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The major problem with the Vietnamese female are the anatomical dissimilarities. For example, what is normally vertical is horizontal.

and it has teeth... i was told unsure.png

But not half as bad as the snapper organs of the Maduran women of Indonesia.

Now we are talking. The grip


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Absolute rubbish.For "They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people" read "They do not carry the level of ignorance and self importance that the Thai people" There is no taboo about being seen with a western man,I know plenty of westerners who are with Vietnamese ladies,and there is no such feeling evident.I've visited Vietnam many times over the last 8 years,am married to a Vietnamese lady,and have lived in Vietnam for over 4 years,at no time have I ever experienced any such behaviour.Nor has she.I also lived in Thailand for 4 years,and I've seen plenty of anti western sentiment there.To say that Vietnamese are cold,distant and closed minded is simply ridiculous,and shows you know nothing about the country or its people.They are far more aware of the outside world,many because they have close relatives living in other countries (largely due to the outflow of refugees during and after the American war)The regulations concerning free movement and free enterprise in Vietnam have been hugely reduced after the events of 1993,and although Vietnam (or to give it it's correct name-The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)is of course a Communist country,this in practice means that although there is a centralised economy,there is also a large amount of small scale free enterprise.The country is generally speaking in far better shape than Thailand,the infrastructure is better,and improving rapidly.The political situation is far more stable than Thailand,and in my opinion in a few years Vietnam will overtake Thailand in terms of both tourism and economic performance

Fully agreed. Spider Mike must have overrun vietnam and found himself in China

  • Like 1

" Differences between Thai and Vietnamese women? "

Thai gals speak Thai and Vietnamese gals speak Vietnamese.... whistling.gif









Apart from that, the second prettiest Asian Female.....


I agree with most of what you say but to say the infrastructure is better is just crazy. The infrastructure here (I'm in Saigon right now) is still terrible. For example last weekend I drove from Krabi to Phuket (150 km) in less than 2 hours. Saigon to Mui Ne (230 km) takes 4 hours or more. As bad as things are in Thailand right now Vietnam matches them in corruption and will never achieve it's economic potential as long as the communists are in power.

Well,yes,you do have a point about the roads,I think the problem there is that they weren't designed for the volume of traffic that there is now,and aren't wide enough.However,from what I've seen over the last few months,there seem to be a lot of major roadworks going on,a lot of rivers being bridged,where before there were ferries,and roads being widened,or new roads built.I travelled on the new Dalat to Nha Trang road a few months,ago,that's a really good road,and the roads in the Delta around Long Xuyen and Can Tho are lots better than a few years ago.I also meant things like airports,I think there are now 9 International airports in Vietnam,and basic services like the internet ,water and electricity,all of which are very cheap and easily available.As far as corruption goes,hasn't the Thai Prime minister just been sacked for corruption!? Vietnam has recently introduced a hotline to report corruption,and there have been several recent high profile cases where officials have received long prison sentences for corruption.Three Vietnamese bankers received the death penalty a few months ago,as well as two executives last year in the now defunct Vinalines shipping company.So I think they are cracking down on it.What you might call corruption at a low level exists,in the form of a small amount of "coffee money",should you require official paperwork to be completed swiftly,If you decline to pay,it just takes the normal time to complete it ,but having run a business in Vietnam for 4 years,we have never been approached by any official for any money or gift.I'm not saying the country or the system is perfect,but it does seem to work,maybe we are lucky to live in a small,but fairly prosperous town,the people here are happy,and more friendly than anywhere else I've lived in Asia over the last 10 years


Is there a link between the women and your taking the job? They are different, but I suggest that, as a young looking 49 year old with an obvious sense of self-worth, you go and find out for yourself.


Just some advice, a Viet nstional is not allowed to stay in a hotel room with a foreigner unless they are married.

Lower star hotels may overlook this law but higher star places will more than likely enforce it.

Don't expect to be able to have any gitl back to your hotel room when you firdt get there.

Personally I've found girls in Vietnam a little more reserved than Thailand but still very lovely girls to date.

I'm 49 years old white man, but look younger, and I don't have a problem finding women

They probably find your self-effacing modesty attractive.

Everyday I see loads of "49 year old attractive men" in Pattaya who have no problem finding women.


Not sure you understood : OP looks YOUNGERwhistling.gifPFFFF



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A lot of LBFMs there. Some happy memories for all the vets on TV

Animals are the same the world over.


