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Pheu Thai Party inquires NACC about cases against Abhisit and Suthep


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Suthep seems to be Teflon Boy as far as the NACC is concerned.

1995 Phucket land scam.

2010 "bring me some red shirt bodies.

2011 palm oil Scam are the most famous 3.

Makes Thaksin's wife winning a sealed bid auction and him getting 2 year sentence seem likke chicken feed. The people of Thailand know it was not fair and this is one of the reasons why he is still so popular here.

I find it utterly unbelieveable that Suthep said "bring me some red shirt bodies". I am sure that you have no proof, and no one else has any proof of that. If there is proof, then why isn't it all over the news. Sounds like repeating rumours to me.

The PTP seem to be slow with the palm oil scam since it would seem to ahve occurred during their tenure. Is Suthep friends with the PTP?

Sorry to disappoint you, the palm oil price rise scam was down to abhisits tenure

So what’s really going on?

Recently, some people have been making some rather serious insinuations about Suthep Thaugsuban, Thailand’s deputy prime minister.

Suthep, whose family is one of a handful who control the palm oil industry in the South, also happens to be chairman of the National Palm Oil Policy Committee.

Conflict of interest? Arai na?


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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

Have any of you red blinded sheeple considered, even for a moment, that maybe they are struggling to find hard evidence against Abisit and Suteb - maybe there isn't much if any at all that they reallly did anything wrong ? So they are on the backburner waiting for the that piece of the puzzle that shows some actual wrongdoing - the so called 'smoking gun'.

Whereas in the case of the useless puppet Yingluck, there is plenty and bountiful evidence not to mention that she is the caretaker PM and there is some urgency to stop PTP further screwing up the country and taking us further into the abyss.....? Her cases should be made a priority as she and her cronies are doing untold damage to the country and it can only be stopped once they are removed. It is rather urgent and should be treated as such. Where3as the bullshit and maybe valid too cases against Abisit and Suteb, even if rulings were made right now, would make no difference to the country in general.

So lets have some bleeding common sense here please people.....

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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

I agree with you. They don't make things easy for themselves by being so lazy.

The case against Abhisit and Suthep regarding the 2010 crackdown, could have been dealt with long ago and quashed well before these charges against Yingluck were pressed.

The interesting part is that in one of the topic of the NACC bias against Ms. Yingluck, one poster felt sorry for the girl and suggested that the NACC stop trying to stick it to her and get going on their actual job of tracking corruption.

Now I'd really be interested in hearing what the Abhisit/Suthep case of 2010 has to do with corruption.

Nothing, the NACC are supposed to be investigating them for "abuse of power"

but that can't be. The OAG decided to go along with the DSI and charge Abhisit/Suthep as private persons. Surely that means they didn't abuse any power?

Anyway apart from the 2010 riots, the unclear Police Station affair, are there any other cases the NACC is supposed to look into?

Mind you, I start to understand why the Pheu Thai government wanted to have screening officials to protect various independent organisations from 'frivolous' requests.

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Suthep seems to be Teflon Boy as far as the NACC is concerned.

1995 Phucket land scam.

2010 "bring me some red shirt bodies.

2011 palm oil Scam are the most famous 3.

Makes Thaksin's wife winning a sealed bid auction and him getting 2 year sentence seem likke chicken feed. The people of Thailand know it was not fair and this is one of the reasons why he is still so popular here.

Most famous ? You have 3 things against him in 19 years, 2 of which you have no stated evidence for and the 2010 shootings were completely justified given what the red shirt rioters had been doing the previous 6 weeks.

Meanwhile, we have maybe around 3 offences a day from Taksin's puppets from committing violence against their opponents to threatening the courts not to mention what they have done over the last few years and the undoubted attempted cover ups that are currently going on behind closed doors.

Your rhetoric is completely flawed and laughable !!!!! Change the record red sheeple ! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Prompong pressing the standard Pheu Thai line that a sixteen month investigation into a fiscal scheme that contained massive corruption and graft, woefully lacking of accountability and transparency, plunging the country into debt, destroying the rice farming industry, and knocking Thailand off top-tier status in the rice export industry for the very first time in three decades - that all of that indicates a frivolous case. That's the Pheu Thai line. CAPO's directives to the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission were indeed improper and an outrage, as well as being wildly unprecedented, and if " Pheu Thai's legal team " say otherwise then they are just being completely consistent with a record of really horrific advice, including what they have euphemistically referred to as " preparing a defense " for Yingluck. And if Prompong is the best spokesman Pheu Thai has, then at least get someone who can do better than a condescending smile. Surely there's a law against that.

