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The Chinese Invasion is Never Going to Happen


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In many topics people keep bringing up this conspiracy that one day China is just going to pour into Thailand and that China needs Thailand's natural resources, specifically means of food production.China is an aging society and Thailand will be one as well shortly. There aren't enough Chinese women! The men are coming! Very very soon...

Pure nonsense.

And it makes you wonder why rural land prices keep going up...

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The Chinese already came early last century.

You beat me to it. I think the Chinese invasion is a train that left the station quite awhile ago. The dragon dancing and fireworks every Chinese New Year is not merely because of Thais' find dancing dragons to be cute.

Thailand is one of the most racially homogenous countries in Asia, with more than 80 percent of its population being native Thai. The major minority group is Chinese, comprising ten to 14 percent, while all other ethnic groups combined, including Malays, Indians, Burmese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Europeans, account for approximately five percent.

In Bangkok these numbers are even more extreme, with native Thais making up as much as 90 percent of the population. The Chinese are again the largest minority group, at about nine percent, and they are the most integrated of the non-Thai populations. Intermarriage between Chinese and Thai is common and accepted, and the Chinese population has a long and historic presence in Bangkok. Because of restrictive foreign immigration quotas adopted after World War II (1939–45), Bangkok's population is becoming less, not more, diverse.


Edited by Suradit69
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China never been peaceful, they have always been weak. Today China is much stronger and we all ready see ridiculous sea- and air space claims.

China is a fairly open communist state which makes it difficult to pursue the people in to go to war but the people will defend any attack for sure.

China will become increasingly aggressive since they, for sure, will need a lot more resources to keep their huge population satisfied. If not successful the communist system will fall.

Worrying times are ahead.

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The Chinese mainly focus on Africa which have plenty of resources mining as it's a real treat to local over there, Chinese have tour around the world since Cheng Ho before Christopher Columbus find America and gun powder was invented by Chinese if Chinese are have a real treat to the new world today history book change already. Chinese are not interested in war but making money that's the nature of Chinese people , only Ching Dynasty place were raided by western power.

Today America largest debtors were Chinese government as they buying bond from federal reserved .Now days treat not from bullet but green paper.

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The OP is a simple assertion, an opinion, a blurt.

When he tries to substantiate this mere assertion he does so with more opinion and more assertion.

He has no substance in his assertion.

And this right in the face of China Incorp. Buying HUGE tracts of the us and Chinese nationals emigrating everywhere.

Sure they own Amerikan debt. They buy the real estate with dollars. The whole underpinning of the argument that owning US debt puts them at a disadvantage is that the US $ will remain the currency of settlement forever. The Chinese are using it to buy land, mines, resources, businesses, food distribution etc.

In Thailand, this has nothing to do with the Yaowarat crowd, ok?

These are Han Chinese.

The army IS China.

The new wave is already here. Thai universities, corporations and even some government offices are truffled with them.

You were expecting a full frontal beach assault were you?

They do it a different way.

Tibet was a strategic mistake. Too crude and too obvious.

They learned from that and they have to deal with CIA stooge, the Chivas drinking, Dalai Lama as an unfortunate symbolic result

Slowly slowly catchee monkey no shockee monkey no spookee monkey . . . . Catchee, catchee, cookee, monkey stew.

Bangkok already has its Panda, so does Vancouver, Chiangmai Mai and there's a thousand other jurisdictions they can place these ambassadors of goodwill.

They build, invest, help, infiltrate, and soon there is no difference between them and the locals. That's the Chinese way.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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I beleive the OP is talking about a modern day invasion. We all know there are many Chinese/Thais here already. Many Laos/Thais. Malay/Thais. Kymer/Thais.

Im sure the post was about a present day invasion. Oh.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The Chinese are here for a LONG time and have ensured that things are running here - like in Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.
The Man in Dubai is from there, Banharn Silpa-Archa, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Chalerm ...... all of them have very much very Chinese roots.

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China never been peaceful, they have always been weak. Today China is much stronger and we all ready see ridiculous sea- and air space claims.

China is a fairly open communist state which makes it difficult to pursue the people in to go to war but the people will defend any attack for sure.

China will become increasingly aggressive since they, for sure, will need a lot more resources to keep their huge population satisfied. If not successful the communist system will fall.

Worrying times are ahead.

