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US urges new elections in Thailand


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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

America has a real interest in keeping Thailand aligned with the Democracies of the world.

All good people are like minded in this matter.

Only the greedy, bigoted, prejudiced, selfish few want to deny Thailand her democracy.

Democracy? I doubt the present oligarchy currently running the U.S. can even spell the word.

Maybe not. But, they can certainly afford to buy a few vowels.


Edited by rijb
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Have to have democracy before things can be resolved in a democratic manner - AND THIS IS WHY REFORMS ARE NECESSARY.

Then once a real democratic framework that functions properly exists, new elections can be held.

This is what PDRC has been campaigning for for 6 months so the rule of money policitcs, corruption and crime as carried out by Thaksin can not happen again.

Enough of Thaksinocracy. They want REAL DEMOCRACY.

Thank you.

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Just another stock 'off the shelf' statement from the US that we all expected.

What the US fails to grasp is that if they even remotely knew what the hell they were talking about, then they would equally know that this 'off the shelf' statement won't fly in Thai democracy, because the elections have always been and always will be.... 100% undemocratic. Until someone actually sits down and reasons on the fact that the PDRC are totally correct that election reforms MUST be made so they are 'free and fair'.

Then and ONLY THEN can the people get who they deserve and not have a leadership forced on them via corrupt elections.... It doesn't get any simpler than that no matter which way you cut the cake. It all boils down to that.. the FIRST step to true democracy is a free and fair election.... It won't happen just because the US State Department support 'an election'.

This is the best bit.....

Psaki called on all sides "to exercise restraint" and stressed that "violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences."

Oh yeah???.... so why arm rebels in Syria and Libya to overthrow their governments then.... Or backing neo nazis in Kiev????

Hypocrites........ again.

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Just another stock 'off the shelf' statement from the US that we all expected.

What the US fails to grasp is that if they even remotely knew what the hell they were talking about, then they would equally know that this 'off the shelf' statement won't fly in Thai democracy, because the elections have always been and always will be.... 100% undemocratic. Until someone actually sits down and reasons on the fact that the PDRC are totally correct that election reforms MUST be made so they are 'free and fair'.

Then and ONLY THEN can the people get who they deserve and not have a leadership forced on them via corrupt elections.... It doesn't get any simpler than that no matter which way you cut the cake. It all boils down to that.. the FIRST step to true democracy is a free and fair election.... It won't happen just because the US State Department support 'an election'.

This is the best bit.....

Psaki called on all sides "to exercise restraint" and stressed that "violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences."

Oh yeah???.... so why arm rebels in Syria and Libya to overthrow their governments then.... Or backing neo nazis in Kiev????

Hypocrites........ again.

Yes, I am sure the worlds most powerful country has absolutely no idea what they are talking about!! I am surprised they are not reaching out to someone like you to inform them!

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Just another stock 'off the shelf' statement from the US that we all expected.

What the US fails to grasp is that if they even remotely knew what the hell they were talking about, then they would equally know that this 'off the shelf' statement won't fly in Thai democracy, because the elections have always been and always will be.... 100% undemocratic. Until someone actually sits down and reasons on the fact that the PDRC are totally correct that election reforms MUST be made so they are 'free and fair'.

Then and ONLY THEN can the people get who they deserve and not have a leadership forced on them via corrupt elections.... It doesn't get any simpler than that no matter which way you cut the cake. It all boils down to that.. the FIRST step to true democracy is a free and fair election.... It won't happen just because the US State Department support 'an election'.

This is the best bit.....

Psaki called on all sides "to exercise restraint" and stressed that "violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences."

Oh yeah???.... so why arm rebels in Syria and Libya to overthrow their governments then.... Or backing neo nazis in Kiev????

Hypocrites........ again.

You're right. Your 'off the shelf' statements are much 'simpler'.

Suthep loves simpletons. They're so easily led.

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I think that the USA's approach to democracy overseas is pragmatic. They much prefer to do business and have any kind of relationship with democratic countries, if the partner plays nice. If the partner's democracy becomes a threat to USA interests, they have no qualms about trying to promote a more advantageous arrangement, preferably keeping the mantle of supporting democracy. If there's no other way, they'll bite the bullet and whitewash whatever administration can provide stability, as long as it coincides with their interests.