Fortunately for you there are no laws against writing bullshit because if there were you'd have been put behind bars for life long ago. smile.png

Sans computer.

I didn't read that Prompong said the rice scheme before the judges is "a frivolous case." You wrote that. It's possible Prompong said that elsewhere, so you'd have to show me if he did do that, but I'm confident you'd be hard pressed to meet this request.

You also leap broadly from Prompong's specific and focused statement to say "That's the Pheu Thai line," as if any criticism of the judges must necessarily and only be a Pheu Thai statement.

And you say Yingluck's lawyers' presentations to the judges are "euphemistically referred to as preparing a defense." YS has a defense and there's nothing "euphemistic" about it - it is real, even if it's been preordained her defense will carry absolutely no weight. You would prefer YS should walk in to the NACC to read a full confession that perchance you happened to write?

BTW, you still haven't said anything about the 2007 constitution that was written by a bunch of ammart appointed by the martial law military coup rulers that imposed the document on the electorate by diktat. I see you rather like martial law, military coups, diktat and all of that. You also ignore NACC members who plunge themselves into a conflict of interest.

Yes, the Nation already has reported NACC member Vicha Mahakun made public comments about the rice scheme, which is the very case that, as you dutifully point out, has been before the NACC for a year and a half. The honorable former judge thus disqualifies himself from hearing the case, but still he sits atop his perch denouncing the rice pledging program of the government while he has the responsibility and legal obligation to judge it fairly and squarely, absent bias, prejudice, any preconceived notions.

This is not Kuhn Wicha's first remarkable public statement worthy of note. As a member of the martial law military coup appointed Constitutional Drafting Committee, Kuhn Wicha on 22 February 2007 said, "I want us to abolish the situation in which only two groups exercise power, namely, first, those who have great expertise in conducting elections and, second, those who use their weapons to seize political power. If we can create politics that do not only have these two groups, then our constitution will be sustainable.”

What was that again? Abolish who? Abolish? Did the honorable gentleman Kuhn Wicha say to abolish "those who have great expertise in conducting elections"? Yes, that's what the distinguished gentleman Wicha presently of the NACC did say back then. I won't even think about the self-contradictory second part of his most noble statement of the time.




You accuse someone else of exactly what you do.

Fortunately for you there are no laws against writing bullshit because if there were you'd have been put behind bars for life long ago. smile.png

Right back at you !

H-I-P-P-O-C-R-I-T-E of the highest order !

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If I were Abhisit and Suthep who ordered the army into action with live ammunition, thereby initiating 90 Thai dead and several hundred Thais injured, I'd also want my pals of the ammart to take care of the case for me. Youknow, the guys I have dinner with at the exclusive private clubs. The guys who also wear the white uniforms with the high Prussian collar.

Yes, I'd like that too, same as you so very much like it. Yes, it is very interesting, the matter of which place Abhisit and Suthep want to be judged, I'd agree. It would seem you and I see eye to eye on this, same as Abhisit and Suthep together feel good about having the NACC take care of it.

A case of the broom and the rug.

Abhisit and Suthep certainly don't want the relatively independent OAG looking into this matter which the Thai people continue to be upset about and which the Thai people continue to vividly remember, this business of Thais killing Thais. It's branded on the foreheads of Abhisit and Suthep for life.

Thing is however I'm not in the DP nor am I ammart. So I'd refer you to the two posts below concerning who and what are on trial in the court of public opinion. .

Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

The NACC may not realize it, but they are also on trial.

The OAG seems not too fast afoot either.

If I were Abhisit and Suthep who ordered the army into action with live ammunition, thereby initiating 90 Thai dead and several hundred Thais injured, I'd also want my pals of the ammart to take care of the case for me. Youknow, the guys I have dinner with at the exclusive private clubs. The guys who also wear the white uniforms with the high Prussian collar.

And there you go spouting complete and utter bullshit again - are you capable of writing the truth at all ?

90 dead was the total for the red riots and political troubles leading up to them.

How many were soldiers and civilians injured and KILLED BY THE RED RIOTERS ?


I bet you don't even know the answers to these questions, and neither do you care as they do not fit the narrative you wish to believe.

