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US House approves new Benghazi inquiry


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US House approves new Benghazi inquiry

WASHINGTON: -- The US House of Representatives has voted to create a panel to investigate the White House response to the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Republicans have said the Democratic Obama administration misled the public on the nature of the attack.

Four Americans including US Ambassador Chris Stevens were killed.

Democrats say the inquiry is a political ploy to raise campaign cash and motivate voters.

On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner was asked questions regarding a fundraising pitch sent from the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27330977

-- BBC 2014-05-09

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This is called "whipping a dead horse". A complete waste of the taxpayers' money. They will open yet again, another investigation into talking points. It's called "election year politics". Hillary Clinton has already stated in front of the world that she takes full blame for the deaths of her employees. The fact that the talking points which were taken from the intelligence agencies were wrong, doesn't matter a hoot.

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There is nothing new to learn about what happened in Benghazi.

The GOP were going to try and batter the Dems with Obamacare, but now they're screwed on that.

They were probably going to shift to the economy, but they're screwed on that as well.

So now they are dragging up the dregs.

The idiot redneck in charge of it doesn't even understand the politics and dynamics of the region.

Still, if you can raise a few quid off the backs of dead Americans, why bother with little thinks like scruples?


"Help Fight Liberals by Donating Today".

Worthless scum.

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All this hoopla over Benghazi does not make me proud to be an American. The Republican party has only straws to grasp. They are a dying party comprised of intolerant racists. Hate and fear is their mantra.

giggle.gif I can't possibly see how you can be a proud American either if you are supporting a party that is encouraging sponging off the system. Eventually the real money makers (

who in yet another scandal have been deliberately targeted by the IRSrolleyes.gif )

are going to simply say enough is enough .............and then where will the money come from?

Edited by Asiantravel
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All this hoopla over Benghazi does not make me proud to be an American. The Republican party has only straws to grasp. They are a dying party comprised of intolerant racists. Hate and fear is their mantra.

Eventually the real money makers (who in yet another scandal have been deliberately targeted by the IRSrolleyes.gif )

The real money makers are Republican PACs?


But you're right, they are good at making money - for themselves and their corporate paymasters.

You've only got to look what the idiots in Kansas have done, cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations, which has resulted in being downgraded and costing the state half a billion dollars in revenue just this year.

These beneficiaries are not growing the economy, they are parasites, allowed by the Republicans to bleed it dry.

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I doubt that the average American cares about Benghazi, unless it's Ben Gazzi and he's a finalist on American Idol.whistling.gif

But the timing of this meant to potentially influence the mid-term elections, and ultimately provide challenges to several potential Democratic presidential candidates, be it Ms. Clinton, or Mr. Biden. Maybe best to be a Governor where it is challenging to have a "Benghazi moment", unless you're Chris Christie, of course.



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All this hoopla over Benghazi does not make me proud to be an American. The Republican party has only straws to grasp. They are a dying party comprised of intolerant racists. Hate and fear is their mantra.

Eventually the real money makers (who in yet another scandal have been deliberately targeted by the IRSrolleyes.gif )

The real money makers are Republican PACs?


But you're right, they are good at making money - for themselves and their corporate paymasters.

You've only got to look what the idiots in Kansas have done, cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations, which has resulted in being downgraded and costing the state half a billion dollars in revenue just this year.

These beneficiaries are not growing the economy, they are parasites, allowed by the Republicans to bleed it dry.

It will never happen but there should be a flat tax rate for all no matter what the income level is and an end to all these tax breaks. Then fire 90% of the IRS because they are no longer needed.

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There is nothing new to learn about what happened in Benghazi.

The GOP were going to try and batter the Dems with Obamacare, but now they're screwed on that.

They were probably going to shift to the economy, but they're screwed on that as well.

So now they are dragging up the dregs.

The idiot redneck in charge of it doesn't even understand the politics and dynamics of the region.

Still, if you can raise a few quid off the backs of dead Americans, why bother with little thinks like scruples?


"Help Fight Liberals by Donating Today".

Worthless scum.

