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Does anyone else's girlfriend fly into incoherent rages about nothing?


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No, because if she did she would be out on her ass. And I hope that if I was a massive <deleted> that she would leave me too!

Not worth staying with someone if they treat you like shit or if they disrupt the peace all the time.

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You know, it is really great being dvorced from my Thai wives, and with no GF and living alone....

You should try it smile.png

Yep, keeping it on a purely monetary basis is the best policy......"find 'em, f 'em and pay 'em" - no arguments about how much, work that out ahead of time and go about your business. That 1000 baht bill slapped to your forehead will give you all the 'intellectual satisfaction' you need. whistling.gif

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I had a similar experience but put up with it for 2 years because she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met (and still is). Being a man I let her beauty blind me to her irrational behaviour. After two years I grew a set and ended it (the scissors nicking my ear as she threw them at me helped). I still think about her and, one year on, am still single. But I would not go back to that kind of behaviour for anything. The downside is that when I date other Thai's my tolerance is low. At the first sign of jealousy or sulking I am out of the door.

If you don't leave she won't change. And if you accept it then welcome to the doorstep. I know I was that mat.

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read the mean comments on all the posts here,

they never fly off the handle for no reason at all

poor her

I can only hope that you are joking. Or you have never had a relationship with a Thai woman. Or maybe you just got lucky. But believe me SOME and I do stress some Thai women do fly of the handle for reasons you cannot fathom. They direct their anger at their partners even if it is not anything to do wih him.

That is my experience and also the experience of many of my friends. And they are married to a wide range of women from Esan bar girls to Hiso's.

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read the mean comments on all the posts here,

they never fly off the handle for no reason at all

poor her

I can only hope that you are joking. Or you have never had a relationship with a Thai woman. Or maybe you just got lucky. But believe me SOME and I do stress some Thai women do fly of the handle for reasons you cannot fathom. They direct their anger at their partners even if it is not anything to do wih him.

That is my experience and also the experience of many of my friends. And they are married to a wide range of women from Esan bar girls to Hiso's.

I know several westerners here who have been at the sharp end for little or no reason, one chap got stabbed in the leg because he said he was going out to get some cigarettes (I was in the hospital when he came in and had to bums some cigs from me)

Another had his white Toyota turned into a golf ball, with a hammer, for no good reason that was forthcoming.

And quite a few others, but I know some of them are members here, and I don't hang out other's dirty linen.

I'll do one of my own in a minute, when I find the pics.

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You have all seen those stunning models on the dating ads on this forum, right. Do you think they also come with the "crazy" factor built in, LOL. Imagine paying all that money and getting a lemon giggle.gif .

What ads ?

sorry for getting a bit technical and boring, but I know why you are not seeing the ads.

Its about retargeting - Google knows what sites you have been to, and for example, if you went to thaifriendly.com and did not sign up, then they will 'retarget' the ad to you on here in the hope that you will look at the ad and see a discount code for 10% off and then go and sign up.

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You should sell your TV, because clearly your girlfriend is watching too many Thai-dramas. Or you could also grow a set of balls. Seems like your girlfriend does not respect you at all. Your girlfriend seems like a spoilt bXXXX. For sure she does not have traditional values, if she is screaming at you in public and calling you idiot. No normal Thai-woman with respect for her relationship would do that.

But overall she is really not to blame. You have obviously not shown her from the very beginning, that you have limits and self-respect. Now I guess it is too late and her rage towards you properly have some reason. If she really loved and respected you, she would not act like that.

I would personally find another person to live my life with. Why spend it on a person who does not respect you?

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read the mean comments on all the posts here,

they never fly off the handle for no reason at all

poor her

Maybe you have a magic pill that can cure her?

I would do this.

Ask her why she is pissed off, if she gives a lame excuse like ur messy, I would say well lets clean together.

If she freaks out again I would warn her talk me normally or I will leave u im not a punching bag!

But tell to let u know, if u r an ass too!

She flips out one more time <deleted> leave the psycho!

But seriously, I highly doubt u r not doing anything wrong.

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Dump her.

Wife has only raised her voice to me a few times and I can say it was no doubt something stupid I initiated. This is simply wrong character for a Thai "lady".

In public??

Yeah, unbalanced peasant, bar girl manners and ethics, yabaa, she hates you (certainly no respect). Lose her.

Edited by Mencken
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The only time I have heard my wife yell is, "You are not a buffalo you don't eat plants. You are a dog! Start acting like a dog and stop eating my plants."

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The only time I have heard my wife yell is, "You are not a buffalo you don't eat plants. You are a dog! Start acting like a dog and stop eating my plants."

The question remains.....what kind of a dog are you ?