The Obama administrations seem to have maid things a bit difficult in this regard as there either a true believe in off-the-shelf democratic solutions, or less than comprehensive counsel heard. Need to be remembered that the USA is not exactly at a zenith as far as international politics go, and that makes it harder for them to promote their goals. Not referring specifically to Thailand.

So yes, the USA would love Thailand to have proper elections, and a gentlemanly sorting of issues. The statement is both stock issued and an indication to the preferred solution. Question is, how much leverage the USA actually got when it comes down to it? Of course people listen when the USA speaks, but how far does that carry in Thailand?

Would the USA impose sanctions on a regime as per the PDRC wishes (which, for the record, I do not support nor think very likely)? Somewhat skeptical on that, unless there a real blood bath - that would make it harder for the USA to ignore, and may result in action. But until then, there will be decelerations, statements, red lines drawn, last chances.... Even countries that went through the blood bath thing aren't automatically off the books. And even countries with dubious democratic regimes are best buddies.

What the rest of the world thinks of this is even of less relevance - as hardly probable they would unite in action against one side or another, if it doesn't come to blows. Perhaps with the exclusion of China, but unless I missed something they also don't care much as long as they get what they want. This will not be solved by outer powers - Thais will just need to grow up and figure it for themselves, hopefully without too many poked eyes.

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US urges new elections in Thailand

WASHINGTON, May 8, 2014 (AFP) - The United States on Wednesday called for a "peaceful" resolution to political tensions in Thailand and new elections after the country's constitutional court dismissed the prime minister and nine ministers for abuse of power.

Washington was "following closely" the developments after the court removed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from office, ruling she had acted illegally by transferring a top security officer in 2011.

"We continue to urge all sides to resolve Thailand's political tensions in a peaceful and democratic manner so that the Thai people can choose political leadership they deserve," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

"In keeping with Thailand's democratic ideals, a resolution should include elections and an elected government."

Nine cabinet ministers who endorsed the decision to transfer Thawil Pliensri were also stripped of their status.

Observers said the court ruling does nothing to ease Thailand's prolonged political malaise, and there were fears of further clashes on the streets of Bangkok with the kingdom still bitterly divided.

Psaki called on all sides "to exercise restraint" and stressed that "violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences."


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-05-08

Absolutely no one is listening nor cares America.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

They do indeed, a company called PTT, and numerous other interests such as untapped gas and oil in the gulf....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

Oh yes Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Brunei really give 2 hoots. I think not, rather they would be rejoicing in the fact that Thailand being a supposedly developing nation is certainly Not. Especially Laos and Cambodia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

The USA want a bottle with the label "democracy", although there is a very sour wine in it. You are not different. As if so called democratic elections alone would be a guarantee for a real democray. Hitler and a lot of other dictaters have been elected democraticly. It matters what they are doing during their election period. If you show me Yingluck's "democratic" actions, I will repeat her overwhelming and essential undemocratic actions.

In order to have some military bases and other interests here in Thailand the US forg(o)et basic democracy, as usual. Did the US urge Thaksin to return to democracy when he allowed the illegal killing of more than 2.500 people in the drug war? A very serious tragedy. Silencebah.gif ! Why? Thaksin has been so clever sending 100 troopers to the fabricated Iraq War.

It seems that your memory doesn't work very well and your view is very partial.

"Election now, reforms to follow." Then Thailand will have the same sh@t of corruption and family cronyism as before. Are the US afraid of a change? A positive change for Thailand, if they reform the politics before the election.

The mess is that Suthep doesn't show detailed "democratic" points of the future reform.

Doubtless, the PT has some good infrastructure programs for Thailand's future. But how they would like to perform it is horrible, completely undemocratic and intransparent, open for the a giant corruption. It seems the US don't mind "democratic" corruption for whatever reason.

Do you mean Suthep or the Democrats?

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Have to have democracy before things can be resolved in a democratic manner - AND THIS IS WHY REFORMS ARE NECESSARY.

Then once a real democratic framework that functions properly exists, new elections can be held.

This is what PDRC has been campaigning for for 6 months so the rule of money policitcs, corruption and crime as carried out by Thaksin can not happen again.

Enough of Thaksinocracy. They want REAL DEMOCRACY.

Thank you.

