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Celebrities boycott Brunei-owned hotels over sharia law


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oh yeah, if such beackons of wisdom as Ellen DeGeneres, Sharon Osbourne, Jay and Mavis Leno said something - everybody should obey!

who these people think they are?! Mother Teresa? Nelson Mandela? Pope?

no, just a bunch of American TV entertainers!

global left-wing fundamentalist chain increases pressure! What about boycotting Brunei's oil? no?

Sultan of Brunei's will piss himself laughing...

why don't you, tolerasts, keep your destructive ideas to yourself and stop teaching other countries how they should live? Brunei looks quite happy without you.

who told you that your socialist ideas are universal?

As to your "Brunei looks quite happy without you." I'm sure the sultan and his family are quite happy. They hold all the cards and can dictate (as in dictator) the laws as they want. But you are naive if you actually think everyone in Brunei is happy. In fact, many of them ... esp. the youth ... are protesting in the streets right now. But no worries, they won't do that for long before they're brutalized and have the fear of Allah the sultan put in them.

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I will be boycotting his hotels too, wai2.gif

mainly because I can not afford them,tongue.png

but then I would if I had the money, rolleyes.gif

or maybe not if I won mega bucks on the Lottery.biggrin.png

Maybe not,huh? So does that mean there is a price for your humanity?

Edited by HerbalEd
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This isn't about dictating. It's about protesting extremely barbaric policies and not economically supporting the man behind them.

ahah you read what I say but discard it, because of your stereotypes.

why American actors protest against something happening on the other side of the globe? why don't they mind their own business?

because since their childhood they were indoctrinated that they, as Americans, are in charge of all other world

here lies an idea of America's claim to world domination. the idea of so called "pax americana"

thats why all progressive humanity should unite to resist this new evil empire.

Exactly. America should not have stuck it's nose into WWII and instead let Hitler subjugate all of Europe and Japan do the same in Asia. And instead of stalemating Russia with the cold war, it should have let it dominate Europe.

Don't worry though ... more and more American's are feeling just like you and prefer that the world fend for itself. They're getting tired of countries asking for help when they're freedom is in danger, but then after a decade or so, when their fear is gone and their memory has faded, America becomes the aggressor.

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who is me to think for other people what they should no. neither me nor anybody else have a right to dictate his moral values to other people.

Yet you believe the Sultan of Brunei does have this right: to impose what he thinks is morally right on ALL people who live in Brunei, for example?

How does this work then?

Either you believe moraity is a personal choice, or it is imposed by a Sultan.

Which is it?

ok, again: this is not a business of foreigners to decide what is morally right and wrong in Brunei. this is the business of people of Brunei and their Sultan only.

I believe that Brunei has quite good system of ruling, that Sultan is very successful in making the maximum percentage of his subjects as happy as possible.

And I believe that neither me nor any other outsider can come with his moral values and ideas to people of Brunei to teach them how they should live.

it's left liberal approach: democracy is always good, absolute monarchy is always bad

but reality is much more complicated: Equatorial Guinea has democracy and a plenty of oil but lives in poverty and conflicts, but Brunei does not have a democracy (but has plenty of resources) and lives happily.

it means that nothing is good or bad by itself but all according to specific circumstances

this simple idea is what left-wing dogmatists hate most of all

If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?

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"If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?"

I have done a web search and can't find any mention of the protests you mention. Can you provide a link?

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The civilized world has a moral and ethical obligation to protest and resist this kind of BARBARISM occurring in any country.

This isn't a grey area.

Stoning people to death for these kinds of "crimes" is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller (German nationality)

who told you your moral is universal? your God? but these nations have different God, let them listen to him.

if independent nation is disagree with your self-proclaimed "obligation" you will impose it by force? by "humanitarian intervention"?

didn't lessons of Vietnam, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan taught you that all the time when you try to implant your morality on foreign soil it ends up a disaster? Yeah I know that for leftists there ideological dogmas are more important than reality. so they will keep banging their heads against the wall

this is what we call "liberal fascism"

Regarding your "all the time when you try to implant your morality on foreign soil it ends up a disaster?" You mean like the USA being the main force in defeating Hitler and the Japanese in WWII?