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Absolute rubbish.For "They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people" read "They do not carry the level of ignorance and self importance that the Thai people" There is no taboo about being seen with a western man,I know plenty of westerners who are with Vietnamese ladies,and there is no such feeling evident.I've visited Vietnam many times over the last 8 years,am married to a Vietnamese lady,and have lived in Vietnam for over 4 years,at no time have I ever experienced any such behaviour.Nor has she.I also lived in Thailand for 4 years,and I've seen plenty of anti western sentiment there.To say that Vietnamese are cold,distant and closed minded is simply ridiculous,and shows you know nothing about the country or its people.They are far more aware of the outside world,many because they have close relatives living in other countries (largely due to the outflow of refugees during and after the American war)The regulations concerning free movement and free enterprise in Vietnam have been hugely reduced after the events of 1993,and although Vietnam (or to give it it's correct name-The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)is of course a Communist country,this in practice means that although there is a centralised economy,there is also a large amount of small scale free enterprise.The country is generally speaking in far better shape than Thailand,the infrastructure is better,and improving rapidly.The political situation is far more stable than Thailand,and in my opinion in a few years Vietnam will overtake Thailand in terms of both tourism and economic performance

Fully agreed. Spider Mike must have overrun vietnam and found himself in China

It was based on three trips to Vietnam, over a period of ten years, to the north and the south. I could not have been more underwhelmed by the country, or it's people. I did like the art scene. This is just my opinion. That is all it is. Just telling it the way I saw it. My Thai girlfriend had the same impression, as she accompanied me on the last trip to the north. She found the people obnoxious. And she is a kind, open hearted woman, who likes most people she meets.

I also have a good friend who taught English there for about 7 months. He confirmed most of what I said. He found that when he met a woman, she was generally hesitant to appear in public with him. Seems to be a trend.

  • Like 2

So my experiences:

They are girls, really girls, dumb ladyboys there are much much fewer.

They have mostly nice tits, not like in TH when you are so happy if met a girls with out dick but with nice breasts.

They don't speak English at all but so lovely and friendly girls.

My sight they are not so spoilt about money like TH ladies.

You will kike it and DO post pictures ....


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

For a moment I thought you were referring to Thailand...

Have you ever been out lately with your mrs/gf?

..and I don't mean central BKK,Pattaya/Phuket etc.

...in 'real' Thailand.

My gf even avoids talkin to me at the gym out of fear of thai monkeys teasing her..maliciously teasing that is..

I am out with my Thai girlfriend constantly. The only taunts she receives are from juvenile boys who are jealous of me. We get a lot of looks, but rarely are they unkind. And when we travel around the rural areas people are nothing but kind and helpful. So I am not sure which Thailand y are living in. And I would not tolerate your woman's attitude for a nanosecond. I would set her straight right away about her attitude in public.


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

In my country the maids are mostly from the far east and South Asia. Now the most dangerous, scheming, and untrustworthy are , from what I hear, the Vietnamese. They are capable workers, demanding their rights and generally are a force to reckon with.The other nationalities of the maids are mostly Filipino and Srilankan. They are very subdued compared to Vietnamese.

So, in my mind, the Vietnamese girl will try to extract the pound of flesh from a boyfriend if she can. Her approach to their employers is how to benefit from any arising situation. This is not the case in such an extend with the other nationalities

This is my sincere opinion. I agree with Spidermike that they maybe not a happy lot. Of course, if you go back 20 years and beyond, one remembers that none of the residents of any communist country in Europe were a happy lot. So maybe their attitudes stem from the lack of freedom and the environment of suspicion they are engulfed by.

These are the 2 most idiot comments in thread. Very nice pair. You guys have to make friends and may enjoy your B st mutually.

  • Like 1

"Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people"

Absolutely not their fault. History might give the correct answer for the cause.

Many more countries might adopt this in the future.


In my country the maids are mostly from the far east and South Asia. Now the most dangerous, scheming, and untrustworthy are , from what I hear, the Vietnamese. They are capable workers, demanding their rights and generally are a force to reckon with.The other nationalities of the maids are mostly Filipino and Srilankan. They are very subdued compared to Vietnamese.

Anyone looking for a slave? Wonder where "my country" is - should be one full of ......


rolleyes.gif In most hotels in Ho Chi Minh city there is a notice in the hotel that says words to the effect that a foreign guest may not have a female guest in his room overnight except for his wife.

Does that explain the true answer to you?

Now, I understand that this is only a notice and not always strictly adhered to.

Females are females, and males are males. That is just as true in Vietnam as anywhere.

I personally have seen such notices posted near the reception in hotels in Ho Chi Minh City.

So just be aware of the real situation there.

Vietnam is NOT Thailand.

Don't imagine it is.


"Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people"

Absolutely not their fault. History might give the correct answer for the cause.

Many more countries might adopt this in the future.

"Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people"

Not at all in my experience (4 trips to Vietnam in the last 2 years).

Most of the people in Vietnam are under 30 or maybe 40 years of age. Conditions there have changed greatly since 1975, and liberation/unification.

In my experience they LIKE to talk to foreigners. If even just to practice there English. Young Vietnamese really think learning good or better English is the key to their success.

In my other post on this subject I was referring to "other things" that might occur between Vietnamese females and foreign males by their own free choice.

That's what the OP meant too, and frankly he needs to know it's more difficult there than here in Thailand to make that "connection" happen.

  • Like 1

I heard they get sent away for re education if caught with foreigners ?

Not true now for at least 10 years or more.

However, don't be fooled. Vietnam is still a "structured" Socialist state, and they can still have problems about saying the wrong things if the police feel they are saying things the police would rather not hear.

