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Celebrities boycott Brunei-owned hotels over sharia law

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I have boycotted every Muslim establishment, if every one would do the same they would start to return to where they can work and trade. Do it now before it's too late.


I hate laws that sanction stoning and/or other severe punishments women, gays, non-Muslims, Muslims who question their religion, etc. GUILTY AS CHARGED!

These belong in disgusting barbaric eras LONG LONG ago.

Yes Catholics used to be just as barbaric if not more ... I know very well, but LONG LONG ago.

They have no place in the modern world.

This kind of Islam has no place in the modern world. Not all Islam. THIS KIND.

The truth, accept it or not, is of the three Abrahamic religions it is Islam with the biggest CURRENT problem of having these ancient barbaric codes still in effect.


Any Islamic state with the type of Sharia law that codifies these kinds of stonings, etc. I know some people are so afraid of offending Muslims. This stuff with these stoning codes, they DESERVE to be offended. Their codes are simply unacceptable and HUMAN RIGHTS violations in this modern era. They are incompatible with our times.

You draw a cartoon with you know who ... and you are under a death threat. That's a major part of MODERN Islam.

You do a Broadway comedy show making fun of Mormons ... you've got a big hit and many Mormons love it too.

This is not acceptable. This kind of toxic Islam can't be accepted by the civilized world. EVER.


Any Islamic state with the type of Sharia law that codifies these kinds of stonings, etc.

What is an Islamic State? What is Sharia Law? I know that you don't know these things.

have you some kind of magic that shows you the future and you have seen stonings in Brunei? Of course not so what are you raving about? Stop the hate and allowing yourself to be brainwashed. Did washington share any of the trillions of dollars it has made in her brutal wars? No, so why allow them to control your mind?

Enough said on this subject. Go your way in peace but as long as you hate you will know no peace.


Not interested in further communication with a person who is just here to hurl ignorant insults and also to make apologies for regimes that stone people who aren't even real criminals. Cheers.


Not interested in further communication with a person who is just here to hurl ignorant insults and also to make apologies for regimes that stone people who aren't even real criminals. Cheers.

Rubbish, I never insulted you but you have just lied about me.

I suppose that's why you never give any facts; you think a lie is enough so no need for you to know any facts.

Brunei hasn't stoned anyone so what are you talking about? You aren't coherent. None of the things you speak about or accuse me of have taken place; none of it is real.

I don't care if they're Muslims or Mormons, if it's wrong it's wrong and this is MASSIVELY wrong.

Don't you think it sounds a little bit opinionated? Why don't you make some research first? To know what's really happening?

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I don't care if they're Muslims or Mormons, if it's wrong it's wrong and this is MASSIVELY wrong.

How ignorant and opinionated the person should be to make statements like this?

Stoning gays and adulterers? You are defending that as in any way NOT WRONG? This isn't grey area, dude.

Funny these pitiful apologists for total evil calling me ignorant and brainwashed and a hater.

What are the people throwing the stones? Angels?


a minute after I softened my reply but you red the first version already lol

there is no total good or total evil in this world, grow up! even US has something good in it's heart!

throwing stones is not worse than electric chair, person who gets executed has to pass through unbelievable suffering before death, but US government cares not too much...

I don't justify penalty for gays or adulterers I just claim that it's nobody's business except people of Brunei and there beloved sovereign.

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I don't care if they're Muslims or Mormons, if it's wrong it's wrong and this is MASSIVELY wrong.

How ignorant and opinionated the person should be to make statements like this?

Stoning gays and adulterers? You are defending that as in any way NOT WRONG? This isn't grey area, dude.

Funny these pitiful apologists for total evil calling me ignorant and brainwashed and a hater.

What are the people throwing the stones? Angels?

Give us some facts. You don't have any so don't you see you're simply a racist? Not caring if you are right or wrong but just caring about hating someone you know nothin g about.

Change and your life will be better.


Stoning is much worse because it is torture and also the "crimes" it is used for aren't actually crimes in the usual sense, like rapists and murderers.

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Stoning is much worse because it is torture and also the "crimes" it is used for aren't actually crimes in the usual sense, like rapists and murderers.

please show your evidence:

1) that stoning torture is more heavy than electric chair torture

2) that in Brunei gay or adulterer was stoned

thank you.

by the way: "usual sense" is usual for you but not for everybody.