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Borneo Haram for frustrated wild men from Kalimantan.

Sad the natives made as bad a fist as the colonials in mistreaing people ,income inequality and intolerance of difference.

One day these morons will be regarded same as stone age apes,only stone age apes didn't amputate people for failure for bowing west

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What a load of nonsense. Even Israel has officially recognized that Islam, Christians and Jew all worship the sam G_D.

Is there only one God? Have you been all around town to count them? Maybe there are no Gods, and we're animals, and when we die we decompose - and those molecules get used to build other living things, or just mix with soil. Oh, but we don't want to believe such an unheralding idea. Better to create elaborate myths which depict ourselves as 'image-of-God' beings which live forever. And while we're at it, let's paint ourselves as the crowning of creation, so we can use all other species (which are inferior, of course) for our needs.

There is a 2nd God, and Her name is Gertrude. Hone up on Her.

And the point of your comment is?

It’s hard to keep an academic, adult conversation going with someone who.............................. I'll leave it there or I might break the forum rules.

But really, what are you trying to say? Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the G_D who created Adam, the G_D of Moses and Jesus, the G_D in the Torah and the Bible and the Quran. This is a fact and no amount of bickering will change it.

What's with all the G_Ds? Do you consider God to be a curse word or is it not allowed on this forum?

Edited by HerbalEd
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This is an honest question - Does anyone here know, can Brunei's citizens (regardless of religion) seek asylum in another country, citing oppression, persecution or violation of human rights brought forth by the introduction of Syariah laws?

Yes. Most western countries will allow the submission of a refugee claim based upon religious persecution. If the imposition of sharia law would cause harm to a person, it would be considered grounds for a claim in a diverse range of countries such as Sweden, Netherlands, Canada to name a few.

Thank you Geriatrickid, for the helpful info. Cheers.

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happyto see at last people speaking own mind before say word muslim racist when lived in malaya went to oz often flew brunei air wanting to stay afew days there at airport pulled aside by a irate muslim women wanting to know why i wanted to stay a few days there after showing my muslim card i hold from malaya shah alam islamic hq every thing ok i only saw handfull westerners on my stay as it shows islam took over all backward countrys yrs ago when everyone was a goat or camel herder which the only thing known by them my muslim girlfriend told me once if christain had got to malaya first that would be there religion also muslim had better story for them

i also agree with other post thay never finish a story as break into al---H GREAT so keeps everyone wondering when story finished

another thing i wish my brothers would do is wash there bodys sometimes maybe if once a month when you go to pray wash hands and feet but when 100s of men in skirts no underwear head to bum you come up very quick many times for air ARRHH cheers

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Reading the comments here I see many of the members don't really know what Sharia law is.

AND, if it is real Sharia it is only applied to Muslims who, by the fact of calling themselves Muslim, accept it.

That said there is a lot of practice going around certain parts of the world that is being called Sharia which isn't even close to real Sharia law.

It will be interesting to see if real Sharia will be implemented or something of a more political and extremist nature.

I can see a certain number of "celebrities" calling for a boycott are lesbian/homosexual. Although these acts can be punished with death in real Sharia it is only if the act is displayed in public can anyone even be accused of a crime. In real Sharia no one has the right to invade a private dwelling so there is no way to check if anyone is homosexual or lesbian and the same applies about extra-marital sex. In other words it is only a crime if it is done in public.

