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Redshirts hunt EC's Somchai

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I, for once, find myself agreeing with the Red, Shirts. They are not rude, low and wild. They are already beyond that. The proper adjectives should not be this mild.

Some animal descriptions come to mind!

the 3rd adjective; 'wild' should not be used for Red Shirts. Granted, the word 'wild' can mean various things, but Reds might take it as a compliment, as in; "the biker gang was wild" or "the wild west." Wild can also mean not-domesticated, such as natural forests. In that sense, there is nothing wild in Thailand. The whole country is rice fields, other agriculture, fallow or dirt fields, and villages/cities - every square meter. Nature has lost every battle against Thais, for the past 500 years.

So I take it you haven't been outside BKK or Patts or wherever you reside.

Take a drive through the north and you will see nothing but wilderness especially in the hilly regions where it is jungle as far as the eye can see.

All counties utilize their flat areas for agriculture and urban residence.... mostly because that is where the water gathers from the mountains and hills which is essential for any civilization to survive.

Do you expect everyone to starve to death while living on top of a mountain?

Don't know much do you?

We have a different definition of wilderness. To me, wilderness means non-screwed up nature. There's non of that in Thailand. But, I didn't even mention 'wilderness', because I don't expect wilderness anywhere in Asia. Can you name one National Park in China?

No, I'm just referring to untainted forest or natural area in Thailand. There is none. I've been coming to Thailand for over 30 years, and have been to every sector of the country. Thais have zero consciousness for preserving nature.

Well where have you been coming for the last 30 years? pataya - Phuket???? Well there is none there. Because Thailand has very nice places.

Edited by diehard60
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The fascist militia is once more on the march. Beware those who oppose the will of PT for they shall be hunted down and face the wrath of the red guards justice. Hospitals, airports, music venues, courts or any other place are no refuge when they are on their holy mission to cleanse the country of all who stand against their truth, no truth can be held to be true if it is not the one they, the UDD, declare to be so. Be afraid, be very afraid, the fury of the zealot is indeed fierce and bloody.

Isn't this sort of the same as the pdrc hunting down members of the shin family???? And the same as the pdrc stopping people from doing what was their constitutional right to vote? I see no difference other then the poo poo.

No not really if you are referring to whistle blowing, though that is a movement that predates suthep's pdrc so I guess not.

I have no sympathy for suthep or some of the tactics he has used, but this mob had violence on their mind, as their colleagues in thuggery showed when they assaulted the monk last month.

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We have a different definition of wilderness. To me, wilderness means non-screwed up nature. There's non of that in Thailand. But, I didn't even mention 'wilderness', because I don't expect wilderness anywhere in Asia. Can you name one National Park in China?

No, I'm just referring to untainted forest or natural area in Thailand. There is none. I've been coming to Thailand for over 30 years, and have been to every sector of the country. Thais have zero consciousness for preserving nature.

Well where have you been coming for the last 30 years? pataya - Phuket???? Well there is none there. Because Thailand has very nice places.
Yes, I've been to those two places, for thankfully brief visits. As mentioned earlier, I've been to provinces

in all parts of Thailand. It's obvious you can't accept what I've mentioned about this in earlier posts. But do us all a favor, please don't ask me the same questions a third time, expecting different answers.

Yes, Thailand has nice places, that's not the issue I've been addressing. For Thais, a park is a place with some trees, to pour concrete around and build monuments to commemorate Buddhism or famous people. Thais don't understand that a park can be a place which is 100% natural, except perhaps a few paths (without trash thrown alongside?). If Thais or Asians want to know what a natural park can be, they could visit the US or Iceland, where nature for nature's sake is held in high esteem. Indeed, there's enough natural habitat for a slew of indigenous animals to exist - outside of a zoo. How many types of wild mammals exist in Thailand? A rare few, of species which could be counted on one hand.

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Behaviour like this would make any non PTP politicians (or possibly only Democrats) think twice about running in the election or having anyone campaign for them. Before free and democratic elections can take place, the government and police need to get tough with threatening and intimidating behaviour so that the election is a safe environment. Or else the people of thailand, just need to get used to the idea of continuing with the current fascist regime. It's a shame.

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Richteacher. 2005 was 9 years ago. What is the corruption rating now?

But Suthep, the Dems & other yellows spend their whole life harping on about how corrupt Thaksin was. Well, they are full of what the reds were throwing.

Even though a lot the focus of Transparency's latest assessment of Thailand was on the slide in the country rankings, in fact the raw data showed that under Yingluck there had been a decrease in corruption, and also the raw data was better than under the Abhisit regime.

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You guys make me laugh!

First of all you jump straight on yingluck for posting on her Facebook however when a person in this position goes to Facebook to make a point it's ok.

Second to the poster who remarked about the carry on at the airport and uneducated masses maybe he should reflect on the utter disaster the yellows caused not Thailand but the world with their actions several years ago

If you want to make it class warfare then maybe you could call your mob educated scum!

