole, perhaps in the country. They're saying Chula doesn't keep only average lecturers.

Whatever the case, it's all semantics. The fact of the matter is, this particular lecturer didn't make the cut and is using the 'I'm being discriminated upon because I'm a red shirt' argument. Red sympathizers will support and believe her if course. Some will even use how the article is worded just to make a point.

Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

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You wrote the following post:

No you're wrong. Chula is one of the top universities in the nation. They probably only want better than 'average' lecturers in their university. You are the one who's not getting it. Average in this case probably meant lecturers as whole, perhaps in the country. They're saying Chula doesn't keep only average lecturers.

Whatever the case, it's all semantics. The fact of the matter is, this particular lecturer didn't make the cut and is using the 'I'm being discriminated upon because I'm a red shirt' argument. Red sympathizers will support and believe her if course. Some will even use how the article is worded just to make a point.

Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

Chula has ranked consistently as one of the top 3 universites in Thailand so no, for all your usual misdirection, I do not consider being in the top 3 'average'.

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If it is ok for Red Shirts to bully and intimidate venue owners in Chiang Mai into cancelling events and concerts of known anti-government artists, then not renewing an annual contract seems a much more civilized and legal way, wouldn't you agree, Ms. Suda, lecturer of arts?

Bullying and intimidating is not OK.

Neither is not renewing a lecturers contract due to political affiliations. One of the major problems with education here is students not being exposed to a variety of opinions.

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And if she was rated "average" she will take the University to the cleaners at the labour department.

She will clean up.

Good luck with that.

She wasn't fired. Her contract ended. They owe her nothing.

That may depend on how many 1 year contracts she has worked continuously with the university.

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It is possible that her academic performance really was quite average. Serious academics have to put in a lot of time on research in addition to mere teaching duties. Being the leader of a political activist group must be very time consuming and leave time for research into her own academic discipline.

Since her academic performance is cited as only average and she is leader of a red shirt group, she should waste no time in sending her resume to Shinawatra University. Sounds a marriage made in heaven.

Outside of the science faculties, my understanding is that lecturers need not devote much time to research.

Your understanding is incorrect.

Our particular university has 21 faculties and all academic teaching staff are required to research and publish twice yearly. Same for nearby universities.

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And if she was rated "average" she will take the University to the cleaners at the labour department.

She will clean up.

Good luck with that.

She wasn't fired. Her contract ended. They owe her nothing.

That may depend on how many 1 year contracts she has worked continuously with the university.

That is correct.

After three consecutive contract years at a Thai university, any non-renewal of a contract must be backed by a solid reason, supported by substantial evidence.

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You wrote the following post:

No you're wrong. Chula is one of the top universities in the nation. They probably only want better than 'average' lecturers in their university. You are the one who's not getting it. Average in this case probably meant lecturers as whole, perhaps in the country. They're saying Chula doesn't keep only average lecturers.

Whatever the case, it's all semantics. The fact of the matter is, this particular lecturer didn't make the cut and is using the 'I'm being discriminated upon because I'm a red shirt' argument. Red sympathizers will support and believe her if course. Some will even use how the article is worded just to make a point.

Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

Actually, you hit the nail on the head with this one.

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She can go to a university in Chiang Mai or Issan.

Typical whinge from PTP types.

Well several things

1 No one has suggested yet that she go to a Chiang Mai university. Reread the posts before yours. Now that you have posted it some nit wit will probably post it

2 Bad a source as the Nation is they look liked world class journalism compared to khaosod.wai.gif

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If she participated in polics as an individual and did not say or imply that she was representing the University it is wrong.

If she said the university believes...... she could be subject to a University enquiry which shouls include her right to participate and have representation before any action is taken,

This action reflects on the University and will not help its reputation in the world.

Not really sure of all the circumstances but is that a picture of her lecturing with people tied and bound in the background. Seems to me like she is mixing her lecturing in with her out side activities. I could be wrong.


Faculty of arts. Does that include political subjects. What is it she was hired to lecture on?