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In general, you will find that many Thai-women are very immature and even often uneducated. Their culture does also not enforce them to become more independent or mature. Combine that with either a lazy spoiled Thai-man or a farang that has never been able to have a real relationship back home, then you get the fights and wild temper situations, which are also often displayed in Thai TV-dramas. This is where many Thai-women learn from and many of them, do not have the intelligence or life-experience to see past it.

In the TV-dramas, the woman will become physical when upset instead of having a discussion about the problem. That is also why posts like this occur... simply because it is impossible to truly have a real open discussion with many Thai-women. The "Lose Face" concept also often means that an open debate is virtually impossible in many cases.

So in many ways, many Thai-women are actually inside like teenagers. I guess that is also why many men find them attractive. Stay with one and you will feel young again. They seem pure, happy and not to concerned or worried about life in general. But as everything else, there is also a downside. The downside is that you risk getting to live with a woman with a teenage mindset, that expects you to take care of her, like she was your child.

In another thread here, some guy is having problems with his wife spending too much money and one is worried about his wife just watching TV and not taking care of the kids. See the connection? These women are actually acting immature and like teenagers. And this is not only related to women from the poor areas of Thailand.

If you date a girl from a rich family here, you are actually in even higher risk of ending up with a spoilt violent partner. Because chances are that she has never had to work or grow up, but have just had everything handed to her. I once dated a girl from a rich family and she was a total nightmare and drama queen. Doubt I would have been alive today, if I had stayed with her.

The most successful Farang/Thai relationships I have seen here are with the farangs partnering up with women over 30 years old, who often have been in previous relationships and many have kids too. Although still immature in many ways, they have at that age got enough life-experience to know that the drama queen style, gets you no where in life. If you end up with a drama queen over 30 years old, then run!!!!!!

I think many farangs get surprised when they go into a relationship with a Thai-women and find out that she is actually very simple thinking and very immature. So instead of reacting towards this, then become passive and maybe cover it up as a cultural thing. They will deep down not accept the fact that their Thai-girlfriend often thinks and acts like a teenager. Many might even find it charming and just let her run the show. The only problem is that at some point (like if you let your teenage son or daughter run things at home), it will get out of control. Also teenagers are best handled by knowing and learning what is acceptable and what is not.

So if you have got a "crazy" Thai-woman girlfriend, then just think of her like if she was your teenage daughter. Because thats about the same of what you have got for a girlfriend/wife...

Edited by khunpa
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In general, you will find that many Thai-women are very immature and even often uneducated. Their culture does also not enforce them to become more independent or mature. Combine that with either a lazy spoiled Thai-man or a farang that has never been able to have a real relationship back home, then you get the fights and wild temper situations, which are also often displayed in Thai TV-dramas. This is where many Thai-women learn from and many of them, do not have the intelligence or life-experience to see past it.

In the TV-dramas, the woman will become physical when upset instead of having a discussion about the problem. That is also why posts like this occur... simply because it is impossible to truly have a real open discussion with many Thai-women. The "Lose Face" concept also often means that an open debate is virtually impossible in many cases.

So in many ways, many Thai-women are actually inside like teenagers. I guess that is also why many men find them attractive. Stay with one and you will feel young again. They seem pure, happy and not to concerned or worried about life in general. But as everything else, there is also a downside. The downside is that you risk getting to live with a woman with a teenage mindset, that expects you to take care of her, like she was your child.

In another thread here, some guy is having problems with his wife spending too much money and one is worried about his wife just watching TV and not taking care of the kids. See the connection? These women are actually acting immature and like teenagers. And this is not only related to women from the poor areas of Thailand. If you date a girl from a rich family here, you are actually in even higher risk of ending up with a spoilt violent partner. Because chances are that she has never had to work or grow up, but have just had everything handed to her. I once dated a girl from a rich family and she was a total nightmare and drama queen.

The most successful Farang/Thai relationships I have seen here are with the farangs partnering up with women over 30 years old, who often have been in previous relationships and many have kids too. Although still immature, they have at that age got enough life-experience to know that the drama queen style, gets you no where in life. If you end up with a drama queen over 30 years old, then run!!!!!!

Most successful relationships in Thailand are because the Farang has the brains and experience to pick the right woman as in any society. What you have here is a bunch of inexperienced and not real bright men picking the wrong woman.

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As a man who has had a lot of bad relationships I can only think that it could only end badly. If one chooses to stay you could work it out (or ignore it) but you will most probably end up splitting up. I would just leave, if it was me, I can't abide being belittled in this fashion. There are millions of other fish in the sea and there is surely someone that will understand you, be patient, have the same temperament as you somewhere, probably just down the street.

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Virtually every Thai girl I've ever me I feel has the potential to lose it. They appear to have been born without the safety valve that regulates temper.

No offence to the OP but if ever a Thai girl, wife, shopkeeper ever called me a "stupid idiot" they'd be told in no uncertain terms wgere to get off and given their marching orders. I'd never say that to anybody and would never expect the same in return.

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