I hope they don't do a perverted form as is the case in parts of Iran or the Sudan.

they will pervert the law as all men have destroyed religion and beliefs... Buddhism

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments?

because of destructive influence of Western World. developing countries were trapped - by the idea that democracy is a source of prosperity of Western World. in reality Europe gained all it's power when it was not democratic, democracy in Europe became widespread only after the WWII. (and neutralized Europe's power in just 50 years: almost all colonies are lost, financial prosperity is forgotten, European countries are full of of parasites abusing the social support system - locals and immigrants)

the second reason is USSR propaganda - because of it western countries had no other choice but introduce universal souffrage

the third reason is the influence of US, which looked on the outside world through the prism of democratic stereotypes..

because of mutual activity of communists and American liberals destructive idea of universal suffrage was introduced to developing world. only a few countries with enormous resources (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Katar etc) or special mechanism of protection against leftism (such as Thailand or Bhutan) preserved their monarchies. Some countries developed successful quasi-democratical regimes to avoid being stigmatized as tyranny (such as Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, China), And most of post-colonial democracies ended up as populist half-socialist dictatorships, such as Philippines, Indonesia, most African and many Latin America countries... the best examples are Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

...masses are easy to manipulate by a populist who promise poor majority to take away and divide. democracy always, sooner or later, leads to socialism (=economic collapse) it's obvious regarding Obama's promises to his electorate - social parasites abusing welfare who don't work for generations, junky single mothers of four who think the whole world ought to subsist them. the easiest way to gain there support is to say that they are poor not because they are lazy, stupid and incompetent but because rich and successful are stealing from them.

America is like a rabid dog - not just contaminated by a virus of populism but does whatever it takes to infect other nations.

Edited by Scott
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This is an honest question - Does anyone here know, can Brunei's citizens (regardless of religion) seek asylum in another country, citing oppression, persecution or violation of human rights brought forth by the introduction of Syariah laws?

Yes. Most western countries will allow the submission of a refugee claim based upon religious persecution. If the imposition of sharia law would cause harm to a person, it would be considered grounds for a claim in a diverse range of countries such as Sweden, Netherlands, Canada to name a few.

Alas, I suspect the UK and Sweden are so far down the road to dhimmitude that they would be reluctant to offend the large troublesome influx of immigrants who want to bring Sharia with them.

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What happens when Brunei and other Muslim countries tell the west that if THEY do not adopt sharia the oil taps get turned off?

Nothing. As I stated previously, Brunei sells its oil primarily to SE Asia with Korea taking 60-70% and Japan buying 90% of LNG exports.

The USA is close to being energy self sufficient. The EU is dependent upon Russia and the Middle East.

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prince wants sharia law? while he wants to be out playing with high class hookers cheers

It's his brother who is out playing thus, and spending $100/minute in the process. It will be interesting to see if, when the self-aggrandizing Sultan meets the debauchery prince, whether the righteous one will get his guards to tie him up, then grab a gem-encrusted rhino horn handled dagger - to lop off the bad boy's ding dong and ball sack. Whoosh!

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Well the Sultan has quite the sex drive and a penchant for younger women. He's on to his 3rd wife now. That's the kind of values he represents. Not to worry though he has an honourary LLD from Oxford. Hmmm. Oxford does seem to have its share of dubious diploma holders. whistling.gif

Edited by geriatrickid
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prince wants sharia law? while he wants to be out playing with high class hookers cheers

It's his brother who is out playing thus, and spending $100/minute in the process. It will be interesting to see if, when the self-aggrandizing Sultan meets the debauchery prince, whether the righteous one will get his guards to tie him up, then grab a gem-encrusted rhino horn handled dagger - to lop off the bad boy's ding dong and ball sack. Whoosh!