Suteb did not do anything wrong, the reds were warned and they chose to fight and sacrifice themselves in the name of dear leader Thaksin - that's their choice. They were warned the army was coming and they were watrned that live fire was ok'd. They chose to fight - they bare the consequences. Given the violence the reds had committed leading up to the 'crackdown' from bothering local ressidents to firing grenades at opponent's houses and businesses to the grenade attacks at Silom BTS - THE MADNESS HAD TO STOP !

As for the rest of your post I can't even be bothered to read it, I know it will be just as full of crap.

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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

Completely agree, there are no doubt massive irregularities in YS and the PTP schemes, but no doubt there are also in previous things. I am not sure why the NACC does not clarify its progress or lack of. They may have very viable reasons,like the one against YS etc is an open and shut case, but a bit of transparency would go a long way to clearing up any accusations of bias.

You mean the same amount of transparency that the PTP uses in ALL its accounting?

Or the transparency in the Amnesty bill, or the rice scam or the tablet scam or the flood prevention scam or the 2.2 Tr baht off the books scam?

That sort of transparency?

If you want equal treatment then treat everybody how you would wish to be treated.

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If I were Abhisit and Suthep who ordered the army into action with live ammunition, thereby initiating 90 Thai dead and several hundred Thais injured, I'd also want my pals of the ammart to take care of the case for me. Youknow, the guys I have dinner with at the exclusive private clubs. The guys who also wear the white uniforms with the high Prussian collar.

And there you go spouting complete and utter bullshit again - are you capable of writing the truth at all ?

90 dead was the total for the red riots and political troubles leading up to them.

How many were soldiers and civilians injured and KILLED BY THE RED RIOTERS ?


I bet you don't even know the answers to these questions, and neither do you care as they do not fit the narrative you wish to believe.

Suteb did not do anything wrong, the reds were warned and they chose to fight and sacrifice themselves in the name of dear leader Thaksin - that's their choice. They were warned the army was coming and they were watrned that live fire was ok'd. They chose to fight - they bare the consequences. Given the violence the reds had committed leading up to the 'crackdown' from bothering local ressidents to firing grenades at opponent's houses and businesses to the grenade attacks at Silom BTS - THE MADNESS HAD TO STOP !

As for the rest of your post I can't even be bothered to read it, I know it will be just as full of crap.

All of your post is crap and I know it to be crap because I read the whole of it.

Given that you and I have taken to calling one another's posts crap, I think there's no further purpose in tussling back and forth in these matters. And since you've become too bothered to read all of my post, perhaps you should not bother anymore to read them at all. I see that your reading all of my posts makes you red in the face with hostility and also makes your red blood boil, thus making you red on the outside and red on the inside. It may be that you've become what you're fighting against, so why don't you take a breather.

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The difference is that yours really is complete bullshit and you are just sore that I called you on it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Edit : I read the rest of your post and I was right, it too was complete waste of life reading it.

Why don't we put it to a democratic vote ?

Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?

Whoever gets the most votes must not post in here for a week. How about it ?

Edited by tingtongteesood
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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

oh murder is so common in Thailand these days it doesn't rate, just look at the sentence handed down to the teenager today.. Yawn unfortunately... Next

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The difference is that yours really is complete bullshit and you are just sore that I called you on it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Edit : I read the rest of your post and I was right, it too was complete waste of life reading it.

Why don't we put it to a democratic vote ?

Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?

Whoever gets the most votes must not post in here for a week. How about it ?

"Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?"

How does it feel to be a crapper? You are one of the crappers I've been going to all day today and now into the evening and wee hours. You provide a great relief and comfort.

I accept your proposal for a vote even though I'm tempted to qualify my acceptance to require you agree to let the Thai people vote in a safe and secure general election. No matter, let's you and I get voted on using the question you yourself framed. I'll leave it to you to organize the details and the specifics of the vote. Let's have a one time voting event to settle the matter democratically. Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

In the meantime I see the present desperate tactic of you crappers with your lids flapping as you try to defend the ammart and the fascist and delusional self-appointed sovereign of the Thai people, the Ultraman Himself, the raging lunatic Suthep. Desperate wingnuts need desperate means..

Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...
Edited by Publicus
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The difference is that yours really is complete bullshit and you are just sore that I called you on it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Edit : I read the rest of your post and I was right, it too was complete waste of life reading it.

Why don't we put it to a democratic vote ?

Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?

Whoever gets the most votes must not post in here for a week. How about it ?

"Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?"

How does it feel to be a crapper? You are one of the crappers I've been going to all day today and now into the evening and wee hours. You provide a great relief and comfort.

