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No sugar period, no white rice, no soda, no alcohol. Go for a walk everyday or better yet start jogging.

Right now, based on your recent herniated disc and your disclosure you have a sedentary lifestyle, its better that you start walking with a good pair of running shoes.

You can start to combine some running into your walks as you feel comfortable after 8 weeks. Start slowly and then introduce running maybe 20% of your walk, then 40% etc.

The biggest problem many people make is to start too hard too soon. All that does is push your goals that much farther in the future.

And like this poster says: NO soda!

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Ephedrine + gym + 600 calories per day will get it away in no time

OP, this guy has dumbells for brains and following his advice will get you hurt.

Manners, mister. Obviously OP has already tried "eliminate junk food and alcohol, reduce carbs and MOVE one's ass" thing with no luck, so it's the only way, isn't it?

And yes, it will hurt.

OK, Vad, sorry, I was a Trainer for 12 years (82-95) and I read your post and it reminded me of a certain kind of hardcore "gym rat" ;-)

But I don't think the OP has "tried" other options yet and if he goes balls out like you he can get really hurt.

Come on, how many years you been going to the gym? It takes a certain discipline to handle 600 calorie days. Not many can do what you do.


OK, Vad, sorry, I was a Trainer for 15 years and I read your post and it reminded me of a certain kind of hardcore "gym rat" ;-)

But I don't think the OP has "tried" other options yet and if he goes balls out like you he can get really hurt.

Come on, how many years you been going to the gym? It takes a certain discipline to handle 600 calorie days. Not many can do what you do.

Look, I have posted an "quick&easy solution" that is obviously not healthy, because healthy solutions are really a common knowledge not worth opening a thread. Kinda advocatus diaboli, if you will.


OP, if you're looking for something quick and moderately harmful, google for "PSMF". Note that it will probably not work without ephedrine, so you need to get your hands on that stuff before starting. All the regular disclaimers apply. Heart condition blah blah blah, medical supervision blah.


OK, Vad, sorry, I was a Trainer for 15 years and I read your post and it reminded me of a certain kind of hardcore "gym rat" ;-)

But I don't think the OP has "tried" other options yet and if he goes balls out like you he can get really hurt.

Come on, how many years you been going to the gym? It takes a certain discipline to handle 600 calorie days. Not many can do what you do.

Look, I have posted an "quick&easy solution" that is obviously not healthy, because healthy solutions are really a common knowledge not worth opening a thread. Kinda advocatus diaboli, if you will.

Sure, as long as you include that caveat then maybe its just what the OP wants.

"The vasoconstrictive properties of ephedrine can produce side effects, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure as well as disruptions in normal heart rhythms. Persons using ephedrine frequently experience anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia. Medical professionals caution that these effects can increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, or seizures. The danger increases when the medication is combined with physical exercise or other stimulants."

Vad, were you in the military? It seems that alot of guys I have talked to started on this in the military? It was good for fitness and kept them wired for combat. They were also in their 20's so did not have to be as concerned as a 45 year old needs to be.



I hope you can follow some of the good advice above, but it might take a heart attack or more to change your lifestyle.

I find that if a person doesn't have the discipline to not get fat in the first place, they don't have the discipline to lose the fat and keep it off.

The majority will rationalize until they die, but they never lose the fat.

Good luck.


No pizza, pasta, bread, cookies, cakes, doughnuts, chips, tortillas, candy, soda or other sugar and flour items. Avoid cooking oils (cook in tomato sauce instead and add garlic & onions first) but if you must then use only a little olive oil. Eat moderately three times a day without snacks to burn through your sugar stores to get to the fat burning mode. Just eat nutrient dense and fiber rich unprocessed whole fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, brocolli, beans, nuts, lentils, berries, pakchee/cilantro, garlic, onions, amla (indian gooseberry), sweet potatos, lemons, limes, oranges, kiwi, organic apples, etc. see nutritionfacts.org for more details. Exercise in bursts for short periods of time.


the "beer gut" is a fairy tale...

simply avoid snacks, sweets/sugar, fat (thai food is full with palm oil to be avoided at all costs).

if u're serious/motivated try this for 1 month:

- avoid all stuff u don't need (extras) like ice cream, peanuts, chips, beer, etc.

- drink lots of water (min 3 liter!)

- eat brown rice only (no exception, even when i eat out i bring my own brown rice, all the time!)

