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Farang slandering by Thais

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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

I wouldn't say "basic" Thai after spending the best of the last ten years or so either visiting or living there but I'll bow to your greater wisdom.
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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

I wouldn't say "basic" Thai after spending the best of the last ten years or so either visiting or living there but I'll bow to your greater wisdom.

Well certainly very different experiences. I can sit around talking with people using the "f" word repeatedly myself, doesn't mean to say I'm being derogatory....except to those who believe that any use of it is derogatory.

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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

I wouldn't say "basic" Thai after spending the best of the last ten years or so either visiting or living there but I'll bow to your greater wisdom.

Wow!! now we are talking about language proficiency based on the number of years a person has spent in a country.

Now let us be clear about something. How does one become good in a language? Other than using it everyday they go to school and have teachers teach them on a language. How do you think an illegal immigrant's standard of english is if he has stayed in the US for say 15 years? Do you think he would have learned some shakesphere while being an illegal immigrant in the US? Sad to say i can fanthom your standard of thai would be something like that illegal immigrant has learned. I can easily bet you did not actually go to a university or some place of learning to know more about thai language but your knowledge of thai language from your years of living in thailand has been from hearing how low-so thai ppl speak right?

That isn't anything different from someone living in a US ghetto for say 10 years. Suppose i told you hey i have lived in the US for more than 10 years i beez writing like dis talking about hoes and guns and misspelling words would you think i could be an authority on the thai language?

Let us just be honest a student who has never even stepped foot in thailand but learns about the thai language and the thai script from competent teachers has a probably a better grasp of thai compared to some farang who has lived in thailand for years but has 0 formal training in thai.

It applies to all languages. Put a person with 0 knowledge in english and get him to live in some ghetto neighbourhood would you say he is an expert in english language when he goes Yo yo yo yo where dem hoes at.

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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

I wouldn't say "basic" Thai after spending the best of the last ten years or so either visiting or living there but I'll bow to your greater wisdom.

Well certainly very different experiences. I can sit around talking with people using the "f" word repeatedly myself, doesn't mean to say I'm being derogatory....except to those who believe that any use of it is derogatory.

I didn't say any use of the "f" word is deemed to be derogatory. My paranoia hasn't reached those heights yet. I merely said that generally Thai's use the word in virtually every sentence. Whenever I travel on the BTS the Thai's don't seem to converse very much, either staring into space or sending text messages. If you use your superior knowledge of the Thai language I'm amazed you don't pick up the general banter which is generally of no interest to me. Having said that quite a lot of the general chit chat is about farang. For example, when buying som tam, they like to joke about the farang not liking it spicy. Of course it isn't derogatory but it is noticeable. You will understand however, with your knowledge of the language, much of it is in the third person, thus the confusion and general paranoia of the word farang exhibited by many westerners.
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If they know you can speak Thai then they say nothing, if they know you are a "stupid farang" then they witter on about us to their hearts content. Bless. A clue to those who don't speak Thai just listen for the word "farang", they can't take a breath without saying the word.

But you can't speak Thai can you, or at least not beyond the very basic....and I mean basic. Hard to think of any other reason for coming out with such an asinine comment. Or maybe it's just the company you keep. Speaking personally after years of travelling into work on the skytrain,+ years of using the bus before the skytrain was built, whenever I heard the word "farang" used in a derogatory sense it was often deserved.

I wouldn't say "basic" Thai after spending the best of the last ten years or so either visiting or living there but I'll bow to your greater wisdom.

Well certainly very different experiences. I can sit around talking with people using the "f" word repeatedly myself, doesn't mean to say I'm being derogatory....except to those who believe that any use of it is derogatory.

I didn't say any use of the "f" word is deemed to be derogatory. My paranoia hasn't reached those heights yet. I merely said that generally Thai's use the word in virtually every sentence. Whenever I travel on the BTS the Thai's don't seem to converse very much, either staring into space or sending text messages. If you use your superior knowledge of the Thai language I'm amazed you don't pick up the general banter which is generally of no interest to me. Having said that quite a lot of the general chit chat is about farang. For example, when buying som tam, they like to joke about the farang not liking it spicy. Of course it isn't derogatory but it is noticeable. You will understand however, with your knowledge of the language, much of it is in the third person, thus the confusion and general paranoia of the word farang exhibited by many westerners.

You say you aren't paranoid? My arse you aren't.

Every sentence? My good, such a self centred person aren't we?

Small hint, the world doesn't revolve around farangs. You barely come up on the radar.

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

You are not sober, are you ?

Haven't touched a drop in 132 years.

Its all off to a good start.

I am off to ask somchai and pornchai who come round on Fridays why Thais are so stupid.

Will let u know how it goes.....

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Obviously it must be another (Lets Bash the Thais Day)? Get over It! Do you really think that Thais Don't read all the crap that you say about them ## What Goes Around Comes Around ##

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If, in any large measure, Thais slam or slander Farangs, it's likely due to a number of them who come here and misbehave. Too many do not adhere to local customs and beliefs or they simply ignore them on premise they do not apply.

I've only been living here 3 1/2 years but first came in 1993. I've found Thais to be courteous and respectful if I am same same. It's simple, applicable and incontrovertible, in any society or culture.

If you're being slandered, I'd submit there's more to the story.

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

Hey, leave my family out of this!

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No such thing, OP. What's endemic is farangs slandering Thais, as you see continually on the forum. It's almost a full-time occupation w/ many. Makes them feel superior and helps cope with their frustrations about living here.