Then why have the Dems in 6 months not put reforms on the table, they have had plenty of time to do so, as has Suthep. I think IMO you maybe straying into unknown territory. Thailand knows of no such thing as yet.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

Oh yes Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Brunei really give 2 hoots. I think not, rather they would be rejoicing in the fact that Thailand being a supposedly developing nation is certainly Not. Especially Laos and Cambodia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All nine other governments of Asean issued a statement of support for democracy and peaceful resolution in Thailand and will do so again next week in Myanmar, whose turn it is to be Asean president for a year.

You can't detract from the fact no matter how hard you try, and you guys will try anything as you've repeatedly demonstrated over an extended period of time. Nine members of the CC said Yingluck had to go and who can deny the fact? Yet you deny facts you don't like or accept. The post above is conscious and deliberate tripe..

Edited by Publicus
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In my opinion, I don't think your list qualifies a candidate to be PM. I also think your list is incorrect. She was a good PM because she was a woman? how does being a lady make her a better PM? As for not a thief, where's the farmer's money? Pragmatic? have you heard her speak? Do you understand Thai? I haven't heard her answer a single question directly without referring someone else or saying she will check on an answer.

As to the courts in Thailand, the constitution are a set of laws that keep everything fair, there is a check and balance to keep people such as a PM from becoming a dictator. The removal of an official without proper process is one of those checks and balances. What country did you come from? Please keep in mind that Yingluck was not elected, her party was, the guilty were removed from office, it is still her party in charge, they will select a new PM caretaker. What part of this is unfair? The courts have done their duty by law. They have not place a new PM in power because that is not their duty. They have stated that the remaining government will be caretaker until the election. I fail to see how you interrupt your statement on the power of the courts. You should be considering the power of the PM, does being in power allow one to defy the laws of the land? Have you considered what she has done? If your claim is innocent until proven guilty on the rice scheme, you won't have to wait long because that's coming too. My question is once that verdict is out will you denounce it as you have denounce the constitutional courts ruling on her abuse of power? But yes, she's a woman so she's fit for office, right?

My statement was - "She was a good PM" and I can sign this again.

Being a woman or a lady does not qualify one for anything. But IMHO a woman PM in a country riding on women is a complimentary factor.

I happen to believe that majority of males here are only good for impregnation of both women and country. This is my opinion. You are entitled to your own.

The best two PMs I have seen were Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher. Yingluck is nowhere near, but being a woman PM in a Buddhist country does command additional respect.

Removal of an official by a PM of a country is the right coming with the job. You have a whole class of officials who happen to be corrupt. How will you ever rid the country of corruption? Never! Especially with Courts like this.

By the way unfair dismissal is found also in the West. Usually it is a matter for a Civil Court case not a political judgement like sacking a PM. This country stinks politically, judicially and economically. Yet I like it here.

Do not ask me to leave, please.

I come from Australia. We have the Queen (or her representative) who has the power to dissolve the Parliament and call a fresh elections. But i do not remember any Court in Australia to remove a PM for a not criminal offence.

I think in USA they have an impeachment process, but hardly over sacking of an officer of intelligence department.

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why is it the US government just can't seem to mind their own business

instead of telling other sovereign nations what to do they should spend more time fixing their own problems at home

drug and alcohol addiction, poverty, outrageous law suits and settlements, health care (Obama care is not the answer)

the housing crisis, economy in general national debt etc etc etc

I assume they are impatient to start talks about a military base in Thailand and need a government to rubber stamp it

look put Pattaya and Angeles,,,Darwin will be the biggest brothel in the area in a couple of years courtesy of the US government and those that let them in

You know understand American way, we are special , we no need educted foreign devils we prefer efficiency apartment,Our fannie May our Freddy Big Mac is the elephant in the runour

OTOP Our Tremendoudly Obese People

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

Oh yes Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Brunei really give 2 hoots. I think not, rather they would be rejoicing in the fact that Thailand being a supposedly developing nation is certainly Not. Especially Laos and Cambodia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All nine other governments of Asean issued a statement of support for democracy and peaceful resolution in Thailand and will do so again next week in Myanmar, whose turn it is to be Asean president for a year.

You can't detract from the fact no matter how hard you try, and you guys will try anything as you've repeatedly demonstrated over an extended period of time. Nine members of the CC said Yingluck had to go and who can deny the fact? Yet you deny facts you don't like or accept. The post above is conscious and deliberate tripe..