- 70% of your food should consist of vegetables (ideally steamed)

- walk 5km every day to start with and add some basic exercises (push-up, sit-up, jumping, sex)

i garantee u'll lose 3-4 kg in 1 month. and if u like it u go for another month (u'll lose another 2-3 kg). the more months u manage the less u will be annoyed by the lack of "sweets/chips/alcohol"... it's mainly a mental thing.


Swim or run. If you bike, do at least 50 km a couple of times a week, and include some hills. Hills reduce the gut. The rest of biking is good for the legs and can be aerobic if you push it a little. And go to bike shop for a decent bike, not the cheap junk sold at BigC.


Before you try any of the above very good suggestions, and if you haven't already done so recently, have a health check at your local hospital. For my insurance I had urine and blood tests, which showed a liver issue, and after the ultra-sonic they found I had the beginning of a fatty liver that possibly caused a 'beer' gut. The exhaustive tests (much to my surprise) weren't costly, but more importantly it gave me the motivation to stop alcohol for one month and to lead a more healthy life.


up to your genetic when you loose weight, you loose it equal everywhere.....Means you loose 5 mm fat and have thin skin on your legs, arms and face but still almost the same belly.

Or you loose everywhere faster than the belly. To get rid of the belly is one of the more difficult things.....It goes last.


I am now 60 years of age, and I noticed that my beer-gut increases with age. Now you might say "Well that's because you are less active!". I would have to disagree. In a nutshell, it is my belief that you just need less and less calories as you get older, in other words as you age cut down on the food and drink. You can exercise all you like BUT you have to exercise an awful lot to burn up those calories that you consume.

So, as you age change your lifestyle to suit that age or, alternatively, do what I do and watch your beer-gut keep try and keep pace with your age in terms of inches!


Stop drinking alcohol. And try jogging, starting with a short distance and working up. At 45, your metabolism should work well enough for results to show fairly quickly. And use your trouser waistbands as a measure, not the scales.


I am now 60 years of age, and I noticed that my beer-gut increases with age. Now you might say "Well that's because you are less active!". I would have to disagree. In a nutshell, it is my belief that you just need less and less calories as you get older, in other words as you age cut down on the food and drink. You can exercise all you like BUT you have to exercise an awful lot to burn up those calories that you consume.

So, as you age change your lifestyle to suit that age or, alternatively, do what I do and watch your beer-gut keep try and keep pace with your age in terms of inches!

More a question of metabolism, the effectiveness of which reduces as you age. Running 5K three times a week at 50 vs at 60, the difference in the effort required to achieve the same result is staggering.

Any tips on losing a beer gut ?

Drink less beer?

Obviously. However...I think he wants an alternative. His question should be...I drink tons of beer which makes me fat.....so how do I lose the fat while maintaining my unhealthy lifestyle.


I'm not much of a drinker (hardly drink at all now in fact) so it's not beer thats giving me the gut. I think its age, genes (my old man and brother have exactly the same gut) combined with a sedentary lifestyle. I enjoy my food but I don't eat much crap (fast food, convenience food). I cook all the time but I probably consume too may carbs (love pasta, potatoes and rice) and have too much dairy (love cheese and full fat milk). I've never been to a gym but I have got myself a set of weights now (barbell, dumbells) and an exercise ball. I don't run, cycle or swim and I've got a serious back injury (had spine surgery not so long ago for a slipped disc). I don't want that to be an excuse but there are some exercises that scare me (dead lifts, crunches for example).

But I really want to try and do something.

Oh my God you love all the bad things. You will never loose the weight like this. I give you a menu, if you do exactly as I said you will loose all your gut probably 7 kg of pure fat.

1) Morning around 10 AM a glass of coconut water.

2) Lunch around 1 PM, 150 grams of different salad, 1 piece of watermelon 150 gram, 1 piece of papaya 150 gram, a bowl of vegetable soap.

3) Dinner around 6 PM (same as lunch)

A glass of different juice at 10 AM, 2 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM.

Do not consume any oil or salt, Just a very very little salt. And no sugar.

Consume at least 1 glass of water every hour, best is if you keep on sipping a water at all time instead of having glasses of water. Drink around 5 liter a day.

Do lots of walks and different activities at all time.

I have done this myself for 40 days and I lost 14 kg, out of which 12 kg pure fat, reduce size from 46 inches to 41.

Of course the only problem is that once you done with this you should be able to keep it up. Unfortunately we all again start eating all we can.

