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Hey, another guy grouping all women of one nation into a type. Okay, they have arms, legs, eyes, nose, etc. The cry, laugh, care, don't care, get angry, love. They are pretty much like all women and from the few friend from Viet Nam that I have, the women are committed to marriage and not much fooling around before. Of course with all of your charm and under 49 good looks, things may be quite different for you.


if you feel left out overthere, you can always come back to thailand for your sexperiences & sexploits, just like all the others you find in pattaya/phuket with dozens or hundreds of girlfriends

you left out : just have to pay the barfine & their fee


OP...For a 49 year old "male" who has no problems attracting women

why are you asking the question in the first place? Seek & ye shall

find the answer grasshopper....think of it as a quest. Have fun.

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No further proof is needed beyond this string that most of the posters know nothing, or just like to tease and fool around here for want of anything better to do.

Yup, it's when I am bored that I come to these pages, hence my small number of posts.

As for brubakertx, he writes like high school idiots who brag too much: a loaner with a 2" _oner who will be shunned there just as here.

And you broke your 'vow of silence' to post that? Sheesh!

If it wasn't for the "tease and fool around for want of anything better to do", the TV revenue streams would be as shallow as the OP.

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The major problem with the Vietnamese female are the anatomical dissimilarities. For example, what is normally vertical is horizontal.

and it has teeth... i was told unsure.png

But not half as bad as the snapper organs of the Maduran women of Indonesia.

OMG! It's all making sense now.

In one post there was a reference to "the Vietnamese female species". In school, I learned that a species was a class of plant or animal with the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other. I assumed the person meant 'gender' rather than 'species' but after reading these posts I'm not so sure.


Almost no English there and difficult to make contact on a daily bases,

but if you cover your self with a 100,000 dong banknotes, I'm sure language

will not be a barrier....

As it was for you.


#1 brubakertx, I don't know what nationality you are, but you are far too hung up on the word "white". The longer you stay in Thailand, on a personal point of view, the less relevant the word becomes. And true expats know that. I don't think your spiel is the real deal.

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Carib, on 08 May 2014 - 06:58, said:

Childish question for a 49 year old. coffee1.gif

I thought exactly the same....

QualityTouristNumberOne, on 08 May 2014 - 11:00, said:

Is it just me or are there a load of Troll posts on Thaivisa lately?(I mean more than usual),

"I'm 19 and my bargirlfriend is pregnant"

"we've been together 3 weeks but we're so in LURVE",


all from people with low post counts,

not pointing the finger at the OP,

if you're deluded-convinced that you're 49,much younger looking and a real catch then run Forrest run!,go get em Tiger!

the Vietnamese bargirls will love you as much as your "real Thai girlfriends" and "katoeys-friends with benefits do".

while you're at it go to Cambodia and smuggle back a load of Ket,but make sure to post about it on facebook first.

I've noticed it myself, would like to see the IP address to determine if it's from the same person/area.

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I went to Vietnam ( Saigon mainly ) once with my Thai girlfriend.

It didnt happen a lot , but at least once or twice a day we were pointed or stared at , and rude comments passed at my tg in Viet who it became apparent they thought was a local.

On 3 occasions over the week she pointed at herself and said "Thai" and then copped even more abuse !

On the last occasion I had to restrain her from attacking a teen boy who switched to English to be more effective in his slurs.

Im not saying we didnt have a good time there ( tho she swore she'd never return) , but the jovial slap happy ways of the Thai are not in ready evidence in Saigon.

Theres a certain austere aloofness.

Theres a few bars around Pam Ngu Lao Street and theres discos that need a bottle and a largish wallet ..

There are also 'Salons' , but I dont get how they work.

I found the women not as physically attractive as the Thai.

The 'larger, taller , whiter , fleshier, made up ' girl seems to be preferred amongst them ... Chiang Mai ladies came to mind.

I wouldnt trade Thailand for Vietnam if it was only about the girls.

I would if it was for the bread , croissant , wine coffee however! 555

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Lol, is the OP trolling or what?

The answer to his question: same same Thai lady but different.

If the OP is such a bird magnet surely he won't have trouble with the ladies in Thailand, Vietnam, Russia, Nigeria, France, Canada, Cuba, Argentina, Antarctica or anywhere else. Obviously all women of a certain nationality are mostly the same, having the same build, character, needs, desires, intentions, education etc.

What area of TV did I just venture into??!


I've never been to Vietnam . If I was offered a job there I would go and have a look see first , before accepting a job and commiting to leave Thailand .

Such handsome , charming girl puller as you would surely be able to try out some Vietnamese girls . As in Thailand money will be all important .


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Also, they are not so willing to sell their <deleted> same the Thais smile.png


In Hanoi try the large shopping malls or a night-time festival. I found the Viet girls very open and friendly - almost innocent. Bars, as such, don't exist and the locals ignore you if you sit alone in a cafe that sells beer. Also, I didn't find the girls that attractive, same as in Chiang Mai - pretty ordinary bunch, really.

I'm 49 years old white man, but look younger, and I don't have a problem finding women

They probably find your self-effacing modesty attractive.