Edited by northernjohn
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Its an open secret that chula supports the yellow bullies.

one day its the thugs in the protest groups bashing their opponents on the street, next day its a boss firing someone for holding a different political opinion.

nothing new really, just the typical intolerance of these fascist yellow shirt people on display once again

Yes you seem to have built up quite an amount of intolerance towards the figures of your own imagination.

Must be lovely in side your head. Make up some thing and then build an intolerance against it.coffee1.gif

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This is wrong. If her performance was "average," then it's similar to the other average instructors at the university. As is clear from my posts addressing PTP governance, I find much to criticize, there. But firing people for political beliefs at a university is downright wrong and diminishes the credibility of the institution--if that is what happened, here. Thailand needs a transparent tenure system to fight corruption in education, as similar reforms are needed to fight corruption in government and business. It doesn't matter what color shirt the victim is wearing.

She wasn't fired. They simply didn't want to renew her contract.

She was NOT employed by the University but merely had a yearly contract which wasn't renewed.

Tough. Ask any contractor about contract renewals and they will tell you that for a couple of months before the renewal date you are actively looking for work.

I quote that from being a contractor for 10 years and working with them for 10 years before that.

As a contract worker there is NO job security which is why you get paid more money.

If you want job security then work directly for the university and get paid less and a better chance of keeping your job.

Stop whining about how hard done by you are and go find another job.

About 99 percent of all contracts at Thai universities are rolled over automatically--until you hit age 60. You don't even need to publish to keep a job, here. Teaching at a university is not the same as being a plumber or some IT consultant. If you don't understand that, there is no need talking with you.

Firstly I didn't know that and secondly perhaps she was in the 1%.

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She definitely supports the PTP then.

Blame, plots, conspiracies, simply because her performance was deemed as average. If this is her reaction then she definitely should have no place teaching at the university no matter what political party she supports.

Lets hope she does not progress this further with threats and intimidation.

I agree. She should be addressing their claim that she is merely average. Instead it would seem that her argument is that she may be average and that the university should keep average lecturers. If she isn't average, talk about that.

it appears she is exposing corruption within the Uni and explaining that there were 'political' reasons to get her 'out' and so reference to this is acceptable

it seems EVERYTHING here is 'political' now - which is a great shame - but the country is so polarized what's the way out? i don't see one

Yingluck step down a non partisan committee set up and run with the express purpose of reforming the government.

The Senate can appoint an interim PM who hopefully would have the interests of Thailand at heart.

There would have to be special considerations made to pay the farmers.

No I don't know how they would be set up but I do know the farmers need the money.

How ever I would rather see them go with out than reelect this band of crooks. Change can be very painful for some. My hope is it is the PTP not the farmers.

I would also say a time limit of a year or a year and a half be set after which an election would be held.

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This is wrong. If her performance was "average," then it's similar to the other average instructors at the university. As is clear from my posts addressing PTP governance, I find much to criticize, there. But firing people for political beliefs at a university is downright wrong and diminishes the credibility of the institution--if that is what happened, here. Thailand needs a transparent tenure system to fight corruption in education, as similar reforms are needed to fight corruption in government and business. It doesn't matter what color shirt the victim is wearing.

I wonder if any others were rated average? If so, I wish her a very successful court case and to see a grovelling dean apologising.

What a bent screwed up system. Aren't there other academics putting together a plan for the unconstitutional appointment of a committee to run the country.

I mean, planning that is just illegal, so that's obviously not a bad thing.

Why would there be a court case? They did not fire her. They did not violate the contract. That is the whole purpose of having contracts for finite periods of time so you have the option to renew and/or renegotiate the contract or not. As far as I know there is not law compelling any employer to renew a contract once it expires.

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This is wrong. If her performance was "average," then it's similar to the other average instructors at the university. As is clear from my posts addressing PTP governance, I find much to criticize, there. But firing people for political beliefs at a university is downright wrong and diminishes the credibility of the institution--if that is what happened, here. Thailand needs a transparent tenure system to fight corruption in education, as similar reforms are needed to fight corruption in government and business. It doesn't matter what color shirt the victim is wearing.

