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German reporter 'attacked' by PCAD at Constitutional Court

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Since the police and army in this country are mostly useless I suggest Nick hires some heavily armed bodyguards who do their job next time he is attacked.

It does not matter if he is biased in his reporting the entire Thai press is biased - a person with a critical mind will always question what is reported in whatever publication - nothing justifies these cowardly attacks!

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Last week, Freedom House came out with its annual world press rankings, and dropped Thailand several ranks and several points. Two days later the Thai Journalists Association had a seminar. Both, quite independently, said the *remarkable* lowering of Thai press freedom in the past six months was because of mob intimidation and violence towards the media.


With regard to this quote excerpt alone: Freedom House is a farce. Check the facts. Thailand is being managed, within a much larger global management framework. Toward that end you'd note Freedom House is setup, funded, comprised and led by the same individuals who are associated with The Carlyle Group and Chatham House. These people are internationally managing Thailand's image to force desired change within. Their goal is further privatization and an amenable local serf. I'll rarely comment on local Thai politics specifically, but Thailand is most surely being intentionally harassed to an agreeable end for others.

Note: How could you possibly know the Press bodies' two announcements were "quite independent? You've no idea, but slipping that premise in there, if accepted, makes your conclusion seem valid. It is not! The International image of Thailand is being managed and a cursory analysis shows this.

(Chatham House, Freedom House, etc., have done more damage to millions of lives around the world than most evils you could offer in comparison. Folks, this is basic research. I invite you to research your opinion leaders).

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Point is here is it was attempt to abduct a foreign press journalist because he may or may not be printing things that some might not like ?

come on reporters do what they do, its thier job and so what if you dont like something one writes you dont attack them unless your a thug.

And yes it happened and shame on those doubting it did,

Gestapo and intimidation tactics pure and simple.

Reporters here are well aware of what is going on and that the PDRC are in the main just thugs.

A very telling incident of an attempted abduction by what can be only described as fundamentalist fascist thugs.

Be assured this IS the real face of the PDRC and they are, just like the Nazi party in Germany far from the saviours of the people or the country.

Thailand had better be very careful and so should all of us here if this lot get what they want.

When they came for the jew i didnt speak up because i was not a jew... and all that.. be warned it can happen again.

all the below are excerpts from news reports. makes the "PDRC thugs" look like angels

But in the wake of clashes last month, and a court ruling which barred the government from using force against the protesters, armed groups supporting the red shirts scaled up their attacks on the PDRC. Six people, including four children, were killed.

Some red-shirt groups have started talking openly about creating a breakaway state in northern Thailand. That brought a swift reaction from Gen Prayuth, who is threatening to prosecute anyone discussing secession.

A former military officer now advising the red-shirts on armed operations told the BBC they were planning to recruit 200,000 guards, all of them armed, who would be prepared to march on Bangkok if Ms Yingluck were forced from office, either by the army or by the courts or independent agencies like the NACC

At least 23 people died and hundreds were injured in more than three months of street demonstrations. Protests that began with a carnival atmosphere soon descended into bedlam as shootings, explosions and brawling took place amid the temples and shopping malls of the sprawling Thai capital.

Of 2,500 deaths in the government's war on drugs in 2003, a fact-finding panel has found that more than half was not involved in drug at all. At a brainstorming session, a representative from the Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) Tuesday disclosed that as many as 1,400 people were killed and labeled as drug suspects despite the fact that they had no link to drugs

Just what does your post have to do with this thread ? nothing thats what. Your examples have nothing to do with this topic at all and you cannot justify an attempted abduction.

Dosn't justify this incident or mean the PDRC arnt thugs...... you really think there is much difference in the mentality of either side here because of a colour preference ? lol wise up

Sorry but your being naive.

The PDRC are not what this country needs at all.

tbh you wont find many foreign opinion that supports their mad demands, not the press and not many governments... theres a a reason for that, a very good one ... and it dosnt involve any tin foil hats they simply understand what is going on with this lot and you clearly dont... the only reason its not blazed all over the Thai media is the restriction of free press here... really the idea that the PDRC knows best and intends to impose its ideals on the country without election does not wash with anyone but the very gullible.It is well documented outside and in other press,

Perhaps you should consider your "angels" arnt fooling anyone outside of Thailand they can see the route the PDRC want this country to go down and your just desperate for anything other than a red government .... dosnt mean its going to be any better though as all are Thai and all subject to the same group think you seem to be sucked into believing...

Just perhaps everyone outside Thailand is right and elections are the way forward and its the PDRC that have it upside down... its not like Thailand's any stranger to pretending to know better and doing things their own way, especially the uber rich, it usually it ends up very badly for the country though and worse for the masses.

