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While I agree with everything you write I want to add:

Also wrong ways can be successful (high carb low fat diets, for example....it is terrible hard in compare to low carb, but with enough will power it will work as well).

Yes, there were no obese survivors of Auschwitz. Trouble is, very few can do starve-and-sweat successfully or maintain it later. It's been advocated since the mid-60s, everybody knows about it, yet you see how just how well it's worked. The high carb diet and subsequent carb addiction from the recommended Food Pyramid works against it. So the obesity rate has skyrocketed--not surprising when you understand the biochemistry.

Death by Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Have Ruined Our Health

I should have added to the 8 lies continually repeated on the forum:

9. A low-carb diet is necessarily a high protein diet

10. You must gain the same amount of fat from eating the same number of calories from either sugar or broccoli because of the Law Of Thermodynamics! giggle.gif

yes this Food Pyramid poster which I saw everywhere from being a child to now is nonsense. But somehow it get imprinted if you get told so all the time.

And for the uneducated it sounds logic to reduce the fat meat when you get fat. But in fact you should put away the white bread and continue with the fat meat....

at 10. But there are the Millions of middle age women who can gain enormous weighs by just eating a small salad, at least they say so cheesy.gif

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Are you serious? First, stop BS-ing yourself.

"I don't consider myself fat or overweight. I'm 73kg (5 ft 8 tall, 45 years old). But I am out of shape and I have a beer gut / pot belly which I've had for over 10 years now."

You are weak, short and weigh 73kg. Not only that, you are getting middle-aged, where changes now can stay for the rest of your life.
Including mental changes. So make those changes! Grab your one precious life and become what you dream to be.

First, you have to cultivate a strong metal attitude! You are not going to win a war against your body by letting IT make the rules. You tell your short, limp fat body, "Body, it' gonna be YOU or ME! And I don't intend it to be ME!"
And I do mean war. You won't win in a battle, or a campaign; it requires WAR!
It will probably be a war for your entire life.
Get used to it. Learn to love the fight! Never say, "yesterday's victory was enough."

The good part is anyone can win the war.
Sad fact is, few do.

But don't start by BS-ing yourself.
Lots of advice here about the physical part. But get your mind straight or none of it will work.
Your welcome.


Are you serious? First, stop BS-ing yourself.

"I don't consider myself fat or overweight. I'm 73kg (5 ft 8 tall, 45 years old). But I am out of shape and I have a beer gut / pot belly which I've had for over 10 years now."

You are weak, short and weigh 73kg. Not only that, you are getting middle-aged, where changes now can stay for the rest of your life.

Including mental changes. So make those changes! Grab your one precious life and become what you dream to be.

First, you have to cultivate a strong metal attitude! You are not going to win a war against your body by letting IT make the rules. You tell your short, limp fat body, "Body, it' gonna be YOU or ME! And I don't intend it to be ME!"

And I do mean war. You won't win in a battle, or a campaign; it requires WAR!

It will probably be a war for your entire life.

Get used to it. Learn to love the fight! Never say, "yesterday's victory was enough."

The good part is anyone can win the war.

Sad fact is, few do.

But don't start by BS-ing yourself.

Lots of advice here about the physical part. But get your mind straight or none of it will work.

Your welcome.

Do I get it right?

5 feet, 8 inch is approx. 1.70 Meter?

73 kg is not good but not too bad. Of course it only get worse in that age. And what is the bs of war against your body and not let "it" make the rules??????????

Quote: "Body, it' gonna be YOU or ME! And I don't intend it to be ME!" crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

Body and mind is one unit, never fight your body there is no enemy inside you. Your body is you and your mind is your body there is no separation. You want to look different and you might get hungry but it isn't your body fighting you. You are your body and something inside will prevent you from starving because there might come bad times and you need to have some security on your belly.

That security system is the same that let you react in 0.1 seconds when a bottle is falling. The same that let you flee or fight with 10 times your normal power in emergencies. It let you breath when you are unconscious. Things that dated back till the times of dinosaurs but these are not your enemies that is all part of you.


I lost mine by just eating once a day, evening . Yep, once a day and I still drink beer thumbsup.gif . I do take vit and mineral pills to fill in the gaps. Since starting this regime I feel so much better. I was also doing weight training too, especially getting my stomach muscles back in trim, though l haven't been now for over a year. I am in my seventh decade. smile.png

As we get older we do not need vast amounts of food, yeh you need vits but you don't need the calories.