I accept your proposal for a vote even though I'm tempted to qualify my acceptance to require you agree to let the Thai people vote in a safe and secure general election. No matter, let's you and I get voted on using the question you yourself framed. I'll leave it to you to organize the details and the specifics of the vote. Let's have a one time voting event to settle the matter democratically. Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

In the meantime I see the present desperate tactic of you crappers with your lids flapping as you try to defend the ammart and the fascist and delusional self-appointed sovereign of the Thai people, the Ultraman Himself, the raging lunatic Suthep. Desperate wingnuts need desperate means..

Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Why do you feel the need to constantly try to insult and belittle anyone who holds a different point of view to yours ?

Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

Yes, I can still learn and I do every day, in fact I have probably forgotten more than you have ever learnt. And I also know a whole lot about democracy, maybe as much or even more than you think you do.

I also know a lot of things that you, UDD, Taksin, PT and whoever else related and the other red sheeple such as yourself should learn about such as morals, ethics, fair play, economics, fiscal responsibility and doing the right thing.

If you want to see ignorance, just look in the mirror matey ;)wai.gifcheesy.gif

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The difference is that yours really is complete bullshit and you are just sore that I called you on it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Edit : I read the rest of your post and I was right, it too was complete waste of life reading it.

Why don't we put it to a democratic vote ?

Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?

Whoever gets the most votes must not post in here for a week. How about it ?

"Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?"

How does it feel to be a crapper? You are one of the crappers I've been going to all day today and now into the evening and wee hours. You provide a great relief and comfort.

I accept your proposal for a vote even though I'm tempted to qualify my acceptance to require you agree to let the Thai people vote in a safe and secure general election. No matter, let's you and I get voted on using the question you yourself framed. I'll leave it to you to organize the details and the specifics of the vote. Let's have a one time voting event to settle the matter democratically. Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

In the meantime I see the present desperate tactic of you crappers with your lids flapping as you try to defend the ammart and the fascist and delusional self-appointed sovereign of the Thai people, the Ultraman Himself, the raging lunatic Suthep. Desperate wingnuts need desperate means..

Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Why do you feel the need to constantly try to insult and belittle anyone who holds a different point of view to yours ?

Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

Yes, I can still learn and I do every day, in fact I have probably forgotten more than you have ever learnt. And I also know a whole lot about democracy, maybe as much or even more than you think you do.

I also know a lot of things that you, UDD, Taksin, PT and whoever else related and the other red sheeple such as yourself should learn about such as morals, ethics, fair play, economics, fiscal responsibility and doing the right thing.

If you want to see ignorance, just look in the mirror matey wink.pngwai.gifcheesy.gif

You guys in your private club quite crack yourselves up. I'd suggest however you don't quit your day job. Saying someone should look in the mirror is a really glib line among all of your many and repeatedly trite lines. Don't get me wrong, I really would appreciate some humor around here so keep trying so that maybe one of these years you might actually get some.

The fact is the PDRC philistines at TVF certainly hide or don't present anything you may know of democracy or of developing a culture of democracy and a democratic society. Rather, you want to stop democracy when no one ever improved democracy by stopping it. And you want to stop democracy by violent means. If you don't know these factors about democracy then you know beans about it which is why your philistine posts are full of so much hot gas.

I feel neglected by you because you didn't accuse me of lying and of weaving my web of lies. You also leave me wanting about your proposed TVF poll in which TVF members would get to vote on which you or I might be a bullshitter. Given you've already established yourself as a crapper I'd like to see that confirmed by democratic processes and means.


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"Who is more full of crap ? Tingtongteesood or Publicus ?"

How does it feel to be a crapper? You are one of the crappers I've been going to all day today and now into the evening and wee hours. You provide a great relief and comfort.

I accept your proposal for a vote even though I'm tempted to qualify my acceptance to require you agree to let the Thai people vote in a safe and secure general election. No matter, let's you and I get voted on using the question you yourself framed. I'll leave it to you to organize the details and the specifics of the vote. Let's have a one time voting event to settle the matter democratically. Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

In the meantime I see the present desperate tactic of you crappers with your lids flapping as you try to defend the ammart and the fascist and delusional self-appointed sovereign of the Thai people, the Ultraman Himself, the raging lunatic Suthep. Desperate wingnuts need desperate means..

Stop spreading lies or I will continue to call you out as will the rest of the non brainwashed red sheeple who can see the truth free of your spin and web of lies...

Why do you feel the need to constantly try to insult and belittle anyone who holds a different point of view to yours ?

Perhaps in the process you'll learn something about democracy, if you can still learn.