I don't think it has been read in context. Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will be laughing silently at the current situation. Of course no one will come out and say so, but Thailand has long gloated as being the only ASEAN country never to be colonized, and has openly stated that its neighbours were victims of karma... Now does this make sense. Look at the surrounding ASEAN nations, apart from a little bickering, all doing well. Thailand, not so falling to its lowest level in 150 months economically speaking in two days. Again Thailand cannot seem to progress as a nation as even Myanmar has with an expected 5 million tourists next year. Unless austerity measures are put in place by a government of some sort Thailand is down the drain, oh and currently ranked last in English language ability in preparation for ASEAN and the AEC. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam ahead? Oh my..I accept all the above and most of the diatribe that you posted, except for one thing, they will never admit the fact that Thailand on face value is becoming a failed state. In fact inwardly they will gloat on this fact as Thailand has long proclaimed itself the darling of Asia. Oh how karma has spoken and whilst your comment is well intentioned, just been shot down. My family and I have been born and bred in Asia in one way shape or form. There is a saying " forget the dragons smile, rather fear the fire from his tongue. You may have lived here for some time, but your point is null and void. Do you really believe what comes out of ASEANS tongue, or do they silently gloat like the Burmese over the sacking of an ancient capital 300 years ago? Time for a re-think of your post. It has just been smoked... Next!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The U.S. are so blinkered and tunnel visioned they are not in a position to give an opinion on what should or should not happen over here. Do the world a favour and mind your own business for a change.

News flash, phantom: the U.S. does a lot of business here. Maybe phantoms can't be seen and also can't see everything?

News flash #2: Every country with interests in the region wants a stable democracy here. I know, what an awful thing for which to hope.

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The U.S. are so blinkered and tunnel visioned they are not in a position to give an opinion on what should or should not happen over here. Do the world a favour and mind your own business for a change.

I have no problem with the USA sticking its nose in anywhere if it's in an effort to keep the peacesmile.png

I do have a problem when they stir the pot unnecessarily or start warsclosedeyes.gif

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You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

Oh yes Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Brunei really give 2 hoots. I think not, rather they would be rejoicing in the fact that Thailand being a supposedly developing nation is certainly Not. Especially Laos and Cambodia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All nine other governments of Asean issued a statement of support for democracy and peaceful resolution in Thailand and will do so again next week in Myanmar, whose turn it is to be Asean president for a year.

You can't detract from the fact no matter how hard you try, and you guys will try anything as you've repeatedly demonstrated over an extended period of time. Nine members of the CC said Yingluck had to go and who can deny the fact? Yet you deny facts you don't like or accept. The post above is conscious and deliberate tripe..

I don't think it has been read in context. Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will be laughing silently at the current situation. Of course no one will come out and say so, but Thailand has long gloated as being the only ASEAN country never to be colonized, and has openly stated that its neighbours were victims of karma... Now does this make sense. Look at the surrounding ASEAN nations, apart from a little bickering, all doing well. Thailand, not so falling to its lowest level in 150 months economically speaking in two days. Again Thailand cannot seem to progress as a nation as even Myanmar has with an expected 5 million tourists next year. Unless austerity measures are put in place by a government of some sort Thailand is down the drain, oh and currently ranked last in English language ability in preparation for ASEAN and the AEC. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam ahead? Oh my..I accept all the above and most of the diatribe that you posted, except for one thing, they will never admit the fact that Thailand on face value is becoming a failed state. In fact inwardly they will gloat on this fact as Thailand has long proclaimed itself the darling of Asia. Oh how karma has spoken and whilst your comment is well intentioned, just been shot down. My family and I have been born and bred in Asia in one way shape or form. There is a saying " forget the dragons smile, rather fear the fire from his tongue. You may have lived here for some time, but your point is null and void. Do you really believe what comes out of ASEANS tongue, or do they silently gloat like the Burmese over the sacking of an ancient capital 300 years ago? Time for a re-think of your post. It has just been smoked... Next!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You got to say your piece and you got to express yourself in the compulsively unpleasant ways that by nature so please you and your crowd around here, so I'm confident you are happy, proud, very Asian self-satisfied. Just don't indulge yourself too much because I'd be confident also you know the Thai meaning of smoking someone, a guy, which is what you said you did to me tonight guy. So I want you to know tonight with you has already been an unforgettable experience.

Towards the end of 2010 Thais I've known intimately for many years started saying openly to me that Thailand on its trajectory was going to end up "kaput." Many of the Thais I've known longest and the best say this. I asked them if the former LOS can change its trajectory and, if so, how and in what ways. My intimate Thai friends looked at me and blinked. They still blink. They still only blink but with a greater pain in their eyes than before.