No worries. Under sharia law, a temporary marriage is allowed. He can divorce her after his dalliance. I'm not even talking about Nikah-al mutah used by Shiites since Brunei is not a Shia state like Iran.I am instead referring to Nikah al-Misyar. I found an apt description from the Gatestone Institute (full disclosure- it can be termed a conservative group)

The Misyar is not a normal marriage in the sense that the "husband and wife" in this type of union normally live separately and meet only to fulfil their conjugal obligations. The man is usually already married and cannot afford another regular wife. In a Misyar, the man enters into what is essentially a temporary marriage in which the woman has limited rights. Misyar marriages are often entered into by Sunni Muslim men who are living away from their regular wives in another country. It is also used by Muslim men who are on vacation and want to avoid incurring Islamic penalties for extramarital sex.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

prince wants sharia law? while he wants to be out playing with high class hookers cheers

It's his brother who is out playing thus, and spending $100/minute in the process. It will be interesting to see if, when the self-aggrandizing Sultan meets the debauchery prince, whether the righteous one will get his guards to tie him up, then grab a gem-encrusted rhino horn handled dagger - to lop off the bad boy's ding dong and ball sack. Whoosh!

No worries. Under sharia law, a temporary marriage is allowed. He can divorce her after his dalliance. I'm not even talking about Nikah-al mutah used by Shiites since Brunei is not a Shia state like Iran.I am instead referring to Nikah al-Misyar. I found an apt description from the Gatestone Institute (full disclosure- it can be termed a conservative group)

The Misyar is not a normal marriage in the sense that the "husband and wife" in this type of union normally live separately and meet only to fulfil their conjugal obligations. The man is usually already married and cannot afford another regular wife. In a Misyar, the man enters into what is essentially a temporary marriage in which the woman has limited rights. Misyar marriages are often entered into by Sunni Muslim men who are living away from their regular wives in another country. It is also used by Muslim men who are on vacation and want to avoid incurring Islamic penalties for extramarital sex.

Thanks for that. It's 1st time I've heard about that. Those Muslim men are canny, aren't they? Temporary marriage so they can f#ck and suck, and then three times; "I divorce thee." .....and merrily on their way to their next piece of mid-teen titilation.

I had heard that Muslim men from the M.E. often go to more primitive/poorer Muslim countries like Pakistan, and make a production, with lavish money offered, to marry the early teen daughter of Muslim parent(s). After the song and dance and money transfer, the M.Easterner has a sex slave for as long as it's fun. Then he dumps her, and is off to the next conquest.

Being a Muslim man offers a bunch of avenues for debauchery, if you know how to play the games. Sharia even allows child rape, if the rapist knows how to weave around the ancient archaic edicts. Those Muslim men sure can be sly and slick. Pretty awful place to try and raise a pretty young daughter, though, with all those horndog tricksters lurking around.

I'd rather have gangs of dogs barking at my window all night, than have Sharia Law in my neighborhood.

Edited by boomerangutang
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1) stone is not worse than any other way of execution- electric chair, gas chamber etc

2) why you (or all Western World) should decide what is acceptable and what is not for an INDEPENDENT NATION? Why do you think you know better for them? they didn't ask your advice. I don't understand why US and it's satellites consider themselves responsible for all other world. Nobody gave them any authority. This is a real chauvinism.

how overconfident you must be to really believe in such a mission! oh, my god! or as tolerasts teach us to say: oh my goodness!

I think you have a serious problem.

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What happens when Brunei and other Muslim countries tell the west that if THEY do not adopt sharia the oil taps get turned off?

Probably the same thing that happened to Egypt when they decided to close the Suez Canal (hint - they only ever tried it once). Probably also the same thing that happened to a few other countries in the M.E. that recently found themselves with "new leadership". (Regime changes always look better when it appears to be an entirely domestic affair, and newly installed, self appointed leaders often are easier to do business with than the "old guard".)

It's all just "good business".