But, especially in the former South Vietnam things are changing rapidly, both economically and otherwise. Give them another 10 to 20 years and they will leave Thailand behind. Vietnamese , especially in the South, are harder working in general than Thais.

In another decade or so they will leave the Thais behind economically.

  • Like 2

These are the kind of troll posts that make me go home, hug my daughter and warn her of the dangers that Western Men in this country represent. I have this vision of some grease ball, with a zit covered face, smelling like cigarettes and cheap whiskey, driving around in a red light district of some US city in his pimped out Gremlin unsuccessfully trying to pick up a $10 hooker. But here in Thailand ....SUCCESS......

Not our OP I must add.......just some people in general.


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Absolute rubbish.For "They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people" read "They do not carry the level of ignorance and self importance that the Thai people" There is no taboo about being seen with a western man,I know plenty of westerners who are with Vietnamese ladies,and there is no such feeling evident.I've visited Vietnam many times over the last 8 years,am married to a Vietnamese lady,and have lived in Vietnam for over 4 years,at no time have I ever experienced any such behaviour.Nor has she.I also lived in Thailand for 4 years,and I've seen plenty of anti western sentiment there.To say that Vietnamese are cold,distant and closed minded is simply ridiculous,and shows you know nothing about the country or its people.They are far more aware of the outside world,many because they have close relatives living in other countries (largely due to the outflow of refugees during and after the American war)The regulations concerning free movement and free enterprise in Vietnam have been hugely reduced after the events of 1993,and although Vietnam (or to give it it's correct name-The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)is of course a Communist country,this in practice means that although there is a centralised economy,there is also a large amount of small scale free enterprise.The country is generally speaking in far better shape than Thailand,the infrastructure is better,and improving rapidly.The political situation is far more stable than Thailand,and in my opinion in a few years Vietnam will overtake Thailand in terms of both tourism and economic performance

Fully agreed. Spider Mike must have overrun vietnam and found himself in China

actually, I consider the Chinese to be far friendlier, smarter, more industrious, easier to be around, and in general absolutely delightful, when compared to their Vietnamese counterparts. I wish I had overrun the border, instead of being subjected to that "Vietnam attitude" for all those weeks. So, no, unfortunately I was in Vietnam. The best part, is I am able to say I will not be returning in this lifetime, if I can help it.

  • Like 1

Come on... are you kidding? Have you never seen a Vietnam movie? Ever seen the film Last Trip With Paul? In short, "Same same, but different".

But I have to say that this site is not, in my humble opinion, a place for the discussion of sexual exploit questions, such as the ones you have asked (where to find or how is it, bar girls, etc). You want to ask those questions there are plenty of places on the Net to find that crap.... you have not looked to hard have you.

This site is helpful to a lot of us and to some a good place to keep up with the news and the goings on. But come on... how old are you again? Just go and you will find out.

Nam is not as easy as here in general just remember. There are costs for just talking with a girl in a bar that works there.

Good luck fella!


One of the biggest differences there, is there is a very powerful taboo against western men being with a local woman. Very unlike Thailand. So, you will find the woman will not even be willing to be seen in public with you. If she does, loads of scorn will be heaped on both of you. Vietnamese are largely a very cold, distant, closed minded people. They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people manage to manifest on a daily basis. Sometimes, it feels like each soul there is carrying the burden of the last two centuries on their shoulders. Not a happy lot by any stretch of the imagination. And I have been there several times, in both the north and the south, though I will say the south is infinitely more pleasant than the north, where an oppressive pall hangs in the air constantly.

Absolute rubbish.For "They do not carry the level of fulfillment and happiness that the Thai people" read "They do not carry the level of ignorance and self importance that the Thai people" There is no taboo about being seen with a western man,I know plenty of westerners who are with Vietnamese ladies,and there is no such feeling evident.I've visited Vietnam many times over the last 8 years,am married to a Vietnamese lady,and have lived in Vietnam for over 4 years,at no time have I ever experienced any such behaviour.Nor has she.I also lived in Thailand for 4 years,and I've seen plenty of anti western sentiment there.To say that Vietnamese are cold,distant and closed minded is simply ridiculous,and shows you know nothing about the country or its people.They are far more aware of the outside world,many because they have close relatives living in other countries (largely due to the outflow of refugees during and after the American war)The regulations concerning free movement and free enterprise in Vietnam have been hugely reduced after the events of 1993,and although Vietnam (or to give it it's correct name-The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)is of course a Communist country,this in practice means that although there is a centralised economy,there is also a large amount of small scale free enterprise.The country is generally speaking in far better shape than Thailand,the infrastructure is better,and improving rapidly.The political situation is far more stable than Thailand,and in my opinion in a few years Vietnam will overtake Thailand in terms of both tourism and economic performance

Agreed lekatai, and they have breasts thumbsup.gif


I heard they get sent away for re education if caught with foreigners ?

Where did you 'hear' this? On a bar stool in Pattaya?



I heard they get sent away for re education if caught with foreigners ?

Where did you 'hear' this? On a bar stool in Pattaya?


I'm not sure about now but 10 years ago this could happen and I speak from experience.

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