Yes, I can still learn and I do every day, in fact I have probably forgotten more than you have ever learnt. And I also know a whole lot about democracy, maybe as much or even more than you think you do.

I also know a lot of things that you, UDD, Taksin, PT and whoever else related and the other red sheeple such as yourself should learn about such as morals, ethics, fair play, economics, fiscal responsibility and doing the right thing.

If you want to see ignorance, just look in the mirror matey wink.pngwai.gifcheesy.gif

You guys in your private club quite crack yourselves up. I'd suggest however you don't quit your day job. Saying someone should look in the mirror is a really glib line among all of your many and repeatedly trite lines. Don't get me wrong, I really would appreciate some humor around here so keep trying so that maybe one of these years you might actually get some.

The fact is the PDRC philistines at TVF certainly hide or don't present anything you may know of democracy or of developing a culture of democracy and a democratic society. Rather, you want to stop democracy when no one ever improved democracy by stopping it. And you want to stop democracy by violent means. If you don't know these factors about democracy then you know beans about it which is why your philistine posts are full of so much hot gas.

I feel neglected by you because you didn't accuse me of lying and of weaving my web of lies. You also leave me wanting about your proposed TVF poll in which TVF members would get to vote on which you or I might be a bullshitter. Given you've already established yourself as a crapper I'd like to see that confirmed by democratic processes and means.


I am not a member of any private clubs so wrong there, though I do crack myself up, I am very funny.

I am trite ? If you say so. Glib ? If you say so. No humour coming from you except that you talk so high and mighty whilst spouting such complete drivel. You take yourself way too seriously.

PDRC philistines ? I think you will find that PDRC are way more cultured than your average red farmer. Callling me a philistine too, welll, you have never met me and you know nothing about me so please stop with the personal attacks. You red sheeple like to continually spout garbage about 'democracy' and 'elections' whilst meanwhile totally ignoring the other 14 principles of democracy. You are a joke ! Everybody who is not a sheeple laughs at the pure bs you spout here daily, give it a rest man, change the record, we heard it all before, we didn't buy your crap the first time and we still don't now.

Nobody in PDRC wants to 'stop democracy', but they can see the bigger picture and understand free of the red Shin bs and propaganda that reform is necessary. 'Well why didn't they do something when they were in power then ?' you sheeplee continually bleat. Because people were not siphoning off billions of baht into their own pockets, the country was not being run by a convicted criminal, Dems did not start 'yellow villages' and 'yellow schools' to try and bully people into following what they want etc etc etc.

Also PDRC do not want to use 'violent means' and have tried extremely damn hard to avoid violence. It is hard to remain non violent whilst the enemy is attacking you with grenades and guns though. 20 innocent people murdered including 4 children so far. Yay for red 'democracy'. They have a right to defend themselves against armed assailants. The police sure as hell aren't going to help, they just run away at the sight of a gun, they couldn't care less !

Elections now solve nothing. The only 'crapper' here is the one inside your head, where most people have a brain. If you haad a brain then you could understand that things need to change in this country and PDRC want to make things better. If PT were talking about reforms then they may have some shred of credibility, but since with them it is 'My way or I will kill you' - that is no way to run a democracy.

When the Shin's are gone, there can be some reforms to stop their crimes happening again, then we can have an election. We need to be freed of all this red shirt bs first. We need Taksin the fugitive to stop meddling and let the rest of them get on with it. Fugitives on the run have no place in politics. The fact PT pay him any creedence whatsoever loses any credibility they had to adminisster the country from the very start. As soon as his name was used in the election campaigning - 'Taksin thinks PT acts', they would have been disqualified in a properly functioning democracy.

The caretaker Shin regime have not one shred of credibility and in trying to defend them, neither do you especially when you spin everything to try and make it fit your agenda.

Good day sheeple.

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Nothing, the NACC are supposed to be investigating them for "abuse of power"

but that can't be. The OAG decided to go along with the DSI and charge Abhisit/Suthep as private persons. Surely that means they didn't abuse any power?

Anyway apart from the 2010 riots, the unclear Police Station affair, are there any other cases the NACC is supposed to look into?

Mind you, I start to understand why the Pheu Thai government wanted to have screening officials to protect various independent organisations from 'frivolous' requests.

Well, whether you think it's frivolous or not, the NACC supposedly are investigating the brothers in arms for abuse of power , as I said

NACC pushes for an investigation to impeach Abhisit and Suthep from office ( whistling.gif)

Saturday, 02 November 2013

Despite murder charges already being brought against Mr. Abhisit and Mr. Suthep by the attorney general, the NACC has decided to push for the two to be relieved of their political positions under the charges of abusing their power in office.

