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Flaws in Suthep's plan to install a new government


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Flaws in Suthep's plan to install a new government

Somroutai Sapsomboon

BANGKOK: -- It will be interesting to see this week whether the six-month attempt of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), led by Suthep Thaugsuban, will come to an end and what the result will be.

The goal set by Suthep is, literally, to eradicate the Thaksin regime, while in practice it is to form a neutral government to push for national reform before a new election.

Suthep adjusted his strategy to be proactive late last week after the Constitutional Court disqualified caretaker PM Yingluck Shinawatra and nine Cabinet ministers over the illegal transfer of National Security Council chief Thawil Pliensri.

The second blow to the government came when the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) indicted Yingluck on Thursday over the rice-pledging scheme.

This decision might not affect Yingluck in the short term, as the indictment would only have resulted in a suspension from duty had she not already left.

But if she is impeached, she would not be able to run in the election, and she might also face up to 10 years in prison.

After the Constitutional Court and the NACC decisions, Suthep decided to launch his "final battle" sooner - last Friday, instead of tomorrow - to keep the momentum going.

PDRC supporters joined in rallies at many TV stations but the real strategic plan was aimed at the vote to select a new Senate Speaker on Friday.

The group expected deputy Senate Speaker Surachai Liengboonlertchai to win the post. If Surachai didn't win, the PDRC would have adopted a more aggressive strategy.

Surachai won with 96 votes, which exceeds the three-fifths of total Senate members required to impeach a political office holder. If the group of majority senators continue to stick together, it might be the first time that the Senate votes to impeach someone.

The people in the firing line include Yingluck, former Senate Speaker Nikom Wairatpanij and former Parliament President Somsak Kiatsuranont, the latter two in hot water over the alleged illegal move to amend the constitution on composition of the Senate.

Furthermore, the anti-government group expects the Senate Speaker to be the main mechanism for the establishment of the "neutral government" it wants.

Suthep previously announced he would nominate the name of the PM for royal endorsement - a move that drew heavy criticism.

Now he says the task should be the responsibility of the Senate Speaker, the presidents of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, as well as the Election Commission chairman.

The PDRC does not accept acting PM Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan and insists that there is no government - only a political vacuum at present.

It is clear that Suthep adjusted his strategy and is trying to keep things more in line with the law than in the past. He hopes that the Senate Speaker, the head of the remaining legislative branch, will be able to make his plan come true.

However, it's not that easy. The decision-making when setting up a neutral government would not rest solely with Surachai but would also involve the heads of other independ?ent agencies. Furthermore, it has yet to be seen how a new government would be accepted while the Pheu Thai-led government is still the caretaker administration.

Suthep said that if his proposal is not accepted, he would make it happen. But his success or failure will depend on his supporter numbers, and he has been calling for the support of government officials and the military all along.

-- The Nation 2014-05-13

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Suthep accomplished much by getting lil sis and others out. He cannot appoint a new pm of course. Now things will be decided through the courts. That will take time. But reforms before new elections seem unrealistic.

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The biggest flaw in the idiot Suthep's plan is that he doesn't really have one, he is just winging it. This whole thing seem to be just a personal vendetta by Suthep against Thaksin and people are getting hurt in his private little bitching.

The notion that this has been some grand game of chess is silly. Its more like watching the same movie over and over again.

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The biggest flaw in the idiot Suthep's plan is that he doesn't really have one, he is just winging it. This whole thing seem to be just a personal vendetta by Suthep against Thaksin and people are getting hurt in his private little bitching.

The notion that this has been some grand game of chess is silly. Its more like watching the same movie over and over again.

As a title......."Gone With the Wind" ...........springs to mind.

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He can never do it under Section 7. His Majesty said before about Section 7 that the Prime Minister must be elected by the people. Also, the Constitution prohibits having an interim Prime Minister. The flaw is he misinterpreted the laws.

Edited by stickyrice2000
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The biggest flaw in the idiot Suthep's plan is that he doesn't really have one, he is just winging it. This whole thing seem to be just a personal vendetta by Suthep against Thaksin and people are getting hurt in his private little bitching.

The notion that this has been some grand game of chess is silly. Its more like watching the same movie over and over again.

As a title......."Gone With the Wind" ...........springs to mind.

Considering everything gets burnt down at the end of that film, wouldn't Gone with the Wind' be more of a UDD movie?

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The biggest flaw in the idiot Suthep's plan is that he doesn't really have one, he is just winging it. This whole thing seem to be just a personal vendetta by Suthep against Thaksin and people are getting hurt in his private little bitching.

The notion that this has been some grand game of chess is silly. Its more like watching the same movie over and over again.

As a title......."Gone With the Wind" ...........springs to mind.

Considering everything gets burnt down at the end of that film, wouldn't Gone with the Wind' be more of a UDD movie?

"Apocalypse Now" in that case.

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As a title......."Gone With the Wind" ...........springs to mind.

Considering everything gets burnt down at the end of that film, wouldn't Gone with the Wind' be more of a UDD movie?

"Apocalypse Now" in that case.

Again, equally applicable. Violent elements on either side are equally hazardous to the democratic process. The UDD more in my view but suthep has his thugs as well.

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In e years time, thaksin and yingluck with both be in jail. Suthep will the the supreme leader. Election will be abolish, and a dirty word. Any mention of election is an act of overthrowing the sovereign govt hence carry a 10 years jail sentence. Thailand will be free of corruption, and every thai shall live in peace and prosperity at last. All gambling and prostitution is abolish, and thai citizen can travel freely to usa and Europe freely without a visa anymore (like the Singaporean now).