Now I know you might think it cant be worse run but i can assure you it most certainly can be a LOT worse... When a certain thing comes to pass its going to get pretty nuts for a while, every Thai here knows it and most are convinced its probably going to make the last few months look like a tea party.

The PDRC has shown time and again they are no more able so control themselves or their minions than those they claim cannot. They are no answer to this crisis only another problem.

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So since all the reporters were there, there should be videos and photos of this incident happening, right ? Where are they ? Is there any proof whatsoever ? Or just an accusation from a blatantly pro Thaksin asskissing <deleted> looking for self agrandisement and trying to help his beloved bent fugitive discredit the other side ?

Proof please....

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So since all the reporters were there, there should be videos and photos of this incident happening, right ? Where are they ? Is there any proof whatsoever ? Or just an accusation from a blatantly pro Thaksin asskissing <deleted> looking for self agrandisement and trying to help his beloved bent fugitive discredit the other side ?

Proof please....

BRAVO! While it may have happened, and while I understand the motivation for the action, knowing the Press and their unethical "press privilege BS" I'd also like to see the video. Why not? 24/7 I can see nearly 4 billion people eat, crap, cry, scream, etc., on internet- I'd also like to see this video. There is a reason they are frequently beaten in many countries recently.

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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

You say partisan. Maybe he is photographing and reporting on things his attackers don't want the world to see. Given the behavior evident in this incident is that not a possibility. You question why other reporters have no photographic evidence on the incident, If that is case, I think you may already know where the answer lies, you just try to spin every foul incident committed in the name of PCAD into a conspiracy theory and try to abrogate responsibility elsewhere. Perhaps if you were actually a witness to such events you may have a different opinion on how fear and intimidation works.

Totally agree, 'fear and intimidation'

""The home of one of the 9-member panel of the Constitutional Court judges Suphot Khaimuk was bombed Thursday morning but nobody was injured""

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Look more like something a red shirt minions would try by looking like the PDRC because it just sounds way to fishy !!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Quite a S…T…R…E…T…C…H there mate.

May as well just say it was Thaksin and Yingluck in disguise double teaming this bloke.


Well now that you mention that I think your right !! because the pair are Differently that kind of people !!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Let me get this straight . . . this attempted abduction occurred outside the Constitutional Court, which at the time was surrounded by reporters, Police and Army personnel (lots of them) . . . and alleged PCAD guards in masks walked about attempting to abduct the totally impartial reporter with no one doing anything until later on when they woke up?

My credulity is being stretched here just a little.

The best part.... he was a "Redshirt journalist," an allegation vehemently denied by the German reporter.

As reported via Khaosod, the Thaksin funded red rag directly.

I agree.... this is just a load of boll-ox and this guy had best watch his step in Thailand now... Folks like him tend to disappear and never be seen again.

He was with a BBC reporter... no.... a 'leading' BBC reporter at the time... Yet after scouring the internet for a BBC story confirming this happened, I failed to find a scrap of news to back this up.... An attempted abduction of a German reporter is not considered news-worthy by this 'leading' BBC reporter then????

My ar-se... The BBC would be all over that story.

Like I said... when you start publishing false reports about political groups (ARMED political groups) in SEA.... you had better watch your back... Therer are people here who might take exception and you REALLY might get abducted, and I don't fancy your chances pal... I wonder just how much Thaksin paid for this particular bit of propaganda?

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FCCT condemns attack of German journalist


BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) issued a statement on Wednesday condemning the assault of a German photojournalist allegedly by guards of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee.

The victim, Mr Nick Nostitz, was attacked in front of the Constitutional Court as he was covering the court’s judgement on the fate of caretaker prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Nostitz said he was approached by men dressed like guard who demanded him to go with them to see Luang Phu Buddha Issara but he refused and was assaulted. He said he resisted the attack and was finally rescued by police.

The FCCT said in its statement: “Violence against any individuals is illegal. Harassment of the media is unconstitutional and hinders objective coverage of a complex and evolving political situation.”

It further said that there were several incidents in the past when local and foreign reporters were attacked by it chose not to report them in order not to distract public attention from the main news events.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/fcct-condemns-attack-german-journalist/

-- Thai PBS 2014-05-08

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attachicon.gifNick.jpg Look they made me cry

Maybe he has a problem with his brain?

Not alone it seems.

Perhaps he was trialling a new version of google glass, or perhaps he was pointing out where he was hit in the first incident with the PDRC guards.

Not alone it seems.