The age of consent in Canada is 16 years, but in Turkey its 18 years, so if I am Turkish I should consider Canada a barbaric state, and an adult having sex with 16 y o - a pedophile, but If I would change a citizenship to Portuguese (age of consent is 13 years) Canada in my eyes will immediately become a civilized country.

Don't you realize how ridiculous is to use your set of rules for another country?!

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The "Stoning Sultan" hotel empire is now looking to expand in both New York City and Asia ...

Plenty of places for the wealthy who support human rights to NOT spend their money. thumbsup.gif


This is about Sharia. Which is of Islam. Don't play games and blame Christians and Jews for SHARIA. It doesn't wash.

little do you know JT or shall we say you just pretend that you know little?

the major parts of sharia law were concocted by copying "barbaric" laws from the Old Testament.

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"If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?"

I have done a web search and can't find any mention of the protests you mention. Can you provide a link?

no he can't because there are no protesting people in Brunei's streets whistling.gif

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please show your evidence:

1) that stoning torture is more heavy than electric chair torture

Of course Stoning is worse. Electric chair is painful, but it's quick.

Stoning is prolonged, and it has an added psychic dimension of peers leering, grinning, shouting, maybe even laughing as the person being stoned is pounded on every part of her body.

It may be interesting to note that health care workers, when they want to commit suicide, often opt (currently) for a heavy dose of a pharma drug - similar to what took Michael Jackson out (I can't recall its name). Such an overdoes of a particular pharma drug will painlessly conk a person out, and then kill her.

Stoning comes from the days of crucifiction and impaling on wooden spikes. Those last two were invented to prolong the suffering - sometimes for days. Perhaps the pious Sultan would like to re-introduce crucifictions and impaling. Would be great in the town square - where everyone, including children can see profound suffering for those who get caught having a little kissing session outside of marriage.


"If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?"

I have done a web search and can't find any mention of the protests you mention. Can you provide a link?

no he can't because there are no protesting people in Brunei's streets whistling.gif

Protests in a Muslim country! Are you kidding? The Sultan is superior to all his underlings and can do no wrong. He would instruct his armed guards to squelch any protests in a Mecca minute. Here's a growth biz for some entrepreneur: sell stones to Brunei. Orange sized stones are rather effective, and with a pile of them, a crowd of twenty can kill a woman in about 25 minutes. However, date-sized stones are more fun, because it can take hours to kill someone. That will show those horrible sinners, who have been polluted by western debauchery - and deign to have a little out-of-wedlock romance on the sly.

Oh, and those girls who get gang raped by Muslim religious police (for being out of their houses un-chaperoned by a male family member). Disgusting girls. Such wayward girls deserve to be gang raped by self-appointed gangs of religious police. And if the girl gets pregnant from that rape, that justifies us getting a mob and self-righteously stoning her to death. .....using small stones, ha ha ha.


"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I'm not a Christian, but if Jesus said that, he's the man!

I concur with Jesus, and anyone else who is disgusted by the punishment of stoning. Sharia Law is beyond cruel. Look at its proponents: Nigerian Muslims who steal girls at gunpoint, and rape them, then either sell them or kill them. Or Pakistani Muslim men who gang rape any girl they see walking unchaparoned. Then scream that she should be stoned, when it's found out she's pregnant. If there's a life form lower than Muslim extremist men, I'm not familiar with it, and I've studied hundreds of other species, from hiv, to vermin, to bacteria that grow on carcasses.


A personal attack on another member coupled to discussion of moderation has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


so they stated that there are protests in Brunei, when they were caught laying - OK there are no protests, but this is because it's a Muslim country!


so is anybody going to show some evidence, or it will be emotional blah blah?

also I've mentioned human righteous Brunei haters gladly discuss is it good or bad to stone people but just hate explanations that it's not there business to decide how independent nation should behave. the idea that "civilized" nations should teach and manage "uncivilized" is so deeply imprinted in there brains so they just can't accept the concept of noninterference. this is how legacy of colonialism works... this is how American chauvinist propaganda works

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"If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?"

I have done a web search and can't find any mention of the protests you mention. Can you provide a link?

no he can't because there are no protesting people in Brunei's streets whistling.gif

The reason for no street protests against the implementation of extreme version of Sharia law is that the citizens have been warned not to do so by the ruler of Brunei, including via social media. Stoning and so on is a punishment planned for future implementation, so obviously no current examples in Brunei. Once the ruler dies just perhaps the future planned more extreme implementation of punishment will be reversed.

