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Suthep shuns Abhisit move

Lite Beer

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I remember seeing a photo not long after Pheu Thai and Yingluck won the election...it was with among a party of four Yingluck and Abhisat jointly standing against corruption....I though then if you could deliver that vision Thailand would move forward in leaps and bounds...Good Leaders do not have to be excellent scholar's. Some have a vision or just the wisdom to know what is right....the Shinawatra blood is perhaps to thick for Yingluck to be an excellent Thai PM. I suspect that Thaksin may yet get his amnesty in return for staying out of politics. Perhaps Suthep's days are getting numbered to along with a few others.

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""Whoever he is, no one should dare appoint himself as the mediator," Suthep said. "Whether he is my acquaintance, my former colleague or my friend, don't poke your nose in other people's business."

What is it with this retard suthep? Why do any of you love him so much when it is very obvious what he is trying to do. he should be arrested for insurection and treason.

You mean like Jutaporn and Nattawaut should be right now and doing their time from oh....2010...I see what Yingluck is p!ssed about...justice does move slow in Thailand. Nobody loves Suthep...is he just a necessary evil pit ball dragging at the peoples court fugitive convicted criminal Thaksins testicles while the courts deliver the KO blow.

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PDRC leader says he will only listen to the 'great masses'

The Great leader listening to the great masses..........Oh! What a combination.Does anybody here know what anybody else is doing?Dysfunctional country.

Has any leader in any nation ever listened to the masses? Leaders serve themselves and if it happens to coincide with the wishes of the "great masses" then fine but if not ...... well who cares?

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I'm curious why 'Mark' decided now was the time to finally 'grow a pair', but I'm encouraged that he may now (finally) turn into the leader I once expected him to be. The standoff between him and Suthep may well indicate that the unseen hands have concluded that Suthep is now a spent force and its time to regroup. Lets hope for the good of all of us 'Mark' finally recalls all that Oxford education and puts it good use. Time will tell

On the contrary he has shown nothing but cowardice, cynicism and naked ambition.However he is not without intelligence and realises that Suthep and his pack of Southern thugs and middle class useful idiots have served their purpose - namely to destabilise politics so that a non elected PM can take over with the help of a friendly judiciary.You are right however to conclude that the forces backing and financing Suthep have concluded that despite numerous "final efforts", he has failed.Abhisit who cannot win a fair election sees his chance now and is trying to project himself as a reasonable voice.I cannot pretend to have any special insight as to whether he has any chance of success.He could be discarded by the old elites quite easily.Nevertheless his effrontery is breathtaking given that he represents a substantial part of the problem.Courage, an indispensable virtue for a successful politician, is not his forte.His character is part ambitious political hack and part frightened rabbit.

Wow. You must know Thai politics and Abhisit much better than I do. Nothing you say agrees with what I know and have seen and read. Honestly I don't know whether your ignorance exceeds my or you know something I don't. Being selfish and human, for now I will stick with my beliefs. Sorry, your statement is utterly rejected.

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At least we got a bunch of Thai politicians babbling and spewing their nonsense in one article, rather than spreading it all over.

Suthep: "I will only listen to masses/people" (if they say what he wants to hear).

Suthep: "no one should appoint himself mediator" (yeah...best to wait until kingdom come).

Suthep: "don't poke your nose in other people's business" (because this is only Suthep's and the PDRC's business?)

Abhisit: 10 days or it's failure (doing a Chalerm now?).

Abhisit: "reform is a key element for the resolution; an election is a requirement no matter when it happens; and the election is a crucial part of reform." (the Master Yoda impersonation).

Chalerm: "The politician's chain has already become rusty. Nobody trusts politicians anymore" (....)