Thank you for agreeing that NN is not alone. Back to you. Self assessment surely is an important aspect in confirming your uncertain self-concept. I can see that is bearing it's fruit.. But sharing the results with everybody here on TV is something many wouldn't do. Anyhow, keep up the good work fab4.

Perhaps he was trialling a new version of google glass, or perhaps he was pointing out where he was hit in the first incident with the PDRC guards.

Or perhaps he is a coward and a drama queen. With him you never know.

Edited by Nickymaster
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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Also I believe there were about 1000+ journalists at the scene, probably an equal amount of cameras and a good few dozen TV cameras stationed right at the site of this purported incident, and not one of them captured anything to substantiate his claims... Same as last November at the main protest stage which is permanently bristling with reporters and not one actually managed to catch the incident on a memory card.... Just like back then... A load of fake BS...

The real sad thing is that there are supposedly educated farang on here who would be willing to swear on the lives of their children that this all actually happened.... 'Amazing Thailand red farang.

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Forget Thaksin, Yingluck, Red's vs. Yellows, etc., it's time the foreigners supporting Suthep started actually doing some research on what he stands for; his foreign policy, his views about foreigners in Thailand, his opinions on freedom of foreign press inside Thailand. I'd have thought from his speeches alone people would have made comparisons with the likes of many past dictators, but still I hear foreigners saying how great Thailand will be when he gets in. Seriously, do you really want this guy in power? Or are you just following your GF/wife's opinion?

"his views about foreigners in Thailand, his opinions on freedom of foreign press inside Thailand"

Only universal in Thai politics (& for a large %age of Thais) is a distrust / hatred of falangs. Perhaps they know too much?

I remember Abhisit distinctly disinviting foreign observers from watching the Thai elections. Perhaps he came to regret that?

Reds, yellows, brindles, pinks, whites & blues - all the same.

Edited by DekDaeng
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

He is a red activist and not just a reporter, he commented the 2009/2010 protests from the red shirt side, and is the author of the books Red vs Yellow Volume 1 and Red vs Yellow Volume 2 where he clearly takes sides with the red shirts.

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waza, on 08 May 2014 - 06:56, said:

A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Well, I would think with so many reporters around, we should have more reports and video/photos. Does anyone know where we can see/read them.

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Ermmm.... What does being German have have to do with it? There's nothing sacred about being a journalist. They have no special exemption from anything in life. It's all a bit like Sunisa; what brain dead moron goes to a place where they are clearly not wanted?

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Rable rouser or not, Suthep's side just need to remain conscious of the fact that some of his followers invite bad publicity!

And I do not support either side.

Edited by lvr181
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not the first time Nick got attacked isn't it. Probably there are reasons for that it's always him who get singled out

Well I wouldn't call him reporter, I would call him red activist.....

Before he posted on TV and only pro red, no matter what.

He is a red activist and not just a reporter, he commented the 2009/2010 protests from the red shirt side, and is the author of the books Red vs Yellow Volume 1 and Red vs Yellow Volume 2 where he clearly takes sides with the red shirts.

He denies being a red supporter


Many on here have been accused of being filthy reds also simply because they don't worship, lick the feet and eat the excrements of the mad man Suthep like some who are blinded with infatuation. Some people are completely impartial.

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The BBC correspondent in question was Jonathan Head who tweeted on the incident at the time:

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick Nostitz was attacked by PDRC thugs at Const. Court. Police and soldiers right next to him but scared to intervene.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick is OK. He got out. But PDRC heavies were trying find him and detain him. And we all know what happens to people they detain.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

@FreeMindXs I think they'd have done same any time. Their (PDRC) people control access to CC. Their cameras filmed him. Then reported to security.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 10h

@GVSRsiam @8td @CMDThai There were dozens of journalists at CC with Nick. I was close and saw what happened.

Comment from the FCCT:

"Nostitz was sitting close to the court's entrance and wearing a green Thai Journalists' Association (TJA) armband clearly identifying him as a member of the press. Having been singled out, Nostitz was told to come and see 'Luang Bu'. He was shoved hard in the chest and pushed around when he declined, and the guards attempted to take him with them.

The court was being guarded by some 20 police officers and soldiers. Police intervened after shouts from Nostitz and another journalist. Nostitz took shelter inside the courthouse and was eventually smuggled away from the scene in a police vehicle. Credit is due to everyone who contributed to defusing this incident."


A genuinely incredible and very scary story.

What were these PDRC idiots thinking to do with him?

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waza, on 08 May 2014 - 06:56, said:

A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Well, I would think with so many reporters around, we should have more reports and video/photos. Does anyone know where we can see/read them.

BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) issued a statement on Wednesday condemning the assault of a German photojournalist allegedly by guards of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee.

I would assume that before they issued a statement they would have investigated if the incident actually happened or not.

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Ermmm.... What does being German have have to do with it? There's nothing sacred about being a journalist. They have no special exemption from anything in life. It's all a bit like Sunisa; what brain dead moron goes to a place where they are clearly not wanted?

I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to go to the court to report on Yingluck's case just because the PDRC have decided to appoint themselves court security guards. He wasn't there to report on the PDRC and presumably didn't expect to encounter them there. As far as I know, he's done his best to keep his distance since November, for obvious reasons.

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The BBC correspondent in question was Jonathan Head who tweeted on the incident at the time:

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick Nostitz was attacked by PDRC thugs at Const. Court. Police and soldiers right next to him but scared to intervene.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

Nick is OK. He got out. But PDRC heavies were trying find him and detain him. And we all know what happens to people they detain.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 16h

@FreeMindXs I think they'd have done same any time. Their (PDRC) people control access to CC. Their cameras filmed him. Then reported to security.

Jonathan Head ‏@pakhead 10h

@GVSRsiam @8td @CMDThai There were dozens of journalists at CC with Nick. I was close and saw what happened.

Comment from the FCCT:

"Nostitz was sitting close to the court's entrance and wearing a green Thai Journalists' Association (TJA) armband clearly identifying him as a member of the press. Having been singled out, Nostitz was told to come and see 'Luang Bu'. He was shoved hard in the chest and pushed around when he declined, and the guards attempted to take him with them.

The court was being guarded by some 20 police officers and soldiers. Police intervened after shouts from Nostitz and another journalist. Nostitz took shelter inside the courthouse and was eventually smuggled away from the scene in a police vehicle. Credit is due to everyone who contributed to defusing this incident."


A genuinely incredible and very scary story.

What were these PDRC idiots thinking to do with him?

They were not idiots.

In fact they were not PDRC idiots in the 1st place.

They were fake PDRC idiots

Actually they could be smart UDDs paid by Thaksin to act like PDRC idiots, so that the MONK can blame.

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A distressing situation for the partisan photographer, but the perfect opportunity to get a scoop. Its a pity the incident, "startling many soldiers, policemen, and reporters who were stationed in the area at the time" that they were so surprised the seasoned journalists didn't take a few picture.

Also I believe there were about 1000+ journalists at the scene, probably an equal amount of cameras and a good few dozen TV cameras stationed right at the site of this purported incident, and not one of them captured anything to substantiate his claims... Same as last November at the main protest stage which is permanently bristling with reporters and not one actually managed to catch the incident on a memory card.... Just like back then... A load of fake BS...

The real sad thing is that there are supposedly educated farang on here who would be willing to swear on the lives of their children that this all actually happened.... 'Amazing Thailand red farang.

Do you actually believe all the stuff you write? I mean I find your posts frequently hilarious, so keep up the good work, certainly wouldn't want to lose your valuable prescence here or anything, yet I'm afraid much of what you say appears to have little correspondence to reality.

Pictures of the Nick Nostitz incident last November were widely shared and can be found in less than 10 seconds on google. And you claim that no BBC journalist has corroborated Nick's story when I posted Jonathan Head's tweets on this very thread! Too funny. lol.

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Maybe he has a problem with his brain?

Not alone it seems.

Perhaps he was trialling a new version of google glass, or perhaps he was pointing out where he was hit in the first incident with the PDRC guards.

Not alone it seems.

Thank you for agreeing that NN is not alone. Back to you. Self assessment surely is an important aspect in confirming your uncertain self-concept. I can see that is bearing it's fruit.. But sharing the results with everybody here on TV is something many wouldn't do. Anyhow, keep up the good work fab4.

Perhaps he was trialling a new version of google glass, or perhaps he was pointing out where he was hit in the first incident with the PDRC guards.

Or perhaps he is a coward and a drama queen. With him you never know.

I'm sure you were mentally aware enough to know I was referring to you but then after this, well, that "awareness" is in doubt

"Self assessment surely is an important aspect in confirming your uncertain self-concept"

Once I work out what it is you're talking about, I'll certainly look into it.............................................................. Toot Toot tuzki-bunny-emoticon-034.gif

"Perhaps he is a coward and a drama queen" - perhaps you'd like to go with him next time he's out in the field. If you can prise yourself away from behind the comfort, safety and anonymity of your PC at home, that is.

Edited by fab4
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