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Suthep is an embarassing sad little old power hungry man. Nothing more.

He cares nothing about reforms. He was in power for years and did absolutely NO reforms. Then, when he loses the election to Puea Thai, suddenly he is the champion of reforms. While he was in power, he did nothing to change the so-called flawed system. Its only flawed if it doesnt work to his advantage. Only the gullible and plain stupid believe him.

Even the Democrats are starting to distance themselves from him. Abhisit knows that if he sticks with Suthep, it will be his political doom. Eventually Puea Thai and the Democrats will end up making a deal, possibly even behind the scenes. Suthep will be left behind and out, which may however make him even more dangerous as he keeps dividing the nation and tries to start a civil / class war.

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The problem is that Suthep gets all his ideas from the SNES Computer Game "Final Fantasy" which has many battle themes including:

Battle Drum Theme, Battle On The Big Bridge Theme, Regular Enemy Battle Theme, Boss Battle Theme, Decisive Battle Theme, Final Boss Battle Theme, etc

Final Fantasy was first released in 1987 and 27 years later is still going strong.

Let us hope that Suthep's Final Fantasy does not last as long.

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What happened to Suthep's do my way by Monday or else? Doesn't seem like much has changed

The idiot is full of hot air. Says things just to try and keep his supporters and his adoring farang groupies.

Suthep's only job assignment is to walk around, go into any government building he wants, demand airtime on government TV just to say hello, spout outlandish ideas about new forms of government, and do it again, again, and again. Meet with senators? No problem. Arrest warrants? No problem, get a police escort. Want to work from government house, sure, Army makes way for him.

But, but, but, where is the legitimate government? Ah, that's the whole point. And every time, they have to scrape poor Thaksin off the ceiling of his Dubai condo. TV Suthephobes are simply collateral damage because they have difficultly translating Thainess.

Edited by rabas
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Sorry I don't get it They want change but offer nothing .Just rhetoric. If you want change then pony up something that the average guy can get is chops around.

If you want reforn Give power to the provinces. Allow local taxation and decentralize Parliament. Hold local elections so each province can form their own mini parliament. In the case of small provinces with a small electorate form a regional parliament. And allow them to invest the taxes they collect on a local level. This is the Canadian model and it works very well.

SUTHIP whats your suggestion so far I only hear about government overthrow

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He ran his course. YL is out. Should let the system in place do its job now. If the PTP is clever they sit down with the Dems and try to make an interim deal that all can live with. Change electoral laws and get on with elections.

They can't make a deal.

Lost in the shuffle has been coverage of what has been happening within the Democrats. They are not united. There is a sizeable group who are still loyal to Suthep. He was the political boss in the Surat Thani region and many MPs owe their jobs to him. Suthep still wields considerable political power. He is also supported by the hardcore group of 40 senators and key members of the military. Suthep is opposed to any talks with the PTP.

On the other side are the pragmatic Democrats who really do want change and are sincere in their beliefs. However, they are realistic and know that an election could see the Democrats wiped out. If the Democrat leadership alienates Suthep,, then defeat is assured.. The pragmatics have the view that they have to stay and fight or else the PTP will cement hits grip on power, particularly if the PTP is in office long enough to appoint senators who are aligned with it. This is why Suthep wants a different PM and why the Democrats want him to succeed, even though they won't admit to it. Suthep is trying to create a situation where the anti PTP forces keep control of the senate. If the PTP stay in office, then the senate control could change.

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But the final battle ended yesterday, right? So it's all over now what Suthep concerns?

Well, no. I believe we're scheduled for another final battle tomorrow, and then again on Thursday. After that I suppose we'll have another one next Monday when the schools are supposed to open. That'll be a great opportunity to shut Bangkok down and win more supporters. I've lost track. I notice that the Army moved itself enough to reinforce the riot police guarding the Army TV station, channel 5. Have they done anything to keep PADC out of the other stations?
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Suthep accomplished much by getting lil sis and others out. He cannot appoint a new pm of course. Now things will be decided through the courts. That will take time. But reforms before new elections seem unrealistic.

Suthep has the right idea and he also has massive backing from almost all government officials, probably the military, most of the country and most of the senate (the only functioning part of parliament left).

Democratically his demands make a lot more sense than a completely decimated cabinet with absolutely no mandate of even if they did have a mandate, no legislative powers to do anything.

They could only now encourage a same, same style undemocratic election process as Feb 2nd. They also have the choice to have election reforms initiated according to Abhisit's proposals so at least we can see elections that ALL are happy with..... but they won't because they only have vested interests in fraudulent elections that hand them a massive advantage again via corrupt means so they can hilariously call it 's mandate'.

PTP are the enemy of democracy... they don't want it, they can't capitalize on it, they can not get power through it.

It is now becoming most apparent that a coup is the only answer, and these idiots silenced for good.

The only thing Suthep is doing, is trying to give an alternative to a coup.... It is now one or the other and nothing in between is going to materialise.

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As a title......."Gone With the Wind" ...........springs to mind.

Considering everything gets burnt down at the end of that film, wouldn't Gone with the Wind' be more of a UDD movie?

"Apocalypse Now" in that case.

Again, equally applicable. Violent elements on either side are equally hazardous to the democratic process. The UDD more in my view but suthep has his thugs as well.

As seen threw your Rose Colored Glasses

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