Reduce you calorie intake and do sit up exercises every day, wedge your feet under the sofa and go for it. thumbsup.gif

jup that works pretty well. If someone gets too hungry, boiled eggs or a protein shake helps.

But you can't build much muscle with it.

I don't know for 70+, but I'll post it in 25 years. You can try more exercise with heavy weights for not longer than 1 hour but add some boiled eggs. Reduce the sit ups to every second day.

Always good to read is from the extreme bodybuilding people. They just tried everything and many things are useful for us normalos as well.


...The reason is visceral fat, which is fat under the abdominal wall. Build-up of visceral fat is a genetic thing. For instance some men, as often seen in Jewish men fat builds up not in the abdomen but in the buttocks...

Where is Jingthing, our, American, homosexual, Jewish, morbid obese,HIV positive (?), black (?) born in South Africa during the apartheid (?) Pattaya Baht bus driver victim member, when you need him?

Where is Jingthing, our, American, homosexual, Jewish, morbid obese,HIV positive (?), black (?) born in South Africa during the apartheid (?) Pattaya Baht bus driver victim member, when you need him?



Switch to bourbon, whiskey or scotch attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1398619689.508343.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

yes replacing dinner with whiskey only should also help.....

Breakfast: a pack of Marlboro red

Lunch whatever you want (can) to eat

Dinner: a bottle whiskey

that will make you slim in a couple weeks.

Edit: maybe I should add that it is meant sarcastic and not recommended to do


Walk, Walk, Walk... Then come back and tell us.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What should walking help for the belly? It is nice and natural to walk but it won't help at all.


If your body thinks you are starving it then it will strongly resist burning fat. It cares not about vanity or the latest stats on obesity links to heart attacks.

In other words too much calorie reduction usually backfires in real life.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


If your body thinks you are starving it then it will strongly resist burning fat. It cares not about vanity or the latest stats on obesity links to heart attacks.

In other words too much calorie reduction usually backfires in real life.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your body might resist burning fat, but the rest of the human race is burning fat when there is not enough calories in the food. Too much calorie reduction results in a rapid loose of weight. Might not healthy and you might not feel too well but it does work.


No it does not for most obese people.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

if you have a minus of 1000 kcal per day, you loose 1 kg fat per week....no matter what.....Unless you cheat and eat secretly some chocolate in the night.


I watched that video presentation - Dr Briffa. He makes very compelling arguments. Have to say I was very impressed. Reminded me of another video I watched recently about the evils of fructose. If I remember it, I'll post up the link later. Anyway, it's inspired me to have a go at this low carb diet, in addition to exercising.

Today is day 1. I have thrown out the bread and cereal for starters. I'm planning on eating a couple of eggs for breakfast and lunch, with some tomatoes, and maybe red onion (salad style)

For dinner, I'll have some chicken (2 or 3 breast fillets) with garden peas and/or sweetcorn. I'll drink water regularly thru the day and limit myself to just 2 or 3 mugs of tea (minus my usual 1 spoonful of sugar). To battle the hunger pangs I'll snack only on nuts (cashew nuts today).

Can anyone recommend some good resources for low carb diets?


No it does not for most obese people.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

if you have a minus of 1000 kcal per day, you loose 1 kg fat per week....no matter what.....Unless you cheat and eat secretly some chocolate in the night.

This is old territory here. Some people can't seem to process the overwhelming consensus of more modern science. To suggest that people go on crash diets and that as a solution to overweight problems is OBJECTIVELY harmful advice. Not going to argue this for the 1000th time, There are some great educational sources on the forum and here's a hint -- FORGET CRASH DIETS!!!!!


No it does not for most obese people.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

if you have a minus of 1000 kcal per day, you loose 1 kg fat per week....no matter what.....Unless you cheat and eat secretly some chocolate in the night.

This is old territory here. Some people can't seem to process the overwhelming consensus of more modern science. To suggest that people go on crash diets and that as a solution to overweight problems is OBJECTIVELY harmful advice. Not going to argue this for the 1000th time, There are some great educational sources on the forum and here's a hint -- FORGET CRASH DIETS!!!!!

Yes it is the same old story....we agree to disagree.....