I tell them that if that's their attitude, then they are suicidal. They concede my point and concur. Thailand will go kaput and Thailand is well into the process of becoming kaput. I ask what that means and they shrug. They are genuine. You should know all of this so I don't know why you might be holding back. Perhaps its not discussable to you and your Asian lineage / generations. Can you face it?

The many Burmese attacks and sieges against the ancient capital of Sukhothai, something like 24 or 26 or so over a few hundred years, provide insight into the developments of recent years and to the determinant trend that is mutating Thailand into a failing state, eventually before long to become a failed state. The Thais at Sukhothai laid back and took it. They figured they could wait out to endure against the Burmese aggressors. Thais succeeded up to a point - extraordinarily so - but were in fact suicidal so they were eventually overcome by a more determined foe. And yes the Burmese still smirk about it and my Thai friends still wince. The closer one gets to the Burmese border the more the Thais grimace about it.

Thais don't know how to win. So they win by losing. They did it against the Burmese twice in the second millennium from Sukhothai to Ayutthaya and then on to Bangkok. As a point of opposite perspective, Washington DC and Bangkok were founded at the same time in history. Recall Suthep vowed to eject the Shinawatras from Thailand if it takes him to his death to do it, which we know is the Thai way to say, well, to the death. Cheerful, these people.

The Thais will fight the current and ongoing fight until the other guy loses. Trouble is, Thais don't know how to actually win. Indeed, neither side is winning. The bottom line is that neither side will win for losing so each side will lose. Both sides are cooked - there isn't a winner here. Thais are poor to articulate this in any way, shape or form. They just sense it in their bones.


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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

The US doesn't really care which 'group' is in charge and maintains pretty friendly relations with all the groups, in spite of what you may hear. It is in the interest of the region for Thailand to be a stable country.

The closest relationship in the past has been with the military, by the way.

"The closest relationship in the past has been with the military, by the way".

And yet after the 2006 coup they imposed sanctions and slashed the military aid budget.

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When the news came out I didn't want to comment: -

- not my business;

- not my country;

- respect for the Law etc.

Now that Americans make it officially anybody's business, why not me?

At least I live here and the matter of former PM, the way she was ousted and the next in line PM will reflect on our host country.

My two bits worth: -

- she was a good PM in many respects:

-- a woman;

-- a lady;

-- very patient;

-- not a thief;

-- pragmatic

-- etc.

Comparing her to possible next in line candidates I assure you we will all regret this removal.

The amount of dirt some very narrow minded TV individuals were putting on her is mind boggling:

- too many shoes;

- shoes too clean;

- Taksin;

- Chinese;

- shopaholic;

- world rice prices;

- etc.

The only objection to her as a PM from me was - not enough balls. One does not go for the job without being tough, even ruthless at some points.

I will be gleeing over the election results of the next PM to be. I am sure the People's choice will be worthy of their progressive, wise and educated preferences.

As to the Courts in Thailand I simply do not know enough of Thai Laws.

But if a PM needs a Court approval to appoint or dismiss an officer - why bother to be a PM in Thailand?

And if the Court has the power to dismiss a PM why bother with elections? Why the same Court cannot appoint the next one?

They call me Alien here. Thais are surely Aliens to me.

Great post.

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When the news came out I didn't want to comment: -

- not my business;

- not my country;

- respect for the Law etc.

Now that Americans make it officially anybody's business, why not me?

At least I live here and the matter of former PM, the way she was ousted and the next in line PM will reflect on our host country.

My two bits worth: -

- she was a good PM in many respects:

-- a woman;

-- a lady;

-- very patient;

-- not a thief;

-- pragmatic

-- etc.

Comparing her to possible next in line candidates I assure you we will all regret this removal.

The amount of dirt some very narrow minded TV individuals were putting on her is mind boggling:

- too many shoes;

- shoes too clean;

- Taksin;

- Chinese;

- shopaholic;

- world rice prices;

- etc.

The only objection to her as a PM from me was - not enough balls. One does not go for the job without being tough, even ruthless at some points.

I will be gleeing over the election results of the next PM to be. I am sure the People's choice will be worthy of their progressive, wise and educated preferences.

As to the Courts in Thailand I simply do not know enough of Thai Laws.