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I'm curious why 'Mark' decided now was the time to finally 'grow a pair', but I'm encouraged that he may now (finally) turn into the leader I once expected him to be. The standoff between him and Suthep may well indicate that the unseen hands have concluded that Suthep is now a spent force and its time to regroup. Lets hope for the good of all of us 'Mark' finally recalls all that Oxford education and puts it good use. Time will tell

On the contrary he has shown nothing but cowardice, cynicism and naked ambition.However he is not without intelligence and realises that Suthep and his pack of Southern thugs and middle class useful idiots have served their purpose - namely to destabilise politics so that a non elected PM can take over with the help of a friendly judiciary.You are right however to conclude that the forces backing and financing Suthep have concluded that despite numerous "final efforts", he has failed.Abhisit who cannot win a fair election sees his chance now and is trying to project himself as a reasonable voice.I cannot pretend to have any special insight as to whether he has any chance of success.He could be discarded by the old elites quite easily.Nevertheless his effrontery is breathtaking given that he represents a substantial part of the problem.Courage, an indispensable virtue for a successful politician, is not his forte.His character is part ambitious political hack and part frightened rabbit.

Wow. You must know Thai politics and Abhisit much better than I do. Nothing you say agrees with what I know and have seen and read. Honestly I don't know whether your ignorance exceeds my or you know something I don't. Being selfish and human, for now I will stick with my beliefs. Sorry, your statement is utterly rejected.

I totally agree with Jayboys summary.

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I suspect, if Abhisit's initiative is acceptable to all parties (Suthep excluded). The General will call an end to Suthep and the mass protests in Lupini Park. Suthep will then have to think of another way to avoid his day in court as I am sure he wont be able to finance his own security.

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I'm curious why 'Mark' decided now was the time to finally 'grow a pair', but I'm encouraged that he may now (finally) turn into the leader I once expected him to be. The standoff between him and Suthep may well indicate that the unseen hands have concluded that Suthep is now a spent force and its time to regroup. Lets hope for the good of all of us 'Mark' finally recalls all that Oxford education and puts it good use. Time will tell

On the contrary he has shown nothing but cowardice, cynicism and naked ambition.However he is not without intelligence and realises that Suthep and his pack of Southern thugs and middle class useful idiots have served their purpose - namely to destabilise politics so that a non elected PM can take over with the help of a friendly judiciary.You are right however to conclude that the forces backing and financing Suthep have concluded that despite numerous "final efforts", he has failed.Abhisit who cannot win a fair election sees his chance now and is trying to project himself as a reasonable voice.I cannot pretend to have any special insight as to whether he has any chance of success.He could be discarded by the old elites quite easily.Nevertheless his effrontery is breathtaking given that he represents a substantial part of the problem.Courage, an indispensable virtue for a successful politician, is not his forte.His character is part ambitious political hack and part frightened rabbit.

Wow. You must know Thai politics and Abhisit much better than I do. Nothing you say agrees with what I know and have seen and read. Honestly I don't know whether your ignorance exceeds my or you know something I don't. Being selfish and human, for now I will stick with my beliefs. Sorry, your statement is utterly rejected.

I totally agree with Jayboys summary.

You would--your both 78 records.

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PDRC leader says he will only listen to the 'great masses'

The Great leader listening to the great masses..........Oh! What a combination.Does anybody here know what anybody else is doing?Dysfunctional country.

He is like the lunatic in the asylum running around in the white coat and these so called masses are the other patients. You would have to be a lunatic to support the mother of all lunatics.

Or he has you conned and is a great actor

and he is using people like you to achieve their final aim

we will know the answer in 10 days so please not get you undies in a knot

Suthep definitely doesn't have me conned that is for sure. I can see straight through the lying, cheating slimy little weasel.

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I'm curious why 'Mark' decided now was the time to finally 'grow a pair', but I'm encouraged that he may now (finally) turn into the leader I once expected him to be. The standoff between him and Suthep may well indicate that the unseen hands have concluded that Suthep is now a spent force and its time to regroup. Lets hope for the good of all of us 'Mark' finally recalls all that Oxford education and puts it good use. Time will tell

On the contrary he has shown nothing but cowardice, cynicism and naked ambition.However he is not without intelligence and realises that Suthep and his pack of Southern thugs and middle class useful idiots have served their purpose - namely to destabilise politics so that a non elected PM can take over with the help of a friendly judiciary.You are right however to conclude that the forces backing and financing Suthep have concluded that despite numerous "final efforts", he has failed.Abhisit who cannot win a fair election sees his chance now and is trying to project himself as a reasonable voice.I cannot pretend to have any special insight as to whether he has any chance of success.He could be discarded by the old elites quite easily.Nevertheless his effrontery is breathtaking given that he represents a substantial part of the problem.Courage, an indispensable virtue for a successful politician, is not his forte.His character is part ambitious political hack and part frightened rabbit.