Your argument is, if after the diet the people eat full speed again they will get fat again...which is right.

My argument is if they continue to eat little they keep slim.

Your argument is that it is not human possible....

continue blabla....

We agree to disagree....


I watched that video presentation - Dr Briffa. He makes very compelling arguments. Have to say I was very impressed. Reminded me of another video I watched recently about the evils of fructose. If I remember it, I'll post up the link later. Anyway, it's inspired me to have a go at this low carb diet, in addition to exercising.

Today is day 1. I have thrown out the bread and cereal for starters. I'm planning on eating a couple of eggs for breakfast and lunch, with some tomatoes, and maybe red onion (salad style)

For dinner, I'll have some chicken (2 or 3 breast fillets) with garden peas and/or sweetcorn. I'll drink water regularly thru the day and limit myself to just 2 or 3 mugs of tea (minus my usual 1 spoonful of sugar). To battle the hunger pangs I'll snack only on nuts (cashew nuts today).

Can anyone recommend some good resources for low carb diets?

For tea or coffee without sugar you can drink as much as you like. Beside that you later can't sleep it isn't a problem.

I started to love green chinese tea, either hot or cold with lemon and a lot ice.

For snake between I like boiled eggs. But only the Organic one, as many of the others taste like fish...But my wife who eats a lot of fish doesn't think the same.

A good thing is also protein powder for bodybuilder with 0% fat milk, some taste great like real cacao. It kills the hunger, it gives you protein for the exercise and the liver can use it to generate carbohydrates. So you won't get too hungry because of low blood sugar, the liver won't take your muscles for it and it is a rather slow difficult way, you won't get fat easily on it.

Try to drink a lot.

Nothing against a nice pork or a beautiful steak.

Absolute try to avoid alcohol....it makes you hungry.

Don't go in full speed, make it slowly, give your body time to adjust....be overly extreme and getting hungry is the key to failure.

The same on exercises...start slow and light.

Check your weight before. Make photos of yourself.

there will be times when you ask yourself why you do it....than check the pictures. Or times when you think nothing changes, than compare with the old pictures. When you change every day 1 Millimeter you won't see it. And after 1 month you don't see any difference. But taking the old picture and compare with the mirror you see -3 cm very clear.


You know I have a few ideas that no one else has listed.

You cannot lose weight without experiencing a little hunger and not responding to it.

We all get hungry and eat. So when you get hungry why not do the opposite and see where it takes you.

Eat 2 meals instead of 3 a day.

If you feel hungry then your body must be losing weight.

Instead of just eating when hungry, wait a little and dont just respond on impulse.

Go to a monastery that eats one meal a day.

Stay for a couple of weeks. You will lose a few kilos easy.

If you have more muscle you burn more calories.

So walking, running or swimming or riding will increase muscle and metabolism and burn more calories.

Eat good food and eat less and exercise more. But remember the first point that no one else will tell you.

You cannot lose weight without experiencing a little hunger and not responding to it.

Intermittant fasting. Is worth looking at. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-19112549

Good luck.


No it does not for most obese people.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

if you have a minus of 1000 kcal per day, you loose 1 kg fat per week....no matter what.....Unless you cheat and eat secretly some chocolate in the night.

This is old territory here. Some people can't seem to process the overwhelming consensus of more modern science. To suggest that people go on crash diets and that as a solution to overweight problems is OBJECTIVELY harmful advice. Not going to argue this for the 1000th time, There are some great educational sources on the forum and here's a hint -- FORGET CRASH DIETS!!!!!

Yes it is the same old story....we agree to disagree.....

Your argument is, if after the diet the people eat full speed again they will get fat again...which is right.

My argument is if they continue to eat little they keep slim.

Your argument is that it is not human possible....

continue blabla....

We agree to disagree....

No, that is not my argument at all.

No wonder we can't talk. You don't even understand my POV even though I have stated it like 100 times and it reflects totally mainstream advanced scientific thinking on obesity.

So I agree we shouldn't talk to each other on this forum. It's hopeless. You just insist in twisting what you think my POV into some weird spin.

I just don't want other people coming on the forum for fresh and good guidance to think that people lecturing them about going on crash diets (DIETS are not the answer in the first place), that weight control is only about simple math, and that being fat is about a MORALITY failure is something to be taken at face value. Anyway ... diets don't work, that's the wrong approach in the first place. To OTHERS, there is massive source material on various threads to steer you in a more productive direction to improve your life ... not go down another black hole diet.