But if a PM needs a Court approval to appoint or dismiss an officer - why bother to be a PM in Thailand?

And if the Court has the power to dismiss a PM why bother with elections? Why the same Court cannot appoint the next one?

They call me Alien here. Thais are surely Aliens to me.

In my opinion, I don't think your list qualifies a candidate to be PM. I also think your list is incorrect. She was a good PM because she was a woman? how does being a lady make her a better PM? As for not a thief, where's the farmer's money? Pragmatic? have you heard her speak? Do you understand Thai? I haven't heard her answer a single question directly without referring someone else or saying she will check on an answer.

As to the courts in Thailand, the constitution are a set of laws that keep everything fair, there is a check and balance to keep people such as a PM from becoming a dictator. The removal of an official without proper process is one of those checks and balances. What country did you come from? Please keep in mind that Yingluck was not elected, her party was, the guilty were removed from office, it is still her party in charge, they will select a new PM caretaker. What part of this is unfair? The courts have done their duty by law. They have not place a new PM in power because that is not their duty. They have stated that the remaining government will be caretaker until the election. I fail to see how you interrupt your statement on the power of the courts. You should be considering the power of the PM, does being in power allow one to defy the laws of the land? Have you considered what she has done? If your claim is innocent until proven guilty on the rice scheme, you won't have to wait long because that's coming too. My question is once that verdict is out will you denounce it as you have denounce the constitutional courts ruling on her abuse of power? But yes, she's a woman so she's fit for office, right?

"the constitution are a set of laws that keep everything fair,"

Imposed by one side to make sure the other side can never govern!

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US will always try to sell democracy by the book. But they fail to see or seem to forget how democracy became democracy today. There were many struggles and lives lost. They need to know that Thailand need room to grow and room to make mistake and corrections. As they have themselves. American style democracy was built by necessity and certain believes. But one style of democracy does not fit all. Rather America should encourage government to be more transparent and listen to the people. And to practice fiscal responsibility.

Most people I talk to in the US do not understand what is happening here in Thailand, until I clarify it for them. They always say the same thing, how can the government gotten away with all of these. Would never happen here in the US. I attribute this to lobbyist and non fact finding new outlet. Just taking news feed from the government. The same crime committing government that defrauded millions out of billions.

US has their own problem to worry about. They should just stay out of it. If they really want to help, then get down and dirty, but stop being on the sideline and making unproductive comments. This only creates division among the people.

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You are invited to elaborate as the clear implication of your post is that you know what, why, perhaps you know it all.

Then to state your certain and firm knowledge of Washington's "reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in power." I agree with your statement as it is, so let's see if you and I might happen to agree on the substance and the specifics of it.

Finally to compare and contrast the two.

Otherwise you'd be talking up in the air and in the blue sky.

I know as I read this statement by Washington it once again makes clear the United States opposes a "People's Council" and an equally unelected elitist ammart National Assembly, an appointed prime minister in any way, shape or form. Which means the so-called "reforms" and the PDRC that would summarily and arbitrarily impose "reforms" on the general population have been rejected outright in Washington.

Election now, reforms to follow.

It's also obvious that as Washington supports a peaceful democratic election as the way forward, it naturally follows Prez Obama wants the Democrat Party here to engage in the election and to legitimately contest it. Washington is also telling the failed "people's sovereign" and raging lunatic Suthep to stand down and to walk home to stay home.

This is Washington's policy position and its components so no one should doubt that for a moment, and it always has been Prez Obama's position in respect of Thailand during this recent chaos and insurrection. And Washington is not alone in the region in advocating this policy. I dare say the policy is shared among the governments of India, Australia, Asean, Japan, South Korea, not to mention the EU collectively and individually by member state.

Oh yes Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Brunei really give 2 hoots. I think not, rather they would be rejoicing in the fact that Thailand being a supposedly developing nation is certainly Not. Especially Laos and Cambodia.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All nine other governments of Asean issued a statement of support for democracy and peaceful resolution in Thailand and will do so again next week in Myanmar, whose turn it is to be Asean president for a year.

You can't detract from the fact no matter how hard you try, and you guys will try anything as you've repeatedly demonstrated over an extended period of time. Nine members of the CC said Yingluck had to go and who can deny the fact? Yet you deny facts you don't like or accept. The post above is conscious and deliberate tripe..