The NACC claimed it is using its power as an independent entity under Section 250 of the constitution to bring charges against the former prime minister and his former deputy prime minister. It found the duo used unlawful orders allowing the military to use real ammunitions to disperse political mobs in 2010, causing deaths to 99 people and injuries to 1,000 others.


Mind you if all goes as usual, we'll still be waiting 4 or 5 years hence for something to happen

Edited by fab4
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How about we all send a petition to the criminal court and ask them why you are not sat in a prison cell.

Seeing as you were convicted and sentenced to 1 year in prison and then also lost your final appeal.

Perhaps the old saying "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" doesn't translate to Thai very well.

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Nothing, the NACC are supposed to be investigating them for "abuse of power"

but that can't be. The OAG decided to go along with the DSI and charge Abhisit/Suthep as private persons. Surely that means they didn't abuse any power?

Anyway apart from the 2010 riots, the unclear Police Station affair, are there any other cases the NACC is supposed to look into?

Mind you, I start to understand why the Pheu Thai government wanted to have screening officials to protect various independent organisations from 'frivolous' requests.

Well, whether you think it's frivolous or not, the NACC supposedly are investigating the brothers in arms for abuse of power , as I said

Mind you if all goes as usual, we'll still be waiting 4 or 5 years hence for something to happen

The original NNT article (in English) is here:


Note that also the Criminal Court which proceeds with the charges against private persons Abhisit/Suthep has asked the NACC for it's thought. Makes it even more likely that we'll get some delay. If the NACC decides they have a good case for the 'abuse of power' issue, the Criminal Court may decide to throw out the 'premeditated murder as private citizens' case.

Luckily the NACC also handles in parallel more easy cases like Ms. Yingluck being negligent in letting het cabinet and government lose the odd 700++ billion. Still wondering why she thought her government's first two years needed to be included in the blanket amnesty bill.

Anyway still open the question of 'what other cases' ?

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Nothing, the NACC are supposed to be investigating them for "abuse of power"

but that can't be. The OAG decided to go along with the DSI and charge Abhisit/Suthep as private persons. Surely that means they didn't abuse any power?

Anyway apart from the 2010 riots, the unclear Police Station affair, are there any other cases the NACC is supposed to look into?

Mind you, I start to understand why the Pheu Thai government wanted to have screening officials to protect various independent organisations from 'frivolous' requests.

Well, whether you think it's frivolous or not, the NACC supposedly are investigating the brothers in arms for abuse of power , as I said

Mind you if all goes as usual, we'll still be waiting 4 or 5 years hence for something to happen

The original NNT article (in English) is here:


Note that also the Criminal Court which proceeds with the charges against private persons Abhisit/Suthep has asked the NACC for it's thought. Makes it even more likely that we'll get some delay. If the NACC decides they have a good case for the 'abuse of power' issue, the Criminal Court may decide to throw out the 'premeditated murder as private citizens' case.

Luckily the NACC also handles in parallel more easy cases like Ms. Yingluck being negligent in letting het cabinet and government lose the odd 700++ billion. Still wondering why she thought her government's first two years needed to be included in the blanket amnesty bill.

Anyway still open the question of 'what other cases' ?

Yeah, funny that isn't it. Can anybody think of any time anywhere in the last 2000 years in the democratic world that an administration whilst serving has tried to whitewash it's own crimes and been able to get away with it ? And I mean in a real democracy, not like North Korea or Liberia or some such....Nothing comes to my mind....

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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

You must remember there are no double standards in Thailand

They have just asked for another 15 day extension ( 6 time)

and is accepted in Thailand the request has been approved

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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

You must remember there are no double standards in Thailand

They have just asked for another 15 day extension ( 6 time)

and is accepted in Thailand the request has been approved

There are no double standard at all... Since when Suthep has been delaying his presence to hear about his charges?

There is no difference between the two cases... sadly.

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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

You must remember there are no double standards in Thailand

They have just asked for another 15 day extension ( 6 time)

and is accepted in Thailand the request has been approved

There are no double standard at all... Since when Suthep has been delaying his presence to hear about his charges?

There is no difference between the two cases... sadly.

Fell off the chair reading your post. You really serious what you post? I lost count Suterp postponed his court appearances citing that he is busy with his rally. Worse, the court grant him for that silly reason.