Oh trust me, I never once meant to suggest that Mark hasn't displayed the usual Thai political traits of Cowardice & Cynicism, that's almost a given that all of them will use whatever it takes in order to advance their own ambition. What I was trying to suggest, was that when he first was summoned back from England I thought/imagined/hoped that since he was born, raised and educated in a Western Democracy he might have risen above the fray and given true democratic leadership and develop a One Nation policy, not one focused on the rich elite. If he had, he may have propelled the Democrats to a true election victory under the 1997 constitution, which I to this day believe was superior than what we have today. But instead, he chose to succumb to the usual corrupt, Suthep/Thaksinesque politics of graft, the results of which have been evident. This current outpouring, and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here, may be a belated realization of his past failures. His future as a politician is over, he probably at some deep level knows that, he's so tainted with the past that he could never lead the country and bring it together. What he hopefully is thinking that for his legacy to at least be somewhat positive, his future may be to help the country back to the democratic path his background should have brought him to a decade ago.

What on earth led you to the idea that one raised and educated in the most elite of establishments in England would develop into an egalitarian politician?

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I'm curious why 'Mark' decided now was the time to finally 'grow a pair', but I'm encouraged that he may now (finally) turn into the leader I once expected him to be. The standoff between him and Suthep may well indicate that the unseen hands have concluded that Suthep is now a spent force and its time to regroup. Lets hope for the good of all of us 'Mark' finally recalls all that Oxford education and puts it good use. Time will tell

On the contrary he has shown nothing but cowardice, cynicism and naked ambition.However he is not without intelligence and realises that Suthep and his pack of Southern thugs and middle class useful idiots have served their purpose - namely to destabilise politics so that a non elected PM can take over with the help of a friendly judiciary.You are right however to conclude that the forces backing and financing Suthep have concluded that despite numerous "final efforts", he has failed.Abhisit who cannot win a fair election sees his chance now and is trying to project himself as a reasonable voice.I cannot pretend to have any special insight as to whether he has any chance of success.He could be discarded by the old elites quite easily.Nevertheless his effrontery is breathtaking given that he represents a substantial part of the problem.Courage, an indispensable virtue for a successful politician, is not his forte.His character is part ambitious political hack and part frightened rabbit.

Wow. You must know Thai politics and Abhisit much better than I do. Nothing you say agrees with what I know and have seen and read. Honestly I don't know whether your ignorance exceeds my or you know something I don't. Being selfish and human, for now I will stick with my beliefs. Sorry, your statement is utterly rejected.

I don't know what you have read, let alone what you have seen or "know".I am not interested in your opinion whether you are less or more ignorant than me.There is a great deal of excellent material available which provides context and background to the current Thai crisis, much of which supports my general position.If you take a different view you should present it and argue your case.

The most important issues of the present time DID start prior and after the Election near 3 years ago.

Election promises---not fulfilled-------election oath --not fulfilled--------transparent government/corruption free--not fulfilled-----------pushing bills through without debate----illegal-------------proper accounts for contracts/ schemes seemingly not kept--------------------ON RECORD a PM who rarely attended debates, and was missing for most important ones.

These are the reasons why normal elections cannot take place, the government HAS to be investigated first.

Remember all other past episodes and leaders should not come into this present situation.

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Everything as expected here then.

Cunning of Abhisit and Suthep.

They both know the end is in sight.

Still can't see the EC or the PTP agreeing to a free and fair election.

After all..... It wouldn't be Thailand without a bent election.