I wonder if any others were rated average? If so, I wish her a very successful court case and to see a grovelling dean apologising.

What a bent screwed up system. Aren't there other academics putting together a plan for the unconstitutional appointment of a committee to run the country.

I mean, planning that is just illegal, so that's obviously not a bad thing.

Why would there be a court case? They did not fire her. They did not violate the contract. That is the whole purpose of having contracts for finite periods of time so you have the option to renew and/or renegotiate the contract or not. As far as I know there is not law compelling any employer to renew a contract once it expires.

If everyone else of similar rating gets renewed she probably has a case. Discrimination is unconstitutional.

Terms for renewal vary. Who knows what she had in her contract.

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You wrote the following post:

No you're wrong. Chula is one of the top universities in the nation. They probably only want better than 'average' lecturers in their university. You are the one who's not getting it. Average in this case probably meant lecturers as whole, perhaps in the country. They're saying Chula doesn't keep only average lecturers.

Whatever the case, it's all semantics. The fact of the matter is, this particular lecturer didn't make the cut and is using the 'I'm being discriminated upon because I'm a red shirt' argument. Red sympathizers will support and believe her if course. Some will even use how the article is worded just to make a point.

Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

Chula has ranked consistently as one of the top 3 universites in Thailand so no, for all your usual misdirection, I do not consider being in the top 3 'average'.

Chula is the creation of the ammart and the Thai elites of, by and for themselves. Everyone knows how the ammart and the Thai elites have performed in running Thailand since 1917 when they established Chula. Some people believe the ammart have done wonderful things, others challenge this incestuous thinking.

This lecturer presented critiques of the ammart, to include legitimate and traditional Chinese satire that is prohibited by the CCP in the PRC and which did not go over well with the powers that be here, where critiques and criticisms are often blasphemy and illegal. The lecturer belonged to a political organization that is critical of the ammart and the Thai elites.

It's probably safe to say the lecturer had a standard, one year contract, which means the terms of the contract made it renewable. Had the lecturer signed a non-renewable contact, the case would be like rice, cut and dried. It is not a closed case, however.

It is clear from the reaction of the lecturer that she rightfully expected renewal, which means her expectation was based on the prior experience of both herself and of almost all other faculty over decades during which one-year renewable contracts are commonly renewed. She was given a reason for non-renewal she does not accept.

Neither do I accept it. There is a prima facie case here of disparate treatment based on political bias on the part of the university. An investigation is in order. Denial of her right to pursue her belief of wrongful treatment suggests a further political bias against her.

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Anybody who has had dealings with Chula will know that the prevailing political sentiment is anti-PTP, so there may well be a political dimension to the non-renewal of this contract. However, I am not convinced that one year contracts for older lecturers amounts to corruption. Of course, academics in the West tend to go on well beyond the Thai retirement age of 60, and indeed in several European countries automatic retirement at 65 has recently been ended.. Many are still capable of very good teaching and research at that age.

Edited by citizen33
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You wrote the following post:

No you're wrong. Chula is one of the top universities in the nation. They probably only want better than 'average' lecturers in their university. You are the one who's not getting it. Average in this case probably meant lecturers as whole, perhaps in the country. They're saying Chula doesn't keep only average lecturers.

Whatever the case, it's all semantics. The fact of the matter is, this particular lecturer didn't make the cut and is using the 'I'm being discriminated upon because I'm a red shirt' argument. Red sympathizers will support and believe her if course. Some will even use how the article is worded just to make a point.

Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

Chula has ranked consistently as one of the top 3 universites in Thailand so no, for all your usual misdirection, I do not consider being in the top 3 'average'.

Chula is the creation of the ammart and the Thai elites of, by and for themselves. Everyone knows how the ammart and the Thai elites have performed in running Thailand since 1917 when they established Chula. Some people believe the ammart have done wonderful things, others challenge this incestuous thinking.

This lecturer presented critiques of the ammart, to include legitimate and traditional Chinese satire that is prohibited by the CCP in the PRC and which did not go over well with the powers that be here, where critiques and criticisms are often blasphemy and illegal. The lecturer belonged to a political organization that is critical of the ammart and the Thai elites.