There are a number of questions that need answering but, since you claim everything is already out there, perhaps you can tell us the answer to these quick questions...

Where was Obama from the time he was briefed by SecDef Panetta and JCS Chairman Gen. Dempsey at approximately 1730 hours until the following morning when he reappeared for his fund raising trip to Las Vegas?

What was he doing and with whom?

What action did he propose in order to help those under attack for over eight hours in Benghazi?

A top aide recently said Obama was in the White House but not in the Situation Room and he had no idea what Obama was doing.

Dempsey and Panetta both said in sworn Congressional testimony they had no further contact with Obama after the briefing.

Since you claim there is nothing to learn from a Congressional investigation, please provide a link to the answers of these questions. The world is waiting.

For that matter...Where was Hillary and what was she doing?

PS: For the badly informed critic of Nixon, member NeverSure is correct. Nixon came under fire for the cover-up, not the break in. Never hurts to throw another racism log on the fire though.

More to the point...why do you want to know where the POTUS was that night? Do you think he might've been in a "bath house"? Or maybe at the weekly gay black pedophile meeting??

I know, it was a secret meeting of African Imams!

Gasp! An Aide said that he didn't know what the POTUS was doing in his so called "free" time!!

Wasn't it up to Dempsey and Panetta to come up with a workable solution? Wasn't that their job???


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More to the point...why do you want to know where the POTUS was that night?

Reportedly, according to the White House visitor logs, he was busy preparing for a debate, instead of in the Situation Room where he belonged.

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Since Obama is the Commander in Chief of all US military assets, it would seem prudent for him to have been in attendance, just in case some out of the ordinary attack on a consulate was taking place.

There have been seven US Ambassadors killed in the line of duty with Ambassador Stevens being the last. The prior Ambassador killed in the line of duty was the US Ambassador to Afghanistan in 1979...under the Carter administration I might add.

Dereliction of Duty by the CIC would seem to be a very viable issue in the Benghazi case.

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Politically this is a wash. People who "care" about Benghazi are basically Fox News groupies and would never vote for a democrat anyway. Others ... don't care because they see it is a Fox News orchestrated show. It's too bad about the casualties ... but it was a dangerous posting taken on voluntarily ... and there are so many much more important priorities now than playing the political blame game. You want to play the political blame game for real? Send Bush and Cheney to trial for war crimes! How do you like them apples?

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Politically this is a wash. People who "care" about Benghazi are basically Fox News groupies and would never vote for a democrat anyway. Others ... don't care because they see it is a Fox News orchestrated show. It's too bad about the casualties ... but it was a dangerous posting taken on voluntarily ... and there are so many much more important priorities now than playing the political blame game. You want to play the political blame game for real? Send Bush and Cheney to trial for war crimes! How do you like them apples?

Sounds fine to me to send Bush and Cheney up for war crimes...as long as you send all those Democratic Senators who voted for the action up at the same time.

Democrats like John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein, Ted Kennedy and...(Ta Da) Hillary Clinton, to name only a few.

Send 'em all to the War Crimes Tribunal since the Iraq War Resolution was approved by the House and Senate Republicans and 29 Democratic Senators.

There would have been no Iraq war without the consent of the Senate Democrats.

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Dereliction of Duty by the CIC would seem to be a very viable issue in the Benghazi case.

Well that's certainly a stretch. "Dereliction of Duty" applies to members of the military.

U.S. Code › Title 10 › Subtitle A › Part II › Chapter 47 › Subchapter X › § 892
10 U.S. Code § 892 - Art. 92. Failure to obey order or regulation
Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation;
(2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or
(3) is derelict in the performance of his duties;
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
I'm not getting why the right has their panties in such a bunch re: the President's activities during the Benghazi raid, or for his playing of cards while waiting for the bin Laden operation to be completed.
It's bit like laying into President Bush for continuing to read "My Pet Goat" to second-graders while 3,000 people were perishing during the attacks on Sep. 11.
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The Republicans will never convene a real hearing in which military officers and service men are brought in to testify

You might be right. Reportedly, career officials at the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have been threatened against doing so. Hopefully, the select committee will find a way around the cover up.

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