Baldrick is that you?

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Sutep will only listen to the great masses?

What the great masses of lumpini park!

I said the other day that I hope abhisit grow some and he has.Now embrace an election date show the people your plans for Thailand and let the people the decide.

Boy the yellows are going to be in a positive tizz over this!

There are no yellows, you 10 years out of date

It is Suthep and the Peoples Party, according to him they fly the National flag not the yellow one of 2010

2010 is not '10 years out of date' it's only 4 years ago!

anyway yellow is as yellow does and Mark cannot be trusted as he will never be forgiven by Thais for boycotting the election and will be toast at the election - so bring it on

opportunist who knows he is beaten as Suthep has failed constantly and now tries to 're-invent' himself (again)

interesting move as he distants himself from Suthep as he sees the failure of the 'FINAL' push at the duck pond

after all that has happend to Yingluck how can you say he failed (guess in you mind that all that matters)

Bycotting what election

Are we talking about the elections that was thrown out, so and election that never was an election

My wife and all her friends the last time I looked are all thai

and they are all behind the protest and what happened

so are you now saying they are not Thai

Seems you like to skate on thin ice

well you certainly like your own opinion (8 posts on this thread alone!!!)

we all know your zero hero is backing off from the failure Suthep at the duck pond and I bet Suthep is going bananas (being a yellow fellow) at Mark

now watch the splits beginning - Mark know the demos have gone from 200,000 in many protest sites down to 3,000 in the park and Suthep's 'FINAL push' has become a joke

your opinion Vs My opinion

so how about we wait for the 10 days to pass and see if you red shirt hero is still in power

are you one the side of a peacefull end to all this, or you be happy to see a civil War

You can not sit on the fence anymore

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""Whoever he is, no one should dare appoint himself as the mediator," Suthep said. "Whether he is my acquaintance, my former colleague or my friend, don't poke your nose in other people's business."

What is it with this retard suthep? Why do any of you love him so much when it is very obvious what he is trying to do. he should be arrested for insurection and treason.


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Has Suthep gone political mad ?

Or is this a good cop bad cop situations, where the two are working together behind the scenes.

Lets take a closer look

Abhisit now looks like the good guy in all of this, Yingluck is the idiot hanging onto power by her teeth and will not let go

She can not defeat Suthep, so agree with Abhisit as she thinks he can not defeat Suthep

all the time this is part of the plan

Abhisit talk to Suthep when all of thailand are looking for a saviour

Suthep agrees with Abhisit

Abhisit become a Statesman and the true hero for Thailand

and at the election will walk into power with a massive majority

Maybe this is all a dream, or a well planed operation

It has been done before in many situation and worked

So is this the trap that will get rid of the Sinawats for good

just an opinion, at the end of the 10 days we will have the answer

Its got to be better the the other plan

Suthep has gone mad with power and will lead Thailand in to Civil war against the Red shirt Leader who wants the same thing

Suthep is not looking for civil war. He never was. The courts are on the side of the "current" laws, which PT, Yingluck and Thaksin keep ignoring and fighting. So the only ones, who could have possibly benefited from a civil war, is the Red side. (I really believe nobody would benefit from a civil war)

The only ones, who have done "saber rattling", has been the UDD and Reds. A bunch of whackos , as I see it and most people in Thailand, I believe are getting tired of the red rhetoric. They can't even get a decent demonstration together anymore. Never mind trying to get a "mass rally"

As far as the rest of the above comments. Yes, I do believe it is all a game. A game of chess played by mediocre players on both sides. As always, the pawns are first to get wiped out, which is the sad part. wai2.gif