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You must remember there are no double standards in Thailand

They have just asked for another 15 day extension ( 6 time)

and is accepted in Thailand the request has been approved

There are no double standard at all... Since when Suthep has been delaying his presence to hear about his charges?

There is no difference between the two cases... sadly.

Fell off the chair reading your post. You really serious what you post? I lost count Suterp postponed his court appearances citing that he is busy with his rally. Worse, the court grant him for that silly reason.

And how long has the ombudsman been waiting for PT's excuses for why they gave a passport to a convicted fugitive on the run ?

And how long have the courts been waiting for Thaksin to show up to carry out his sentence ?

And how long have the courts been waiting to hear the myriad other cases against Thaksin ?

Whatever snide jab you have about Suthep, there are at least 3 more we can make about Thaksin, the most corrupt politician in Thai history, so give it a rest mate.

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You must remember there are no double standards in Thailand

They have just asked for another 15 day extension ( 6 time)

and is accepted in Thailand the request has been approved

There are no double standard at all... Since when Suthep has been delaying his presence to hear about his charges?

There is no difference between the two cases... sadly.

Fell off the chair reading your post. You really serious what you post? I lost count Suterp postponed his court appearances citing that he is busy with his rally. Worse, the court grant him for that silly reason.

And how long has the ombudsman been waiting for PT's excuses for why they gave a passport to a convicted fugitive on the run ?

And how long have the courts been waiting for Thaksin to show up to carry out his sentence ?

And how long have the courts been waiting to hear the myriad other cases against Thaksin ?

Whatever snide jab you have about Suthep, there are at least 3 more we can make about Thaksin, the most corrupt politician in Thai history, so give it a rest mate.

The most corrupt politician in Thai history was probably Sa**t. There's little evidence that Thaksin was atypically corrupt, though he continued to pursue his business interests while in power and took advantage of his political position. He clearly annoyed some powerful people and that's why they were out to get him in 2006 and then they put their own people in positions of influence and changed the Constitution to make sure they got him proper. The country's been in a mess ever since, and is now going further downhill: mainly because some old codgers hate Thaksin. It would have been much better to have let the people vote Thaksin out of power - or not - (as in other democracies). Probably he would have been voted out, sooner or later (as in other democracies) if the coupmongers had not been allowed to do what they did. In that case we'd maybe have a normal, functioning country and government instead of the screwup that is Thailand today.

Edited by anteater
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Yeah yeah, the old 'it's a conspiracy' line. Don't believe it. Who are these mysterious shadowy 'powerful people' of which you mention ? The red sheeple continually bleat on about them but nobody ever names any names because there aren't any, it's all an imagining from Taksin's deranged mind. It is not that 'powerful people' conspired to remove him at all, it is just that normal rational people could see what a corrupt bastard he was and what he was doing to the country and decided they didn't want him to continue and ruin the country. Plain and simple. And that is what is happening now, there is no 'conspiracy', Taksin and his puppets and cronies are trashing the country still and those with an ounce of common sense can see what they are doing and know it must stop ! Plain and simple. Taksin keeps making stuff up and trying to complicate things as much as possible so that he can pull the wool over the populace's eyes and use smoke and mirrors and lies to try and get what he desires, but the simple truth is that those with some education and free of the red propaganda can see the truth and they know he and his clan are a cancerous pollup on the ass of Thailand that needs to be cut off as soon as possible. Well done Sutep for opening the eyes of a lot more people and keeping up the momentum.

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You guys in your private club quite crack yourselves up. I'd suggest however you don't quit your day job. Saying someone should look in the mirror is a really glib line among all of your many and repeatedly trite lines. Don't get me wrong, I really would appreciate some humor around here so keep trying so that maybe one of these years you might actually get some.

The fact is the PDRC philistines at TVF certainly hide or don't present anything you may know of democracy or of developing a culture of democracy and a democratic society. Rather, you want to stop democracy when no one ever improved democracy by stopping it. And you want to stop democracy by violent means. If you don't know these factors about democracy then you know beans about it which is why your philistine posts are full of so much hot gas.

I feel neglected by you because you didn't accuse me of lying and of weaving my web of lies. You also leave me wanting about your proposed TVF poll in which TVF members would get to vote on which you or I might be a bullshitter. Given you've already established yourself as a crapper I'd like to see that confirmed by democratic processes and means.


I am not a member of any private clubs so wrong there, though I do crack myself up, I am very funny.