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If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments?

because of destructive influence of Western World. developing countries were trapped - by the idea that democracy is a source of prosperity of Western World. in reality Europe gained all it's power when it was not democratic, democracy in Europe became widespread only after the WWII. (and neutralized Europe's power in just 50 years: almost all colonies are lost, financial prosperity is forgotten, European countries are full of of parasites abusing the social support system - locals and immigrants)

the second reason is USSR propaganda - because of it western countries had no other choice but introduce universal souffrage

the third reason is the influence of US, which looked on the outside world through the prism of democratic stereotypes..

because of mutual activity of communists and American liberals destructive idea of universal suffrage was introduced to developing world. only a few countries with enormous resources (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Katar etc) or special mechanism of protection against leftism (such as Thailand or Bhutan) preserved their monarchies. Some countries developed successful quasi-democratical regimes to avoid being stigmatized as tyranny (such as Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, China), And most of post-colonial democracies ended up as populist half-socialist dictatorships, such as Philippines, Indonesia, most African and many Latin America countries... the best examples are Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

...masses are easy to manipulate by a populist who promise poor majority to take away and divide. democracy always, sooner or later, leads to socialism (=economic collapse) it's obvious regarding Obama's promises to his electorate - social parasites abusing welfare who don't work for generations, junky single mothers of four who think the whole world ought to subsist them. the easiest way to gain there support is to say that they are poor not because they are lazy, stupid and incompetent but because rich and successful are stealing from them.

America is like a rabid dog - not just contaminated by a virus of populism but does whatever it takes to infect other nations.

Very thought-provoking post for me. Thanks for making me think.

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A large number of nasty, inflammatory and off-topic posts and replies have been deleted and warnings will be issued. Members have the right to post their opinion as long as it is within the forum rules. They do not need to be harassed for posting.

Please stay on topic and be civil to others.

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Firstly, how do you know anything about the Taliban?

I remember when they were fighting the Soviets and the Americans (and all her lackeys) called them great freedom fighters and broadcast reports of how human, loving and just they were. I saw a report of how they were always laughing and making jokes.

Once they became the enemy the same media who betrayed them as great fellows began betraying them as horrid creatures who do the things you wrote in your post.

Which version is true? Have you been there to see yourself?

As for any of the acts you claim in your post none of them are Sharia.

Oh ... I see ... you're the only one with credible information here. The Taliban consider it Sharia law under their particular brand of Muslim religion. And you did say "They are free to exercise whatever religion they want." So I ask again, do you also think the Taliban are also "free to exercise whatever religion they want." Or will your "answer" again be that I don't know what I'm talking about, but you do?

No, I never said they are free to paractice whaterver......... you can't even understand this forum so please, stop trying to understand the world. Now finish your beer, pat your belly and let the big boys ponder politics.


Prior to posting memoirs, you should really check to see if your memories are correct!

1) You never saw the Afghan Taliban fighting the Soviets! The Soviet backed government & the Soviets were removed from power in 1992, the Taliban came into existence in 1994.

2) The freedom fighters you refer to were Masood & Hekmatyer, both Afghans. When the Soviets were replaced, Rabbani was made president. All the warlords involved in throwing out the Soviets supported Rabbani with the exception of Hekmatyer, the resulting civil war ended when the newly formed Taliban took control of the country.

For what it is worth, the USA never knowingly supported Osama Bin Laden, his financial support came from Saudi Arabia. The Taliban ideology is also from Saudi Arabia mainly their religious education was based upon the Wahabi teachings.

And before you ask, yes, I was there for many years and knew one of these characters personally.

Edited by Diablo Bob
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And before you ask, yes, I was there for many years and knew one of these characters personally.

how do you sleep at night?

do you see faces of those killed by criminal US government, you supported?

I wish you survive until your Nuremberg Tribunal

For what it is worth, the USA never knowingly supported Osama Bin Laden, his financial support came from Saudi Arabia. The Taliban ideology is also from Saudi Arabia mainly their religious education was based upon the Wahabi teachings.

oh, really?

Bandar bin Sultan (prince of Saudi Arabia): This is ironic. In the mid-'80s, if you remember, we and the United - Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting the Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets. He [Osama bin Laden] came to thank me for my efforts to bring the Americans, our friends, to help us against the atheists, he said the communists. Isn't it ironic?

Lie is all you can. But nobody believe you anymore.

Truth shall make you free :)

Edited by Jeffreyake
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