Everyday I see loads of "49 year old attractive men" in Pattaya who have no problem finding women.



One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Absolute rubbish.For "They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people" read "They do not carry the level of ignorance and self importance that the Thai people" There is no taboo about being seen with a western man,I know plenty of westerners who are with Vietnamese ladies,and there is no such feeling evident.I've visited Vietnam many times over the last 8 years,am married to a Vietnamese lady,and have lived in Vietnam for over 4 years,at no time have I ever experienced any such behaviour.Nor has she.I also lived in Thailand for 4 years,and I've seen plenty of anti western sentiment there.To say that Vietnamese are cold,distant and closed minded is simply ridiculous,and shows you know nothing about the country or its people.They are far more aware of the outside world,many because they have close relatives living in other countries (largely due to the outflow of refugees during and after the American war)The regulations concerning free movement and free enterprise in Vietnam have been hugely reduced after the events of 1993,and although Vietnam (or to give it it's correct name-The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)is of course a Communist country,this in practice means that although there is a centralised economy,there is also a large amount of small scale free enterprise.The country is generally speaking in far better shape than Thailand,the infrastructure is better,and improving rapidly.The political situation is far more stable than Thailand,and in my opinion in a few years Vietnam will overtake Thailand in terms of both tourism and economic performance

I agree with most of what you say but to say the infrastructure is better is just crazy. The infrastructure here (I'm in Saigon right now) is still terrible. For example last weekend I drove from Krabi to Phuket (150 km) in less than 2 hours. Saigon to Mui Ne (230 km) takes 4 hours or more. As bad as things are in Thailand right now Vietnam matches them in corruption and will never achieve it's economic potential as long as the communists are in power.

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I live in Bangkok, I have been here for less than 2 years, I travel about 70% of the time within Australasia for my job. So you may conclude Bangkok is primarily my bedroom community. I love the food, the airport and the friendliness of the Thai people. I have several important clients in both Hanoi and Saigon and I travel there minimally 6 times a year. I can only speak from my experience. Here are my observations and opinions which will be different to those of others.

1) Generally, I personally have learned not to trust Thai women. It is sad how often their mothers use them to fetch money for them. They might not be working as bone fide prostitutes, but in many ways their families prostitute them by encouraging them to marry or date a farang with money. The Thai people in general are egocentric and do not easily fall in love in the true sense as much as they look for material security, and this has been verified by social psychologists who have researched Thai culture. Read Suntaree Komin, Ph.D. on the internet. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Thai Royal Educational Patronage Society. She is Internationally respected and the leading expert on the psychology of the Thai people. Dr. Komin is Thai.

2) In, general, Vietnamese women are more traditional and conservative. Again in general, they are less likely to quickly get involved sexually with their boyfriends. They value marriage much more than the Thai women and ad in general are more loyal. They are not as greedy as Thai women. Also they are not as egocentric.

3) If you are looking for recreational sex, Thailand is the place to be. If you are looking for a wife and starting a family, I personally recommend you look in Vietnam. Now my statements are only a comparison between Thailand and Vietnam. Furthermore it is based on my personal observation and experiences.

Thank you for your intelligent response. These TV guys who want to write about horizontal <deleted> are obnoxious bottom feeders. I have spent some time in Hanoi, and find the northern Vietnamese women to be quite lovely. There are bar girls everywhere, but the everyday gals that have good jobs, like at the front desk of hotels, seem to be more career orientated than their Thai counterpart, from my observation as a seasoned traveler. They will say things like they need to get their degree and get a good job, then maybe they will marry when they are thirty — to their Vietnamese boyfriend who has similar ambitions. It just seems to me that the Thai's are more complacent with their lot in life. My young Thai teacher graduated from college with an honors degree in English. I paid her 3000 baht a month for 20 hours. I suggested that if she got four students to pay 3000 baht she would make 12,000 baht for 80 hours work a month. Her poor farm family made her get a "job," where she worked 60 hours a week for 9000 baht a month. That seems to be Thai logic, loyalty to their "culture" even if it perpetuates poverty. I don't think the Vietnamese women I've met would ever think this way - they're way more logical - would work 8 hours a day teaching English for 24,000 baht. I think if I wasn't so invested in the Thai language, I would move to Nha Trang.

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"I think if I wasn't so invested in the Thai language, I would move to Nha Trang".

You'd need to be heavily invested in Russian to live there now

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One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

In my country the maids are mostly from the far east and South Asia. Now the most dangerous, scheming, and untrustworthy are , from what I hear, the Vietnamese. They are capable workers, demanding their rights and generally are a force to reckon with.The other nationalities of the maids are mostly Filipino and Srilankan. They are very subdued compared to Vietnamese.

So, in my mind, the Vietnamese girl will try to extract the pound of flesh from a boyfriend if she can. Her approach to their employers is how to benefit from any arising situation. This is not the case in such an extend with the other nationalities

This is my sincere opinion. I agree with Spidermike that they maybe not a happy lot. Of course, if you go back 20 years and beyond, one remembers that none of the residents of any communist country in Europe were a happy lot. So maybe their attitudes stem from the lack of freedom and the environment of suspicion they are engulfed by.

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