Nothing you write will ever condone your vile idols

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Richteacher. 2005 was 9 years ago. What is the corruption rating now?

But Suthep, the Dems & other yellows spend their whole life harping on about how corrupt Thaksin was. Well, they are full of what the reds were throwing.

Even though a lot the focus of Transparency's latest assessment of Thailand was on the slide in the country rankings, in fact the raw data showed that under Yingluck there had been a decrease in corruption, and also the raw data was better than under the Abhisit regime.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide the 'right' links to support your statements?

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Richteacher. 2005 was 9 years ago. What is the corruption rating now?

But Suthep, the Dems & other yellows spend their whole life harping on about how corrupt Thaksin was. Well, they are full of what the reds were throwing.

Even though a lot the focus of Transparency's latest assessment of Thailand was on the slide in the country rankings, in fact the raw data showed that under Yingluck there had been a decrease in corruption, and also the raw data was better than under the Abhisit regime.

Yeah, right, sure, if you say so.

Good old Yingluck - champion of anti-corruption. There's none in her caretaker government facepalm.gif

Do you teach statistics then?

Edited by Baerboxer
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"The redshirts were angry at what they called an insult of the redshirts and vowed to hunt him down if he travelled to the North"

"booed at the EC chairman and also threw rotten fishes, eggs and even human excreta"

Now if the red reaction to Somchai's statement was a controlled narrative from the UDD leadership saying "We don't appreciate these claims by Somchai. They are completely unfounded and uncalled for. All we ask of the EC is to stage elections at the earliest timeframe to ensure democracy flourishes. I sincerely hope that the EC is nonpartisan though these comments state otherwise"

​Now if the UDD reaction was that one Somchai would rally have egg on his face now instead of sitting smugly by thinking "Told you they were rude, low and wild"

I bet the only thing Somchai regrets is not adding "lack of intelligence" to the end of his statement because, boy O boy, those reds really showed it when they fell right into Somchai's projection of what they are like.

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Try posting without a condescending opening sentence, might make you a better person.

You explicitly questioned the independence of Somchai in response to my post (saying he is independent) in your final sentence. The rest of your post also questions his independence I see after rereading it. The UDD are on the rampage again because of this. Yes I used the word hysteria, but how else can you describe thugs reacting the way the red guard did because the nasty man said a mean thing. Clear enough for you.

Complain about condescension and then posting this "because the nasty man said a mean thing. Clear enough for you."

Sorry, I'll be condescending to anyone who has the gall to say that somchai is independent - even the Bangkok Post are taking the mickey out of him in todays paper, and if they can see it and you can't, that must make you just to the right of Genghis Khan politically

Yes I was condescending to you but only because you deserve it.

Again I'll state, the reason the UDD are furious with Somchai is that they just don't like anyone who stands up to the bullying tactics of PT. that is the truth of the matter.

As for my political stance, as usual, you are way off base. Just because I see PT and their fascist street thugs for what they are does not make me to the right, quite the opposite really.

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Try posting without a condescending opening sentence, might make you a better person.

You explicitly questioned the independence of Somchai in response to my post (saying he is independent) in your final sentence. The rest of your post also questions his independence I see after rereading it. The UDD are on the rampage again because of this. Yes I used the word hysteria, but how else can you describe thugs reacting the way the red guard did because the nasty man said a mean thing. Clear enough for you.

Complain about condescension and then posting this "because the nasty man said a mean thing. Clear enough for you."

Sorry, I'll be condescending to anyone who has the gall to say that somchai is independent - even the Bangkok Post are taking the mickey out of him in todays paper, and if they can see it and you can't, that must make you just to the right of Genghis Khan politically

I have today's Bangkok Post in front of me and the opinion piece is all about the Navy's defamation case.

Are lies included in your condescending arsenal?

Somchai was totally independent until PTP continually attacked him for trying to do his job in very difficult circumstances.

It is not difficult to understand why he has harsh words for those who have attacked him verbally.

It is also not difficult to understand that violence is always an option for the worst red shirt factions.

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You guys make me laugh!

First of all you jump straight on yingluck for posting on her Facebook however when a person in this position goes to Facebook to make a point it's ok.

Second to the poster who remarked about the carry on at the airport and uneducated masses maybe he should reflect on the utter disaster the yellows caused not Thailand but the world with their actions several years ago

If you want to make it class warfare then maybe you could call your mob educated scum!

trying to run a country on fakebook big difference ...as to the scum part are you saying my wife is scum then being a protester..

I think that's yellow, royalist, elitist, coup mongering, ammart loving, fascist scum to be precise. wink.png

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Yes I was condescending to you but only because you deserve it.

Again I'll state, the reason the UDD are furious with Somchai is that they just don't like anyone who stands up to the bullying tactics of PT. that is the truth of the matter.

As for my political stance, as usual, you are way off base. Just because I see PT and their fascist street thugs for what they are does not make me to the right, quite the opposite really.

No, you stated "He is independent. That's what PT dislike about him." I disagreed and told you why.