I don't think it has been read in context. Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will be laughing silently at the current situation. Of course no one will come out and say so, but Thailand has long gloated as being the only ASEAN country never to be colonized, and has openly stated that its neighbours were victims of karma... Now does this make sense. Look at the surrounding ASEAN nations, apart from a little bickering, all doing well. Thailand, not so falling to its lowest level in 150 months economically speaking in two days. Again Thailand cannot seem to progress as a nation as even Myanmar has with an expected 5 million tourists next year. Unless austerity measures are put in place by a government of some sort Thailand is down the drain, oh and currently ranked last in English language ability in preparation for ASEAN and the AEC. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam ahead? Oh my..I accept all the above and most of the diatribe that you posted, except for one thing, they will never admit the fact that Thailand on face value is becoming a failed state. In fact inwardly they will gloat on this fact as Thailand has long proclaimed itself the darling of Asia. Oh how karma has spoken and whilst your comment is well intentioned, just been shot down. My family and I have been born and bred in Asia in one way shape or form. There is a saying " forget the dragons smile, rather fear the fire from his tongue. You may have lived here for some time, but your point is null and void. Do you really believe what comes out of ASEANS tongue, or do they silently gloat like the Burmese over the sacking of an ancient capital 300 years ago? Time for a re-think of your post. It has just been smoked... Next!

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You got to say your piece and you got to express yourself in the compulsively unpleasant ways that by nature so please you and your crowd around here, so I'm confident you are happy, proud, very Asian self-satisfied. Just don't indulge yourself too much because I'd be confident also you know the Thai meaning of smoking someone, a guy, which is what you said you did to me tonight guy. So I want you to know tonight with you has already been an unforgettable experience.

Towards the end of 2010 Thais I've known intimately for many years started saying openly to me that Thailand on its trajectory was going to end up "kaput." Many of the Thais I've known longest and the best say this. I asked them if the former LOS can change its trajectory and, if so, how and in what ways. My intimate Thai friends looked at me and blinked. They still blink. They still only blink but with a greater pain in their eyes than before.

I tell them that if that's their attitude, then they are suicidal. They concede my point and concur. Thailand will go kaput and Thailand is well into the process of becoming kaput. I ask what that means and they shrug. They are genuine. You should know all of this so I don't know why you might be holding back. Perhaps its not discussable to you and your Asian lineage / generations. Can you face it?

The many Burmese attacks and sieges against the ancient capital of Sukhothai, something like 24 or 26 or so over a few hundred years, provide insight into the developments of recent years and to the determinant trend that is mutating Thailand into a failing state, eventually before long to become a failed state. The Thais at Sukhothai laid back and took it. They figured they could wait out to endure against the Burmese aggressors. Thais succeeded up to a point - extraordinarily so - but were in fact suicidal so they were eventually overcome by a more determined foe. And yes the Burmese still smirk about it and my Thai friends still wince. The closer one gets to the Burmese border the more the Thais grimace about it.

Thais don't know how to win. So they win by losing. They did it against the Burmese twice in the second millennium from Sukhothai to Ayutthaya and then on to Bangkok. As a point of opposite perspective, Washington DC and Bangkok were founded at the same time in history. Recall Suthep vowed to eject the Shinawatras from Thailand if it takes him to his death to do it, which we know is the Thai way to say, well, to the death. Cheerful, these people.

The Thais will fight the current and ongoing fight until the other guy loses. Trouble is, Thais don't know how to actually win. Indeed, neither side is winning. The bottom line is that neither side will win for losing so each side will lose. Both sides are cooked - there isn't a winner here. Thais are poor to articulate this in any way, shape or form. They just sense it in their bones.


That was pretty much what I was saying publicus, except smoked in English vernacular normally means burnt.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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America has there own reasons and interest in keeping a certain group in Thailand in Power

Yes, well a certain, now FORMER Thai PM would, judging by her Girlish giggles and Fluttering Eyelids, be panting for BIG BARACK to come charging over to her rescue.

But Bumbling Barack will in his usual fashion, only issue some more Hollow Threats and perhaps Draw a Red Line in the Sand...had plenty of experience with that and then go "Missing In Action", as he did when they needed him in Benghazi.

Ah well, the Distressed Damsel of Thigh-land, could consider jumping into bed (figuratively speaking) with the chappie running Nigeria. The names would have rather a nice "ring" to it don't you think? Goodluck/Noluck....oh what the.....

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