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Seeing fissures between Abhisit and Suthep is surprising only to those who have ignored them. A major element of Pheu Thai supporters' narrative is that they have been joined at the hip. That was always a fictional narrative, but it served Pheu Thai's talking points well. Whatever Suthep did or did not do, to be sure Thaksin and Pheu Thai would attempt to tie Abhisit into it. But now the fissures are apparent even to Pheu Thai supporters. From the start however, the relationship between Suthep and the Democratic party has been guarded. They share the fundamental nature of the argument, but have parted ( respectfully ) on the tactics. It was inevitable - as this crisis drew to a close - that these fissures would become more pronounced. And they have. But the nature of this crisis is not revealed in the fissures between the PDRC and the Democratic party only. Fissures are appearing all over the place in Pheu Thai and the UDD. Just take for example the reaction to Abhisit's recent address. Yingluck found it " a good beginning " but wanted to " study " it, ( big surprise ) but foresaw that it could take some time - which seemed to infer a preferable and joyfully indeterminate and non-committal reality. Chalerm said he would speak to Abhisit alone ( ! ) though he wanted an election first and then reform " later " ( presumably as Thaksin had defined it in the last two and half years ). But Pheu Thai official spokesmen dismissed it out of hand. Aren't Pheu Thai supposed to speak with one voice ? And of course the UDD is off in Neverland against the independent agencies and the Constitutional Court, and constructing childish mock videos of Abhisit's address.

Having said all this, Abhisit is emerging more as the mature one in the room. The advantage of this is that he would be the man one would most instinctively move towards if ever a move towards dialogue were ever to take place between the parties and participants. The disadvantage of it is -

- what if he is the only mature one in the room ?

Edited by Scamper
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Now I understand Suthep. He only listens to the voices IN HIS HEAD!

But at least Abhisit lives in the real world and desires to listen to all sides of the political conflict to resolve issues. Abhisit may sometimes have his head up his a*** but at least he occasionally pulls it out into the real world. I'm afraid Suthep's head has become permanently sutured.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra described Abhisit's effort as a "good beginning" to allow the country to get out of the ongoing impasse and move forward. She said that she would have to study his proposal in detail.

Yesterday it was she smiled when she heard it. Must have made a phone call to the land of sand and was told to say she would study it.

While I admire what Suthep is doing and his success in stopping the PTP red shirts attempts at ignoring the corruption and intimidating the opposition with threats of civil war.

I do believe he will have to be a bit more accepting of other peoples ideas. They are after the same thing but his refusal to bend is now working against him. He has stood tall long enough that the PTP red shirts can no longer ignore the issue weather he is on the scene or not. He has become a hero for the grass roots people who have had no voice. While the PTP red shirts seek to condemn him for his actions in attempting to bring some justice to the people.

People don't realize it but if the red shirt movement had poured all their money spent on defending Thaksin into helping the poor the poor would be much better off. They are stealing from them selves and lack the education to see it. This is an education that all governments have denied them of. The current administration buys and supplies useless tablets to the privileged while in the mean time deny 2,000 schools of electricity. The red shirts think this is a good thing. When was the last time you heard the red shirts demanding a decent education. with the PTP they get a minister of education who says the whole system needs rebuilding and they change ministers.

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PDRC leader says he will only listen to the 'great masses'

The Great leader listening to the great masses..........Oh! What a combination.Does anybody here know what anybody else is doing?Dysfunctional country.

Has any leader in any nation ever listened to the masses? Leaders serve themselves and if it happens to coincide with the wishes of the "great masses" then fine but if not ...... well who cares?

And ... do the citizens of any nation really listen to these selfish politicians? No, not until the politicians manage to teach them to hate each other for some reason or other. Then the politician has something to offer, "I will crush them!". If all people got along together, few politicians have anything worthwhile to offer anyone.

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Now I understand Suthep. He only listens to the voices IN HIS HEAD!

But at least Abhisit lives in the real world and desires to listen to all sides of the political conflict to resolve issues. Abhisit may sometimes have his head up his a*** but at least he occasionally pulls it out into the real world. I'm afraid Suthep's head has become permanently sutured.

Are you also sitting on the fence or are you still suporting the red shirt heroine

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Suthep is Comical. He says the "People" are who he listens to....since he is his own voice when working through the people. He tells them what he wants, they idiots say "YES YES"... So basically, He can say whatever he wants and he will get enough "Hurrah's" to justify himself. No rational discussions allowed.

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