It's probably safe to say the lecturer had a standard, one year contract, which means the terms of the contract made it renewable. Had the lecturer signed a non-renewable contact, the case would be like rice, cut and dried. It is not a closed case, however.

It is clear from the reaction of the lecturer that she rightfully expected renewal, which means her expectation was based on the prior experience of both herself and of almost all other faculty over decades during which one-year renewable contracts are commonly renewed. She was given a reason for non-renewal she does not accept.

Neither do I accept it. There is a prima facie case here of disparate treatment based on political bias on the part of the university. An investigation is in order. Denial of her right to pursue her belief of wrongful treatment suggests a further political bias against her.

Here we go again. More ammart rantings!

You have once again tried to hoodwink us with more BS about this and that. The fact of the matter here is this. She had a contract and it expired and because she wasn't as good as she's trying to make herself out to be so they didn't renew the contract. But rather than doing what normal people do and find a new job, this red shirt decides to turn it into a political issue. Like most red shirts, rather then looking inward to see what's wrong with herself, she blames others instead.

Of course she thought her contract was to be renewed! She thinks too highly of herself! Chula has always ranked among the top universities in Thailand, she may think she's good enough to be a lecturer there but the university obvious didn't. Why would they renew the contract of someone who is 'average' when the university is exceptional?

Don't even pretend to be a lawyer. Her contract ended. It wasn't renewed. End of story. Good luck on her court case if she decides to sue. She can always get her fellow red shirts to intimidate the judges.

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Last time I looked, about half of the entire faculty of CU had doctoral degrees. The other half have either a master degree or a baccalaureate as their highest level of academic attainment.

So that leaves the research burden on half the faculty with some stray master degree holders or even baccalaureate holders fumbling their way through original research projects (assuming the CU faculty does any or much original research). Did you graduate from a university where half the full time faculty held only a master degree or, worse yet, only a baccalaureate? If you did they probably paid you to matriculate.

And CU besides offers a broad front of doctoral degree programs.

That would make CU an average Thai university. Which probably means Chula should fire itself. It would set an excellent example to all of Thailand to do exactly that so Thailand itself might start over again, completely and entirely.

Rewind to 1932 and start again.

Chula has ranked consistently as one of the top 3 universites in Thailand so no, for all your usual misdirection, I do not consider being in the top 3 'average'.

Chula is the creation of the ammart and the Thai elites of, by and for themselves. Everyone knows how the ammart and the Thai elites have performed in running Thailand since 1917 when they established Chula. Some people believe the ammart have done wonderful things, others challenge this incestuous thinking.

This lecturer presented critiques of the ammart, to include legitimate and traditional Chinese satire that is prohibited by the CCP in the PRC and which did not go over well with the powers that be here, where critiques and criticisms are often blasphemy and illegal. The lecturer belonged to a political organization that is critical of the ammart and the Thai elites.

It's probably safe to say the lecturer had a standard, one year contract, which means the terms of the contract made it renewable. Had the lecturer signed a non-renewable contact, the case would be like rice, cut and dried. It is not a closed case, however.

It is clear from the reaction of the lecturer that she rightfully expected renewal, which means her expectation was based on the prior experience of both herself and of almost all other faculty over decades during which one-year renewable contracts are commonly renewed. She was given a reason for non-renewal she does not accept.

Neither do I accept it. There is a prima facie case here of disparate treatment based on political bias on the part of the university. An investigation is in order. Denial of her right to pursue her belief of wrongful treatment suggests a further political bias against her.

Here we go again. More ammart rantings!

You have once again tried to hoodwink us with more BS about this and that. The fact of the matter here is this. She had a contract and it expired and because she wasn't as good as she's trying to make herself out to be so they didn't renew the contract. But rather than doing what normal people do and find a new job, this red shirt decides to turn it into a political issue. Like most red shirts, rather then looking inward to see what's wrong with herself, she blames others instead.