Well, I've started taking Psyllium Husk (mixed quickly, then drank with cold water). and it has produced results. More bowel movements.

You might also add raw garlic to your diet (mixed with some other food).

Personally, I have discovered CASEIN protein bpowder and found some 4 lbs @ 2,100 B @ Fitwhey. Okay stuff, it fills you up and replaces my dinner now.

Eating half and avoiding carbs for dinner should help when combined with HIIT training - check out www.sixpaclfactory.com 's free videos on fat loss exercises.

Good luck!


if you have a minus of 1000 kcal per day, you loose 1 kg fat per week....no matter what.....Unless you cheat and eat secretly some chocolate in the night.

This is old territory here. Some people can't seem to process the overwhelming consensus of more modern science. To suggest that people go on crash diets and that as a solution to overweight problems is OBJECTIVELY harmful advice. Not going to argue this for the 1000th time, There are some great educational sources on the forum and here's a hint -- FORGET CRASH DIETS!!!!!

Yes it is the same old story....we agree to disagree.....

Your argument is, if after the diet the people eat full speed again they will get fat again...which is right.

My argument is if they continue to eat little they keep slim.

Your argument is that it is not human possible....

continue blabla....

We agree to disagree....

No, that is not my argument at all.

No wonder we can't talk. You don't even understand my POV even though I have stated it like 100 times and it reflects totally mainstream advanced scientific thinking on obesity.

So I agree we shouldn't talk to each other on this forum. It's hopeless. You just insist in twisting what you think my POV into some weird spin.

I just don't want other people coming on the forum for fresh and good guidance to think that people lecturing them about going on crash diets (DIETS are not the answer in the first place), that weight control is only about simple math, and that being fat is about a MORALITY failure is something to be taken at face value. Anyway ... diets don't work, that's the wrong approach in the first place. To OTHERS, there is massive source material on various threads to steer you in a more productive direction to improve your life ... not go down another black hole diet.

Diets do work to loose weight, that is clear.

Moderation when eating works to keep your weight.

All these studies that show:

Fat people make a diet and it works

After they eat again all they can get their hands on and get fat again.

That is not advanced science, that is common sense....

As you don't like diets and even less like to exercise you dig out some "studies" that show that it doesn't work anyway so you have a moral excuse to don't do it. And for some strange reason you also don't want other people doing it.

In front of my is a women (staff) who was fat, diet herself down in some super fast way and I don't want to know what chemicals she took to make it possible. And now since 2 years she is super thin (but still not beautiful).

Too fat: eat less till you have your weight, than eat only in moderation so you don't get fat again.....That is the one and only way, everything else is just to make it easier.


Well, I've started taking Psyllium Husk (mixed quickly, then drank with cold water). and it has produced results. More bowel movements.

You might also add raw garlic to your diet (mixed with some other food).

Personally, I have discovered CASEIN protein bpowder and found some 4 lbs @ 2,100 B @ Fitwhey. Okay stuff, it fills you up and replaces my dinner now.

Eating half and avoiding carbs for dinner should help when combined with HIIT training - check out www.sixpaclfactory.com 's free videos on fat loss exercises.

Good luck!

If I eat too much Casein powder I start to fart till I have no friends anymore.....You don't get that problem?


Well, I've started taking Psyllium Husk (mixed quickly, then drank with cold water). and it has produced results. More bowel movements.

You might also add raw garlic to your diet (mixed with some other food).

Personally, I have discovered CASEIN protein bpowder and found some 4 lbs @ 2,100 B @ Fitwhey. Okay stuff, it fills you up and replaces my dinner now.

Eating half and avoiding carbs for dinner should help when combined with HIIT training - check out www.sixpaclfactory.com 's free videos on fat loss exercises.

Good luck!

You got spelling wrong its www.sixpackfactory.com


You know I have a few ideas that no one else has listed.

You cannot lose weight without experiencing a little hunger and not responding to it.

We all get hungry and eat. So when you get hungry why not do the opposite and see where it takes you.

Eat 2 meals instead of 3 a day.

If you feel hungry then your body must be losing weight.

Instead of just eating when hungry, wait a little and dont just respond on impulse.

Go to a monastery that eats one meal a day.