Edited by fab4
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Yes I was condescending to you but only because you deserve it.

Again I'll state, the reason the UDD are furious with Somchai is that they just don't like anyone who stands up to the bullying tactics of PT. that is the truth of the matter.

As for my political stance, as usual, you are way off base. Just because I see PT and their fascist street thugs for what they are does not make me to the right, quite the opposite really.

No, you stated "He is independent. That's what PT dislike about him." I disagreed and told you why.

He is independent. That is why PT and the UDD dislike him.

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People condemn red shirt "verbal violence" yet give PDRC a pass - nince double standard. Give the red shirts credit for throwing eggs and not grenades. Its called freedom of expression. I would call a bag of shit a very creative political expression.

What some seem people to lose sight of is that EC members are supposed to be NONPOLITICAL. When a member clearly demonstrates a political bias by singling out one political party (red shirts aka PTP) DURING AN ELECTION SEASON with condemnations (and it's irrelevant how many persons are being referred to) and denergating remarks, that member has failed his duty to the EC and failed the trust of the Thai people to remain politically nuetral. Even the PERCEPTION of bias by a EC member damages the EC's credibility as a whole to fairly conduct alleged election violations. Somchai has taken an unrepentive political stand against the PTP whether it be against one PTP supporter or against many supporters. Let's see who makes Somchai accountable for his dereliction of duty. Or is dereliction of duty only a PTP thing?

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Yes I was condescending to you but only because you deserve it.

Again I'll state, the reason the UDD are furious with Somchai is that they just don't like anyone who stands up to the bullying tactics of PT. that is the truth of the matter.

As for my political stance, as usual, you are way off base. Just because I see PT and their fascist street thugs for what they are does not make me to the right, quite the opposite really.

No, you stated "He is independent. That's what PT dislike about him." I disagreed and told you why.

He is independent. That is why PT and the UDD dislike him.

Even before the election is organised PTP had to deal with Somchai in relation to rice funding. PTP need to access funding to pay some of the over due rice payments to try and appease some of those who voted for them before and who's votes they will need this time around. I suspect they already know that Somchai will not be able to agree to that funding so UDD/PTP is trying to demonstrate to the farmers that "it is not our fault" ........ " he is not independent"

As a previous poster had said that any rational person whold have used a controlled dialog, at least if the intention had been for the wider political useage.

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"rude, low and wild"

Sounds about right to me...

"They instead booed at the EC chairman and also threw rotten fishes, eggs and even human excreta at the van he boarded to leave the provincial town hall."

... and presumably hired to commit indecent and frankly un-Thai acts that they would never otherwise think about doing...

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Nah... they're not rude, low nor wild. They're actually a warm bunch of likable people, darling of the earth and so on. It is just that, unlike other people, they like to share the good with everyone... such as rotten fish, eggs and even human excrement. Oh, and also pig blood, in previous episodes, I believe?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Richteacher. 2005 was 9 years ago. What is the corruption rating now?

But Suthep, the Dems & other yellows spend their whole life harping on about how corrupt Thaksin was. Well, they are full of what the reds were throwing.

Even though a lot the focus of Transparency's latest assessment of Thailand was on the slide in the country rankings, in fact the raw data showed that under Yingluck there had been a decrease in corruption, and also the raw data was better than under the Abhisit regime.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide the 'right' links to support your statements?

Yep, love to see that raw data.

Actually rich teacher (rich in what?) higher corruption in the puppets time zone is about as obvious as the nose on your face, you really think anybody will be fooled by your claims, you just insult peoples intelligence.

But hey, maybe you also believe that all the farmers have all been paid in full and on time, and their protests were just nasty and just politically motivated.

Edited by scorecard
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You guys make me laugh!

First of all you jump straight on yingluck for posting on her Facebook however when a person in this position goes to Facebook to make a point it's ok.

Second to the poster who remarked about the carry on at the airport and uneducated masses maybe he should reflect on the utter disaster the yellows caused not Thailand but the world with their actions several years ago

If you want to make it class warfare then maybe you could call your mob educated scum!

How can you compare an EC member to YL the PM? Pure idiocity to run a country from FB even more so to use as a comparison.

This man has no power and had no duty to give an apology. Whereas YL did not even comment at all even on her FB how truly revolting and disgusting their acts were not did she comment an apology for their acts. The same people who did this act in her name. If anything she should be the one remanding these people.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Richteacher. 2005 was 9 years ago. What is the corruption rating now?

But Suthep, the Dems & other yellows spend their whole life harping on about how corrupt Thaksin was. Well, they are full of what the reds were throwing.

Even though a lot the focus of Transparency's latest assessment of Thailand was on the slide in the country rankings, in fact the raw data showed that under Yingluck there had been a decrease in corruption, and also the raw data was better than under the Abhisit regime.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide the 'right' links to support your statements?

Yep, love to see that raw data.

Give him time, you cant expect the office to fab4ricate come up with it immediately.

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