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If she's charging 2000 it's not really cheating.

Sounds more like working although 2000 for all night seems to be very cheap.

wow if 2000 seems cheap,,

ive been out the game a long long time,,,lol

she went back and done him free the next day as well ,its not too bad value ...........:)

rent a hot girl anywhere for that long and tell us if it costed less than 2000thb


ive got a wife and like my b££ls were they are thank you,,

i just said in a round about way that prices had gone up,,

chill out babe

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Not just here, there are girls all over the world who do the same thing in one form or another.

No surprises, its called life ! Thats just the way it is.

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I feel a "if you had married a hiso educated princess like me it would never happen" coming on.

Whos going to oblige?

Better chance of it not happening.......right?


conscience is not a concept many thai's are familiar with.

my ex GF married a german - who paid 2.4 mil for the pleasure and is regarded as an idiot by her family and friends, but that's another story - whenever she's in bangkok she calls me up, we go out spending big 'because he is paying' then back to mine for a session.

this behaviour is exactly why i dumped her but we get on well and have fun.

as for the husband, ignorance is bliss - but i worked her put pretty its bizarre how he ended up marrying her! coffee1.gif


Your girlfriends friend ? Ever heard of the expression birds of a feather etc, it would seem your girlfriend may also have lose morals if she doesn't blink and eye at what her friend does. Just a thought

And I hasten to add, you lie blissfully in the middle of all this, does that not make you a whore also. So now we likely have three with loose morals in the same room.

Methinks you are going to get a very rude and upsetting awakening in the not too distant future, but "there are non so blind who will not see" you really must gave left both your front and back doors open to post such a thread?


I feel a "if you had married a hiso educated princess like me it would never happen" coming on.

Whos going to oblige?

Better chance of it not happening.......right?

Boooo do it properly or not at all!!

Come on, lets hear about her, I can tell you want to " My Mrs friends are too busy discussing astrophysics in the family mansion...." biggrin.png


Cheating Thai girlfriends, been there done that. As the victim, spectator and protagonist (cheating bf, payback). In the west it's guilt over pleasure that is strong, here in TH it's other way around. What's more, guys marrying a girl like in the OP are ignorant and/or living in the bliss. I have experienced the same shit as the OP, alot. Too much funny, jk.

Western guys with monogamous principles should never have a relationship with Thai women, saves them a broken heart and money...

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Thai bar girls do cheat a lot even when they have a BF(mug that sends them money), of course if the so called BF is not in the country much then he cannot keep an eye on here. I can understand some older guys who like the idea of being involved with a young pretty woman and stumping up every month to keep that fantasy going but I really cannot understand young guys in their twenties sending a bar girl £400-500 a month and calling her their GF.

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