Always been weak? Even in the early 20th century why did they need an 8 nation alliance to take down one country of china? Doesn't sound weak to me but i think it's just your biasness and different definitions like say when the US goes up against 8 nations it's really strong but not for china.

Also the US and western nations are really aggressive for a long time but that's ok for them to do that.

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The Chinese are here for a LONG time and have ensured that things are running here - like in Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.

The Man in Dubai is from there, Banharn Silpa-Archa, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Chalerm ...... all of them have very much very Chinese roots.

Careful there when you say things are running. Some ppl would have it like they were leeching off those countries. You know like the early spanish colonizers of south america where chinese immigrants or vistors just arrived at those SEA countries and found gold, jewels right on the streets and just carted them off instead of building businesses and contacts with sheer hard work.

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China was always peaceful.....But in fact many Chinese are everywhere on the planet, but British even more than Chinese.

Here we find the biasness of TV members again at all. Just ask them oh did you know the brits colonized many nations with guns and you know they settle down in SEA nations and in the americas, australia etc etc just like many western european nations and ppl will be going oh that's a good thing it's ok for them to do so. We're helping them. When chinese ppl do the same BUT not with guns just visiting the country doing business that's a bad thing.

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OP, have you been to Chiang Mai lately? Not just the tourist areas Immigration? Grocery stores? What language are we hearing spoken more and more around us here? They're already coming.

I wonder why don't the thai immigration at chiang mai close off the borders and prevent the chinese from coming in? Oh yes cos they bring money like tours, businesses and so on same as other nationalities.

Meanwhile posters didn't mind the huge number of farang, arabs and ppl all over the world in thailand but just focused on the chinese.

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I hate to tell you this ... but it has already happened. They snuck in, changed their names, took over business and government and brainwashed the populace that dark skin is a no no.

I don't know man. Cos it seems like those farangs snuck in changed everything took over the world banking system and other similar things and brainwashed the entire world that having darker skin and a big nose is a no no.

While those chinese truly are so innovative. Imagine the things they forced the thai govt to adopt and the central thais themselves whom are dark skin got told by the chinese hey your skin color is bad!!! We are superior!!!

Edited by ultimate weapon
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^ Fact vs Satire

Yup you know facts like how western "scientists" would create to make say an entire race of ppl like negroes to be inferior cos of their skin color and how it took hundreds of years before negroes would even be freed and a longer time to be considered equal to the farang.

Damn those chinese are really slow in catching up to the farangs in this respect. I wonder when will they start enslaving the native thais and you know just snatch their businesses over from the thais. Like just taking all of say singha beer's business.

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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

Oh yeah it sucks that american influence is waning. Let's ask those cubans, south americans, middle eastern ppl how they feel about it.

I concur china's govt is ruthless but it's kind of strange they have not enslaved like maybe 30% of their population and seperated them, have not actually invaded any nations and put sanctions on nations they wish to invade and call it freedom unlike some other nation i know of which doesn't call itself ruthless. In terms of ruthlessness and being totalitarian sounds like it loses out big.

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China invented war - they were the first to write books on it!

They invented the Rocket (giant firecrackers used to attack enemies)

Once Genghis Kahn (The Mongols) took over the Chinese, they became peaceful (Not fighting each other).

There are 1.351 billion Chinese IN China

60 million British (+6 million immigrants. Mainly Asian/Indian/Chinese)

Do the Math...

China was always peaceful.....But in fact many Chinese are everywhere on the planet, but British even more than Chinese.

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China invented war - they were the first to write books on it!

They invented the Rocket (giant firecrackers used to attack enemies)

Once Genghis Kahn (The Mongols) took over the Chinese, they became peaceful (Not fighting each other).

There are 1.351 billion Chinese IN China

60 million British (+6 million immigrants. Mainly Asian/Indian/Chinese)

Do the Math...

China was always peaceful.....But in fact many Chinese are everywhere on the planet, but British even more than Chinese.

U need to discern an ethnic chinese and a chinese by nationality. It's not difficult at all. a tibetian and a mongolian in china are known as chinese by citizenship same as dwight york a black man is an englishman so therefore it isn't exactly 1.35 billion chinese cos we know you mean the ethnic chinese.

Anyway what would you say if the chinese went over to live in another continent and created a totally new country out of it? You know like the US or AUS?

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