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Thailand as a SERIOUS country


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You want to make it Singapore ... please no ... facepalm.gif

I like Thailand how it is ... full of quirks that annoy the cr*ap out me,

but I don't want to sanitise it... would kill the fun of the place.


A little adjustment here and there wouldn't be such a bad idea wink.png

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You want to make it Singapore ... please no ... facepalm.gif

I like Thailand how it is ... full of quirks that annoy the cr*ap out me,

but I don't want to sanitise it... would kill the fun of the place.


A little adjustment here and there wouldn't be such a bad idea wink.png

Who makes the decision what and how much to adjust? You?

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THailand is fine as it is, for Thailand. The pros and cons are what makes it such an interesting experience. The only thing that need change is some security and safety issues, such as the roads.

Wait till you have to deal with corruption, might make things look a bit different..........whistling.gif

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THailand is fine as it is, for Thailand. The pros and cons are what makes it such an interesting experience. The only thing that need change is some security and safety issues, such as the roads.

Wait till you have to deal with corruption, might make things look a bit different..........whistling.gif

Indeed. The sun shines and some stuff is cheap.

But as a serious country. Hmmmmm

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THailand is fine as it is, for Thailand. The pros and cons are what makes it such an interesting experience. The only thing that need change is some security and safety issues, such as the roads.

Wait till you have to deal with corruption, might make things look a bit different..........whistling.gif

Some of us do and don't have a problem with it. It has been that way since I've been here or reading about Thailand in depth. I had a friend who bought a cannon here. Another bought a tank. Thailand was a really cool place a while back. When I first got here there were 7 different armies operating openly in Thailand and only two of them were Thai.

A country with 7 different armies is some serious sh**biggrin.png

Edited by thailiketoo
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THailand is fine as it is, for Thailand. The pros and cons are what makes it such an interesting experience. The only thing that need change is some security and safety issues, such as the roads.

Wait till you have to deal with corruption, might make things look a bit different..........whistling.gif

Some of us do and don't have a problem with it. It has been that way since I've been here or reading about Thailand in depth. I had a friend who bought a cannon here. Another bought a tank. Thailand was a really cool place a while back. When I first got here there were 7 different armies operating openly in Thailand and only two of them were Thai. biggrin.png

Corruption as in teamoney for a trafficviolation is not what he meant..i guess.

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In using Thai Visa I agree:

7) Respect fellow members by posting in a civil manner: do not launch personal attacks, or be hateful or insulting towards other members, ie No flaming

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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.


This is the most intelligent post that I have ever read in any forum.

You deserve to be nominated for the next 'noble prize' - you sure would give it more credibility (which it needs very badly right now).

Tip: Read some history/scientific books and try to understand, if that is possible.

(or else wipe out ALL the natives in the tropics and populate those lands with the 'intelligent' from where you originate from - this world would be 'fantastic'!

YOU, should rule this miserable planet called the EARTH.


Edited by ravip
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There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future.

There are also theories about how the earth was created in seven days.

What these theories have in common is that they have not been validated scientifically.

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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.

Not quite...

The real rotten fruit of humanity is the type of ignorant, deluded bigotry you display here.

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What is it about those from western democracies that believe "their" version of a proper society is the correct version by default, and can/should be forced on all other societies that don't conform?

Thailand is a unique country and I enjoy living here because of that very uniqueness. If it ever does reach the level of development (and I use that word very loosely) of a generic western country, I for one will be looking elsewhere.

However it won't be a problem for most of us as it will take four generations before they actually get around to making the place as twisted as <insert western country of your choice>.

"What is it about those from western democracies that believe "their" version of a proper society is the correct version by default, and can/should be forced on all other societies that don't conform?"

Actually the concept of "western democracies" is absurd and only exists in the imagination of the "lotus eaters" who swallow what the ruling classes in their own countries tell them is the truth.

But aside from that you have people who choose to leave their own countries to come to Thailand because they're trying to run from something and/or to run to something. Once these malcontents arrive in Thailand they immediately want to change everything here so that it's as odious as the place from which they just escaped.

... the pantheon of great nations ...

Run for your lives. The pomposity balloon is about to burst!


I'd love to know which nations Peter Pan, I mean the O/P, think qualify as great and if they are so great why does he not move to one of them and take all the other moaners with him. That should make them happy and make Thailand all the more pleasant for the rest of us.

Edited by Suradit69
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Where ever you are there will always be change. Same here, whether better for some, or worse for others. To deny it is to be an ostrich. I see incremental change here over the years and I look forward to see more. But I aint going back.

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