Good luck



Losing the gut is not an easy task. For many it’s the first place the fat goes on and the last place it comes off. Start getting yourself fit with exercise 5-6 times a week. Do lots reading about exercise regimens to determine the exercises you will do. I highly recommend weight training and some type of cardio exercise, walking, running, biking… I ck my heart rate immediately upon awakening in the morning, before I’ve gotten out of bed. Get a benchmark and go from there. As you begin to exercise, if your HR is nearly the same each day, good. If it’s 5-6 bpm more than usual, take the day off. You may be over training. You will probably see your resting HR decrease over the months if you are serious about fitness. Get yourself fit now for it will get more difficult to rebound as you put on years and you’ll be a weak old man besides… Get processed sugar out of your diet! If you do weights you’ll need protein in your diet and keep in mind as you build muscle you gain weight, but it’s not “weight” that’s the problem but fat. Keep in mind too that it take some time into your exercise before your body begins to burn fats, so 45 min to an hour is a good amount of time each day.

Good fortune!


Ephedrine + gym + 600 calories per day will get it away in no time

600 calories a day would also get most of your muscles away in no timewhistling.gif


My tip would be go for a high protein diet eat a lot of meat and fish at first your feel hungry for about 3 days.

avoid all high carbs, rice, pasta, potato, bread,

Beer contains fruit sugars which always go to your waist line

stick to water and take up 20 mins of sweaty exercise everyday

This is known as the cave man diet, also eat apples for a bit of fruit and take some vitamin supplements

Once you've lost your stomach start sit ups

When you get to your desired fitness level reintroduce the carbs but only mix them with fruit and veg so a week on a carb diet then a week on protein the body can't digest both at the same time that's why we get fat


I'm not much of a drinker (hardly drink at all now in fact) so it's not beer thats giving me the gut. I think its age, genes (my old man and brother have exactly the same gut) combined with a sedentary lifestyle. I enjoy my food but I don't eat much crap (fast food, convenience food). I cook all the time but I probably consume too may carbs (love pasta, potatoes and rice) and have too much dairy (love cheese and full fat milk). I've never been to a gym but I have got myself a set of weights now (barbell, dumbells) and an exercise ball. I don't run, cycle or swim and I've got a serious back injury (had spine surgery not so long ago for a slipped disc). I don't want that to be an excuse but there are some exercises that scare me (dead lifts, crunches for example).

But I really want to try and do something.

Oh my God you love all the bad things. You will never loose the weight like this. I give you a menu, if you do exactly as I said you will loose all your gut probably 7 kg of pure fat.

1) Morning around 10 AM a glass of coconut water.

2) Lunch around 1 PM, 150 grams of different salad, 1 piece of watermelon 150 gram, 1 piece of papaya 150 gram, a bowl of vegetable soap.

3) Dinner around 6 PM (same as lunch)

A glass of different juice at 10 AM, 2 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM.

Do not consume any oil or salt, Just a very very little salt. And no sugar.

Consume at least 1 glass of water every hour, best is if you keep on sipping a water at all time instead of having glasses of water. Drink around 5 liter a day.

Do lots of walks and different activities at all time.

I have done this myself for 40 days and I lost 14 kg, out of which 12 kg pure fat, reduce size from 46 inches to 41.

Of course the only problem is that once you done with this you should be able to keep it up. Unfortunately we all again start eating all we can.

Good luck

no protein??


billy-b... I was 30 years old and weighed 240 pounds and in terrible shape. Doc said I would have a heart attack if I didn't do anything. Some friends suggested mountain biking and I got into it. Lost 70 lbs in the first year. It is a fun way to exercise as you can be out in the woods challenging yourself, or riding with friends. You are 45 so you still have a good chance of getting slim. Wait a few more years and that gut is going to be there forever. I am not as slim today as I was back then but as long as I keep riding, I can keep drinking beer and eating good food. Have to find the middle road you know. Buy a mountain bike and start climbing hills. That gut will be gone in no time.


Eat less.

Move more.

Have some fruit for breakfast.

Salad for lunch.

Small dinner not later than 6pm, not fried donuts, something healthy - steamed fish, steamed chicken etc.

Add in some light exercise.

Hey presto. :)

After one month you will likely be seeing the difference.

Then can tone it down a bit, but dont go back to your old eating habits or routine.


Small dinner not later than 6pm, not fried donuts, something healthy - steamed fish, steamed chicken etc.

I think the eating late theory has been debunked it is simply in vs. out


Small dinner not later than 6pm, not fried donuts, something healthy - steamed fish, steamed chicken etc.

I think the eating late theory has been debunked it is simply in vs. out

It's MUCH MORE COMPLICATED than simply in vs. out. There are a massive number of sources on this forum which go into the details of that. I agree time of eating is probably not very important though.

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