My understanding is that Islamic majority countries where there is debate concerning implementing extreme version of Sharia Criminal code, it is more often than not rejected by the moderate general population e.g. Malaysia and Indonesia. I would be interested to know in what countries where Sharia Criminal code is practised, the accused can choose between being tried by a Sharia Court or under secular law, as suggested by healthbkkbkk.

I believe it is fair to say one of the main issues in today’s world regarding Islam and Sharia criminal law is generally Sharia Law is 'fixed in time' and not fluid in order to parallel the social progression of modern Islamic society. Extreme interpretation of the Koran and Sharia Law is often utilised as a tool of repression by dictators and a means to stay in power supported by the extremist Islamic elements.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

a minute after I softened my reply but you red the first version already lol

there is no total good or total evil in this world, grow up! even US has something good in it's heart!

throwing stones is not worse than electric chair, person who gets executed has to pass through unbelievable suffering before death, but US government cares not too much...

I don't justify penalty for gays or adulterers I just claim that it's nobody's business except people of Brunei and there beloved sovereign.

I think being hit by hundreds of stones till you are dead would be a hell of a lot worse than the comfy electric chair.

Make a choice....which would you prefer ?

and.....electric chair has never been given out as punishment for being gay...as far as I know....maybe being gay and a serial killer to boot....but not alone.

and....why wait till the first stoning to denounce it ?.... you want to see one for yourself first ?


This is about Sharia. Which is of Islam. Don't play games and blame Christians and Jews for SHARIA. It doesn't wash.

little do you know JT or shall we say you just pretend that you know little?

the major parts of sharia law were concocted by copying "barbaric" laws from the Old Testament.

Talking about what's happening in modern times, dude.

That's the point ... no religion has any business codifying STONINGS for adultery, etc. in modern times.


i have been a christian athist bhuddist kalathapian and muslim over my life just to learn maybe a little history will show christian the most barabic in all the backward countrys yrs ago then some of the goat herders quite content to sleep with there herd woke to the call of islam as time went on

some became educated in western world maybe read somewhere (he who cast first stone? as for post about number of wifes i can have one thai girl enough

2 a problem 3 in mental hosptal 4 young girl dead cheers


also I've mentioned human righteous Brunei haters gladly discuss is it good or bad to stone people but just hate explanations that it's not there business to decide how independent nation should behave. the idea that "civilized" nations should teach and manage "uncivilized" is so deeply imprinted in there brains so they just can't accept the concept of noninterference. this is how legacy of colonialism works... this is how American chauvinist propaganda works

Ok let's put aside the word 'civilized.' I would rather frame is a fair or decent. The rules being put forth by the Sultan to justify cutting off limbs and stoning are not fair or decent. I'm not a Brunei citizen nor will I ever travel there, but I am a member of the human species, and as such, I disagree profoundly with what the Sultan is mandating. A woman getting stoned for (what I see as)a benign offense, is deeply offensive to me.

That includes adultery, or getting pregnant out of wedlock, or being a lesbian.

re; STONING: how are they going to do it? In a courtyard? Can any citizen show up to partake in the stoning? Or only chosen men? (because men dominate all Muslim get-togethers). Are more aggressive stone throwers more beloved by Allah? If you don't throw stones at a prone woman, are you considered a wimp or a faltering Muslim? Perhaps that's an offense in itself: NOT STONING AGGRESSIVELY ENOUGH.

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Every one reading this knows at least one women who has had a child outside of marriage. Every one reading this has also fiddled around with sex out of wedlock. Be glad your not in Brunei and outside the ruling elite there. Everyone reading this has at least one gay friend. Any one of those mentioned herein would be liable for grievous penalty, maybe death, in the Sultan's draconian Brunei.

I didn't know whether to puke or to laugh, when I read the Sultan quoted recently, in response to the Sharia misery he's imposing, that: "It was not my decision, it was the will of Allah." So the Sultan personally speaks for Allah?! That claim, in itself, is grounds for stoning, is it not?

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Well, the Stoning Sultan is still very rich ... but the boycott is noticeable:

But these days, the room is a ghost town.
Caught in the middle of the ballooning Beverly Hills Hotel boycott -- a direct response to a decision by its owner, the Sultan of Brunei, to institute Sharia law in his country, which calls for the stoning to death of gays and adulterers -- a Hollywood Reporter field trip on Wednesday for the midday meal found 1 p.m. to be as busy as 1 a.m.


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