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

Are you referring to Thais?

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Thirdly we need to know that in asian countries people in general don't try to <deleted> with you if you leave them alone. This is very important because it is different in farang countries. There is a specific term in the UK that they call "taking the piss" out of someone. This is where they purposely provoke someone and when someone retaliates they go oh it's only a joke! Just look at the huge number of these prank video ppl all of them come from farang countries. Like just for laughs for example. You're supposed to laugh along with them after getting pranked by them. The fact of the matter is if you react to someone especially in a disrespectful way don't get upset if he doesn't react the way you expect him to and by and large asians leave you alone if you don't provoke them.

I used to think that in my younger days. Since then I've often been provoked in London by Asians and get regularly provoked by Thais in Thailand. Just sitting in a bar having a quiet drink sometimes provokes waiters into taking the piss, just for not smiling This happens VERY often. So what you say is crap. Thais need friends to take the piss, otherwise they are scared of the repercussions.

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Dear Mr. World Wide,

Do you know how many words Thais use that sound like thd word farang and yet have no relation to the definition you are familiar with. Perhaps you over heard two people talking about the newest big red gum, or perhaps they just ate some french fries at Mcd's or perhaps they were discussing the high cost of asparagus in the local market. Or perhaps they were talking about the weird white guy staring at them!

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Every day I stay in Thailand, I feel dumber and dumber. I think it is not entirely my own fault. Our reputation has been gutted, and we have all been reduced to the lowest level by people that come here and toss their well earned cash in the charity basket at Club Soi Farang.

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Dear Mr. World Wide,

Do you know how many words Thais use that sound like thd word farang and yet have no relation to the definition you are familiar with. Perhaps you over heard two people talking about the newest big red gum, or perhaps they just ate some french fries at Mcd's or perhaps they were discussing the high cost of asparagus in the local market. Or perhaps they were talking about the weird white guy staring at them!

not so...they are actually talking about us (and you). The french fries at Micky D's are just not that popular.

When one Thai asked for a coca cola and a papaya salad, the other one said..."hey..you eat like a farang...do you want fries with that?"

I don't think so

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First we have to determine what "slandering" means. Let's be honest about this. We all know farang have a different tolerance level compared to asians and we all know even being called a farang is a racial slur to some farangs here. Of course back in farang land they call thais all sorts of names like "asian" I don't know man perhaps asian should be considered a slur and gook and so on.

Secondly we all need to know that it occurs everywhere. The thai kid and the thai people living in say australia aren't having a good time either. They are being called sons of whores and all sorts of racial slurs.

Thirdly we need to know that in asian countries people in general don't try to <deleted> with you if you leave them alone. This is very important because it is different in farang countries. There is a specific term in the UK that they call "taking the piss" out of someone. This is where they purposely provoke someone and when someone retaliates they go oh it's only a joke! Just look at the huge number of these prank video ppl all of them come from farang countries. Like just for laughs for example. You're supposed to laugh along with them after getting pranked by them. The fact of the matter is if you react to someone especially in a disrespectful way don't get upset if he doesn't react the way you expect him to and by and large asians leave you alone if you don't provoke them.

Lastly we will be hearing of some farang complaining oh you know we have this anti-racism thing for these poor minorities in farang countries and you all know that racism is a much bigger thing in farang countries compared to asian countries for obviously very good reasons. Then we will have farangs comparing you know the c0ck sizes like saying their farang countries are better than thailand but yet for some unknown reason still choose to reside in thailand.

It is very similar to the first class passenger on the plane for example suddenly decides to go sit in the economy class section of the plane and then complains why aren't they giving first class service in the economy section.

I still stand by my 1st point. Hypersensitive farangs complaining but don't have a probleming dishing it out much worse when thais visit their countries.

Surely you're not trying to say that all Western countries are the same and have the same sense of humor, are you? And as for Asians not 'taking a piss' out of people, I would suggest you travel a bit more in Asia. You will find this type of behavior quite prevalent in many countries.

Thais aren't all the same just as Westerners aren't all the same. There are a lot of Thais who do slander foreigners and Westerners in particular, sometimes behind their back, sometimes in front of them. Not every Thai, of course, just like every Westerner does not slander Asians, Thai or otherwise.

The biggest difference between most Asian countries and most Western countries is that someone from Asia can become a Westerner (i.e. citizen with all the corresponding rights) but the reverse generally is not true, except for a few countries like Singapore. And even if a Westerner did become a Thai citizen, they will never be considered Thai. They will always be an outsider, 'foreigner', etc., no matter how long they have been here and how well they speak the language.

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Dear Mr. World Wide,

Do you know how many words Thais use that sound like thd word farang and yet have no relation to the definition you are familiar with. Perhaps you over heard two people talking about the newest big red gum, or perhaps they just ate some french fries at Mcd's or perhaps they were discussing the high cost of asparagus in the local market. Or perhaps they were talking about the weird white guy staring at them!

Yeah right. Everytime I pass a Thai he starts talking about little green fruits. Weird.

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The big difference between farang slander and Thai slander is that Thais take the piss in situations where they should be acting professionally, where their job should prevent their slander, eg. waiters, shop keepers, office workers, bank clerks. These people seldom succumb to the temptation to slander their customers in the west, whereas in Thailand it gives them a great opportiunity. Thais treat their work serving the public as playtime. When a farang comes along, some treat it as an opportunity. Losing customers holds no great fear because they don't own the business.

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