I am trite ? If you say so. Glib ? If you say so. No humour coming from you except that you talk so high and mighty whilst spouting such complete drivel. You take yourself way too seriously.

PDRC philistines ? I think you will find that PDRC are way more cultured than your average red farmer. Callling me a philistine too, welll, you have never met me and you know nothing about me so please stop with the personal attacks. You red sheeple like to continually spout garbage about 'democracy' and 'elections' whilst meanwhile totally ignoring the other 14 principles of democracy. You are a joke ! Everybody who is not a sheeple laughs at the pure bs you spout here daily, give it a rest man, change the record, we heard it all before, we didn't buy your crap the first time and we still don't now.

Nobody in PDRC wants to 'stop democracy', but they can see the bigger picture and understand free of the red Shin bs and propaganda that reform is necessary. 'Well why didn't they do something when they were in power then ?' you sheeplee continually bleat. Because people were not siphoning off billions of baht into their own pockets, the country was not being run by a convicted criminal, Dems did not start 'yellow villages' and 'yellow schools' to try and bully people into following what they want etc etc etc.

Also PDRC do not want to use 'violent means' and have tried extremely damn hard to avoid violence. It is hard to remain non violent whilst the enemy is attacking you with grenades and guns though. 20 innocent people murdered including 4 children so far. Yay for red 'democracy'. They have a right to defend themselves against armed assailants. The police sure as hell aren't going to help, they just run away at the sight of a gun, they couldn't care less !

Elections now solve nothing. The only 'crapper' here is the one inside your head, where most people have a brain. If you haad a brain then you could understand that things need to change in this country and PDRC want to make things better. If PT were talking about reforms then they may have some shred of credibility, but since with them it is 'My way or I will kill you' - that is no way to run a democracy.

When the Shin's are gone, there can be some reforms to stop their crimes happening again, then we can have an election. We need to be freed of all this red shirt bs first. We need Taksin the fugitive to stop meddling and let the rest of them get on with it. Fugitives on the run have no place in politics. The fact PT pay him any creedence whatsoever loses any credibility they had to adminisster the country from the very start. As soon as his name was used in the election campaigning - 'Taksin thinks PT acts', they would have been disqualified in a properly functioning democracy.

The caretaker Shin regime have not one shred of credibility and in trying to defend them, neither do you especially when you spin everything to try and make it fit your agenda.

Good day sheeple.

I want to thank you for your well wishes of a good day and for your above incarnation of Tolstoy. A TVF adaptation of War and Peace is both propitious and has many applications here so good on you. smile.png

I began reading your post right after lunch and it knocked me out dead asleep somewhere around nobody in the PDRC wants to stop democracy. After a couple of hours I suddenly awoke laughing so I guess that hysterical thought had stayed with me as I crashed. In fact right after I'd awakened I had the sudden urge to play Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture. But alas I speak to philistines.

All the same, can I ask you to promise to write another Tolstoy equivalent chapter each day at the same time. It would help me catch up on my sleep and improve my health and further enhance my complexion. You do pretty much cover all of Tolstoy's issues.

Of course a Tolstoy you're not. I instead refer to the shorthand tally technique journalists use to get an approximate but accurate word count to a given piece, which reveals that in your post above you wrote something like 520 words give or take a dozen or so. And still you had absolutely nothing new or significant to say.

Now there I flushed again.

Clearly whatever you have been smoking is having a strange effect on you. One of the worst cases of keyboard diarrhea I have ever seen !

absolutely nothing new or significant to say. - same as 99.99999999999999999999% of your ramblings on here then.

Now there I flushed again. - you definitely need to flush that crap out of your head, that is for sure, keep flushing !

P.S.Tchaikovsky sucks ! Mozart is the bomb ! Rakmaninoff is also pretty groovy, try some some time.

P.P.S. Don't know why you brought up War And Peace. It is over rated and not worth the effort. If you were trying to imply that my post was long, there you go calling the kettle black yet again potty...

Edited by tingtongteesood
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Not defending the actions of Yingluck or PTP, but they do have a legitimate beef. The cases against her have been "prioritized" and rushed through quickly, while those against the Dems have been "slow walked" and put on a far back burner. The cases against Ying and PTP have developed in a matter of just a couple of months, while those against Dems have been sitting for over two years with no action.

Try a little "fair play" for everyone for once.

I agree. I think this is doing harm to Abhisit and the Democrats as it gives the appearance that the NACC is working for them. Of course if they did proceed and found the the case against them not legitimate then there would be accusations a well.

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