Stay for a couple of weeks. You will lose a few kilos easy.

If you have more muscle you burn more calories.

So walking, running or swimming or riding will increase muscle and metabolism and burn more calories.

Eat good food and eat less and exercise more. But remember the first point that no one else will tell you.

You cannot lose weight without experiencing a little hunger and not responding to it.

Intermittant fasting. Is worth looking at. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-19112549

Good luck.

This is merely the ol' starve-and-sweat. Already addressed here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/720671-any-tips-on-losing-a-beer-gut/page-4#entry7740352


Walk, Walk, Walk... Then come back and tell us.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What should walking help for the belly? It is nice and natural to walk but it won't help at all.

H90 you are wrong, ever seen a fat runner well someone who runs as say a pro? Walking , running, bike riding, swimming, any aerobic activities will burn calories and in conjunction with less food + beer ,soda consumption will reduce the size of the belly by burning off the fat surrounding the abbs. Just doing abb exercisies alone will not get rid of the fat around them. Some training with weights will also help as the body tends to burn more calories after a workout with weights .

http://healthyliving.msn.com/nutrition/20-tips-for-torching-fat-this-spring ------- 20 Tips for Tourching Fat

http://healthyliving.msn.com/fitness/25-ways-to-rev-up-your-walking-workout#1 -------- Boost Walking Workout

You can basically go to www.MSN.com and click on living or health and get tons of FREE info on exercise , dieting and healthy living programs. It is never to late to start an exercise program just start slowly. If you can't jog, walk or ride a bike , swim do aerobic exercise in a pool to lessen shocks to your joints. . Exercise will help you lose weight, strengthen your muscles, help your immune system, help you sleep better ect. I have run and done martial arts all my life and look far younger than my age. I see too may expats over here younger than me who look terrible have let themselves go. Its easy to do I got here a year ago had knee injury and put on weight got physically weak from lack of exercise. Now i ride every day and have started lifting weights to get back in shape. Go to http://www.doctoroz.com/realage and take the true age test to see how good or bad shape your in. Has a lot of free advice on this site to help with dieting and exercise. Hope this advice helps a lot of TV viewers.


Walk, Walk, Walk... Then come back and tell us.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What should walking help for the belly? It is nice and natural to walk but it won't help at all.

H90 you are wrong, ever seen a fat runner well someone who runs as say a pro? Walking , running, bike riding, swimming, any aerobic activities will burn calories and in conjunction with less food + beer ,soda consumption will reduce the size of the belly by burning off the fat surrounding the abbs. Just doing abb exercisies alone will not get rid of the fat around them. Some training with weights will also help as the body tends to burn more calories after a workout with weights .

http://healthyliving.msn.com/nutrition/20-tips-for-torching-fat-this-spring ------- 20 Tips for Tourching Fat

http://healthyliving.msn.com/fitness/25-ways-to-rev-up-your-walking-workout#1 -------- Boost Walking Workout

You can basically go to www.MSN.com and click on living or health and get tons of FREE info on exercise , dieting and healthy living programs. It is never to late to start an exercise program just start slowly. If you can't jog, walk or ride a bike , swim do aerobic exercise in a pool to lessen shocks to your joints. . Exercise will help you lose weight, strengthen your muscles, help your immune system, help you sleep better ect. I have run and done martial arts all my life and look far younger than my age. I see too may expats over here younger than me who look terrible have let themselves go. Its easy to do I got here a year ago had knee injury and put on weight got physically weak from lack of exercise. Now i ride every day and have started lifting weights to get back in shape. Go to http://www.doctoroz.com/realage and take the true age test to see how good or bad shape your in. Has a lot of free advice on this site to help with dieting and exercise. Hope this advice helps a lot of TV viewers.

yes pros have no belly. But there are more than enough people who exercise 3-5 times per week but have a belly. They burn more and they eat more.

You can walk every day 40 km and keep your beer belly.

The important thing is you need to change your food. Than exercise improves the results.

But only walking does nothing and uses very low amount of calories.


The BBC journalist who tried the intermittent fasting says

"I could get through my fast days best if I had a light breakfast (scrambled eggs, thin slice of ham, lots of black tea, lots of water and herbal tea during the day, then a light dinner (grilled fish with lots of vegetables) at night."

So his idea of fasting is skipping lunch, basically. biggrin.png

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