Of course she thought her contract was to be renewed! She thinks too highly of herself! Chula has always ranked among the top universities in Thailand, she may think she's good enough to be a lecturer there but the university obvious didn't. Why would they renew the contract of someone who is 'average' when the university is exceptional?

Don't even pretend to be a lawyer. Her contract ended. It wasn't renewed. End of story. Good luck on her court case if she decides to sue. She can always get her fellow red shirts to intimidate the judges.

I mention the ammart which gets you among so many other deniers all red-faced and red-blooded excited - red outside and red inside. The word exists, I didn't invent or create it. I one day long ago took an airplane to a place where the word exists. The word ammart is a descriptive and an identifier. You can and do deny its validity and reject its use, however, to put it frankly, you and your cronies are pissing in the wind when you deny, deny, deny; reject, reject, reject.

You also put a lot more politics into the lecturer's circumstance and situation that she herself has alleged exists. The lecturer says the reason given to her by this leading university of a feudal society and culture is a pretext, and pretext as a tactic of evasion does exist. So this is a prima facie case if there ever was one and it merits investigation to determine whether pretext exists in this instance. In the current context, the lecturer's charge of pretext does have probative value..

I make no claim to being a lawyer but I can say to you I know the laws against employment discrimination in the United States from the standpoint and experience of their enforcement. This of course is not the United States, however, I do recognize tea party extremists or their foreign equivalent when I encounter them. And you are an encounter.

BTW did you graduate from a university where as in the instance of Chula half of all faculty had less than a doctor degree?

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Here we go again. More ammart rantings!

You have once again tried to hoodwink us with more BS about this and that. The fact of the matter here is this. She had a contract and it expired and because she wasn't as good as she's trying to make herself out to be so they didn't renew the contract. But rather than doing what normal people do and find a new job, this red shirt decides to turn it into a political issue. Like most red shirts, rather then looking inward to see what's wrong with herself, she blames others instead.

Of course she thought her contract was to be renewed! She thinks too highly of herself! Chula has always ranked among the top universities in Thailand, she may think she's good enough to be a lecturer there but the university obvious didn't. Why would they renew the contract of someone who is 'average' when the university is exceptional?

Don't even pretend to be a lawyer. Her contract ended. It wasn't renewed. End of story. Good luck on her court case if she decides to sue. She can always get her fellow red shirts to intimidate the judges.

I mention the ammart which gets you among so many other deniers all red-faced and red-blooded excited - red outside and red inside. The word exists, I didn't invent or create it. I one day long ago took an airplane to a place where the word exists. The word ammart is a descriptive and an identifier. You can and do deny its validity and reject its use, however, to put it frankly, you and your cronies are pissing in the wind when you deny, deny, deny; reject, reject, reject.

You also put a lot more politics into the lecturer's circumstance and situation that she herself has alleged exists. The lecturer says the reason given to her by this leading university of a feudal society and culture is a pretext, and pretext as a tactic of evasion does exist. So this is a prima facie case if there ever was one and it merits investigation to determine whether pretext exists in this instance. In the current context, the lecturer's charge of pretext does have probative value..

I make no claim to being a lawyer but I can say to you I know the laws against employment discrimination in the United States from the standpoint and experience of their enforcement. This of course is not the United States, however, I do recognize tea party extremists or their foreign equivalent when I encounter them. And you are an encounter.

BTW did you graduate from a university where as in the instance of Chula half of all faculty had less than a doctor degree?

You mentioned the ammart because you're a conspiracy nut. To you, the ammart is to be blamed for everything. Your toilet doesn't flush, it's the ammarts' fault. We've heard it all before.

The lecturer 'says' this and that happened. She says. It's her word against the university's. Besides which, once again, she wasn't fired. Her contract ended. It's not up to her to decide whether she deserves to have her contract renewed or not. Good luck to her trying to sue the university for not renewing her expired contract. Oooooo United States labor laws? Pffft.

Chula has consistently been one of the top 3 universities in Thailand. They must be doing something right. If as you claim, half their faculty has less than a doctoral degree, so what? As long as they remain one of the top universities, what does it matter? In fact, it makes this whiny lecturer, with all her degrees and bells and whistles, look even worse.

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